Sermon Outlines

The doctrine of the Trinity. The doctrine of the Trinity is one of the most important in the Christian faith. Studying the Bible's teachings on the Trinity sheds great light on the question that is at the heart of everything we seek in God: what is God in himself? Here we will learn that in Himself, in His true being, God exists in the persons of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, yet being one God.

1) Explanation of the concept of trinity We can define the doctrine of the Trinity as follows: God exists eternally as three persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit; each person is fully God and there is only one God.

Among the world's religions, the Christian faith is unique in claiming that God is one, but at the same time, there are three persons who are God. The word Trinity means "triunity" or the idea of "three in unity". It is used to synthesize the teaching of Scripture that God is three persons, but one God.

 2) Let’s look at the Old Testament texts used to support the trinity For example, according to Genesis 1:26, God said, "Let us make man in our image, after our likeness." What do the plural verb ("let us do") and the plural pronoun ("our") mean? A suggestion by some scholars is that God was speaking to angels. But angels did not participate in the creation of man, nor was man created in the image and likeness of angels, so this idea is also not convincing.

The best explanation, and the only one supported almost unanimously by the church fathers and older Christians, is that already in the first chapter of Genesis there is an indication of the plurality of people in God himself.

 The same can be said of Genesis 3:22: "Now the man has become like one of us, knowing good and evil." Genesis 11:7: "Come, let us go down and confuse the language they speak." And Isaiah 6:8: "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?" Let us observe the combination of singular and plural in the same sentence in the last text, which shows that God is unique, but exists as three distinct persons. Similarly, in Psalm 110:1, David says, "The Lord said to my Lord, 'Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet.'" Jesus correctly understands that David is referring to two separate people calling them "Lord" (Mt 22:41-46), but who is David's "Lord" if not God Himself? And who could say to God, "Sit at my right hand," but one who is God himself? This verse can be said this way: "God the Father said to God the Son, Sit at my right hand." It seems clear that David was aware of the plurality of persons in God.

3) In the New Testament we have several texts: When Jesus was baptized, “…heaven was opened, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting on him. Then a voice from heaven said, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” (Mt 3.16,17). At the same time we see the three members of the Trinity carrying out three distinct activities. God the Father speaks from heaven; God the Son is baptized, and then hears that the Father speaks from heaven; and God the Holy Spirit descends from heaven to land on Jesus and empower him for ministry.

4) The fact that God is three persons means that the Father is not the Son; they are different people. It also means that the Father is not the Holy Spirit, and that they are separate people. It means that the Son is not the Holy Spirit. These personal distinctions are seen in several passages cited in the previous section as well as in many additional NT passages. John 1.1,2 tells us for example: "In the beginning was the word, the word was with God and the word was God”. Jesus was with God in the beginning". The fact that the "Word" (which is clear to be Christ in v 9-18) is "with" God shows the distinction of God the Father. The translation "and the word was God" has been questioned by Jehovah's witnesses, who translate the expression as "and the word was [a] god", suggesting that Jesus was simply a celestial being, but not fully divine. They say, therefore, that theos should be translated "a god." However, his interpretation is not supported by any expert in translating the original languages of the Bible. At the end of his earthly ministry, Jesus tells his disciples that they are to go and "make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit" (Matt. 28:19). Similarly, the final verse of 2 Corinthians is Trinitarian in its form of expression: "The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all" (2 Corinthians 13:14).

The three persons of the Trinity are mentioned together in the opening phrase of 1 Peter: "chosen according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, by the sanctifying work of the Spirit, to obedience to Jesus Christ and the sprinkling of his blood" (IPe 1.2). And in Jude 20:21, we read: "But build yourselves up, beloved, in the most holy faith that you have, praying in the Holy Spirit. Keep yourselves in the love of God, as you wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to take you for eternal life." And yet 1 John 5:7 reveals to us: For there are three who bear witness in heaven: the Father, the Word and the Holy Spirit; and these three are one.

 5) Jehovah's witnesses have said that the Holy Spirit is an Active force. This is wrong. He is a person distinct from the Father and the Son. Many personal activities are attributed to the Holy Spirit, such as teaching (John 14:26), giving testimony (John 15:26; Romans 8:16), interceding or praying on behalf of others (Rom 8:26,27), probing the depths of God (1 Cor 2:10) , knowing God's thoughts (I Co 2.11), wanting to distribute certain gifts to some and other gifts to others (I Co 12.11), prohibiting or not allowing certain activities (Acts 16.6,7), speaking (Acts 8.29; 13.2; and many occurrences in the at and nt), evaluate and approve the wise course of action (Acts 15:28), and be grieved by sin in the lives of Christians (Eph 4:30). In Acts 5.3,4. Ananias and Sapphira withheld a portion of the proceeds from the sale of their property, pretending to place it entirely at the feet of the apostles. In this text, we observe that lying to the Holy Spirit (v. 3) is equated to lying to God (v. 4).

  6) Scripture is very clear in the idea that there is one God, and only one. The three different persons of the Trinity are one not only in purpose and in agreement about what they think, but they are one in essence, possessing the same essential nature. In other words. God is just one being. There are not three gods. There is only one God whom we must worship who manifests himself in three distinct persons. One of the most familiar passages in the OT is Deuteronomy 6:4,5: "Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and all your strength


 Acts 1:8 The Lord Jesus, before ascending to Heaven, entrusted to his twelve and to all who through the knowledge of the truth were saved and transformed into disciples, the care and continuation of the work that He began to do: victory over sin, consolidating God’s Will, with discipline and sending, so that the lives that God loves are saved, cared for, trained and unleashed in Fruitfulness.

In John 15:8 Jesus said that God the Father is glorified when we are fruitful. Do you want to glorify God? Bear fruit! This is a great privilege, a great honour, each of us must never forget that, because, we will not be able to carry out this call successfully on our own, if we are not qualified by God.

In a way, all believing disciples have a responsibility to testify to Jesus, and to this end all the saved are called and empowered by the Holy Spirit, they just have to have the desire. The Church is the body of Christ, made up of many members, and everyone must be able to contribute to its development and edification, testifying, exhorting, advising and praying, all with fervour and perseverance.

The Holy Spirit empowers us with His gifts, these are powerful weapons that He gave us, so that we could win the battle that is before us, for our fight is not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers, it is against the organized armies of wickedness in the heavenly realms. (Eph. 6:12)

Throughout history, the Holy Spirit has been shown to work within lives. If the church works with another objective, it is going against the will of God. God's charge is for lives saved, and this should be ours too. The devil's job is to try to distract us from the gospel and lives that need to be saved. We are easily distracted by activities and run the risk of becoming religious people, doctrinally adequate, but sterile (without spiritual children). Sterility is a symptom of a problem, but it is also an opportunity for God to move to make us productive. Let us seek God's complete blessing that will make EVERYTHING, even the smallest details of our lives, favourable. Without God's blessings, human effort is useless.

God's goal with the presence of the Holy Spirit in us is Fruitfulness. To be fruitful, our response to the call is necessary, submitting ourselves to the movement of the Holy Spirit in our lives; resisting the Holy Spirit is the same as quenching or saddening Him. The Bible speaks of the Holy Spirit contending with man. What fight is this? The Holy Spirit moves in the hearts of all who believe, giving signs of what He wants.

We resist in many ways, we resist due to a lack of willingness to listen and obey and we end up causing a cooling of the Holy Spirit, which gradually disappears in our lives. Spiritual children and growth are the result of intimacy with God, they are generated by faith in the Word by the Holy Spirit in our hearts.

The Danger of Resisting the Holy Spirit When the Holy Spirit speaks and we do not resist or question it, it will have a great impact on our lives. We often devalue the work of the Holy Spirit, but without Him, repentance would not be possible. Unconscious positions of questioning, criticism, harshness, murmuring, defiance and an obstinate heart must be submitted to the guidance of the Holy Spirit, the result will be repentance, transformation and spiritual fruits in abundance.

How We Resist the Holy Spirit 1. Resisting the truth: When we know something is true and resist it, we do so to the Holy Spirit. 2. Justifying the error: We continue to make mistakes and defend our ego through justifications. 3. Judging and condemning: We have a heart that is easy to judge everything in everyone and yet without love. 4. Walking in pride: It means walking against the flow of the Holy Spirit. 5. Showing uncontrollable temper without repenting and without repositioning yourself. If there is no control over explosions, we must seek deliverance in groaning and crying in prayer. Let us not be complacent with an explosive spirit. Even if someone makes a mistake, we must not grieve the Holy Spirit.

6. Diverting from the truth, getting distracted, and leaving the focus of the centrality of our existence in Jesus. 7. Violating the awareness of who we really are in Christ, leading a superficial Christian life on the back burner. 8. Ignoring the spirit of prayer, not responding in prayer to the lack and longing for God. Obstinate resistance to the Holy Spirit extinguishes His flame and biblically we can compare it to blaspheming against Him. We need to be ready to listen to the Holy Spirit and obey Him. In order to have more of God, it is necessary for us to have an inner dissatisfaction. God said in Jeremiah 29:13: And you will seek me, and find me, when you seek me with all your heart. If I don't seek Him with insistence, faith and fervour, I denounce that I don't want or need it, in which case I won't have anything from Him. I learned that the Lord will not give us spiritual children if we are not willing to take care of them. There is no point in praying for lives and then not valuing them, not caring and abandoning, just as there is no point in seeking God if you are not willing to change, serve and obey. In God is the answer to our life, but this involves faith, search, struggle and perseverance, once done, we will have everything in this life and in eternity


Would you be willing to pay any price for something you dream of having, or consider valuable? If God were to charge entry into heaven, how much should He charge? How much do you think a ticket to heaven is worth? How much is salvation worth? How much is a soul worth?

We have seen how little importance people are giving their lives, their souls and consequently they are not interested in the Gospel, in Salvation in Jesus, in the Kingdom of God. Do you care about the Gospel, about the Kingdom of God? Do you value your life, your soul?

Jesus told us three parables in a row about the value of the Kingdom of God: THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN, A HIDDEN TREASURE – Mt. 13:44 In Jesus' day, the law determined the purchase of land so that some treasure could be explored there. And so there was an unethical procedure of hiding the treasure to avoid its overvaluation. Let us focus on the treasure itself in order to understand this parable.

I believe that the true interpretation of this parable reveals Christ as the merchantman. He left His heavenly home and came to earth to find a pearl of great price.

Jesus knew the existence of a great treasure that is YOU and ME, now the big question is how much is Jesus willing to pay to acquire this treasure? He found lost sinners and died for them by shedding His precious blood. He sold all that He had to purchase us and redeem us to God: 2Cor 8:9. For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ  that though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, so that you through his poverty might become rich.

 For many who live attached to riches, carnal pleasures, commitments to a corrupt and perverse world, religious and philosophical deceptions, it becomes very difficult to “get rid of”, “sell everything” to gain entry into the Kingdom of Heaven! 

The Treasure of the Kingdom of Heaven has been revealed to you and now its buy or lose, what will your decision be?

THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN, A VALUABLE PEARL – Mt. 13:45-46 Jesus compared the Kingdom of God to a pearl of great value available to the man who understood “pearl” and who, knowing how to recognize the value of a rare pearl, would strive to acquire it.

The pearl represents the church. A pearl is not a stone like a diamond; it is formed by a living organism. A grain of sand or other foreign matter intrudes itself into the shell of a small sea creature. It hurts and harms it. The response of the organism is to send out a secretion that coats over the foreign matter. The fluid builds up until a pearl is formed, not a ruby or a diamond, but a beautiful white pearl which is formed intact it is not like other rare gems as it cannot be cut to enhance its beauty as you would ruin it. 

Christ came to this earth as the merchantman He saw man in sin and he took mans sin and bore it in his own body, our sin was an intrusion upon him, it was a foreign matter and he was made sin for us. 

How does Christ see His church today? Eph 5:23. Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word,  and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless.


Today you can find this “rare pearl of great price”! This Pearl is Jesus; it is the Kingdom of God! And it is available to you at an affordable price. It is offered free of charge. You will not need to “sell everything you own”, that is, place this “Rare Pearl” as superior to everything you have, to everything you have managed to gather to date.

When the apostle Paul found this pearl, he considered everything he owned to be worthless (Phil. 3:8). You need to do the same to acquire Jesus and thus enter the Kingdom of Heaven, because everything we possess, all our possessions, have no value before the Kingdom of Heaven and does not buy our salvation!

We must, therefore, place this Jesus in our heart, for “where our treasure is, there our heart must be” Mt. 6:21

CONCLUSION The Kingdom of Heaven is finally compared to a great fishery, a net thrown into the sea and this makes reference to the final judgment, where God's angels will separate the saved from the unsaved (Mt. 13:48-49).

When it was full, the fishermen pulled it up on the shore. Then they sat down and collected the good fish in baskets, but threw the bad away. This is how it will be at the end of the age. The angels will come and separate the wicked from the righteous and throw them into the fiery furnace, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. “Have you understood all these things?” Jesus asked. And on that great day, where will you be?

I only want to study, preach and announce the Value of the Kingdom of Heaven and challenge our church to invest in people spread the Gospel in PORTSLADE. “Do you understand all these things” (Mt. 13:51)? Then the time has come to put it into practice: Acquire this treasure, Jesus loves you He died on the cross to save your soul, so that you might enter the Kingdom of Heaven.


I was asked to re-decorate a kitchen. At first I thought that it would be a simple job of stripping the old wall paper and putting on the new paper then fitting new wall units and base unit’s worktops etc. The first layer came off fairly straightforwardly, but underneath it had no less than 3 layers of vinyl one of which had been painted with white gloss and was like concrete. It took me three days to strip the paper off when I had allowed three hours, when I uncovered the difficult bits I wish that I had never started the job.

 It is with that same feeling that I touch on Romans 9 this morning - for in Romans 9 we come to a passage of the scriptures as tough as that layer of vinyl covered with gloss. I found that reading this chapter it arouses in me confusion, bitterness;

Interpretations of this chapter have divided whole denominations from each other and within themselves. 

It is not an easy chapter, and it is not possible to simplify it. So put we need to get ready for God's word, for I am convinced that when we stretch ourselves and deal with the hard topics God really speaks to us and we grow in Grace.

It is generally accepted that Romans 8:39 closes off one section which finished with the theme of "Life in the Spirit" and that 9:1 begins another. But although the theme changes, we have to recognise that God does not. The generous powerful God who saves people through faith and fills them with his Spirit is still the same. The God that we find in Chapter 9 is still the giver and source of salvation both to the Jew and to the Gentile.


But in vv 1 - 5 Paul reveals his great personal sadness - his own people, the Jews have not believed the gospel of Jesus Christ, and that is where this chapter begins with the unbelief of the Jews: We in Scotland should have the same sadness, because many don’t believe in our own so called Christian land.

\1. THE UNBELIEF OF THE JEWS (vv 1 - 5).\ In the first three verses Paul makes a statement which had it been made by anyone else would have been melodramatic - he says that he would give up his own salvation, his own standing with Christ if that would lead to his own people, the Jews, being saved.

Of all the people who ought to be saved it is the Jews, says Paul, in v4f. They were a greatly privileged family - God had chosen them as His sons, they knew the glory of God, they had a covenant relationship with God, they were the ones who were given the Law at Mount Sinai in the time of Moses, they were the ones who worshipped God in the Temple and received his promises. Supremely it was from their race that Jesus Christ, the Messiah, had his line of descent.

If ever there were a privileged race it was the Jews. Yet the question must be asked how can it be that having all these privileges they ended up by rejecting the gospel? The clue is found in the repetition of the word\theirs\the Jews had begun to worship themselves rather than God. To put it crudely, instead of valuing their relationship with God on a spiritual and vertical level, they were now valuing things on a human and horizontal level. What mattered to the Jews was now their rights as a nation, their temple which was once the seat of worship was now paraded before the world as a tribute to their own skills, they were especially pleased that the Messiah was to come from\their\race. I hope that you get the point that I'm trying to make - that instead of saying "what a wonderful God we have" they were saying "what a wonderful people we are." "We are the ones who have the covenant, the glory." And of course Jesus didn't fit into this image of a wonderful people - this carpenter from Nazereth who lives, eats and sleeps with poor people and slaves - he can't be the Messiah. So they called for Barabbas and got rid of Jesus. Their pride in themselves had done what they considered to be impossible - it had cut them off from God. They thought that was impossible because they were God's chosen people - how can God cut himself off from the people of His choice?

This then is the theme of the second part of the chapter - God's choice of Israel.

2. GOD'S CHOICE OF ISRAEL (vv 6 - 13).\ We know from our OT that God had chosen Israel and made a covenant with it, but now we find that Israel has rejected Christ, and in rejecting Christ has rejected God, because Christ is God over all. The question that that rises is "has God broken his promise?" He promised to be Israel's God, yet that no longer seems to be the case. Has God's word failed - has this word of promise to Israel been proved false by the historical events of the cross?

Paul's answer to that in v.6 is quite plainly "NO", "it is not as though God's word has failed."

God has kept his promises to Israel, but Israel is not what you think it is, "for not all who are descended from Israel is Israel." God's promises are not to the land of Israel and to all who live in it, neither are God's promises simply for the human descendants of Abraham who make up the Jewish race.

Who then are God's promises for? Here now we have to pick up the theme of vv 7 to 9 which speak about two lines of children - one of simply human descent springing from Abraham's sexual union with his servant Hagar (the story is told in Genesis 16) the other being Abraham and Sarah's second child who was a gift of God's promise, born of supernatural means, namely Isaac (and that story is told in Genesis 21).

Paul is using these two children to illustrate his point - where is the true Israel? Is it simply those descended from Abraham, or is it the children of God's promise descended from Isaac? The answer is the true Israel is the seed or offspring of Isaac - God's children are not those by natural descent, but it is the children of promise who are regarded as the true Israel - as Abraham's offspring (v.8).

Here we have to take a theological leap - where now are the promises of God fulfilled? We know that it is not in Abraham, nor in Isaac, but in Christ. It is Christ who is the promised child, and the child of promise. God's promises to his people have not been broken, they are still valid, but if you wish to receive them then it will not be because you live in a certain land, it will not be because you are descended from certain parents, but because you yourself have gone to Jesus Christ for salvation, and have received the promises in him.

Israel then is no longer a nation, nor is a line of natural descent; Israel is the collective noun for all those who have been justified by faith in Christ. God has kept his promises to Israel, to any person who has lived at any time, and in any place, who has been justified by faith.

In vv 10 - 13 we have a second illustration of this point. Again we have to deal with two brothers who have the same father, but in this case who also have the same mother. One again was a child of promise, and the other was not. What made one a child of promise, and the other not, was not what happened at conception, was not dependent on the good or evil they did with their lives in the past, present or future, what determined things was not their works or actions, but a choice or a decision that God made. This is what is known as election (v.11) - God's call upon our lives which is not dependent on us, or what our lives are worth, or on what we may do with our lives, but upon God's choice.

Now we must go carefully for we start to tread on a theological minefield. A safe course for us is to start by asking why Paul uses this illustration. Paul is using it to enforce his earlier point with the two children of Abraham that salvation doesn't come about by living in the right land or having the right father, but through hearing the call of God and being justified by faith.

Who then hear this call and are justified by faith - the answer is the elect. Who are the elect? Is it the Calvinists? The Baptists? Scripture has one answer the elect are those who are in Christ Jesus, as Gal 3:29 puts it "if you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham's seed (this was an expression for the elect or chosen people) according to the promise." Election is not found in our own worthiness, or in our own usefulness, election is a gift of God to be found in Christ.

You see there are two ways of looking at election. The first is in a very negative way - to see election as being some kind of trap door for the chosen to walk over and the non-Christian to fall through down into hell. This view makes people worry whether or not they really are saved, whether they are worthy of being called to salvation.

The second way is the biblical way - election is God's great positive for us. Because God has chosen us he will keep us safe. Election in the scriptures is not there to make us worry about unsaved relatives, but is there to make us rejoice that we are saved through God's personal invitation in Christ, and that once we are saved we are safe, our salvation and our safety not being dependent on our abilities to keep it up but upon God's decision to look after us.

Yet these verses 10 - 13 do raise an objection, an objection which is only properly understood when we accept the sovereignty of God.

3. THE SOVEREIGNTY OF GOD (vv 14 - 29).\

If we lose sight of the fact that Christ now represents the children of Abraham, and if we lose sight that election is found in Christ and not in ourselves then an objection arises. The objection would go like this "for God to distinguish between unborn twin infants, for God to prefer one to the other is unjust, if this is so then God is unfair and not worth loving." Now this is the way that election is often preached - that God loves one lot and not another, and when it is preached this way then God does appear to be unjust.

Paul then asks in answer to this objection in v.14 "Is God unjust? - Not at all!" And he quotes from Exodus 33:19 in v.15 and shows that God's main emotion towards his creation is mercy and compassion. And so in v.16 the point is made that if God does anything at all for sinful man then it springs from his mercy, for sinful man deserves nothing from God - and so should God have decided to do nothing, then God would not have been unjust because sinful man deserves nothing.

And so the closing theme of this chapter begins to emerge - God is sovereign and merciful. It is because God is merciful that justification by faith is possible - and so his mercy is not dependent of a man's worth or usefulness, God is merciful not because of man, but because it is His nature to be merciful.

Paul then moves on in v.17 to illustrate how God's mercy operates. He quotes an incident from Israel's past - when they were in bondage to Pharaoh in Egypt. We are told that God raised Pharaoh up - which doesn't at first sound very merciful - for two purposes, so that God could manifest his power, and so that God's name could be spread throughout the earth. Pharaoh thought that he existed to further his own purposes; instead he existed to further the purposes of God. God knew that if there had been no Pharaoh, then there would have been no oppression, if there had been no oppression, then there would have been no exodus, no exodus no promised land, no promised land no pattern of salvation. Paul quotes this story to point out to Israel, in the sense of the nation that they too like Pharaoh exist for a double purpose - to be the means of delivering men from the law and setting them free from sin, and also to be the means of spreading the gospel. Sadly, as we learned in v.1 Israel has rejected the message, but God has demonstrated his mercy by giving the gospel to the Gentiles.

V.18 is a summary verse of this point - God will be merciful, yet some others he will harden. This word does not mean utter rejection, but it does point out a way in which God will work to try and bring people round to their senses, but let's remember the point that we have already established - if God does harden at all then he does it out of mercy and love and not out of hate. Sometimes God has allow a lot of dark in our lives so that we might by contrast see the light, but the purpose of the darkness is to highlight the good not to overwhelm us with the bad.

This teaching opens Paul up to a further criticism by the Jews pointed out in v.19 - if God has hardened the Israelites because they have turned their back on him, how can God dare blame them? If God has engineered all this from his control room in heaven how can he judge and blame people for doing the very thing that he has engineered? This is of course sin at its worst. It's sin putting the blame for its actions onto God saying "If you hadn't made me this way then I wouldn't have done it!"

Paul's answer is blunt, and is one we simply have to accept, that the creation, man, has no right to talk back to the Creator, God. Just as the potter has the right to make what he likes with his clay, then God is at liberty to make what he likes with our lives. Man of course is not a pot, he is a thinking being, and he is inclined to complain "why have you made me a kitchen pot and made him a fine vessel for the dining room?" It is the common complaint of those of us who are insecure "why am I not like the other person?"

God's word to us when we feel like that is what you are is my responsibility and not yours. I'm not worried what you're like now, but I have a vision of what you will become as you transform into the likeness of my son. Again you see election is meant to be liberating - God says I've chosen you to make you into something, let me work with your life as a potter works with the clay. God is acting in a responsible way fashioning us, his chosen people, into what is right.

That would be a good point to stop, but I want to draw a final point from the closing verses. Vv 22 - 24 are complicated verses with three main points:

1. God has borne the foolish behaviour of his creation with great patience. It is a sign of his patience that God has not yet brought in the final judgement of the earth.

2. In this period while he is being patient God is revealing his wrath against sin and at the same time demonstrating his saving power to bring men to repentance.

3. Also in this period God is making his mercy known to both Jew and Gentile. Now this third fact that God also wants to be mericiful to the Gentile is something which would take the proud Jews that Paul introduced to us in the opening verses by surprise, so the chapter closes in vv 25 - 29 with a series of OT quotations proving that God means to call Gentiles, and that it was never God's plan to call to himself those who lived in the land of Israel, or those who had a human line of descent from Abraham, but that God's plan as v.27 reveals it is that only "the remnant will be saved."

And here are the important points - who are the remnant - for it is they who are the ones who will be saved; it is they who are elect, called by God. The remnants are those who are justified by faith.

Imagine a picture of an egg timer on its side. At the far left God's plan was that all men should be saved (Adam and Eve.) But Adam and Eve sinned and so God started a plan of salvation that would come from Israel. But by the time of Jesus we are told that there was no-one righteous in all of Israel, and that Jesus Christ was the only righteous one. And so the narrowest point in our egg timer is Jesus and his cross. His cross opens up salvation once more, to the disciples, to the crowds at Pentecost, to Judea to Sarmaria, to the ends of the earth. Now the point is this - if you wish to be saved then you must pass through this narrow point, through this narrow door, there is no salvation outside of Jesus, there is no righteousness outside of Jesus, there is no election outside of Jesus, as Romans 8:1 puts it "there is no condemnation for those who are\in Christ Jesus.\

If you wish to receive the mercy of God you must come to him through Jesus. The Israelites made the appalling blunder of rejecting Jesus and why they did this we will look at next time. We have learned that God is sovereign - no one will get into heaven unless He calls them. But in these closing verses we learn another truth which is the balance - no-one will be left out of heaven except by their own foolish rejection of the Saviour. So hand in hand come two great truths - the sovereignty of God, and man's free will, the greatest act of our free will being our acceptance of Christ and our surrender to the sovereignty of God. But remember this it would not be possible for us to freely surrender to God when we trust in Christ unless God had offered us the possibility in the first place, so salvation is from its beginning to its end the gift of a sovereign, and a merciful God who has given us everything at a time when we deserved nothing. This then has been a difficult chapter, it has many depths, but these I feel have been the truths that God would want us to hear this morning.

 Jeremiah 6:8  Take warning, O Jerusalem, or I will turn away i  from you and make your land desolate so no one can live in it.

 6:10 To whom can I speak and give warning? Who will listen k  to me? Their ears are closed 13 l  so they cannot hear. m  The word n  of the LORD is offensive to them;                they find no pleasure in it. 11 But I am full of the wrath o  of the LORD, and I cannot hold it in. p  

7:13  ‘Go now to the place in Shiloh p  where I first made a dwelling q  for my Name, r  and see what I did s  to it because of the wickedness of my people Israel.  13 While you were doing all these things, declares the LORD, I spoke t  to you again and again, u  but you did not listen; v  I called w  you, but you did not answer. x   14 Therefore, what I did to Shiloh y  I will now do to the house that bears my Name, z  the temple a  you trust in, the place I gave to you and your fathers.  15 I will thrust you from my presence, b  just as I did all your brothers, the people of Ephraim.’ c  

7:16   “So do not pray for this people nor offer any plea d  or petition for them; do not plead with me, for I will not listen e  to you.

 There is a concept in the minds of men, especially in our days, which reads: "God resides in all goodness. God is a loving and understanding parent. “So, will never harm any child of yours."

The history of mankind is divided into periods that show the maturity and evolution of humankind. At one time the man had no knowledge of God ... Later on he begins to acquire the knowledge and begins to see God as a sovereign judge who decides the actions of man on earth and punishing those who fail to meet your requirements ... Later came Jesus, Buddha and many others who have shown a new face of God - a God who forgives, a God who loves you!

Today, the concepts of God that mankind have evolved even further. As portrayed in the book "The Shack," God is a father who understands the circumstances that lead us astray and who will do everything for everyone to be saved. God would never condemn his child to eternal punishment. If God would never condemn us, whatever our sin, so there is no hell ... Like everything in God is absolute, his kindness and love are also absolute. That is, the new philosophy, a new way of seeing God, and believes it is said that God not only loves us, how that her love is unconditional.

But the Holy Bible contains the true revelation of the character, nature and personality of God. About God, not just only what we think or the vision one has of him. You must know who he is from the revelation that He makes of himself.


1. God endows man of physical, intellectual, psychological and spiritual man walk in his ways and be successful in this life;
2. God gives to man all the elements he needs to live a dignified life and blessed, both in the material sense as in the spiritual sense;
3. No one can argue that God deprived of means to be a successful person. Not even physical disabilities are barriers to prevent anyone win in life.

II - He is the God who forgives and redeems

1. God rescues, renovates, rebuilds, restores, retrained ...
2. What the father of the prodigal son shows, God is always waiting for that which is lost in the illusions of this life, those who left him and lived as if he did not exist. Not only is awaiting the return of the rebellious son, but as the pastor of one hundred sheep, comes to the mounds and mountains in search of that which was lost. The Grace of God takes to do things many of us can doubt!
3. The Lord understands our frailty and weakness, "he remembers we are dust", so "not dealt with us after our sins." The pleasure of God is restoring his child, no matter how unjust, ungrateful, who has been unfaithful.


1. There is one aspect of the nature of God revealed in Scripture; many of us prefer not to believe it exists. CS Lewis, Philip Yancey, Max Lucado, and many other modern preachers, cannot even imagine a God who is able to prohibit a prophet to pray for someone because he was tired of giving this person your grace and get back the contempt.

2. But this is what the Word tells us. "I'm bored of your solemn gatherings," "When you lift up the hands for me to hide my face," "Be thou, O Jerusalem that my soul does not depart from thee ..."

3. God's love is immense, is pure, it is indescribable, but is not unconditional, nor blind. He who does not respond to the love of God will not be benefited by him God does not require pre-requisite to love us, He first loved us, but it requires a response so that we are saved by your love. If it were not so, all mankind would be saved in Christ, yet even those who did not believe in the Gospel. The same Jesus who told the parable of the prodigal son, showing God's willingness to forgive, also made a revelation that dismantles the whole argument of the unconditional love of God, when he said: "... he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father and I will love him and manifest myself to him ... " - John 14:21. On another occasion, Jesus endorsed this view when he said: "Not all those who say, 'Lord, Lord' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only those who do the will of my Father in heaven." - Matthew 7 : 21.

4. The objective of this message is to awaken us, since we have been deluded with the message of forgiveness in advance, the love that no matter what you are doing, the limitless God's willingness to forgive us. Today, we talk so much in the "jaws of grace," of "sovereign grace", the "desperate pursuit of grace," the "furious longing of God" etc..

 The philosopher and theologian Ariovaldo Ramos, when he speaks on the subject, says: "Everything in the Bible seems to say that God does not stop loving because there was no response to his love, however, it is nevertheless expected that this response will. And if he does not come, despite all the love that dispenses to his creatures, execute the judgment. "

5. "A fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God! ' - Hebrews 10:31. 

Psalm 19

 Intro Communication. 50 years ago wee white wireless, bored very quickly, teenager got a tranny. Now plasma, blue ray, i-pod mega bites, sat nav, wee means something entirely different, hears see and do. This Psalm is about God communicating to mankind, the psalmist examines some of the means of this communication. Few have heard the audible voice of God and no one has seen God.

 1. God speaks through nature. Vs. 1-6 The psalmist leads us outside and points to the Glory of God in creation. God speaks through nature and man need to listen, If we listen to nature what would we learn?

 a. Glory of God.  1a. The heavens declare the Glory of God, just as a building is attributed to the architect, Olimpics such wonderful buildings (birds nest in the stadium) we are all impressed, the heavens, the universe honours its maker and architect.

 b. Handiwork of God. 1b. The skies, seas and earth display God’s handiwork. Just as we are impressed with an artist when we look at his work (Savants 14 year old girl) so we are impressed with God when we look at the world around us.

 c. Majesty of God. 2-4. Each day is a forceful witness to the majesty of God, the day impresses us with certain wonders and the night with others, (View mountain - moon and clouds) All throughout the world God’s majesty can be seen in sign language, a silent witness.

 d. Supremacy of God. 4b.-5. Ancient world the sun was supreme and therefore worshipped. (Sun worshippers today has a different meaning, holidays in the sun) The psalmist called special attention to the sun, tent in heaven, like a bridegroom in radiance or an athlete in strength and endurance. God created the sun therefore He is supreme not the sun.  (New age worships creation, science studies it looking for origins, Godly people see the hand of God in it all.)

2. God speaks through His word. 7-11. The psalmist leaves the hills for the Temple and unrolls the scrolls and begins to tell us how God speaks through His word.

 a. Aspects of the Law. we are given different terms, Law or torah is like an arrow shot at a target, we are the target. There are always targets in education and the law targets us for our spiritual education. Statutes are commandments particularly the ten. Precepts are general advice, Commands are more particular, ordinances are judicial requirements which do not change but are straight down the middle, they are the narrow road! These words describe various shades of the law.

 b. Appreciation of the law. The psalmist uses adjectives to describe the quality of the law, perfect, sure, right, pure, clean, true. These descriptions are used to create a profound appreciation within us for God’s word.

 c. Appropriation of the law. When we appropriate or make use of God’s law wonderful things happen to us. The law can have glorious results in our lives. Souls are converted or renewed. Wisdom is acquired, hearts are rejoiced, eyes are enlightened, it endures forever and makes people righteous. Gold and honey, a high value. meat and milk in the NT

 d. Accomplishments of the law.  It warns against rebellion and produces a good life, rewards hear and now.

 3. God speaks in life’s experiences. The psalmist moves to the inner being of a person, we are the temple of God if we allow Him into our lives. The heavens tell us much, nature tells us much but the scripture says even more and the human experience responds to the communication of God.

 a. Prevalence of sin.  After scrutinizing God’s law the psalmist looks at his own life and realises that he is a sinner. Errors committed by human weakness. Secret faults are sins committed unknowingly, Lev.5:2 and presumptuous sins committed in defiance of God.


b. Power of God. God make it clear that sin can not be conquered by human power Rom 7:24,25. We can’t even know sin without the law to show us. Only God can take care of our sin. God can cleanse from secret sins and restrain us from wilful sin. God is always available in our thoughts and words as a strength and redeemer. Rock strengthens, redeemer frees from tyranny.

Conclusion. If you can not hear God’s communication then you are spiritually deaf and in seriously trouble. Listen God is always speaking.                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

 7th January 2024

How to Finish Well 2 Timothy 4:6-11For I am already being poured out like a drink offering, and the time has come for my departure. 7 I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. 8 Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day--and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing.:9 Do your best to come to me quickly, 10 for Demas, because he loved this world, has deserted me and has gone to Thessalonica. Crescens has gone to Galatia, and Titus to Dalmatia. 11 Only Luke is with me. Get Mark and bring him with you, because he is helpful to me in my ministry.

  • Beginners there are many; it is those who finish that are rare.
  • Not all who start well finish well.
  • Paul’s life was being “poured out” and he was “packing up” for his “departure” and he did everything he could to motivate young Timothy not to quit before the finish line.
  • Paul begins to reminisce about his own life and he shares the principles that enabled him to finish well.

I. In order to finish well, we need to fight for the faith.

  • Paul was not bragging, he was simply emphasizing the nature of the Christian life is that of a fight. (We fight Satan, our flesh and the world that is always against us.)
  • Paul is like a marathon runner he headed to the finish line, he perseveres to the end.
  • “Kept the faith” (guarded as a sacred deposit) and passed it on to the next generation.
  • Many want the product of spiritual maturity but not the process that produces it within us.

II. In order to finish well, we need to focus on the future.

  • “Crown” does not refer to the emblem of a king, it is rather the emblem of a victor a winner.
  • The laurel wreath was the most prized award in the ancient world.
  • As the runner entered the stadium they could look up and see the crown before them at the finish line.
  • Don’t get bogged down in the fight and the hassle of the race.  The reward is at the end!

III. In order to finish well, we need the fellowship of friends.

  • Paul maintained a fellowship of friends, and support of brothers around him.
  • As he looked to the end he thought of them, the others along the way who had helped and ministered to him and with him.
  • Paul wanted Timothy to “come quickly” to be with him in these final hours.
  • The Christian life is not to be a solo endeavor, we need fellowship,, that is why this lockdown was hard for many, no felllowship.
  • Paul invested in them and they invested in Paul. Just Like me David has invested many years in this fellowship growing

IV. In order to finish well, we need to forget the failures of others.

  • In the second missionary journey Paul and Barnabas were split over taking John Mark.
  • Now Paul has forgotten or at least forgiven him.
  • We have a tendency to forget what we should remember and remember what we are told to forget.
  • Forgiveness for past offenses prevents bitterness in the present and future.
  • In life there are hurts and bumps that occur, learn to get up and keep going. Many have become accommodated assisting livestream on Sundays now is the time to get back in the race and Finish well! 

Christmas sermon 2023

Title. The Mt. Everest of Doctrines. The Incarnation

 Text John 1:14. The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the One and Only, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.

Introduction: The Christmas narrative is found in Matthew and Luke, but now for our Church seasonal address we will look at John’s more metaphysical, doctrinal, theological perspective of the embodiment of God into our form. If there is a Mt. Everest in scripture then this is it, as John introduces us to The Word. Three simple points:

The Transition. (The word became like us)

The Tabernacle. (The word based (dwelt) amongst us)

The Testimony. (The word beheld by us)

1. The Transition. (The word became like us) God became man to dwell amongst men and reveal himself to mankind. Vincent became a Christian. I will always be Vincent and always be a Christian. God became a man, he will always be God and now will always be a man.

Two in one, all of God and all of man, for all time. Take our shoes off, bow down and worship The God Man.

A. The Word. The Word is Christ Jesus and He reveals the heart of God to us. John is determined that his readers know that Jesus is God. In the beginning echoes Moses but while Moses moves forward to reveal Christ in the nation and law, John goes back before the world began to reveal His eternal quality. The Word was with God and the Word was God. Jesus was with God and Jesus was God. Who were you with yesterday? I was with Willum! By his side, in his proximity, next to him with him but not him. The Word was with God, By his side, in his proximity, next to him, yet at the same time, the word was God. Christ was with God and was God and will be forever. Take our shoes off, bow down and worship Father and Son, one God.

B. The Word became. You shall conceive a son, the holy seed planted by the Holy Spirit in a chosen vessel, the virgin womb of a young girl. Conceived to grow, to form a head, limbs, fingers, attached by an umbilical cord, receiving nurture from human blood and all else that was His mother. God could have put a fully formed child in the womb! But he became a man fully conceived as any other man. Take our shoes off, bow down and worship. The Creator becomes the creature.

C. Flesh is a strong almost crude word to stress His manhood. Son of David according to the flesh, Romans 1:3.

Sarx is the lowest, meanest part of man.

Flesh means weakness, he was crucified in weakness. 2 Cor. 13:4.

Flesh means mortal, he was put to death in the flesh 1 Pet. 3:18.

Flesh means sin, without sin he was made sin for us. 2 Cor.5:21.

The voice that introduced the gospel, said; all flesh is grass, Is.40:6.

Without his flesh there would have been no body to crucify, without his flesh there would have been no blood to sacrifice. Take our shoes off, bow down and worship. God in the limitation of flesh bringing unlimited glory to mankind.

11.  The Tabernacle. (The word based (dwelt) amongst us) Tabernacle was a rough outward course structure that contained within a number of holy items. The Holy One born of Mary pitched His tent for a while amongst us. A body of course flesh containing His perfect human sinless spirit.

A. Made his dwelling. Set up home here. Ph. 2 shows us what he was thinking. Servant of God and man, humbled himself, made himself nothing, His will nothing God’s will everything. Choice was His. If an Archangel became a worm that would be nothing compared to Him becoming a man and putting aside the status and privilege that he had with the father.

B. Dwelt. Pitched His tent as a soldier, he had long ago declared war on Satan. Pitched His tent as a pilgrim no perpetual dwelling here, only here until His work is done. Pitched His tent as a servant, Pitched His tent as a loving friend ready to lay down his life.

C. Amongst us. A generation of vipers, He thought it nothing to give up his glory and dwell with sinners. Worse than David in Meshes and Kedar, worse than Ezekiel amongst scorpions, worse than the Church at Pergamus dwelling where Satan seal is. He had to grow up amongst sinners, he was tempted in all way as we are yet he was without sin Heb. 3:17. He never retaliated, never an unfair word, never an adverse reaction, Satan could find no word, thought or deed to accuse him of. His humanity was touched, forbid them not, Lazarus my friend come back, woman great is your faith, o ye of little faith how long shall I endure you, take this cup from me.

111. The Testimony. (The word beheld by us) John and his friend saw the reality of Who Jesus really is. Through his miracles and teaching they recognized Him to be God.  This, the first of his miraculous signs, Jesus performed at Cana in Galilee. He thus revealed his glory, and his disciples put their faith in him. 2:11

Include me amongst those who have seen, I have not handled as John did, but I am more blessed than Thomas, I see by faith. Others saw him and only saw a carpenter or teacher or Rabbi or a blasphemer or even Beelzebub.

A. Glory. When we see it, it filters to us and transform us. The ministry of the law through Moses that condemns us came in Glory. His face shone and Israel could not look upon him. The people feared and asked God for a Prophet to speak to them. That prophet is Christ. The Glory on Moses decreased but the Glory of Christ increases. We beheld his Glory, face to face with God in Christ without fear and receiving from his grace that same Glory to grow within us. From Glory to Glory with Christ my Saviour. A Jury of witnesses, 12 plain men saw it. Alpha on TV Cant see it! Oh the pity.

B. Grace. When he speaks his words are full of unmerited favour and kindness to the guilty. He loves His enemies. He has two things that fallen mankind desperately needs. Grace and truth, both found in Him in immeasurable quantities. Full of grace and truth.

C. Truth. He himself is the final reality of all the shadows that precede Him. All the OT pours into Him.

Conclusion. As John and his friends and everyone who seeks God in spirit and truth scrutinize and behold the Glory of God in Christ Jesus they penetrate the mystery, all the attributes of God shining through the human nature of Christ. On Christmas morning does His Glory convince you? Christ shows the way to God in everything he does, so that even in his humiliation there is Glory. You need to do what he did as described in Phi.2.  Make yourself nothing, humble yourself, die to yourself. Self out then Christ can come in and take over. J.B. I must decrease, He must increase. Do this and you will see the greatness of his grace and the triumph of his truth and His Glory will enter your life.  Note: One and Only, who came from the Father. This is about His sonship, and must be seen in terms of his messianic sonship or Trinitarian sonship.

October 8th Luke 10:25.The Good Samaritan = Who is my neighbor.

Most people's lives are so full what with all that they have to do, it appears that they are content with life as it is. However there are other people who appear to lead lives so full of anxiety that it may seem unkind and even useless to offer them any help or considerations that would appear to add to their responsibilities. Then we have others that no matter what we do it is never enough.

1 Peter 4:8 tells us to love others.  He says " Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers a multitude of Sins".

I read in a Church magazine that nobody cares how much you know until they first know how much you care. Have you ever noticed that when others are set in their ways, they're obstinate; but when you are, your just being firm. When they don’t like someone, they're prejudiced; when you don’t, its just good judgment. When they treat someone extra well, they're buttering them up; when you do, you're just being thoughtful. When they take time to do things well,, they're slow or lazy; but when you do, you're meticulous. When they find fault and pick flaws in things, they're critical, but when you do, you're perceptive. When they are gentle and mild mannered, they're weak; but when you are you're gracious. When they dress well, they're extravagant; when you do you're tasteful. When they say what they think, they're spiteful; when you do, you're just being honest. When they take risks, they're reckless; but when you do, you are just being brave. Today, when I read the words "Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers a multitude of Sins". I pray God help me to grow in that kind of love and to show it wherever I go.

President Roosevelt in his Inaugural address, said I would dedicate the Nation of the USA to the policy of the Good Samaritan. This parable had such a great effect on him and on his influence as President, it had impressed on him the value of loving your neighbor.

Regarding a good man of God, his biographer remarked concerning his philanthropies; This President never stopped to ask; who is my Neighbor, because, real love to God and man never does. Unmeasured service to all, is the outcome of true love, as is the order of the day to a real man or woman of God in simply following the example of the Good Samaritan, in our Lord Jesus Christ, and President Roosevelt was such a man who followed his Lord.    


Here we have the lawyer, wanting to justify himself, saying to Jesus, "And who is my neighbor?" my question to you is "who is yours"?

Luke 10:25f On one occasion an expert in the law stood up to test Jesus. "Teacher," he asked, "what must I do to inherit eternal life?"  "What is written in the Law?" he replied. "How do you read it?"  He answered: "`Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind'; and, `Love your neighbor as yourself.'" You have answered correctly," Jesus replied. "Do this and you will live."  But he wanted to justify himself, so he asked Jesus, "And who is my neighbor?"  In reply Jesus said: "A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, when he fell into the hands of robbers. They stripped him of his clothes, beat him and went away, leaving him half-dead. A priest happened to be going down the same road, and when he saw the man, he passed by on the other side.  So too, a Levite, when he came to the place and saw him, passed by on the other side.  But a Samaritan, as he traveled, came where the man was; and when he saw him, he took pity on him.  He went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. Then he put the man on his own donkey, brought him to an inn and took care of him.  The next day he took out two silver coins and gave them to the innkeeper. `Look after him,' he said, `and when I return, I will reimburse you for any extra expense you may have.'  "Which of these three do you think was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of robbers?"  The expert in the law replied, "The one who had mercy on him." Jesus told him, "Go and do likewise."

Traditionally this story is about teaching us as Christians our responsibility to our neighbor and to help us find out who is our neighbor.

How do we treat them - For example, do we treat them as:

Someone to exploit = What is yours is mine.

Someone to avoid =  What is mine is mine.

Someone to serve =  What is mine is yours.

In reality though we cannot separate worship from service.

Vs. 30 Other versions say "a certain man": which could represent any sinner among us today!

The Rabbi of the day, taught that as Jews they were to " love their neighbor" IN THE LAW. And it is these three words In the Law, which makes all the difference in the World to the Jew.

The lawyer himself came to the law for refuge. .

Look at the question of the lawyer, it’s a very good question, "Teacher," he asked, "what must I do to inherit eternal life?"

Then we have the Lords challenging question. "What is written in the Law?" Jesus replied. "How do you read it?"

Vs 27 The lawyer answered: "`Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind'; {Deut. 6:5}  and, `Love your neighbour as yourself.'" {Lev. 19:18}.

What can I say now"? Vs.29 The Lawyer seeks an escape. He wanted to justify himself, so he asked Jesus, "And who is my neighbor?"

Then we have the Priest and teacher. Their attitude is - What is mine is mine.

The Priest and the Teacher came to their source of knowledge.

Here in reality though it shows us that religion in itself has no solution for sinners even today.

Religion is all about Fear and obeying, someone said once don’t give God a chance against you. I would say love and obey and give God every chance against you. Because He will Judge you fairly.

We see this in our world daily. Don’t give anyone a chance to get at you, attack first!

Look at the Thieves. Their activity is to exploit = Their attitude is - What’s yours is mine.

In Industry people are exploited daily - The ship yards, 1000s are laid of at the will of management, the mines are all but closing, the steel works, which was another thriving industry, is all but closed down here.

Why? Because people are interested only in their survival, people go about in searching for better things.

Gangs of the 60s why is gang warfare on the increase, because people want to survive to live and to work.

Love it seems is something to exploit, do you remember the expression, which says, "give them a hand they take your arm". But misuse is not an excuse for being of no use.

People are either things to use - or people to love.

God gave us this love for others, and for each other.

But again its exploited, even among Christian people and unfortunately in many churches there are more and more people loving the things of the world and using and abusing other Christian Brother and Sisters.

We should always remember that the Church is a hospital for sinners.

Bitter young girl in Brazil, she is really an assistant mother in the family, she stays at home and does housework and cooking while her mother can go out and work / study and also have fun. She is a built in baby sitter chief cook and bottle washer for the rest of the family. She left home because she had been exploited.

Priest and Levite. They have an attitude of - A nuisance to avoid. What’s mine is mine

Their health – safety – hard-earned money were not to be squandered on this man. They defended their lack of concern.

How many times have we simply walked by?

The Priest said I have done my bit at the temple

The Levite said I do enough already – I can’t cope with any more.

The Priest says you should not have come this way. Remember he represents the Law, and all that the law can do for you is condemn.

The Levite on the other hand represents religious instructions and ceremony.

In other words: he did go over to the man, he looked and then passed by.

His religious instruction would likely have been:

I can tell you the route you should have taken.

I can tell you the route to take next time.

But again neither of these meets the needs of the poor naked half-dead traveler in his hour of need.  

Let somebody else do it – The Priest thinks the Levite is coming let him do it, the Levite says the Priest did nothing neither will I.

James 4:17 Therefore, to him who knows to do good and does not do it, to him it is sin.

The human heart is in need of more than exposition and instruction.

Lost people need Salvation. And Salvation is only found in and through the Love and Sacrifice of Jesus Christ.

The Samaritan was a neighbor to serve. What’s mine is yours.

He came to where the man was. In the same way Jesus came to us.

In fact the Samaritan was the last person you would expect to help a Jew.

But today let the Good Samaritan represent the Saviour for Sinners. 

The Samaritan himself was a rejected person. Isaiah 53:3

This Samaritan had a definite destination. He was going somewhere!

From Luke 19:10 we know that the Lord Jesus had a mission and a definite destination which was the Cross-and Glory.

Luke says. For the Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost."

Philippians 2:5-8 says that Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus: Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to death--even death on a cross!

 Compassion: describes how God feels about us,

Compassion is about treating others as God treats us.

Compassion in that He bound up his wounds.

Compassion is getting right to the heart of the problem.

Compassion lead's to care. He poured on wine as a type of disinfectant. He poured on oil, a symbol of the Holy Spirit.

Compassion did not see the obstacle

Compassion only sees an opportunity.

Compassion to care led to the Samaritan interrupting his plans.

He shared his animal,

He stayed to nurse him,

He paid the bill.

Because believe it not but there is always a price to pay, especially when you live by compassion.

I noticed something here have you?

Look the injured mans care was paid for till the Samaritan returned to see him. He came back to see him, because he was concerned.

He went the other mile.  Do we?

It cost Jesus Christ and it will cost us.

With the parable of "The Good Samaritan", we are not only challenged to a higher standard of love we are also challenged to a higher definition of "compassion". This should not be surprising in light of what Jesus told His disciples earlier: "For I say to you, that unless your righteousness exceeds the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven." (Mat 5:20)

What is your righteousness like? That of the priest and Levite, or of the Samaritan?

Because only as we emulate the example of the Good Samaritan, can it be said that our righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees! Only then do we have the assurance of entering the kingdom of heaven!

Therefore let us heed the words of Jesus to the lawyer who tried to test Him: Jesus said "Go and do likewise."

What’s mine is yours said the Lord.

Let us share the Good News with others, and not give up or pass people by on the other side.

August sermon 13th On the Jericho Road. Number 1. The Covenant.

The requirements of people in covenant with God

·         Confess your sins and believe in Jesus as your Savior and Lord, for the …

·         Be baptized in water at conversion, giving public testimony of your faith. ( …

·         Receive Communion regularly. ( 1 Corinthians 11:23–26)

 Haggrister, Ben Nevis, Soroba, Hoter Casten, Bin.

Moses climbed Mt. Nebo (2.600ft) and saw the Promise Land from Gilead to Dan. This was more than a gracious or kindly favour, a man viewed what he was about to possess.

Moses was viewing for Israel, a millennium would pass before he himself would set foot in the promised land. He lived for three generations and was the greatest of Israel’s leaders.

He had an intimacy and fellowship with God unknown to others.

He was unequalled in the performance of signs and wonders in Egypt.

He was unequalled in the display of power in Israel.

He was God’s agent, spokesman.

Concentrated in him were the offices of Prophet. Ruler Judge and Priest.

The Promise.

He saw the physical extent and beauty of the land. He heard a repeat of the promise made to Abraham by a covenant keeping God.

Gen.12:1-3 The LORD had said to Abram, "Leave your country, your people and your father's household and go to the land I will show you. "I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you."

He could see the Great nation of Israel, a new generation but all the descendants of Abraham.

He could see the Jordan River that needed to be crossed. He could see the first obstacle, the walled city of Jericho.

After 40 years of leading Israel he could see the unfolding purpose of God. He could see the development of the covenant.

The Punishment.

' I have let you see it with your eyes, but you will not cross over into it."

Moses was faulted for disobedience and lack of faith.

Deut.32:48-52 On that same day the LORD told Moses, "Go up into the Abarim Range to Mount Nebo in Moab, across from Jericho, and view Canaan, the land I am giving the Israelites as their own possession. There on the mountain that you have climbed you will die and be gathered to your people, just as your brother Aaron died on Mount Hor and was gathered to his people. This is because both of you broke faith with me in the presence of the Israelites at the waters of Meribah Kadesh in the Desert of Zin and because you did not uphold my holiness among the Israelites. Therefore, you will see the land only from a distance; you will not enter the land I am giving to the people of Israel."

The new generation murmured against him. All the old problems left him frustrated and angry. He was told to speak to the rock but he struck it. Punishment doesn’t seem to fit the crime.

Disobedience and unbelief are a two sided coin minted by the Devil.

Disobedience. God said speak, OK he was angry but his action did not sanctify God before the people.

Unbelief. A word was not enough; he needed some human effort and relied on himself and on the rod which had a tract record.

Spoiled the type. The rock was a type of Christ once smitten for our sin and the second strike was a misrepresentation.

Moses represented the law, which came by Moses. It is fitting that he can’t lead us into the promised land, he can take us to the threshold but another must take us in, another full of the Holy Spirit and wisdom. Jesus the savior of mankind.

The Postscript. His sin was forgiven but God took vengeance on his intentions. Reap what you sow, suffer where you sin.  Moses prayer in Deut.3:24 “Let me go over and see the good land beyond the Jordan--that fine hill country and Lebanon."  Was finally answered when with Elijah he stood on the Mt. of Transfiguration and saw the full Glory of Christ here on earth. 

The Cord.

Introduction. Robert the climber. Rope, expensive but never failed and had a red cord running through it.  Dig at Sumburgh excitement 100 BC now 1000 BC Jericho continual habitation since 7000 BC. As we enter this point in history Jericho is a doomed city. They knew what was coming and asked for no terms. They received no offer of repentance. They were preparing stubborn resistance, boasting of their two strengths, their river and walls. They hid behind their walls and did nothing. They had two chances. When Israel were crossing the river (4) and when Israel were circumcises (5:8). They were too terrified to do anything. Rahab was terrified but took action.

Joshua secretly sent out two spies with special assignment to study Jericho. Physical strength of the city. Physiological state of the citizens.

Chose Rahab’s brothel as an inconspicuous place for two men!

Josephus records Rahab as an Innkeeper Archaeologist discovered hollow partitioned walls used commercially and for housing. She was a sinful woman living amongst a sinful people.

Two New Testament truths about Rahab.

Heb.11:31 By faith the prostitute Rahab, because she welcomed the spies, was not killed with those who were disobedient.

Faith saved her from destruction.

 James 2:25 In the same way, was not even Rahab the prostitute considered righteous for what she did when she gave lodging to the spies and sent them off in a different direction?

Works made her righteous.

It’s not the truth that you know but what you do with it. Rahab believed and acted. This faith pleases God. God honours this quality of faith even in the worst sinner.

D.L. Moody commenting on Rahab Quoted Rev.1:5 “Unto Him who loved us and washed us from sin.” Saying, “ God loves us first then washes us.”

Mat.31:21 Jesus said to them, "I tell you the truth, the tax collectors and the prostitutes are entering the kingdom of God ahead of you.”

The Fear of God.

Psalm 111:10 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom; all who follow his precepts have good understanding.

Heard all her life about Israel and feared them and their God.

Feared God more than the king of Jericho. More that her safety.

She sided with Gods agents and helped them

She pleaded for Kindness (the loving kindness of God, or covenant) and asked for a sign or token.

Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you. She helped and then asked for help for herself and family.

The same cord she used to save the spies was the token she received. Acting on the promise she immediately placed the cord on her window. A blood coloured cord, which Israel saw as a Passover sign, the Church as a covenant sign of the shed blood of Christ on the cross. When the walls fell her house stood.


She received a place in the centre of Israel and a direct link to Christ the Son of God.

Mat.1:5 Salmon the father of Boaz, whose mother was Rahab, Boaz the father of Obed, whose mother was Ruth, Obed the father of Jesse, and Jesse the father of King David

On the Jericho Road. Number 3 The Crossing.

Introduction. The crossing of the Jordan has historically been used in two ways by the church. The waters of death as the believer crosses from this wilderness of life into the promised heavenly land. Swing low sweet chariot. The deeper sanctified life with a recognized crisis of death to self will.

Narrative. Validate the leadership of Joshua. Organised. Ark first. Speedy crossing. Memorial stones.

 Joshua. God exalted him before the people 3:7, 4:14 because he knew that Joshua would not take the glory 4:24.

 Ark. Follow the Ark. Suitable distance so that all could see it and be guided and encouraged. The written word and the unerring Spirit guides us today pointing to Christ. At the most difficult time with the Jordan in spate God is most evident.

 Burden of leadership. The priests had to be first in and last out. They had to exercise faith. They could touch the poles but not the Ark. Proper reverence and respect for God.

The miracle. God made the wilderness comfortable and the Jordan dry. Nature has knowledge of her master and gives way for His people. Nature gives homage to her creator. God drive back the water and will drive back Israel’s foes.

Memorial Stones. 12 from the west bank left in the river as a picture of the death of the old life. 12 from the river set up on the Promised Land as a picture of the new resurrected life. Can’t have Canaan without the Jordan. “If one died for all then all died” 2 Corinthians 5:14

Lessons Obedience to God is the test of true faith. Church never lacks proof of the divine presence. Cloud, ark, Temple are Gone. Christ is in their place. Courage is needed in the Christian life.

Postscript.  Romans 6:11 “In the same way count yourself dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus.”

Our position in Christ is that we are redeemed and in the promised land, we have to make that a reality.

The Commander. Joshua 5:13-15 Joshua at Jericho, Alone, Circumcision, Passover, Manna had stopped now the land must provide. Burden of leadership, he was at his post. God helps those who help themselves. As his burdens increase then his encouragement increases by proportion. Joshua looked up. K. McD. Shoes.

Pre-incarnate Christ.  Early appearances of God in bodily form should be identified with Christ. Isaiah 55:4 Commander of his people. Hebrews 2:10 Captain of hosts. Daniel 10:5 was paralysed, John fell at his feet as dead. Theses manifestations were little cameos of the greatest manifestation, the incarnation. Grace Num.11:25 the Spirit. Punishment Gen.11:5 Babel.

The Promise.  Joshua 1:5. “As I was with Moses so I will be with you.”

Moses was commissioned in Ex.3: 5 to tackle Pharaoh and her Joshua is commissioned to tackle godless nations of Canaan. He has a similar experience and like Moses Joshua has the experience to mach the promise.

 The Purpose. God appeared to Abraham in his tent as a traveller. He appears to Joshua as a worrier with a drawn sword in front of the first real obstacle. God appears to his people at their time of need in the most fitting manner. God comes not just to help but to take control. Joshua thought of the conflict as two sides Israel and Canaan but behind every Canaanite idol were principalities and powers. It’s a spiritual battle and therefore its Gods battle. The ultimate responsibility is bore by God. The battle is not to the strong nor the race to the swift. Joshua must fight Gods battle.

We have the same responsibility. Behind every resistance to the church and the claims of the Gospel are the powers of darkness so we must fight Gods fight.

10 Sermons. On the Jericho Road. Number 4 The Commander.

Joshua 5:13-15

Joshua at Jericho, Alone, Circumcision, Passover, Manna had stopped now the land must provide. Burden of leadership, he was at his post. God helps those who help themselves. As his burdens increase then his encouragement increases by proportion. Joshua looked up. K. McD. Shoes.

Pre-incarnate Christ.

Early appearances of God in bodily form should be identified with Christ. Isaiah 55:4 Commander of his people. Hebrews 2:10 Captain of hosts. Daniel 10:5 was paralysed, John fell at his feet as dead. Theses manifestations were little cameos of the greatest manifestation, the incarnation. Grace Num.11:25 the Spirit. Punishment Gen.11:5 Babel.

The Promise.

Joshua 1:5. “As I was with Moses so I will be with you.”

Moses was commissioned in Ex.3: 5 to tackle Pharaoh and her Joshua is commissioned to tackle godless nations of Canaan.

He has a similar experience and like Moses Joshua has the experience to mach the promise.

The Purpose.

God appeared to Abraham in his tent as a traveller. He appears to Joshua as a worrier with a drawn sword in front of the first real obstacle. God appears to his people at their time of need in the most fitting manner. God comes not just to help but to take control. Joshua thought of the conflict as two sides Israel and Canaan but behind every Canaanite idol were principalities and powers. It’s a spiritual battle and therefore its Gods battle. The ultimate responsibility is bore by God. The battle is not to the strong nor the race to the swift. Joshua must fight Gods battle.

We have the same responsibility. Behind every resistance to the church and the claims of the Gospel are the powers of darkness so we must fight Gods fight.

Postscript. These manifestations or Christophanies stopped with the incarnation of the Lord Jesus. 

10 Sermons. On the Jericho Road. Number 5 The Conflict.

Holy War? The problem for many is that this was God’s war. He ordered it, commanded it and gave Moses the key to what it was really about.

Deuteronomy 9:5-6. It is not because of your righteousness or your integrity that you are going in to take possession of their land; but on account of the wickedness of these nations, the LORD your God will drive them out before you, to accomplish what he swore to your fathers, to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Understand, then, that it is not because of your righteousness that the LORD your God is giving you this good land to possess, for you are a stiff-necked people.

Flood, Tower, Sodom, Canaanites and even Israel.

The wickedness of the Canaanites was terrible. Sex and idolatry, which were Israel’s weaknesses and to prevent contamination they had to destroy everything. Children to the fire and other child sacrifices. God was dealing with one nation for a stated purpose. With the coming of Christ the Church must take it’s direction and Guidance from Him. Preach the gospel, make disciples not war. Sadam Hussein today? Difficult question which will have a political not Biblical solution. Yet God is sovereign.

Text. Hebrews 11:30. By faith the walls of Jericho fell, after the people had marched around them for seven days.

Victory is given to faith, the faith that obeys the voice of God implicitly and trusts only in His power. Faith without works is dead and real faith is seen in the works it produces.

Crossed the Jordan. Deeper committed life associated with Christ in his death and resurrection. Rom.6:11 In the same way, count yourselves dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus.

Circumcision. The reproach of Egypt must be put off and put behind forever. No longer slaves but free. Free to live for Christ.

Know the Captain. Need to become conscious of His presence.

So, dead to self, raised with Christ, separated from sin and conscious of His presence we can advance to victory.

The city was tightly shut up because of the Israelites. Joshua 2:9-11 "I know that the LORD has given this land to you and that a great fear of you has fallen on us, so that all who live in this country are melting in fear because of you. We have heard how the LORD dried up the water of the Red Sea for you when you came out of Egypt, and what you did to Sihon and Og, the two kings of the Amorites east of the Jordan, whom you completely destroyed. When we heard of it, our hearts melted and everyone's courage failed because of you, for the LORD your God is God in heaven above and on the earth below.

Rahab had no direct oracle but confessed her faith in God over the abundant gods of Canaan.

Gen.35:5 Then they set out, and the terror of God fell upon the towns all around them so that no one pursued them. (Jacob)

Exodus 15:13-16 In your unfailing love you will lead the people you have redeemed. In your strength you will guide them to your holy dwelling. The nations will hear and tremble; anguish will grip the people of Philistia. The chiefs of Edom will be terrified, the leaders of Moab will be seized with trembling, the people of Canaan will melt away; terror and dread will fall upon them. (Song of Moses and Israel) God had everything prepared in advance.

The unity of Israel. This was not individual doing their own thing but a united people strong in mutual help and support. Independence or disorder would mean defeat so they are together in faith and obedience. The church today must work together.

The Ark in the midst. A symbol of the Lord’s presence and they knew that with the Lord in the midst they would have victory. If God be for us who can be against us. The symbol however is not enough (1 Sam.4:5-11)

There had to be the obedience of faith. We must study the word of God and obey it putting it into practice. Sometimes it seems repetitious, day after day doing the same thing. Faith staggers not! We have our walled cities that are shut up, it would be so easy to faint hoping the same hope, praying the same prayer witnessing the same witness, but faith endures, it does not stagger but believes. And because it believes it goes out again and treads the ground that is promised by God.

Every Christian must work out their own salvation, we all have our strongholds to overcome, but its much easier when we fight together. As a church we have our battles but our captain has promised that they are his battles too. Be of good cheer I have overcome the world. He that is in you is greater than he that is in the world. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. To him that overcomes I will give to eat of the hidden manna.

The Shout.   (Guaranee versus Santos 1988) Teams came out Shout of anticipation, cup is ours. Hampden roar reduced to a whisper.  Job 37:8 At creation the angels shouted for joy. 2 Chron.13:15 Judah shouted during civil war and God routed Jeroboham 1. Thes.4:16 Christ will come down from heaven with a loud shout, the voice of the archangel and the trumpet of the Lord. However in reference to Christ as the suffering servant of God prepared to give His precious life our salvation, Isaiah writes in 42:2. “He will not shout or cry out” Though he could have called 10ths angels he suffered and died alone. Israel anticipated victory therefore they gave a shout. Postscript. Joshua cursed the city. No going back, no rebuilding the old ways.

10 Sermons. On the Jericho Road. Number 6 The Contract

Introduction. 325-year period called the Judges. Origin is in Exodus 18:13-26 When Jethro advised Moses to appoint Judges. This idea was developed in the Promised Land and later in the Kingdom period 6000 Levites were given this task. Two Facts.

Negative. The apostasy of Israel. “once again..did evil”

Positive. Covenant faithful God. “again Israel cried”

Judges was the OT time of the HS 3:10 “Spirit came upon”

NT the HS poured out to enable the church to preach the gospel.

12 Judges from 9 tribes showing an on going circle of life.

Apostasy Oppression Distress Deliverance monotonous repetition showing that Israel never learned her lesson.

Sin Servitude Supplication Salvation. Over and over.

Rebellion Retribution Repentance Rest. Again and again.

Apostasy. After that whole generation had been gathered to their fathers, another generation grew up, who knew neither the LORD nor what he had done for Israel. 2:10.

How appropriate today as this generation does not know God or His wonderful works. Land of the Book. Two homes, Hillswick and Voe. Family Bible and teachers Bible, five minutes to find.

2:11-19 is a synopsis of this time. 21:25 gives the final word.

In those days Israel had no king; everyone did as he saw fit.

Oppression. Because they would not cast out the nations God allowed then to stay as a means of chastising them and bringing them back to Himself.

The angel of the LORD went up from Gilgal to Bokim and said, "I brought you up out of Egypt and led you into the land that I swore to give to your forefathers. I said, `I will never break my covenant with you, and you shall not make a covenant with the people of this land, but you shall break down their altars.' Yet you have disobeyed me. Why have you done this? Now therefore I tell you that I will not drive them out before you; they will be thorns in your sides and their gods will be a snare to you." 2:1-4

Raiders were the first wave of oppression. 2:14 In his anger against Israel the LORD handed them over to raiders who plundered them. He sold them to their enemies all around, whom they were no longer able to resist.

Moses warned Israel but the generations never headed. Deut.7:3

So the narrative says God sold them, gave them, gave power over Israel.

1 Cor. 5:5 “hand this man over to Satan, so that the sinful nature may be destroyed and his spirit saved on the day of the Lord.”

Distress. God does not blot His nation out nor treat them as they deserve, after his chastisement, he is merciful when they cry. How many times does He forgive them. However we need to mark well that their distress was terrible, unbearable. Men will put up with the burden of sin while it is bearable. Often it has to become unbearable before we cry out.

Deliverance. God raised up Judges who are not perhaps the most inspiring characters yet they all showed a quality of faith which co-operates with God and allows Him to do mighty things.

Heb.11:32-34 And what more shall I say? I do not have time to tell about Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jephthah, David, Samuel and the prophets, who through faith conquered kingdoms, administered justice, and gained what was promised; who shut the mouths of lions, quenched the fury of the flames, and escaped the edge of the sword; whose weakness was turned to strength; and who became powerful in battle and routed foreign armies. They Knew their God and did mighty things.

Postscript. We can put any of the 12 accounts of the Judges into this framework. Ehud and his killing of Eglon is better understood with in the circle of Apostasy Oppression Distress Deliverance.

On the Jericho Road. Number 7 The Cutting 2 Samuel 10 1 Chronicles 19

Introduction. Comedy of errors! War in South America, badly refereed game. Here a funeral delegation. David’s last involvement in war (Bathsheba) and the Ammonites lost their independence.

David’s gratefulness. Hunun’s father Nahash had helped him.We send a card, he sent a whole delegation.

Sympathetic ambassadors. Typical David’s men, very Jewish with their long beards showing their maturity and seriousness, finely dressed with robes and girdles, Like true Scotsmen nothing under their kilt!

Life at the court. Intrigue, suspicion, power plays. The court nobles were not noble and thought others were as false as themselves.  Hanun was surrounded with the wrong people and he listened to them. He should at least have tested the spirit of the delegation. Think evil of no man, not without cause.

The humiliation. A serious overreaction. Immature and cruel behaviour obviously not thought out.  On an errand of sympathy and goodwill the ambassadors were treated as rogues. Half their beards cut as a great insult, their garments cut to expose them to ridicule.

It happened to Jesus, He was misunderstood, spoken against, wrongly accused, and humiliated. Lacerated His back, plucked our His beard and stripped him naked. 

David’s concern for them. Stay at Jericho until your beard grow back.  Sometimes we are humiliated, mistreated, misunderstood, hard done by, left feeling pretty rotten. Don’t lay it to heart too much. A beard will always grow again. Sooner than you think you can trim it to be acceptable. Reproach wears off and we are able to leave our hiding place and get back to normal.

Postscript. The battle was very hard for Joab, he was in real crisis, he redoubled his resolve.

On the Jericho Road. Number 8 The Collage 2 Kings 2:5, 6:1-7

Introduction. There was a school or collage of prophets at Jericho. They had some wonderful experiences. Translation of Elijah, purification of the water supply ay Jericho and the move to the banks of the Jordan river to build a bigger college.

The story.

The desire to extend. Too small for us! They were not satisfied but wanted to expand. Wanted to carry the work forward. Good sign. New service, fresh methods and a desire to make God known to their generation. 3Then one of them said, "Won't you please come with your servants?" Make sure the master goes with you for all is useless without the power of God.

Working with borrowed tools. In the Christian life you need for find your own way and develop your own skills. To copy other is not desirable, not the best. Jeremiah 23 30"Therefore," declares the LORD, "I am against the prophets who steal from one another words supposedly from me.  Get the truth for yourself, dig out the gold from the mine of God’s word.

Better a fair original than a good copy. Your greatest gift is your personality, no one else has your unique gift, don’t copy someone else but develop your own chief asset.

The lost axe head. Borrowed it and did not know how to use it. First thing was to check that it was sound. Handle goes on to the head. He lost his power and usefulness. I think that this is the meaning or key to this passage. The Gospel is not in word but power, assurance and in the Holy Ghost. 1 Cor. 4:19 But I will come to you very soon, if the Lord is willing, and then I will find out not only how these arrogant people are talking, but what power they have. Many are living a powerless Christian life, like a woodcutter with a shaft and no blade.

Where did it fall? A question that such should ask, where did I lose my power. Six classic areas where power is lost.

(a)           Is there some secret sin, adjudged and unforsaken that accounts for it?

(b)           Is there a neglect of communion with God or abiding in Christ. Is the person relying on personal abilities? The life of Christ cannot be lived without Christ and the work of Christ cannot be done without Christ. “Without me you can do nothing!”

(c)           Is there some quarrel or bitterness of heart with another? “ First go and be reconciled.”  Psalm 113:1 How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity!

(d)           Is there a withholding of what is due to the Lord. Will a believer rob God. Malachi 3:10 Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this," says the LORD Almighty, "and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it.

(e)           Is there a feeding on stale manna. Same old thing again and again, no fresh spring, no new message from heaven. Be true to the old but seek new fresh power.

(f)            Is the world ensnaring the soul. Robbing us of a heavenly mind and spiritual character.

He cut down a stick, tree or branch. The term branch is applied to Christ in the following way.

Matthew, a righteous branch, a king. Jer.23:5 "The days are coming," declares the LORD, "when I will raise up to David a righteous Branch, a King who will reign wisely and do what is just and right in the land.

Luke, The Man whose name is the Branch, Zech.6:12 : Here is the man whose name is the Branch,

Mark, My servant the branch. Zech. 3:8 I am going to bring my servant, the Branch.

John, beautiful and glorious. His name is Jehovah. Isa.4:2 In that day the Branch of the LORD will be beautiful and glorious,

Jer.23:6 This is the name by which he will be called: The LORD Our Righteousness.

He threw or cast it in. The branch representing the work of Christ was applied in faith and the lost power returned.

Death to sin, I have been crucified with Christ.

Forgiveness for past failure, Clean hands and a pure heart.

Power for service, the love of Christ constrains us.

Separation from the world.  Gal. 6:14 May I never boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world.

When the cross is applied then lost power is recovered.

Lift it out. It is not enough to know these things, take it by faith. Put out the hand of faith and take up the lost axe head and recover your power and usefulness.

Application. Watch that you don’t try to serve the Lord without the power of the Spirit.

Failure can be recovered at the Cross.

 Postscript.  These manifestations or Christophanies stopped with the incarnation of the Lord Jesus. 

 1. The Death of Christ.

No other death like it, no ordinary death, a death with extraordinary repercussions. None of us know when we are going to die but Christ knew. The Passover, celebrating the Jews' deliverance from Egypt, was one of the high points of the Jewish calendar. All males older than twelve went to Jerusalem for the holiday. Thus the city was filled with hundreds of thousands of pilgrims at the time of Jesus' death. Jesus was there and commented on His own death and tells us that it was a divine judgment from God.

1. The death of Christ is a divine judgement from God.

As you know, the Passover is two days away--and the Son of Man will be handed over to be crucified. (Mat.26:2)

And he said to them, “I have eagerly desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer.” (Luke 22:15)

For Christ, our Passover lamb has been sacrificed. (1 Cor.5:7)

Then Jesus told them, "This very night you will all fall away on account of me, for it is written: " `I will strike the shepherd, and the sheep of the flock will be scattered.' (Mat.26:31)

Isaiah is presenting the sovereignty of God in the death of Christ, “yet it was the Lord’s will to crush Him and to cause Him to suffer…the Lord makes His life a guilt offering.” The fearful judgement of God sees Christ as guilty and crushes Him death. Jesus did not die serenely as many martyrs have. He was no mere martyr; He was the Lamb of God bearing the penalty of the sins of the entire human race. The wrath of God was turned loose on him. Only this can adequately explain what took place at Gethsemane as He prayed to have this “cup removed, a cup that was a symbol of deep sorrow and suffering. Here it refers to his Father's face being turned away from him when he who had no sin was made sin (i.e., a sin offering) for us.

God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God. (2 Cor.5:21)

To appease the wrath of God so that His justice and holiness will be satisfied and He can forgive sin Christ became a guilt offering to cover or satisfy or to be a propitiation for sin. Propitiation does not make God merciful; it makes divine forgiveness possible; God could not show mercy to Christ and still forgive sin. Atonement must be provided; in Old Testament times it was through animal sacrifices; now, the atonement is made through the death of Christ for man's sin. Through Christ's death propitiation is made for man's sin.

The New Testament uses three key words to describe the finished work of Christ: propitiation, redemption and reconciliation. We will consider propitiation. Here are some references in the New Testament where this word is used: God presented him as a sacrifice of atonement, through faith in his blood. He did this to demonstrate his justice, Romans 3:25, sacrifice of atonement. The Greek for this phrase speaks of a sacrifice that satisfies the righteous wrath of God. Without this appeasement ("propitiation") all people are justly destined for eternal punishment.

For this reason he had to be made like his brothers in every way, in order that he might become a merciful and faithful high priest in service to God, and that he might make atonement for the sins of the people. (Hebrews 2:17)  In order for Christ to turn aside the wrath of God against guilty sinners, he had to become one with them and die as a substitute for them.

He is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours but also for the sins of the whole world. 1 John 2:20   atoning sacrifice for our sins. God's holiness demands punishment for man's sin. God, therefore, out of love sent his Son to make substitutionary atonement for the believer's sin. In this way the Father's wrath is propitiated (satisfied, appeased); his wrath against the Christian's sin has been turned away and directed toward Christ. for the sins of the whole world. Forgiveness through Christ's atoning sacrifice is not limited to one particular group only; it has worldwide application. It must, however, be received by faith, repentance and confession of sin.  Thus this verse does not teach universalism (that all people ultimately will be saved), but that God is an impartial God.

This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. (1 John 4:10) as the one who would turn aside his wrath, taking away our sins.

The word "propitiation" comes from a Greek word, which basically means "to satisfy wrath by sacrifice". The ancient pagan Greeks used this word when they spoke of appeasing their gods or doing something to obtain the favour of the gods. However, these ideas are not found in the Bible. God is not a blood-thirsty god who needs to be appeased! The idea of placating a vengeful god is totally foreign to Scripture. The Bible teaches that God is love and desires to have fellowship with man. But God is also holy and righteous. Therefore He cannot just smile and sweep sin under the rug and say, "Boys will be boys!" In fact, the Bible teaches that God has wrath and that this wrath is directed against sin.

The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness, (Romans 1:18.) And the righteous laws of God in this moral universe which He has created demand that the "penalty of sin is death" For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. (Romans 6:23). Before God's mercy can be extended to man, something must be done to remove the blockade of sin as well as satisfy the righteous claims of God's wrath against sin.

Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, but whoever rejects the Son will not see life, for God's wrath remains on him. (John 3:36) If you have Christ as your savior you are covered from the wrath of God, If you do not have Christ as your savior then the wrath of God is still on you and is waiting to be poured out upon you. The arrival of the Messiah will bring repentance or judgment. That was so with His first coming at His second coming we will see the wrath of the Lamb.

They called to the mountains and the rocks, "Fall on us and hide us from the face of him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb! For the great day of their wrath has come, and who can stand?" (Rev.6:16-17)

A. The fearful sword.

"Awake, O sword, against my shepherd, against the man who is close to me!" declares the LORD Almighty. "Strike the shepherd, and the sheep will be scattered, (Zach.13:7)

As a result of the Israel’s rejection of the Messiah, The lord was crucified and the flock was scattered. Disciples were scattered at His death and that was a type of Israel being later scattered by the Romans in 70 AD.

God Himself does the striking, this is the idea in Isaiah 53:10: Yet it was the Lord’s will to crush him and cause him to suffer, and though the LORD makes his life a guilt offering. This is the heart of the Gospel, “For God so loved the world that he Gave His only begotten son.” (Jn 3:16)

It is a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of the living God. (Heb.10:31)

The sword is a symbol of God’s Judgement.

He made my mouth like a sharpened sword, in the shadow of his hand he hid me; he made me into a polished arrow and concealed me in his quiver. (Isaiah 49:2)

For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. (Heb.4:12) Word of God likened to a sword and used to judge.

If you, O LORD, kept a record of sins, O Lord, who could stand? (Ps.130:3)

B. A Fulfilment of Scripture.

Passover, the most important feast, was to remind the Jews that God had delivered them from slavery in Egypt and had formed them into his own nation. God "passed over" the houses of the Jews because their doorposts had been smeared with blood, but he brought judgment and death to the unprotected homes of the Egyptians.

Passover was celebrated in mid-April, along with the Feast of Unleavened Bread, which lasted seven days. Jesus' last supper with his disciples was a Passover meal. At that meal Jesus gave the Passover new meaning by identifying himself as the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.

In fact, the law requires that nearly everything be cleansed with blood, and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness. (Heb.9:22)

Blood is the life of the flesh But you must not eat meat that has its lifeblood still in it. (Gen 9:4) For the life of a creature is in the blood, and I have given it to you to make atonement for yourselves on the altar; it is the blood that makes atonement for one's life. (Lev 17:11) in that flesh and blood in their proper union constitute a living creature, beast or man, but when they are separated death takes place.

One of the common objections to The Passion of the Christ movie is that it is too violent. One of the most common questions asks, “Why was it so bloody?” One scene that sticks in the mind is when Mary is soaking up Jesus’ blood with a white towel. This scene shows not the vulgarity of blood, but the preciousness of Jesus’ blood.

Here is a true story that helps illustrate the preciousness of Jesus blood:

Fifteen years ago in Oshawa, Ontario, Canada, George and Vera Bajenksi's lives were changed forever. February 16, 1989. A very normal Thursday morning. The phone rang at 9:15 a.m. "There's been an accident..." It involved their son Ben.
As they approached the intersection near the high school, they could see the flashing lights of the police cars and ambulance units. Vera noticed a photographer and followed the direction of his camera lens to the largest pool of blood she had ever seen.
All she could say was, "George, Ben went home--home to be with his Heavenly Father!" Her first reaction was to jump out of the car, somehow collect the blood and put it back into her son. "That blood, for me, at that moment, became the most precious thing in the world because it was life. It was life-giving blood and it belonged in my son, my only son, the one I loved so much."
The road was dirty and the blood just didn't belong there. George noticed that cars were driving right through the intersection--right through the blood. His heart was smitten. He wanted to cover the blood with his coat and cry, "You will not drive over the blood of my son!"
Then Vera understood for the first time in her life, one of God's greatest and most beautiful truths...why blood? Because it was the strongest language God could have used. It was the most precious thing He could give-- the highest price He could pay.
Through God's amazing love we were redeemed with the precious blood of Christ

For you know that it was not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed from the empty way of life handed down to you from your forefathers, but with the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect. (1 Peter 1:18-19).

May we never treat lightly nor trample underfoot the blood of God's Son How much more severely do you think a man deserves to be punished who has trampled the Son of God under foot, who has treated as an unholy thing the blood of the covenant that sanctified him, and who has insulted the Spirit of grace? (Hebrews 10:29).

C. A Faithful Shepherd.

The Good Shepherd. I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep (John 10:11)

Christian dentist named James Reddick was teaching his 12-year-old daughter and 11-year-old son the joy of mountain hiking. A sudden storm came up, battering them with hurricane-force winds and thick, wet sheets of snow. A blinding "whiteout" made it impossible to see or move on the steep slopes….. Inside, they found Sharon and David Reddick, very much alive. But the stiff body of their father lay against one wall of the snow cave. He had "taken the cold spot," in one searcher's words, by using his own back as the outer wall. An image something like that must have filled the minds of Jesus' listeners as he described a good shepherd who "lays down his life" for his sheep.

Unique and wonderful, eternal in His being, duel in His nature, sinless in His life, perfect in His obedience, yet the object of divine judgement.

No one less worthy of judgement and yet no one more fitted to atone. Smite the shepherd and spare the sheep.

The death of Christ is a divine judgement from God.

2. The Death of Christ Dark Satanic Attack.

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. (Ephesians 6:12)

We can’t live our Christian lives and fight our battles using human recourses. Christ and His church are the wisdom of God, observed from Heaven and we need to use this wisdom in dealing with evil.

Handed Over to Satan 1 Corinthians 5:5

The strong phrase used in this verse has a biblical parallel in 1 Timothy 1:20. Among them are Hymenaeus and Alexander, whom I have handed over to Satan to be taught not to blaspheme. To Paul, expelling someone from the church and Christian privileges meant pushing them out into the world ruled by Satan. In both references, however, Paul stresses that the action was designed to teach the offender a lesson.

The dragon stood in front of the woman who was about to give birth, so that he might devour her child the moment it was born. (Revelation 12:4)

In Genesis 3 Satan is depicted as a serpent on earth in Revelation 12 he is depicted as a dragon in heaven.

John is fusing things seen with things normally not seen. In daily life, two parallel histories occur simultaneously: one on earth and one in heaven. Revelation, however, views them together. It parts the curtain, allowing a quick look behind the scenes at the cosmic impact of what happens on earth. Every inch of this planet is claimed by God and counterclaimed by Satan. We normally experience only the visible, everyday effects of this struggle. We feel it, for example, when we make a choice between what we know is wrong and what is right. But, as we are living out our lives on earth, the supernatural universe is simultaneously at war. Revelation draws the contrasts sharply: good versus evil, the Lamb versus the dragon, Jerusalem versus Babylon, the bride versus the prostitute. Sometimes the "war in heaven" can break out into actual violence on earth, as it did when Jesus came.

Job's portrayal of Satan echoes the story in Genesis 3: he has supernatural power to oppress people, but is restrained by God. As John Newton said, "Satan can only go to the end of his chain." The Bible records at least one other instance where Satan specifically asked permission to attack an individual: "Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift you as wheat” (Luke 22:31)

Satan rose up against Israel and incited David to take a census of Israel. (1 Chronicles 21:1)

Then he showed me Joshua the high priest standing before the angel of the LORD, and Satan standing at his right side to accuse him. The LORD said to Satan, "The LORD rebuke you, Satan! The LORD, who has chosen Jerusalem, rebuke you! Is not this man a burning stick snatched from the fire?" (Zechariah 13:1-2)

To keep me from becoming conceited because of these surpassingly great revelations, there was given me a thorn in my flesh, a messenger of Satan, to torment me. (2 Cor.12:7)

Then should not this woman, a daughter of Abraham, whom Satan has kept bound for eighteen long years, be set free on the Sabbath day from what bound her? (Luke 13:16)

When anyone hears the message about the kingdom and does not understand it, the evil one comes and snatches away what was sown in his heart. This is the seed sown along the path. (Matt. 13:19)

Every day I was with you in the temple courts, and you did not lay a hand on me. But this is your hour--when darkness reigns. Luke 22:53

The sense of the whole passage is, that now was the time come, that Christ should be delivered up into the hands of wicked men and devils; that the former should have him in their power, and triumph over him for a season; and that hell was now let loose, and all the infernal powers were about him, throwing their poisoned arrows and fiery darts at him; all which Christ endured, to deliver his people from the present evil world, from the wrath of God, the curses of the law, and from the power of darkness.

Bruised heal, Job, David, Joshua, Birth, Herod, temptation, stoning, plot to kill him, Judas, political and religious leader in Jerusalem, Cross.

The power that was given to darkness to oppress the light for a time.

For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves. Colossians 1:13

And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross.  Colossians 2:15

The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the devil's work. 1 John 3:8

The death of Christ was a dark satanic attack, which He suffered for us so that He might defeat Satan and bring us under His care and protection.

My prayer is not that you take them out of the world but that you protect them from the evil one. John 17:15

The Death of Christ was a Wicked Human Murder.

Not right to accuse anyone of such a crime without a fair hearing and proof. Here are the fact you be the jury, you bring in the verdict.

Premeditation. Malice a forethought. Was there a motive?

Jealous of His popularity

The blind and the lame came to him at the temple, and he healed them. But when the chief priests and the teachers of the law saw the wonderful things he did and the children shouting in the temple area, "Hosanna to the Son of David," they were indignant. Matt.21:12-17

So the Pharisees said to one another, "See, this is getting us nowhere. Look how the whole world has gone after him!" John 12:19

The chief priests, the teachers of the law and the leaders among the people were trying to kill him. Yet they could not find any way to do it, because all the people hung on his words. Luke 19:47-48

Revenge because he castigated them.

"Be on your guard against the yeast of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy. Luke 12:1

The picture of the Pharisees painted by the NT is almost entirely negative. Jesus condemned especially the Pharisees' ostentation, their hypocrisy, and their salvation by works, their impenitence and lovelessness. Not all!

Sanhedrin, self interest.

Then the chief priests and the Pharisees called a meeting of the Sanhedrin. "What are we accomplishing?" they asked. "Here is this man performing many miraculous signs. If we let him go on like this, everyone will believe in him, and then the Romans will come and take away both our place and our nation." Then one of them, named Caiaphas, who was high priest that year, spoke up, "You know nothing at all! You do not realize that it is better for you that one man die for the people than that the whole nation perish." He did not say this on his own, but as high priest that year he prophesied that Jesus would die for the Jewish nation, and not only for that nation but also for the scattered children of God, to bring them together and make them one. So from that day on they plotted to take his life. John 11:47-53

Caiaphas was concerned with political expediency, not with guilt and innocence. He believed that one man, no matter how innocent, should perish rather than that the nation be put in jeopardy. Ironically, the Jews went ahead with their execution of Jesus, and in A.D. 70 the nation still perished.

Roman Authorities.

When Pilate saw that he was getting nowhere, but that instead an uproar was starting, he took water and washed his hands in front of the crowd. "I am innocent of this man's blood," he said. "It is your responsibility!" Matt 27:24

Pilate showed cowardice. First, he deferred the case to Herod, who had jurisdiction over Jesus' home region. Herod taunted and mocked Jesus, and then sent him back. Three times Pilate tried to get the Jewish leaders to release Jesus, but finally he yielded to the demands for capital punishment. The soldiers obeyed every command, familiar story?

Crowd. "What shall I do, then, with Jesus who is called Christ?" Pilate asked. They all answered, "Crucify him!" Matt. 27:22

From then on, Pilate tried to set Jesus free, but the Jews kept shouting, "If you let this man go, you are no friend of Caesar. Anyone who claims to be a king opposes Caesar." "We have no king but Caesar," the chief priests answered. John 19:12,15

They hated Caesar and this shows their hypocrisy and callous indifference.

The plot, the method, the conspiracy.

Lies and perjury. Then the chief priests and the elders of the people assembled in the palace of the high priest, whose name was Caiaphas, and they plotted to arrest Jesus in some sly way and kill him. Matt.26:3

The chief priests and the whole Sanhedrin were looking for evidence against Jesus so that they could put him to death, but they did not find any. Many testified falsely against him, but their statements did not agree. Then some stood up and gave this false testimony against him: Mark 14:55-57.

Psychological pressure.

On Pilate to crucify him or suffer Caesar’s displeasure, wanted the death penalty. Rome looked the other way when stoning was committed, Stephen.

Misuse of power and position. Read your rights!

Mocked, beaten, blindfolded, insulted, punched, spat upon, bound, stripped naked, flogged, tortured, beaten with rods, hair pulled out.

Scene of the crime.

In the same way the chief priests, the teachers of the law and the elders mocked him. "He saved others," they said, "but he can't save himself! He's the King of Israel! Let him come down now from the cross, and we will believe in him. He trusts in God. Let God rescue him now if he wants him, for he said, `I am the Son of God.' Matt.27:41-43

Premeditation, malice aforethought, motive, plot crime scene.

Some witnesses. John. Author and reliable church leader.

So, because Jesus was doing these things on the Sabbath, the Jews persecuted him. Jesus said to them, "My Father is always at his work to this very day, and I, too, am working." For this reason the Jews tried all the harder to kill him; not only was he breaking the Sabbath, but he was even calling God his own Father, making himself equal with God. John 5:16-18

Jesus; Why are you trying to kill me? John 7:19

Two eye witnesses returning home from the crime scene

"About Jesus of Nazareth," they replied. "He was a prophet, powerful in word and deed before God and all the people. The chief priests and our rulers handed him over to be sentenced to death, and they crucified him. Luke 24:19-20

Peter Men of Israel, listen to this: Jesus of Nazareth was a man accredited by God to you by miracles, wonders and signs, which God did among you through him, as you yourselves know. This man was handed over to you by God's set purpose and foreknowledge; and you, with the help of wicked men, put him to death by nailing him to the cross. Acts 2:22-23

The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the God of our fathers, has glorified his servant Jesus. You handed him over to be killed, and you disowned him before Pilate, though he had decided to let him go. You disowned the Holy and Righteous One and asked that a murderer be released to you. You killed the author of life, but God raised him from the dead. We are witnesses of this. Acts 3:13-15

Paul. You suffered from your own countrymen the same things those churches suffered from the Jews, who killed the Lord Jesus and the prophets and also drove us out. 1 Thes.2: 14-15

Most compelling of all, a confession. "Let his blood be on us and on our children!" Matthew 27:25


Don’t get the idea that the Jews Crucified Christ, every sin ever committed by any person or race crucified Christ. He died because of sin and for the remission of sins. This man was handed over to you by God's set purpose and foreknowledge. God is the one in control, however the Jewish leaders played a willing and sinful part; the ordinary people were afflicted and sad but those in a position of power, religious and political maliciously and wickedly put Him to death. The Jewish nations rejection of Christ has had terrible consequences for them and will continue to have until they accept Him as messiah.

Mob was stirred up by the Jewish leaders and their hypocrisy was complete, the hated Caesar yet cried out we have no king but Caesar. When Pilate washed his hands they cried: "Let his blood be on us and on our children!" Matthew 27:25. Something they later denied and forbade the apostles to preach. Having brought the apostles, they made them appear before the Sanhedrin to be questioned by the high priest. "We gave you strict orders not to teach in this name," he said. "Yet you have filled Jerusalem with your teaching and are determined to make us guilty of this man's blood." Acts 5:27-28

He was despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows, and familiar with suffering. Like one from whom men hide their faces he was despised, and we esteemed him not. Isaiah 53:3

"What shall I do, then, with Jesus who is called Christ?" Pilate asked.

They all answered, "Crucify him!" Matthew 27:22

Jesus' enemies asked him two chief questions: "Are you the king of the Jews?" and "Are you the Messiah?" He answered with a simple "Yes, it is as you say" (Matt.27:11), confirming the major themes woven throughout Matthew's book. Finally he was executed, with his "crime"--being a king--posted above his crucified body. 

The Death of Christ was a Voluntary Self Sacrifice. John 10:11-18

The Good Shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. Royal caretaker of God’s people. Christ used this figurative discourse about the shepherd and his sheep (vs. 6) Jesus is the Good Shepherd. He referred to himself as the gate through which Israel would go in and out of the sheep pen to find pasture (vs.7) Not a 21st Cent. Farm. Shepherd traveled miles to find pasture, lived 24/7 with his sheep faced many dangers, weather, wild animals and uncaring hired hands.

Jesus here expressed his absolute freedom and authority both to die and to rise from the dead. There are three differences between Jesus' laying down his life for the sheep and that of the shepherds' doing so in the metaphor.

(1) Jesus' death is altogether voluntary, but not like the shepherd's involuntary death while fighting against a robber or wolves. The shepherd might indeed die, but not willingly.

(2) Christ's death actually saves the sheep eternally, whereas the death of a shepherd would only hasten the death and destruction of the sheep.

(3) Christ will lay down his life, but with a purpose of taking it up again, something no earthly shepherd could do.

That Christ would die for his people runs through this section of John's Gospel. Both the love and the plan of the Father are involved, as well as the authority he gave to the Son. Christ obediently voluntarily chose to die; otherwise, no one would have had the power to kill him.

1. The Good Shepherd lays down his life for the Sheep.

(a) The emphasis is on the voluntary nature of his death. He was not forced to go to the cross but did so willingly and voluntarily and obediently.

This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. 1 John 3:16

And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to death-- even death on a cross! Philippians 2:8

Unlike the other high priests, he does not need to offer sacrifices day after day, first for his own sins, and then for the sins of the people. He sacrificed for their sins once for all when he offered himself. Hebrews 7:27

No one took his life from him; he laid down his life voluntarily, he determined the hour. When he had received the drink, Jesus said, "It is finished." With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit. John 19:30

(b) His voluntary sacrifice makes clear the father’s love  (vs. 17)

This is my beloved Son whom I love. An instance, an expression, a picture of God’s love for mankind that he loved his Son more for loving us. The highest act of the Son’s love for his father was obeying his command and voluntarily laying down his life for the sheep. His father loves him as a faithful servant Isaiah 42:1, The Royal caretaker of God’s people.

(c) Sovereign authority and power to lay down his life and take it up again. A power he held within himself. Clearly states his deity. He takes up his human life again. Laid down a vilified body, took up a glorified one. Laid down a life adapted to this world, took up a life adapted to another higher world.

His death was the fulfilment of God’s will and Christ determined the hour, it was voluntary and he was in full control. Divinely determined yet His actions were free. He laid down his life with the express purpose of taking it up again. Paul explained his power as the power of an endless life Heb.7:16. His life could not be taken but was given, it could not end so it was taken again.

2. The Good Shepherd knows his sheep. (vs.14-15)

He knows and cares for his sheep. The way the father and son know and care for each other suggests the way in which Christ knows his flock and his flock know him.

3. The Good Shepherd has only one flock.

The ultimate purpose of the Shepherd is to have one flock with one shepherd. Fold in the figure is Israel being led out to the pastures of Christianity, the other sheep are the Gentile Nations brought to faith and the fold.

“remember that at that time you were separate from Christ, excluded from citizenship in Israel and foreigners to the covenants of the promise, without hope and without God in the world. But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far away have been brought near through the blood of Christ. For he himself is our peace, who has made the two one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility, by abolishing in his flesh the law with its commandments and regulations. His purpose was to create in himself one new man out of the two, thus making peace, and in this one body to reconcile both of them to God through the cross, by which he put to death their hostility”. Eph. 2:12-16

The Death of Christ is Acceptable for Salvation.

Christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many people; and he will appear a second time, not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for him. Heb. 9:28

1 The Death of Christ was a Divine Judgment from God.

2. The Death of Christ Dark Satanic Attack.

3. The Death of Christ was a Wicked Human Murder.

4. The Death of Christ was a Voluntary Self Sacrifice.

Thanksgiving. Turkeys by the thousands have given their lives so that people may celebrate a day of rest, although I don’t how much rest will be involved when there is so much cooking to do. It is one of those days when it takes a lot of time, effort and expense to make sure that everything is cooked just right and all of our favorite foods are on the table.

We all know that America is based upon that first day Thanksgiving that was observed by the Pilgrims back in 1621. After a long, hard winter when many of them had not survived, they were so thankful to God for the coming of spring and a chance to build a new life in their very own “Promised Land”. The New World offered them an opportunity, but made no promises of success. Many days of hard work and great struggles lay ahead, but those who were strong, and those who would not lose faith, would make it through.

Their faith in God was a major factor during those times, and faith in God has brought us to where we are today. Where we go from here will also be determined by our faith in God, or our lack of it. The observance of Thanksgiving Day as a national day of prayer and thanksgiving to God was established officially by President George Washington during his first term.

Many in Britian today have become unthankful, but this is to be expected when man looks to himself for answers and not to the Lord. Why should men be thankful to a God that they refuse to serve, refuse to worship, or even refuse to acknowledge His very existence? Every man’s focus is upon himself, not upon a supreme Creator God.

None of this comes as a surprise to the Child of God who is rooted and grounded in the Word of God. We were warned that these days would come, and we were told exactly how the heart of man would turn away from all that is holy.

2 Timothy 3:1 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. 2 Timothy 3:2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,

2 Timothy 3:3,4 Goes on to say that they are without natural affection, truce breakers, false accusers, lacking self-control, fierce, despisers of those that are good, Traitors, thrill seakers, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;

2 Timothy 3:5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.

In those verse that Paul wrote to Timothy is a nutshell description of the society in which we live. I believe that we are raising the most unthankful generation that has ever been born. The courts of our land have taken away our right to tell them about Jesus, and has given the youth, not a freedom to choose whom they will worship, but a freedom from religion of any kind. We have created a whole generation of self-indulgent; self-worshipping people who are thankful for nothing and believe that they have the right to have everything right now that it took their parents 30, 40 or 50 years to obtain.

As I was studying for this message the very first passage of scripture that I found that spoke specifically about thanksgiving was found in the Old Testament Book of Leviticus. This is the book where God was dictating the Law of Moses which was to be the guiding instructions for God’s chosen nation until the coming of Christ, when it would all be fulfilled in Him.

Leviticus 7:11, 12 And this is the law of the sacrifice of peace offerings, which he shall offer unto the LORD. If he offered it for a thanksgiving, then he shall offer with the sacrifice of thanksgiving unleavened cakes mingled with oil, and unleavened wafers anointed with oil, and cakes mingled with oil, of fine flour, fried.

The first thing we need to recognize is that the sacrifice of Thanksgiving has to do with maintaining peace with God. A thankful heart is a heart that recognizes the greatness, mercy and provision of Almighty God, and that nothing is given to me by accident, or without His permission. When we offer up our prayer of thanksgiving unto the Lord, we are recognizing His power and control over us. We are also acknowledging His great love for us. We know that because God loves us, He provides all good things for us.

James 1:17 Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.

1 Sam 31 and 2 Sam 1. David’s reaction to Saul’s death.

Saul’s death in chapter 31 is tragic, all the more so because his sons including Jonathan, and many in Israel died with him. The men of Jabesh Gillead acted bravely to give Saul a proper burial. (Chap.11)

Last week we saw David’s quick recovery from backsliding. His reaction to Saul’s death, his lament proves his spirituality.

David has been composing Psalms for years with a theme, how long O Lord! Until you deliver me, how long must I be chased like a partridge. This is a theme of the OT, Isaiah, Daniel, Habakkuk, if you are praying how long O Lord until you deliver me then you are in good company. It seems that the Holy Spirit is directing these ancients in prayer.

 Remember we are looking for encouragement, David was the sweet psalmist but he is not perfect, some think that he only sinned in the matter of Bathsheba but in reality he was nowhere near perfect for lots of his life.

When the time of release comes and Saul is dead he cannot rejoice because along with Saul Jonathan is dead.

David’s love for and lament over Saul shows his growing spirituality. We would rejoice and be relieved, but David tears his clothes, weeps and fasts. When do you fast? I very seldom fast but when I do it is usually to ask God for something I want. David fasts and composes a lament, a funeral tribute and weeps for his archenemy.

Saul has hunted David for perhaps 15 years keeping him from the throne and David lamented.

Some reasons why David was sad that show his grace.

1. vs. 19 David laments because it is the death of the Lord’s anointed. The beauty of Israel is slain, the one that God raise up. Saul’s personal life and his national life are distinct. When out opponents fall can we mourn or do we feel glad. David was showing Grace. When a person backslides do we point the finger and say they should know better.

2. vs. 20 David rejects and despises the celebrations of God’s enemies. Difference between our enemies whom we are to love and God’s enemies. God’s enemies and our enemies are not always the same. Our enemies might not always be wrong, sometimes God uses our enemies to correct us. In every heresy, in every error the is some little bit good, that’s what keeps it going. You cannot love God without hating God’s enemies. Fear of God is to hate evil.

Psalm 97:10. Mark of sanctification is to hate evil. The question is not are you comfortable with this? The question is does God approve? The evil cannot be separated from the person. Sin is a debt. Money debt can be paid by another. Criminal debt cannot be paid by another. You can pay someone’s money debt but not their criminal debt. God permitted substitution payment of sin. Nothing wrong with rejoicing, but David is unhappy about the rejoicing of the Philistines over the death of Saul. David fell because he did not rejoice in God when he was on a high. Why do we get upset over swearing on TV what disturbs us! Is it that God’s laws are flouted?

3. David charitably covers Saul’s sins. Listen if you think you are doing well read the larger Catechism 144, 145. We are to cover our enemies sins, we are to be unwilling to hear a bad report about our opponents. We are not to unnecessarily expose the weaknesses and sins of our opponents. Don’t aggravate smaller faults. David did not fall into this trap. The saviour said let him who is without sin cast the first stone; they all left except the only one without sin. David says that Saul was lovely and pleasant, how, because God put him there, because he was valiant. Easy to cover our own sins. Difficult to cover our neighbours sins. Only Grace will enable us to cover our enemy’s sins. God has covered all your sins therefore you should be willing to forgive others.

4.    Silence over Saul’s piety. There isn’t any. Not godly or truthful to make up or manufacture piety when there isn’t any. If you have nothing good to say, say nothing. Don’t make up things that are not true.

What would be said of you if you were to die suddenly? What would be your epitaph, what would be said about you? What would they find in your private places? What would they find in your Bible? Which verses underlined? People grasp at straws sometimes for comfort; all that you leave behind will be traces of what kind of person you really are. (Grandfather’s Bible) David does not fabricate lies. How different the Amalakite, lied through his teeth seeking some credit, perhaps a government job. Not afraid to lie or kill a king.

Conclusion  After all this David is a new careful man. Chaper 2:1. Shall I go up. Is this the time, he will not move without God’s direction. Where to, what spot? Hebron not Jerusalem, seven years yet.

What is grace. Speaking much with God, doing nothing without God, living closely with God. Not our own righteousness but simply following closely, living closely to God.

1 Samuel 30:6. But David found strength in the LORD his God. But David found encouraged himself in the LORD his God. One of the most blessed statements in the Bible.

Chapter 28 the outgoing king is into witchcraft.

Chapter 29 the incoming King is siding with the enemy, and has problems of his own making. Lowest point in his life, months of relapse, wrote no Psalms.

Things are not very encouraging; the old rejected the new backslidden. If there were a time to write Israel off it would be now. Malachi 2:16 God hates putting away. God does not write people off. God hates it when his people put him off, yet He never puts his people away, He never divorces himself from His chosen ones. God prefers that you draw close to Him.

David was in great distress but was able to strengthen himself in the Lord his God. Verse 6 is our text.

  • David’s distress. He had lost everything, every

earthly possession; the Amalekites took everything and burnt the rest. At this time all David’s earthly possessions were in a carrier bag. Chapter 15 Saul was told to destroy the Amalekites and his disobedience cost him his throne. Chapter 27:8 David raided the Amalekites and took no prisoners. Not surprising the Israel and David’s arch enemy should take the opportunity to attack David’s unguarded camp.

  • His two wives were taken, effectively bereaved.

Alive yet very unlikely to see them again. He can’t eat, sleep, he can only cry. He could not relax and grieve, there might be an ambush, and his life was in danger. Could not say just give me some antidepressants and let me weep and sleep. He encouraged himself in the Lord, he gained strength from God.

Are you in distress today? You can encourage yourself in the Lord your God.

  • His own people spoke of stoning him, mutiny,

treason, the very ones he had helped were blaming him. He had no one to turn to. Yet he turned to God.

How low are you? Are you as low as David was? No possessions, no wife, no friends and worst of all he was backslidden. Months and months of being cold, of not worshiping God. He encouraged himself in God. How can he do this? All of a sudden turn to God.

The Bible is for our learning; this is the Old Testament that is ever new and up to date. What we learn from David we can apply to ourselves. The Bible speaks to our condition and can transform our condition.

David could have said “God is against me.” “I probably was not converted in the first place. If I was a man after God’s heart this would not have happened.” “It’s all my fault.” (correct) “It will take years to get back.” Yet that very night, in his darkest hour, he encourages himself in God!

Once you belong to God you are His forever. Isn’t that a God to serve and follow, once saved always saved. The basis of God’s blessing upon us is not our good behaviour, the foundation for divine blessing is the shed blood of Christ our Saviour.

David encouraged himself in the lord his God. Our biggest problem is ourselves especially when we are discouraged. Discouragement is only a way of looking at things, it’s just a perspective. You can change your perspective. David knew this, Psalm 42:5 Why are you downcast, O my soul? Why so disturbed within me?

Put your hope in God. Here David is speaking to himself.

David got into trouble when he spoke to himself out of fear and worry, when he eclipsed God he suffered. Now he is stirring himself up to seek God he is telling himself to trust in God. God does not change, when we are down God is not down. God does not change.

David started to pray. Problems started when he stopped praying and thinking of God. Began thinking about himself and his problems. Although the way back to God is easy, it’s difficult to do. It’s about attitude, be friendly to God, sin is being unfriendly. Tell the truth, tell God that you want to get right. God looks at your spirit at your attitude towards him. Just a friendly word of prayer.

David’s problem was that he was King anointed yet hounded by Saul. His problems caused him to be unaware of his sin. Acknowledge your sin and confess your sin then speak to God. David spoke to God through the priest and recovered everything. David spoke to God and things changed. Psalm 32. When I kept silent, my bones wasted away through my groaning all day long...Then I acknowledged my sin to you and did not cover up my iniquity. I said, "I will confess my transgressions to the LORD"-- and you forgave the guilt of my sin.

David shows mercy. He recovered everything. Coming home the 200 who were tired and stayed behind and were being excluded from the spoil by hard men, David showed mercy; he made a statute in Israel forever. Learn to forgive it’s therapeutic.


This morning I want us to look at a small passage of scripture which will help us to see what our personal relationship with God is like. In many ways these verses in Matthew 7:7 - 11 are like a little spiritual dipstick which we can dip into the engine of our faith to see how it its getting on.

 So what is your relationship with God like? Do you have any relationship with God at all? If you do, is it growing? How do you view God? Is he some man in the sky with a white beard, or is he a loving heavenly father to you?

You may be wondering to yourself why is the preacher saying that these are verses about  our relationship with God when they are in fact verses about prayer? That then is our key point - our prayer lives in many ways determine and define our relationship with God. Indeed it is surely one of the key signs that you are either about to become a Christian or have become one that you pray to God for you cannot be a Christian unless you have made at least one prayer to God asking him to forgive your sins through Jesus Christ. Have you just started to pray - then that is a tremendous sign that God is either working in you to the point of conversion or you are converted - although I have to admit that it is possible to pray without being a Christian, it is not possible to pray in the name of Jesus and to sense his presence without having the Holy Spirit in your heart. Prayer is really a wonderful thing, and so we start by looking at the promise of prayer:

1. THE PROMISE OF PRAYER (7:7 and 8).

"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened."

Now Jesus knows that humans do things well when there is a promise attached. How many times as children did we do things for our parents because there was a promise attached - a sweet, pocket money, a toy, some kind of a reward. Now sometimes these rewards were bribes, but sometimes they were just acts of love from our parents to encourage us on our way. God is not bribing us to pray, he is the loving parent who says that when we do something there is a reward on the other side. The reward of prayer is that God really does hear our prayers and God always acts upon them. Jesus does not want us to believe that God is too distant and too great, and we are too small and too unworthy that our prayers are worthless, instead his teaching is based on a promise - you pray and God will hear you, you pray and God will act on your behalf. And note this, and note this well, this promise applies to all who believe - for everyone who asks receives - answered prayer does not just belong to those whom we think are mature and super-spiritual, answered prayer is not just for those who have made it so far along the Christian road, the truth is that from the moment that you become a believer answered prayer is promised to us all. Now that makes sense, for if God will answer our first real prayer, to become a Christian, then he surely will not stop answering us after that. Some of us hold back from praying because we feel that prayer would be better said by somebody else, we have some kind of false notion that prayers said by the minister, or by those whom we consider to be more mature than ourselves are somehow more effective than our prayers. That is nonsense, and Jesus would want to blast us out of that kind of thinking - everyone who asks receives!

Note secondly from these verses that there may need to be a persistence in prayer. Jesus nowhere teaches that prayer is always  answered immediately on the first request, nor that there is something wrong with our faith if we have to keep on asking about something. There is a persistence required here - ask, seek, knock. One commentator sees here degrees of urgency, he suggests that a child asks if his father is near and visible, if he is not, then the child seeks and checks to be let into his father's room by knocking. I think that we have to be clear however that Jesus is not really teaching here three stages of prayer, but that we must always persist in prayer until we have the answer in our hands. Perhaps the reason that some of our prayers may have gone unanswered is simply because we gave up too soon.


"Which of you, if his son asks for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake? If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him?"

Here Jesus tells a little parable which shows us why we can be sure of a good answer to our prayers. He calls us to imagine a child going to his father with a particular request - in this case, bread or fish. The question is if the child asks for bread or fish will the father give him something which looks like bread or fish, but is in fact something which is disastrously different, or even positively dangerous, namely a stone or a snake? Of course not! If human parents who are evil - by that he means fallen and sinful, for all men are sinners fall short of the glory of - if sinful parents still give good gifts to their children, how much more will God who has no evil in him but is totally good, give the good and right thing to a child of his. This is why we can be sure of a good answer to our prayers - because God is a good and a loving heavenly parent. As we grew up and made requests to our parents the answer we got depended upon their moods, their goodness, the amount of money they had in the bank, so too the answer to our prayers depends upon the goodness of the Father, and the Father is good, therefore whatever comes is a good answer for us. The word for father in v.11 is the word "abba" which was the homely family name for the Father, what we might now call "daddy." There is no other religion in the world where the God who is prayed to is given such a warm, loving, and intimate family name. This is quite unique to Christianity, and is in fact revolutionary - that God may be called "daddy."

Some are not happy with giving God such a familiar name but to call God "daddy" is not to lose your love or your respect, nor your reverence, it is to define your relationship with him. Now we really must challenge ourselves about our prayer lives in the light of this teaching? Do our prayers reflect a warm and loving relationship with a heavenly parent, or do we speak to God as if he a bank manager, a doctor, a dictator or what? Now many of us believe that it is more reverent to distance ourselves that bit from God, I believe that Jesus teaches us it is more reverent to come as close to God as a child would to a Father. Prayer is simply a child talking over his needs, his experiences, his failures, his joys with his Dad. Talking with a father whom he loves, he trusts, he respects. Prayer is as simple as that. Yet it is not as simple as that.

Many of us don't have prayers lives with this kind of warmth and love, many of us don't have a prayer life at all, for we experience all kind of prayer problems, and so I want to spend the rest of this sermon time by looking at two prayer problems or wrong attitudes towards prayer and we see how Jesus' teaching can help our prayer lives if these are our problems


1. Prayer is unnecessary:

Jesus has just given us quite a bit of teaching about prayer, but as we look around us we see a lot of people who get on just fine without any prayer life at all. Indeed we find that they receive without praying the very same things that we receive with prayer. That leads the non-Christian (or indeed the Christian) to ask - what then is the point in prayer? I get what I need by working for it, not by praying for it. The farmer gets his good crop by working hard, not by prayer. The mother gets her baby safely delivered through medical skill and not by prayer. The family balances its budget because Dad is careful with the finances and not by prayer. This then presents us with the challenging thought that prayer doesn't make an ounce of difference, it is just wasted breath. How do we respond to this kind of thinking?

We answer by making a very important distinction between the Creator God and the Redeemer God. You see God is our Father not once, but twice. He is our Father at Creation in that he makes us, but he is also our Father at salvation in that he redeems us. Every human being born into the world has God as his Father in the first sense - and as the Father of the human race God sends good gifts to all people whether they deserve it or not, the sun shines and the rain falls on the righteous and the unrighteous alike. The harvest, the birth of a child and so on are all human events which enjoy the protection and blessing of the Fatherhood of God whether or not people acknowledge God. God's creation gifts belong to all people. All of us here know God as our Father in this first sense.

Yet there is a second sense in which God is our Father and not all of us here today know him in this way. Just as God gives gifts at creation, he also gives gifts at salvation, but God's salvation or redemption gifts are different to his creation gifts, for while the creation gifts are for all people the gifts of salvation are only available to those who have turned from their sins and have called upon the name of the Lord. The good gifts which Jesus promises in v.11 are for those who have acknowledged that they are poor in spirit and have come to God for salvation. What Jesus is promising here is not material blessings which any Father can give to his children, but the spiritual blessings which only a heavenly father can bring to his children - daily forgiveness, deliverance from evil, peace, faith, hope, love. None of these things can be received unless we pray, none of these gifts can be ours unless we know God in this second sense, God our Father Redeemer.Thus we find in the Lord's Prayer which also belongs to the Sermon on the Mount (6:9 - 13) the gifts of God the Father Creator and God the Father Redeemer coming together. We find that we must pray for our daily bread, not because we fear that we would starve if we didn't pray, but because we know that ultimately all that we have comes from God. Yet that prayer goes on to ask for forgiveness and deliverance because these gifts are given only in answer to prayer.Thus while some may say that they don't need to pray because they're doing all right, they have their goods and their health and so on, we have to say where is your forgiveness? Where is the power of God in your life freeing you from evil? Where is your assurance of salvation? For none of these things come without prayer. 

Prayer is necessary, without it we are lost.

2. Prayer is unproductive:

Our first problem was that prayer was unnecessary because God gives gifts to people who never pray, our second problem is the other side of the coin and that is that many people feel that prayer is unproductive because God fails to give answers to people who do pray. This I think is a problem that many of us face from time to time in our Christian lives - why bother praying because I don't get answers. What's the point in praying when it doesn't make any difference. I prayed, I got no answer, therefore I've given up praying. I prayed to pass an exam, but I failed. I prayed for healing but I got no better. I prayed for my sick friend but she died. I prayed for peace but the world is filled with war. What is our response to this familiar problem of seemingly unanswered prayer?

The best way to approach this problem is to remember that the promises of Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount are not unconditional. It is absurd to think that "ask and it will be given to you" is a blank cheque to ask of God whatever you want with the certainty of always getting it. If it were then prayer would be pure magic, a simple "open Sesame" to getting whatever you want. God is not at our bidding in this way, therefore we should not expect every prayer to be answered in just the way that we want or expect. God is a responsible and loving heavenly father who hears our prayers and acts upon them in the way that he knows is best for us. If it were the case that we got everything that we asked for our lives would be quickly ruined, for as we look back we see that things that we felt strongly about were not always right or best for us. God knew that from the beginning which is why he never answered our prayers as we wanted. Sure we were angry then, but now we ought to be grateful.

Jesus says in v.11 that God only gives good gifts to his children. Many times in prayer we ask for what is wrong for us, or wrong for others, we ask to use Jesus' own words, for stones and snakes, things which are wrong, things which are dangerous. Answered prayer is conditional - it has to be something which is good which is being asked for or God will not act upon it. Thank God he answers prayer, thank God that he also denies our requests when they are dangerous and wrong for us even though we don't see it at the time.

J.I. Packer tells this story which illustrates the point: "When I was seven years old I ran under a bread van, thereby proving to my parents that I wasn't to be trusted on the road. When I was almost eleven, my friends were being given bicycles, and I boldly asked for a bicycle for my next birthday. On my birthday morning, I came down to breakfast, eagerly wondering what the bicycle would look like and saw, beside my place at the table, a typewriter. Perhaps you're thinking, 'What's this? A boy of eleven who had asked for a bicycle being given a typewriter? Poor lad! What a pain for him!' But no! My parents knew me better than I knew myself. That typewriter was the best present I ever had. No single object has given me more pleasure over the years than that typewriter and its successors....and I learned to honour my parents for their loving wisdom in giving me something -better for me at that time than a bicycle."

That is the same principle upon which God answers prayer. He hears our requests, he knows what is best for us, and he gives us the right thing at the right time...because he loves us. If people accuse us of wasting our time praying because we're not getting answers then it's because they have some idea of a catalogue God who gives you want you send in for, the Christian's idea is of a loving parent who really does know best, and who generously gives the right thing at the right time.

And that is the point - there really is a loving heavenly Father who hears prayer and answers it. You may have not become a Christian because you prayed about something in the past and didn't get what you want. That may have proved to you that there was therefore no God. You were quite mistaken however, it was not the case that there was no God, it was the case that your heavenly Father heard your prayer, realised that it was wrong for you, protected you from the wrong answer and gave you something else instead which will in the long run work for what is best.

I started by saying that our prayer lives reveal what kind of a relationship we have with God. The way that we talk to God in prayer and the way that we trust in him for answers reveals whether or not we have a real faith and a real dependence upon him. This is a personal question for no one else can have faith for you. What does your prayer life tell you about your relationship with God? I finish then with this thought - whatever your prayer life is like - there is a loving heavenly Father waiting to hear from you - today.

1 Samuel 29 Last week we saw Saul’s desperation leading him to the occult. Today, David’s desperation almost leads him to fight the wrong battle.

Can’t live a life devoid of troubles.

Job 14:1 Man born of woman is of few days and full of trouble. Job 5:7 Yet man is born to trouble as surely as sparks fly upward. (Campfire)

Every life has its share of trouble.

Sometimes not of our own making,

sometimes not traced to our sin, John 9 born blind.

Sometimes problems and trouble are of our own making, we choose friends, Jobs, like Lot wrong place to live. Combination, our reaction to a problem becomes a problem in itself. Hymn, Our cross and trials do but press the heavier for our own bitterness.

Sometimes we have troubles not of our own making.

Sometimes we have troubles our own making.

Sometimes we have a combination of both.

Here we have a problem that David made for himself, and the providence of God delivering him, preserving him. Joseph telling his brothers of his dreams?

Review 27:1 Why he was in this trouble or difficulty. Thought to himself! Escape to the enemy, beginning of his self-made problem, speaking to his heart.

Governed by fear not faith, despair not dependency.

The prophetic command through Gad to stay in Judah was still in force 22:3-5.

How can a Christian do that, go against a divine command and make such a bad mistake?

The pressure, constant stress, being hounded month-by-month, he made a decision based on his feelings.

An emotional despairing decision that was wrong, leave the Promised Land for the land of the heathen.

This period was one of deception, lies, and bloodshed, 16 months of deception. 27:8-12.

Made a decision based on fearful, dangerous self-talk.

Fruit of his decision. 29:1-2 David is part of the Philistine army going to fight Israel. He is going to engage his brethren.

King Achish trusts him even to kill his own people, for 16 months David has pulled the wool over the kings eyes and now he is in a situation that he cannot get out of. King thinks that I am an angel from God. He is living on the edge, how am I going to get out of this problem, he had been a cunning deceiver gaining favour with the king and now he was harvesting the fruit of all his deception.

God working in the background, ordering David’s deliverance.

David is creating his own problem yet this chapter is about God and His goodness to David.

David doesn’t mention God yet it’s all about God.

Surely goodness and mercy shall peruse me (not follow) all the days of my life.

Encouragement is that you can make problems for yourself yet God will get you out of them.

Providence of God silently and surely working for David.

    (a) God arranged that some Philistine Lords mistrusted David as much as Achish trusted him. Some background. David had 600 men. 1 Chronicles 12:17 and 19-22 more were coming over to David, powerful warriors from Israel. All this is at the tail end of the Philistine army.

Vs 3 They asked the right question. What are these Israelites doing here?

   (b) God ordered that the Philistine Lords would not be persuaded by their Kings assurances. Vs 4-5. Popular song crossed the border.   Lords complained and Achish was outvoted. Proverbs 21:1 The king's heart is in the hand of the LORD; he directs it like a watercourse wherever he pleases.

  (c) God is not mentioned just in passing by a Philistine. Esther 2:21-23 King saved. 6:1-10 No sleep?  Read the records, found Mordecai’s intervention. What’s been done! Nothing! Who is in the Court, Haman to ask permission to kill Mordecai. Vs 6 Haman thought to himself. Vs 10 worst words that Hamen ever heard. Psalm 2:4  The One enthroned in heaven laughs;

God providentially cares for and delivers his people.

Habitual deceit of David. 29:6-8 Reliable/had not been.

No fault/deceit, bloodshed and lies.

Vs 8 Amazing acting an Oscar performance, What have I done! Inside he was relieved, pretended insult and anger, all deceit.

David accepts the directive of Achish. 9-11 God in his providence uses the deceived to preserve the deceiver. Irony. David persuade by Saul, yes. David persuade by goodness and mercy, yes. God put a stop to his problems and God will deliver us from our troubles.

So encouraging. God says enough. Whatever was written was written for our instruction upon whom the end of the ages has come. This is one of these verses that are profitable for doctrine, reproof and correction for instruction in righteousness. Preeminently a chapter about God whom we know, serve and love.

1 Samuel 28 Begin with prayer to guard us against evil

King Saul had a good start but a bad finish. Unlike his namesake Saul of Tarshish who began badly by persecuting Christ but finished the race and fought a good fight.

Many night scenes in the Bible and this is one of the most dramatic. Saul supped with Satan then went out into the night, not to the light but into the darkness. 1000 years later Judas supped with Christ and then went out into the night. Two men so close to the truth and salvation but both destroyed.

Another deserted King who endured a dark night, deserted by his friends, knew God to be distant, suffered hours of darkness on the cross, yet has overcome all darkness and is alive having destroyed sin and death so that we need never feel deserted.

The preacher has the joy of preaching the Gospel, there is mercy with God; there need not be a going out into the night but rather a coming to the light. There must be conviction and confession before the heart can be restored. If you will not come to God on His terms, if you will not obey God, if you will not humbly cry to God then you are choosing to live without God.

The greatest tragedy in Saul’s life is that anytime he could have repented and returned to God. The greatest warning is take great care all who play with sin lest it destroy your will and ability to come to God. Saul retained religious desires but had no spirit.

Saul was anointed, empowered, rejected and finally deserted.

The Philistines are active and there is no rest for Saul, faced with another battle he is afraid and alone. Samuel is dead so Israel and Saul have no one to guide them. Saul feels abandoned and he is. David felt abandoned but he never is. God reads Saul heart and sees rebellion and selfishness; He reads David’s heart and sees something of His own spirit.

God did not answer by any means, not by dreams, Urim or by a prophet. The Urim was with the Ephod and that was with David so was the last and only legal priest.

If Saul had gone to David and humbled himself and asked for help then David had the means to enquire of God i.e. A good heart a priest and the Ephod.

If Samuel enquired through the Urim then it was counterfeit. Saul enquired of God, I am not sure it was prayer, if we are to enquire of God we need to make sure of our ground. Humble and contrite heart and an honest approach through Christ Jesus. God promises to answer the prayers of His people, not of His enemies, Saul’s enquiry is to late and too selfish. Saul hears the taunts of the Philistines but not the voice of God.

The Witch at Endor. The sinful hypocrisy of Saul in that he had already expelled mediums and spiritists from the land.

How can you explain this act of foolishness, of darkness, of desperation? He needs to know the future but his rejection of God has left him terrified and without council so he calls on a witch. Witchcraft was forbidden not because it did not work but because it was evil. Do not indulge in paranormal practices; it’s all around you in literature and especially in the media. Oban cottage hospital.

Saul can’t go to God so he goes to the Devil. He goes in disguise, his height would give him away so he stoops, sin makes a man stoop, makes him dishonest, makes him hide behind disguises. An honest God fearing man needs no disguise.

Saul breaks the third commandment by using the Lord’s name in vain, vs.10. You shall not misuse the name of the LORD. He uses Gods name to promise her safety, he swears by the God that he has rejected.

We need to be very careful in interpreting this passage.

  • God has cut this man off and is not speaking to him.
  • Any dealings with the occult are contrary to God’s Law.
  • If God had a final word for him would He speak through a witch?
  • There is a great gulf fixed between the living and the dead.
  • Paranormal episodes are by nature events rooted in lies, deception and trickery.

 There is no new message given but a reiteration of known information.

The information about the impending battle was easily deduced and Saul’s terror was not only because of his backslidden state but because he new that the Philistines were coming in full force, using new tactics and had chosen the perfect battlefield at Shunem.

For their massive assault from Shunem, the Philistines tried a new tactic. They had fought previous battles in the mountains, rough terrain where their chariots were next to useless. Now they chose strategically important level ground that Israel had to defend. The Valley of Jezreel is the only part of Palestine where you can go from west to east without crossing mountains. A Philistine victory here would cut Israel in half.

 All the evidence points to a dark godless satanic episode that leaves Saul more frightened and confused than before, just what Satan would want. Don’t be fooled by the old woman’s seeming kindness in feeding Saul, it was no more than a last meal for a condemned man and in accepting it he is accepting the séance, something he should have rejected.

The episode has been understood in many different ways, among them the following:

God permitted the spirit of Samuel to appear to the woman.

The woman had contact with an evil or devilish spirit in the form of Samuel by whom she was deceived and controlled.

By using parapsychological powers such as telepathy or clairvoyance, the woman was able to discern Saul's thoughts and picture Samuel in her own mind.

Saul during his fasting dreamt it all.

When you reject God and God rejects you, When God removes His spirit and grace from you don’t be surprised that Satan steps in.

Saul’s last act is his worst, supping with Satan then into the dark night.

All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. John 28:18

And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross. Col.2:15

Since the children have flesh and blood, he too shared in their humanity so that by his death he might destroy him who holds the power of death--that is, the devil. Hebrews 2:14.

He who does what is sinful is of the devil, because the devil has been sinning from the beginning. The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the devil's work. 1 John 3:8

BENEDICTION…The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet. The grace of our Lord Jesus be with you. Rom. 16:20

1 Samuel Chapter 27

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; Pr. 3:5

In the original Hebrew, "in all your ways acknowledge him" is more literally "in all your ways know him." This fundamental statement of how to relate to God implies more than mere reverence. Nodding in God's direction is not enough: you must know him by living closely with him, relating to him personally in every aspect of your life.

In verse one, we read, But David thought to himself, he began to look at his circumstances and analyze them using his own understanding logic, reasoning and experience. His view of God began to be influenced by his circumstances. He figured that his situation was so bad that God could not help and he would have to take action for his own safety. He is on another downward period. Just like us he has his ups and downs. When he is up he is looking to God no matter his circumstances are, when he is down he is looking at himself and his circumstances and not towards God.

The main thing that we know about David is that he is a man after God’s heart. He is the sweet psalmist, the hero of Israel, the giant killer. He is all of that in a man just like us given to ups and downs, with imperfections. Last time he was on a high acting morally and showing Christ-likeness in forgiving Saul. This week we see his weakness as his mind and thinking changing to negatives as he wonders if God can really preserve him from death at the hands of Saul. He wonders if God’s faithfulness, love and constant care can really be relied upon or should he make plans for his own safety.

Handling pressure.

One of these days I will be destroyed by the hand of Saul. The best thing I can do is to escape to the land of the Philistines. Then Saul will give up searching for me anywhere in Israel, and I will slip out of his hand.

Such a sad statement because it was no true. It was the opposite of what Saul had said, I know that you will surely be king and that the kingdom of Israel will be established in your hands, 24:20.

David said these negative things to himself they were the expression of his heart, but is he not the man with a heart after God’s heart! Yes he is and has but he is also human and a sinner. When he looks to God he has God’s heart, when he looks to himself he has his own heart.

He thought to himself how strong Saul was and how many soldiers he had and how many narrow escapes he had had, and concluded that it can’t last; he thought Saul would get him in the end.

He was using human reasoning to analyse his circumstances and came to a human conclusion. I will perish! Where did that come from? God had promised him the kingdom and had anointed him. The javelin missed at point blank range, with all his resources Saul had not yet harmed David, Jonathan, Samuel Abigail even Saul had reassured him yet his conclusion was, The best thing I can do is to escape to the land of the Philistines.

Spurgeon. The man who keeps his own company is in great danger of being corrupted by the company he keeps.

His self-interest will affect others, you can’t backslide on your own, he has two wives and 600 men, can’t live to himself, can’t die to himself and can’t sin to himself.

What confusion has come over him to think that there is safety in the land of the Philistines? He went to king Ashish in Gath taking everything with him and his reasoning worked, when Saul heard this he stopped looking for David.

The last time that he did this he had to act the madman. He wrote Psalm 34 about the experience: The righteous cry out, and the LORD hears them; he delivers them from all their troubles. Yet in spite of past experience David does not cry out to the lord he thinks to himself and acts using his own understanding.

David wrote in Psalm 34, I will bless the LORD at all times. Not this time, he does not pray, writes no Psalm and can’t sing. Not until Chapter 30:9 does David begin to pray again.

No doubt that David had great pressure on him but he did not handle it well.

Handling the Philistines. The idea to go to the land of the Philistines was already there. 26:19 Now let my lord the king listen to his servant's words. If the LORD has incited you against me, then may he accept an offering. If, however, men have done it, may they be cursed before the LORD! They have now driven me from my share in the LORD's inheritance and have said, `Go, serve other gods.' When he began thinking to himself this is what came to mind and cause him to go to the land of the Philistines. He felt driven from his land and in Gath he had a sense of security because Saul did not follow. However it was a false sense of security. It was unbiblical relief, running away from God and responsibility and would lead to sixteen months of serious problems.

Vs.5 David called himself a servant of Ashish.

It is almost inevitable that you advance your own backsliding by what you say. David sided with Ashish, he was living a lie but to outward appearances his submission to Ashish was a spur an encouragement to the Philistines to fight against Israel.

The Philistines accepted David because they thought he would fight against his own people. Had they known that he retained his Israelite loyalty, they would never have trusted him. So David had to pretend that he was raiding the Israelites, while actually he raided Israel's nomadic enemies. To keep his game secret, he took no prisoners, for it might be noticed that none of them were Israelites.

David was living in two worlds and Ashish fell for it, his men didn’t 29:4-6.

What a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive.

It all went badly wrong. Temporarily lost everything and fell into depression 30:4. His own men wanted to kill him 30:6.

What encouragement do we draw from this! At his lowest point he turns back to God.

Is this not hypocrisy, leaning on your own understanding, 16 months of self reliance, duplicity and lies then when things go pear shaped turn buck to God.

The encouragement is that God will take you back anytime, God will always take you back.

It’s true that sin can get a hold of you but God has a hold and will never let you go.

Return, I am married to you! Jer. 3:14 We know that God hates divorce.

So David returns and begins once again to wholeheartedly follow God. He begins to sing again and composes Psalm 119:29 remove from me the way of lying. He had tried it for 16 months!

Turn from your backsliding and God will renew you once again. It’s not hypocrisy it’s common sense. Was the prodigal a hypocrite, no he just came to his senses.

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; Pr. 3:5

1 Samuel Chapter 26   David shows mercy again. Have you ever forgiven someone and regretted it? David forgave Saul; he took a chance and trusted him. Now Saul is back again trying to kill David. Vs 2 Saul has 3ths men, his standing army to get David. This happened remember after David in Chapter 24 spared Saul’s life. I am sure David is regretting his lost opportunity. God is not like that, he may regret your behaviour but he will never regret forgiving and saving you.

The last meeting between Saul and David in Chapter 24 revealed their true character. We are encouraged to see the real David who although he has a heart after God he is a real person with his ups and downs and is far from perfect. However he is growing in grace. Saul on the other hand is shallow, emotional, sinful and on a downward spiral. Remember Saul has had every chance and benefit, God had blessed and equipped him to be king, he was without excuse. Standing on the promises now sitting in the premises!!!!

David spared Saul whose confession and tears sounded so good. Again in this chapter vs. 21-25 he speaks more high sounding words but they are artificial, they are the confession of somebody caught in the act.


Youth club, caught in the act, would not admit it, not even that today, people will not admit they are wrong.

Saul admits the thing the action but has no awareness of his sinfulness; he thinks the sin is in the foolishness the error of his actions when the sin is in his heart. He is aware of his actions when faced with them but not aware of himself. He excuses his actions but not himself.

The last verse shows that finally David does not trust him, they went their separate ways.

Saul’s hollow cry compares with the cries of those in hell. Self centered and full of self pity. Cain, my punishment is too great for me, not my sin is too great for me. It’s like the gnashing of teeth that is the reaction of those caught in the act, There is no change in Saul, no real recognition of the Holy Spirit and grace of God in Saul’s life. If the Holy Spirit on earth can’t change a sinner then the pains of hell will not either. If only Saul had cried to God for mercy. David was perhaps a greater sinner than Saul, yet he always asked God for mercy always saw and admitted his own personal guilt and sin.

Saul was getting worse and David was growing in grace. David could have turned a blind eye to Abishai but to kill Saul was wrong for David and wrong for Abishai. David has a healthy spirit and forbids Abishai, he takes responsibility.

Two changes this time as he does things differently. He does not touch Saul or his robe. The last time when he cut his robe it cut his heart. This proves how sincere his tears were, he does not do it again. Saul proved his insensitivity by doing it again.

He takes only what is useful for evidence and returnable, the spear and the bowl. He will not touch Saul’s person or dignity.

How do we know that we are growing in grace. Growing sensitivity to sin and wrong. More tender in conscience today than we ever were. David forgave the second time that takes grace. How many times must we forgive they asked Jesus, seven times? True forgiveness is a mark of grace and can be repeated time after time, where would we be if that were not true. How many times has God forgiven me? Unmerited, undeserved pre-paid forgiveness through Christ’s blood.

All Israel were asleep, even Abner which is remarkable since he was a mighty man, God made a deep sleep fall on them as a test for David, he could have killed Saul and got off Scot free, without a fight. It was a test for David, a test of his precious faith, he passed with flying colours: vs.10 As surely as the LORD lives," he said, "the LORD himself will strike him; either his time will come and he will die, or he will go into battle and perish. But the LORD forbid that I should lay a hand on the LORD's anointed.

Why did Job suffer, to show us that God can be trusted? Why did Paul accept the thorn in his flesh, to demonstrate the superiority of the grace of God? Why was David tested, to show that we can leave issues in God’s hands?

Conclusion. David’s greatest problem about being hunted in the desert was not that he was anointed and should be King. In vs. 19 we see that it was being deprived of worship in God’s house. He could have worshipped in the cave; yes he did and wrote a Psalm about the experience. He could worship God in the desert surrounded by creation, yes he did. However it hurt him not to be worshipping in God’s house, he would rather be a doorman in the house of God for one day than be elsewhere. I can worship God at home, yes you can. But if that is your only desire you are not spiritual but selfish and carnal. If you are a Christian then you are part of a gathered community.

In South Africa during apatite, there was a mine explosion and some people were trapped one of which was white, someone crawled in and pulled him out. His eyes were bandaged and he was told that his saviour was here and was invited to shake his hand, from underneath the bandages he saw a black hand and he withdrew his own.  Would you have gone in again to the mine to rescue such a person, Christ died for such people! That’s forgiveness.

Luke 23:32-45. This is a look at the cross, Jesus said I am the light of the world, at the cross light shone out, truth shone out.. As He lay on the Cross to be nailed the first ray of light came from his mouth, light shone on his torturers, a cry from the Ground as he lay there. Father forgive them for they know not what they do.

As he hangs on the cross more light shines and it shines on a wicked man who had insulted him but had changed his mind and asked for help. He never refuses a genuine request, he replied you are coming with me I am never going to leave you, and you don’t have long to wait. Today before sunset you will be with me in paradise.

Light as he lay on the Cross, light as he hung on the cross and there was more light after the intense three hours of darkness.  Forgiven, favoured, finished, the greatest light, the work was finished, the price paid, the blood shed, God glorified.

Two men, characters high up in the Jewish faith, both Rabbis came to take the body down. The light shone as these men gave Christ the highest burial possible, the light shone because this burial was like no other burial ever known, he was buried with a guarantee of the resurrection. This man could not be held by the grave, death could take him could not hold him. Two women came to the grave and the body was not there.

Two angels one at the feet and one at the head a reminder of the mercy seat.

Two is the number of witness, he is not here, come see the place, you cannot see him he is not here, light in that sepulchre that day, the light of the resurrection.

Time of conversion, Means of conversion, Faith of conversion Result of conversion Promise of conversion

Evil man who was cursing Christ got converted, there is a time of conversion, long before a person is born God has recorded their name and time of conversion.

When there were only Angels in heaven and earth was not formed, God wrote their conversion in His book of life.

How sad to think you can be saved and lost, to think that you get to heaven because of your hold on Christ, you get to heaven because of Christ’s hold on you.

Can you conceive of God’s book of life recording someone as born of the flesh, born of the Spirit and of God, then unfortunately lost and condemned? Does that read with any conviction? NO

I am looking forward to the day when I get to heaven and in the company of the redeemed and the Angels read my name in that beautiful book my name written in the blood of my saviour. God gave us to his son before the foundation of the world. That was the light that shone on the thief that day.

Look at this man he is dying as a sinner, but beside him is a man who is dying as a sacrifice. He followed the crowed in their ungodliness, sneered, mocked and insulted Christ but suddenly he is a changed man, the change is indicated by his rebuke to his fellow criminal, he has done nothing amiss, he is innocent and we are guilty, how could he change so in a moment, cursing one moment then defending Christ, what happened.

Means of his conversion, how did it happen, he never heard the Gospel, never heard any preaching, and never attended a prayer meeting. How did he get converted, God had a limited edition of the Bible for Him and Pilate wrote it. This is Jesus the king of the Jews. The thief looked and looked again and believed it, he said remember me when you come into your kingdom. He saw and believed the written word of God, he saw it in his translation, Pilate was challenge for writing the king of the Jews, the said he should write that he claimed to be the king of the Jews, Pilate responded I have written what I have written.

Faith of conversion, faith comes by hearing, hearing by the word of God. If you were there you would have thought this man is for hell. No, he was recorded in glory, his name was written. His faith was real; he was fighting for and defending Christ, the only one there who defended Christ.

At the cross at the cross where I fist saw the light and the burden of my heart rolled away, it was their by faith I received my sight and now I am happy all the day…..

The result of conversion, after this darkness came down but it never entered the converted man’s heart, he stayed in divine light as he was converted from the very edge of hell. What can separate us from the love of God, shall earthquake, shall darkness, no, shall death, no, Nothing can separate us.

Anyone can be saved if they are in a place where they can repent, you can’t repent after death, and you can’t repent in hell.

The promise of conversion, you can be saved today, the cross is the rock of salvation, the cross is a beacon a light that shines on you, it is a wonderful thing to be saved, get saved today, call on the name of the LORD, that all poor thief could do, call and trust, believe and ask, he will answer you.

Today you will be in paradise with me!!

Jerusalem.”A City to cry over.”   Luke 19:28-44

The four Gospels give an account of this Triumphal entry into Jerusalem. Jesus had deliberately played down and avoided publicity. Now he is willing to show Jerusalem that He is King and at the height of the celebration, just when victory is near, Jesus breaks down and weeps. (Bitter anguish as for the dead) It was a shock to his disciples and followers to see their King seemingly so weakened and distressed. The most disappointing day of their lives, when the kingdom seemed within their grasp, the master washes away His prospects with His tears.

Not very credible as one whom they hoped to rescue them from their enemies.

The shallowness of human celebration. The planning. Colt prepared and ready.

It seems to be prearranged with followers of Jesus involved in preparing the colt and having a password. Jesus had often passed this way and probably had friends and followers in the area. It’s owners, suggests poor people who owned and shared the animal.

The Lord has need would suggest a high level of respect, expectation and faith. This is Jesus Himself declaring His unique position as lord over Israel.

An unbroken colt. In Baptism he joined with men stood where they he sat where no man had sat. The ass would have been easier but he was not going to Jerusalem for comfort.

He chose coltish men for his disciples. The Pharisees were a safe bunch. His disciples would break out for him.

Needed to be untied, delivered and broken.

Missionary friend lost his daughter, Why? The lord has need of her. The lord has need of you. But perhaps you need to be untied, and delivered to your lord and broken.

Prophecy fulfilled  Zech. 9:9  Micah and Isaiah, declared His advent to the world, predicting His birth and showing His humility.

Zechariah declared His advent to the Jews as He enters Jerusalem Showing His majesty.

Now that it would not harm His work He accepted their homage.

Said to Pilate, “I am a King, but my kingdom is not of this world.”

An ass would have done for his earthly ministry, carried his mother to Bethlehem, the family to Egypt and back, but his was the way of poverty, He is recorded only as walking.

Needed a colt for His Messianic presentation as king of the Jews. He was coming in peace and love and before their final rejection of him He asks with outstretched arms and tears that they accept Him as their king of love.

Foretaste of triumph. Transfiguration sowed what he left to come on his Royal errand of mercy.

The courage. Price on his head

The High priest had already put a price on the head of Jesus making him an outlaw and obliging everyone to report his whereabouts.

The Jews were nervous at the reaction of their people to the resurrection of Lazarus whom they wanted to kill.

And they saw their world being turned upside down by a carpenter from Nazareth.

The Pharisees asked Jesus to rebuke the disciples because they feared the reaction of the Romans to anyone proclaiming a king other than Caesar. Stones cry out. This very public entrance into the city begins His week of passion.

Shallow praise. Hosanna on Sunday, crucify him on Friday. Probably not the same people, His followers were stunned and silent with none prepared to declare His generation.

Blessed be the king on Sunday, no king but Caesar on Friday.

People coming to Jerusalem for the festival were greeted with these words taken from Psalm 118. Your kingdom come, Comes in the name of King David? Yes and No!

He was the King coming in reality. They saw his miracles, sung of his glory, saw his prophetic entry, yet they only saw a prophet from Galilee.

The final appeal. Take me as your king.

They set Jesus on the cold, they took the initiative, He did not mount, you have to take, accept, make Him king of your life, you have to take the initiative. He came to his own and they knew Him not.

The Pharisees asked Him to quieten the celebrations; they did not want Him proclaimed as messiah or King. Proverb of the day about injustice, stones cry out.

If you only knew.  This was their day of peace, God had come to them in the person of Jesus the Messiah, but they failed to recognize him and rejected him. If they would only realize the consequences of their actions, the judgment, the destruction for them and for their children. On the cross Christ cried out father forgive them for they know not what they do.

The depth of divine sadness. Tears of perplexity. They would not come.

During His ministry he had done everything to reach the hearts of His people. Healed their sick, cleansed their lepers, fed their hungry, taught them truth yet he won no abiding place in their Hearts. They had spurned His warnings, and refused His help. As a hen gathers her chicks under her wings so He desired to gather His people under the shadow of the almighty, he would but they would not.

Rejected many times. He had been rejected so often and now he realised that it was too late, now they would fall into the hands of their fearful God. God could put the planets in orbit but has restricted Himself to knocking on the doors of human hearts, if they won’t open and he is denied then the consequences are on their own heads.

Tears of pain. Crucify him

His final rejection will be the cruellest, the peace of God is hid from their eyes and they will kill the king of peace.

Destruction of Jerusalem He knew that they would have to live with the consequences of their rejection and speaks prophetically of events that would happen within a generation. Josephus the Historian describes the destruction of Jerusalem in AD 70 saying that as far as the eye could see there were crucified Jews. Seeing ahead Jesus wailed for the lost opportunity and needless waste.

Tears of pity.  He loved them

He was wept for those he loved; He bled for you because he loves you.

Wanted to save them He could not save His generation because they rejected Him yet he still followed through with God’s plan of salvation for the generations to come. He overcame the rejection with great resolve and for your sake endured the cross.

Conclusion. Another Judgement to come, I saw a great white throne…and those not found written in the book of life!. Christ still loves the world but on the final day of judgement those who reject Him will be rejected. It is not necessary just see and believe that this is the day God came to you.


Luke 23:32-49

Introduction. We need to be saved, we need to trust Christ as our Saviour. You can and must be saved from your sin. Best sermon that I could think of is a seven point sermon, the last sermon Jesus preached before his death.

Christ preaching the Gospel from the Cross. Seven deep outpouring, seven painful utterances of mercy and justice, seven cries from the heart that summarize, sum up, the whole Gospel which is powerful enough to change any sinner into a saint and any hell into heaven. This is how men can be saved, it is a lifeline strengthened and soaked in the blood of the saviour.  John Newton. Amazing Grace. Stretch out the hand of faith and grasp the lifeline and be saved.  Miss the lifeline and be lost forever.

"Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing." (Lk 23:34).

"I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in paradise." (Lk 23:43).

"Dear woman, here is your son," "Here is your mother." (Jn 19:26-27).

"My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" (Mt 27:46-47; Mk 15:34-36).

"I am thirsty." (Jn 19:28).

"It is finished." (Jn 19:30).

"Father, into your hands I commit my spirit." (Lk 23:46).

First point in this Gospel sermon was uttered when they nailed him to the cross. It was a prayer. 23:34 Father forgive them they know not what they do. In the midst of the horrific painful and cruel crucifixion is born the gospel message a message that offers mercy, pardon and forgiveness for all, even for those with the hammer in their hands, even for you. Now there is no sin that cannot be cleansed when brought to the blood. Only the unpardonable sin cannot be brought to the blood so cannot be forgiven.

Second point. He responds to a vile sinner who was reviling him then suddenly changes and believes and asks for help. What changed him, Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God, he saw the writing above His head, he heard his first point and longed for that mercy and pardon. Christ did not reply and say yes I will remember you, He said Today you will be with me in paradise. JC Ryle calls this man the first immediate convert of the Gospel and pictures the angels in paradise saying who is this man that comes with Christ walking hand in hand approaching the throne of mercy, who is this that The Son introduces to His Father? The dying thief rejoiced to see that fountain in his day and there may you as vile as he was, wash all your sins away. All that Adam lost will be restored to you today.

Third point concerns his unique and sole office of saviour. Woman here is your son, God has no mother, she was a sanctified vessel used of God in the incarnation but had no place at the crucifixion, he would die alone and he alone saves. He distances himself from her as he had done before at the temple when he was 12, at Canna, what have I to do with you; my hour has not yet come, lonely hour. Simeon prophesied a sword would pierce her heart and here it is the sword of separation. Jesus puts Mary under the protection of beloved John where she will have security and peace.

Fourth point. He deals with his own demons. My god my God why hast thou forsaken me. From Psalm 22 which ends with another point, it is finished. In-between these two statements the full wrath of God fell on Him. What suffering what wrath was outpoured upon him, not just the sin of our days of iniquity but the sin of the days of our enlightenment which are the worst hell of all? Faithful and just to cleanse us from our sin, cleansing comes only from his blood. Why, no man can fathom the anguish of the cry, sunk to hell where his bear foot touched the blistering heated coals of that place of torment. Pain in his holy soul as the foulness of our sin and the fire of our judgement was fully laid on him.

Fifth point. I thirst, four times they tried to give him help and make him drink, but he had to carry the burden alone without help. My virtue has gone out of me as the woman touched him, it left its mark. He gave the total virtue of his life and blood and it marked him. Thirsty all through the crucifixion but he refused to drink until his work was done. There is a thirst in hell that will never be quenched. The rich man wanted just a drop, but there was none available, he was in a fire that burns the mouth dry. Trust in Christ and you will never thirst again.

Sixth point. Victory, It is finished, a great cry, after he had endured all he cried it is finished, only then did he bow his head, never before. At that very moment the divine hands of God reached down and seized the great curtain, the great veil in Herods temple and ripped it apart from top to bottom and a way was made for us to enter into the most holy place, to the throne of grace to the mercy seat. You can come there and say be merciful to me a sinner.

Seventh point is the Conclusion, into your hands I commend my spirit. You can say that now, and on your deathbed can repeat it with confidence. The spirit answers to the blood of Christ, accept Him and you will know that you are saved.

Pastor David M Meikle.

Joel Chapter 3 Text. 3:14 Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision! For the day of the LORD is near in the valley of decision.

Introduction. Joel is in two parts, firstly about a natural disaster, a doomsday event equal to any national disaster. A plague of Locusts used of God to Judge and restore Israel. Judgment is no so bad if you know that there is restoration afterwards, is possible to withstand the punishment if you know that you will be reinstated and blessed afterwards.

The second part is more serious because it is a look into the future to the final judgment on the nations of the earth. One day we will all be in that valley of decision.

This is not people in a valley needing to, or about to, make a decision, no this is multitudes in a valley waiting for God to make His final decision, give His final pronouncement on the fate of those gathered in the valley.

I could preach a sermon using this text and say that you are one of a multitude throughout all the nations of the earth that are in a deep valley of sin and need to make a decision about whether you go to heaven of hell.

That would be justifiable and many a sermon has been preached to good effect asking the audience to decide. However the passage is much clearer than that, it gives you an insight to your future. This will happen to you, it’s recorded here for your clear understanding. I say your not our, because by the grace of God I have seen and understand, and accept and have acted upon what this text is saying to you, today. What the text is saying to you is that the day of the Lord, the day of final judgment will come, you and I will be there so awake and live your life in the light of the final Judgment of God. Start here and live your life backwards from this future day.

On Judgment day all decisions have already been made. The nations have only to hear God’s final decision, his final decision about you and me.

God will judge you on the basis of your response to the family of God. Vs. 2 Why? Because how I respond to God’s people is how I respond to Him.

Matt. 25 If you have done it to the least of these my brothers you have done it to me! How have you treated God’s family? What is your attitude to Israel.

God will judge you on the basis of your treatment to children. Vs.3 gambling for children, selling them into prostitution, selling them for wine. Putting their own pleasure before the welfare of Children. Defenses children being mistreated, better that a millstone were around their neck and that they were cast into the sea. Final judgment is already around their neck.

God will Judge you as you have judged. Vs.4,7  I will return on your own heads what you have done.

The punishment will fir the crime. The punishment of God fits the crime against God.

Sinner says I have no fear of God I can do what I like, there is no thunder bold going to strike me! Rom. Paul says, God gave them over to their sin. He does not step inn, but the valley of decision is still to come.

Poetic language and meaning because there is not a valley in the world that could hold all the nations.

This is a dark picture that has a parallel in the Angels confined to hell awaiting Judgment. For if God did not spare angels when they sinned, but sent them to hell, putting them into gloomy dungeons to be held for judgment; 2 Pet.2:4 How will he spare multitudes of mankind who are in the valley awaiting His divine decree of judgment.

Those in the valley have made their choice, made their decision and now God will make His decision.

Here is the accusation of God against you. For when I called, no one answered. Is.66:4.

Cod called time after time and you chose not to hear his voice, not to answer his call. How does he speak, in a sunset, in the birth of a child, a near miss in the car, a time of crisis, a still small voice, a sermon, something said or read or overheard? You have decided not to hear not to answer His call.

Hedge. Decision is translated as a dividing hedge, wall or valley separating two lots of people, some have made the wrong decision and some have made the right decision. Rich man and Lazerus.

Day of wailing and gnashing of teeth but also a day when they shall be mine says the Lord on that day when I make up my jewels.

Sometimes it is hard to spot the difference between a Christian and a non Christian. On that day the difference will be seen.

Gold. Is used to describe a decision. A valley of Gold. One half of the valley is filled with people who are pure gold. Malachi 3:2-3 the Lord refines his people, he purges them, and they are tried as by fire.

Two fires, one of judgment one of refining, the refining fire is hottest. Put gold in the fire and it is not destroyed but purified.

Why am I someone in the fire, because you are pure gold? The dross in your life is being consumed, your faith is being strengthened.

What a difference between the two sides in the valley of decision! What side are you on!

Between Joel and the final judgment Christ Jesus appeared so that before the final judgment there is an individual day of decision. Accept Christ as your saviour and you will live in the assurance of sins forgiven and in the power of the Holy Spirit. The day of grace will become a day of glory!

Matt 25:32-34 All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. He will put the sheep on his right and the goats on his left. "Then the King will say to those on his right, `Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world.

On judgment day may we all hear these words spoken to us in the valley of decision?

Song of Songs. The phrase "Song of Songs" means the greatest of songs. In Deuteronomy 10:17 the repetitive expression is used of God to indicate that he is the greatest and is greater than all gods. For the LORD your God is God of gods and Lord of lords. In 1 Timothy 6:15 Paul uses the same double definition. God, the blessed and only Ruler, the King of kings and Lord of lords.

 Interpretation. A simple love poem that helps us to see that our human relationships and our relationship with God are best expressed and experienced through love. We believe that our relationship with God is based upon our love for Jesus and perhaps the best use of this poem is to use it to deepen our relationship with Jesus, who is our beloved.

 When a book is difficult to interpret and the Church has a variety of opinions on interpretation of this book, where do you go for leads?

 Dispensationalists see it as a type of the love of Christ for His bride and His eventual coming for her.

 The puritans see it as an allegory going as far as saying that the left breast is the Old Testament and the right the New Testament, such heavy allegory can be tiresome, one writer has 86 sermons on the hair of the bride being the Gentile nations coming to Christ.

Often Jewish writers can help with interpretation and they view this song in an awe inspiring way. They use the image of the Temple to venerate the wisdom literature, Proverbs being the outer court, Ecclesiastes the Holy Places and Song of Songs the Most Holy Place.

 A more modern up to date approach is to take the poem and the story it tells at face value and let it touch your heart. As long as you stick to the text and its meaning you can apply it to your relationships, especially your relationship with God and Christ. This song was probably first sung at a wedding to celebrate the wonder and potential of married life.

The story. The king has a vineyard in Ephraim, 50 miles north of Jerusalem that he has rented to a family consisting of a mother, her two sons and two daughters. The older daughter known as the Shulamite is a Cinderella figure, neglected and forced to work at trimming the vines, catching the little foxes and herding the flock. She is sun burnt and has no time to look after her body and her looks. Into her life comes the man of her dreams, he is a shepherd who looks like a king and begins to show an interest in her, we love him because he first loved us, and the poem is their courtship, their emerging feelings of love and vision of their future together.

 Vs.1 It starts with a desire for closer intimacy, she has met him and he has kissed her. Her desire is for more kisses; let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth. Having tasted his kiss she wants to taste it again and again. She can compare his kiss to wine, wine pictures all that the world has to offer and it is delightful but can not compare to his love. He is better than wine, better than honey.

In the Gospels Christ is the great shepherd who loves his flock, his sheep with a self-sacrificing love, he loved his own unto death. How does he kiss us? By His grace as he comes to us showing an interest in us and drawing us to him. How do we kiss him? By accepting his death for us and by repenting of our sin, and believing the Gospel.

The prodigal son repented and returned home and his father embraced him and kissed him.

Why did she fall in love with him, clearly he made the first move, but why did she respond so lovingly, what did she see in him that made her fall more in love with him.

Vs.3 His name, “your name is like perfume poured out

The names of God in the Bible are many and wonderful, father, provider, healer, and saviour all point to His character and draw us to him in love. West Side Story. Hardly any lyrics, just Maria, just the name.

Isaiah the prophet tells his people who are walking in darkness and despair uncertain of the future to trust in the name of the Lord. Let him who walks in the dark, who has no light, trust in the name of the LORD and rely on his God. 50:10.

We love thy name O Lord wherein thy honour dwells.

Vs.7 His character,where you graze your flock…and where you rest your sheep” he is a caring shepherd, a gentle Character, providing for his flock, expressing his care in a practical way. God goes further than that, he cares for us, we fall in love with Christ through his care.

Vs.8 His word,most beautiful of women” he says wonderful things to her. “how beautiful you are, my darling.Mare, decorated amongst the stallions causing a stir. Doesn’t God say lovely things to you, isn’t his word filled with invitations, blessings, doesn’t he call us his children, he calls us kings, queen, princesses and princes, priests and even brothers. Doesn’t he say we are beautiful in the righteous beauty of Christ?

Vs.10,11 His gifts. Your cheeks are beautiful with earrings, your neck with strings of jewels. We will make you earrings of gold, studded with silver. He makes her hand made gifts, specially chosen by him. God gives us gifts, not all the same gifts or that would be tedious. He gives the gifts that he wants us to have gifts that will adorn and enhance our lives. The problem with gifts is that we always look at what other have. Remember leaving Oban for FM and being shocked at all the gifted young men and women and being angry with God that I had nothing. Churches fall into this trap, why can’t we have a pastor like theirs? Worship like theirs? Have a building like theirs? Let God chose and give you the gifts that he wants you to have. He gives gifts to his people.

 Conclusion. What can we do to encourage our love for God, how can we develop our love for Jesus? We all need to be loved by God and others, we all need to love God and others. Love is something to work at and develop. What did the Shulamite girl do to help her increase her love?

 Vs.4,7 Wanted to spend special intimate time with her beloved.Take me away with you.” “Tell me…where you rest your sheep at midday” even through the day she wanted every opportunity to be with him. She asked where to find him and he directs her to his flock. He can be found with his people.

 Vs.12  Made him sovereign of her life. “While the King was at his table.” While we can have loving intimacy with our God and creator he demands that we make him King of our lives. There is no room for competitors. While we love Jesus, we also must submit and bow to him. Lord of Lords or not lord at all.

Vs 6-5. See yourself as you really are. Dark am I, yet lovely. Do not stare at me because I am dark.” Saw her-self in the mirror and complained about her weather-beaten appearance blaming her brothers for making her work in the fields, and herself for not taking time to care for her looks. Soft and white suggested refinement, tanned suggested a field worker. Often we look at ourselves and are discouraged seeing our faults and failings. Boaz saw Ruth, dark and comely, the Shulanite’s lover  saw her as beautiful. In Christ God sees us as beautiful, sees us in his righteousness.

Don’t listen to yourself, talk to yourself.

 Vs.7 We need to express our love for God. “Tell me, you whom I love.” Peter do you love me? Express our love through our faithfulness.

 Vs.16-17 We need to live in expectancy of the future. ‘And our bed is verdant. The beams of our house are cedars; our rafters are firs.” Their thinking of the wedding and the house they will live in. Anticipate what you will do together with your saviour.

Expect great things of God and attempt great things for God.

 The Lamb of God - John 1:29. The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him and said, "Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world! Vs. 34 I have seen and I testify that this is the Son of God."

Here we have an Inspiration straight from God, otherwise he would not have known, he would not have this fundamental testimony that Jesus of Nazareth is the Lamb of God and the Son of God. Who was also known as Lion, Lamb, king, high priest but always the son of God.

After four long dark centuries of silence God speaks through the son of a priest, a son of Levi dressed like an OT prophet a figure like Elijah. People flock to hear and obey, the establishment sends a committee, who are you or who do you thing that you are. A voice! On the second day of their questioning he lifts up his voice and points his finger at Jesus; Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!

This rang a bell struck a cord with his Jewish listeners. OT priests were butchers, the temple was a slaughterhouse, a lamb was offered every morning and every evening, and many other sacrifices in between.

Danger today of focusing on Jesus as a teacher, good but not enough, Nicodemus knew him as a teacher but Jesus told him he needed to be born again. Its not the teaching that saved but the teacher. Must come to Him first as the Son of God and the Lamb of God before you can have any fellowship with Him. 

The only problem with Portslade is sin, people are sinners, they are already planning a lot of Christmas sin. They need a saviour, they need the lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. The sin singular, only he can do it. He is able to! Churches are full at Christmas with many people, who are gathered around an Idea a story, they need saved from their sin. Need to be born again.

What cord was struck in their understanding

Abraham on Moriah 1st mention Genesis 22 where is the Lamb, God will provide Himself a (The) Lamb. Isaac saved by a substitute ram.

Night of the birth of the nation, Passover, when I see the blood I will Passover you. 2nd mention Exodus 12 prepare a lamb, consume the lamb, eat your lamb. Perhaps 22k lambs slaughtered that night yet every mention is in the singular. Pointing to the Son of God the Lamb of God.

Set time beginning of the month, fullness of time God sent his son.

Spotless lamb, the best about 10k, separate from the rest. How spotless and separate is Lamb of God.

Killed in the evening, slaughtered in a moment of time between two days.

Blood applied to the door posts.

Substitute lamb died in their place.

Sustained them, they ate and were sustained.

Law of final mention Rev. 23:3 No longer will there be any curse. The throne of God and of the Lamb will be in the city,

No more curse means no more death, the book begins with a lamb newly slain standing in the midst of the throne. Slain yet standing.

Identification. As Christ is baptized and identifying Himself with our wretchedness, God identifies Him. This is my beloved Son. Passover lamb was scrutinized for 14 days He was scrutinized for 30 years and God said I am well pleased.

The Spirit of God also identified Him as the Lamb fit for purpose. The Spirit lands on him as a tender dove. Every condition met in Him and he is identified by every true believing spirit to be the son of God and the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world.

Takes away speaks of the cross. A voluntary act of self control and dedicated purposeful will. He never bowed his head until it was finished. The fire consumed the OT Lamb but he consumed the fire of God’s Judgement.

Release someone from a load, take that load upon ones shoulders, and take it far away. As far as the east is from the west. Blotted out forevermore.

OT where is the lamb, NT behold the lamb, in heaven Worthy is the lamb

 The Great Galilean Ministry 16 Mark 5:1-20

Introduction. Acts 2:22 "Men of Israel, listen to this: Jesus of Nazareth was a man accredited by God to you by miracles, wonders and signs, which God did among you through him, as you yourselves know.”

36 miracles described in the Gospels. Personal intervention of God. I lift a book, God lifts a mountain.

Since Christ is God is as natural to Him to do a miracle as it is for a watchman to set the hands of a clock.

None are petty or meaningless; each brings help, comfort, restoration and point to the redemption of the soul.

They were a seal to his authority, Bread of life, Resurrection and the life.

Proof that his message was one of compassion and love. Guarantee that he can save; if he can destroy the visible works of Satan he can also destroy the invisible works.

Note. For many the miracles are a hindrance to believing the Gospels! Perhaps in a way they are since we need faith to accept them. Take them away and what is left to believe in?

Illustration. Alpine guide offering his hand. “This hand never lost a man.”

In the Galilee there were few doctors and the healing art was practiced by many quacks relying on charms rather than medicine.

The Great physician was welcome in Galilee.

Miracles, Demonstrating his power.

Wonders, directing attention to God.

Signs, demonstrating his ministry

Three classes of miracles.

  • Power over nature, which we saw last week as he calmed the storm.
  • Power over demons, which we will look at today. Some think that our small visible world is the only one. Paul writing to the Ephesians said; “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
  • Power over diseases, which we will see next week.

Background notes.

  • Vs1 region of the Gerasenes, South east of the lake, least populated area mostly gentiles, part of the Roman province of Decapolos. Probably Jews farming pigs, which was forbidden by the OT law. The people did not blame Jesus, perhaps this was conscience. Jesus allowed the pigs to drown but it was the destructive power of Satan that caused it.
  • Vs 2-3 Dwelling amongst the caves, not a graveyard as we know it, hewn out of the rocky hillside.
  • Vs 19 Go home to your friends and tell them. No danger of  hindering crowds following him.


1.     Demons are real they are not just psychological problems

Word of God says they are demons so they are. This is not some limited view of an earlier society to describe or understand psychological problems. The psychological problems of one man- or two- could not enter 2ths. Pigs.

Demons are real and can cause dysfunction. Here they are called Unclean spirits,

Luke, deaf and dumb spirits,

Matt. spirit of infirmity, 

1 Tim. deceitful spirits.

OT familiar spirits associated with people.

This passage informs us about demons.

  • Vs4 Give supernatural strength.
  • Vs 5 Cause self harm and dysfunction.
  • Vs 9 many could inhabit one man.
  • Vs 10 Inhabited a geographical area, don’t send us out of the country.

Jesus has power over demons. They are limited by God and will be destroyed by God.

2. People are more important than animals.

People are different from animals, both created but humans are more important. One man is more important than 2ths. Swine, and the pig industry.


  • Never to far gone for God’s saving power. Clothed and in his right mind.
  • The Lord will not stay where he is not wanted. Vs 17. Christ showed their failure and they would not accept him. Asked him to leave and he did.
  • Let’s not be slow to repeat the good things God has done for us.


The Great Galilean Ministry 15 Mark 4:35-41

Introduction. Critics have a hard time with the miracles. Church made an ordinary Jesus into a supernatural Jesus.

People were more gullible. Ignore the fact that the unbeliever of that day saw and believed. Religious leaders sought to destroy Him because of his actions and claims. Churchill, could we make this great man into a supernatural figure? Dunkirk, calm fog! Nation at prayer.

Background. Vs.35 Crossing west to south from Galilee to Gerasenes, ten miles. Sudden violent storms, cold med. Air meeting the hot air of the lake.

Vs.36 As he was in the boat. Pulpit. Crowds on the banks and other boats alongside listening to his teaching.

Vs. 38 Cushion. Sleeping peacefully, Marks human touch. Sunday night is the best night for the preacher.

Jesus boat. One of the largest, could hold 15 people. 5ft.5in, 140lbs. Jesus and his disciples.

Two teaching points.

1. Jesus has power over nature. Fully God and fully man. Not a man with a super powers, 75% God 25% man, no here both his complete deity and humanity are displayed. “Quiet, be still” calmed the storm. Same verbs are used in 1:27 when he cast out the demon, suggesting that the storm had some dark origin. He was in control of the elements and of any satanic darkness. His is fully God.

Asleep on a cushion, He needed to eat and sleep and rest, He is fully man.

God made the Red Sea open for Moses, the sun stop for Joshua and the rain cease for Elijah. Jesus being God and man has the same power. Still has this power today.

11. Jesus power guarantees a disaster free new Heaven and Earth.

“creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the glorious freedom of the children of God. We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time.” Rom. 8:21-22

“But in keeping with his promise we are looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth, the home of righteousness.” 2 Pet.3:13.

Storm are allowed at the moment as the earth groans, but all that will change, The power of Jesus guarantees this.

4 Ds. Disaster, Demons, Death, Disease, will be no more.


1. Character is built through crisis. He knew the storm was coming, why not wait until tomorrow? He led them into the storm to build character, increase their faith and trust in Him. Why do you have storms in your life? Would you rather be protected from them all?

2. We are not alone in the storms of life. Asleep but in control.  Sometimes in our storms we think that God is asleep. Heb. 13:5 "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you." So we say with confidence, "The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid.

Tossed, water-logged, drowning, we are not alone.

Three year old in the swimming pool with his dad. Deeper, deeper, look of anxiety. But if he could analyze the situation, no matter where 3ft or 6ft the child’s safety lay in his fathers arms.

We panic and lose control, but our father is never out of His depth. We are as safe as we have ever been. 

The Great Galilean Ministry Matt.7:7-29 In fact, everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted, while evil men and impostors will go from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived. But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of, because you know those from whom you learned it, and how from infancy you have known the holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work. 2 Tim 3:12-17.

The Sermon on the Mount is about the righteous standard of the King, the moral standard of those who would enter the kingdom.

Someone asked me about salvation! I say read John Chap.3. Someone asked me about a deeper more committed Christian life! Then read Matt.5-7

The Jews rejected Jesus and this sermon but the moral standard still stands today. All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness. Hermeneutics. Only one interpretation but many applications.

1. Perseverance in Prayer. 7-11. God expects believers to ask, seek and knock. It’s a command to keep on asking, to keep on seeking and to keep on knocking. But It’s not a blank cheque.

Sometimes we make wrong requests. James 4:3 When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures.

Sometimes we ask outside of God’s will. 1 John 5:13-14  This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. And if we know that he hears us--whatever we ask--we know that we have what we asked of him.

How do we know God’s will  90% found in scripture 10% Found by walking in the light.

Look at David and the temple, God said No That’s for Solomon.

If the rapture took place tomorrow then many of my prayers will not have been answered.

God knows best and will not give us anything harmful. This persistent prayer is in the context of the kingdom therefore pray for humility, to be a peace maker, for your daily bread, that God’s name will be hallowed in your life.

You can see 39 prayer subjects to this point and 45 in the complete sermon.

Have you heard a pagan praying? Self-interest, vengeance, justification, winging.

2. The Golden rule. Vs 12. Jews it was in the negative form, Jesus puts it in the positive. A great difference.

Should not gossip but say nice things about people. Do it whether they do it or not.

Practice the golden rule and you fulfill the law and the prophets.

in order that the righteous requirements of the law might be fully met in us, who do not live according to the sinful nature but according to the Spirit. Romans 8:4

Love does no harm to its neighbor. Therefore love is the fulfillment of the law. Romans 13:10

We don’t live in an Old Testament religion but we must fulfill or practice the moral righteousness contained there.

We now have a common teaching method, two-way method. To ways, gates, trees, fruits, builders. Vs 28-29?

Jesus used a common method in an uncommon way.

3. Two different ways and gates. 13-14. Context is discipleship but a gospel application is acceptable. Travel the narrow way, that which Jesus trod, that alone leads to the narrow gate and eternal life. Avoid the broad road that leads to destruction.

Question is, does this mean there are few that are saved? Answer, strive to enter the narrow gate.

There is no mention of an alternative door. When you go through this door there is no return.

Jeremiah 21:8 "Furthermore, tell the people, `This is what the LORD says: See, I am setting before you the way of life and the way of death.

1 Cor.1:18 For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.

Christ is the door, He is the way. Many respectable people are on the broad way because they are not following Christ.

Most believers will not become disciples but waste their lives on things that do not count for eternity.

What makes it so hard is the false prophets who preach human ideas and discount or pervert the scriptures. There will be no false prophets in the future kingdom so this is a warning for today and the tribulation period. They are so realistic, seem genuine, but are not characterized by love and sacrifice. Wolves in sheep’s clothing are recognized by their fruit.

What makes it so hard is self-deception. All the outward form of religion, Using Christ’s name for preaching, as a formula for exorcism and for working miracles. Not only self-deception but self-will. Vs. 21 will of my father.


God is the final judge. Jesus never rejects his own. Persist in Prayer. Watch out for the wolves, don’t be deceived by signs and wonders.  Live by the Golden rule.

Marks Message: Matthew 7:7-14 (part 1 of 4) “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.” When this service is over, there will be a stampede to go into the hall to get a cup of tea. Maybe not a stampede, perhaps a polite queue, but what will happen when you get to the front of that queue? Imagine standing there waiting for a tea, a coffee, or something else … and nobody gives you anything. You just stand there waiting, and waiting, getting more thirsty by the second, unable to drink. What’s gone wrong? That will happen if you don’t ask for what you want. When Jesus says “Ask and it will be given to you.” The first step we have to take, is to ask. When he says we will find when we seek, we have to start by seeking. And nobody will open a door for you, unless you knock on it in the first place. That may sound obvious, but do we complain or worry about something, and then don’t ask God? Do we keep seeking his guidance? Do we keep knocking until he answers? I see Ask, Seek, and Knock as a progression. Something that increases at each stage. Asking is the first basic step. If you want something, you make a request for it, but then you wait for the response. If you don’t get an answer, then what? Seeking is much more active. You don’t just ask and wait, but you participate yourself. See what you can do. How you can take part to find what you are looking for. Then Knocking is taking action. Not just searching but then doing what needs to be done. You may have arrived at the right place, but then you need to take that action. That extra activity. This is all in the context of coming to God, to give him our concerns and ask him to guide us. Now if you want a drink after the service, and Barbara is behind the counter, then she will know what you want before you ask. Her memory is phenomenal. God knows even more and he knows exactly what we are thinking before we even ask. He still wants us to come to him. To build a relationship. So we can express how we feel, and know his presence. Then when we do, we can ask, seek, and knock. We can keep on asking until he shows us the answer, or lets us know it is not in his will. But we have to be careful here. In first Samuel chapter 13 we read the story of King Saul, who was waiting for the prophet Samuel who had promised to get there, to seek God’s blessing before a battle. Samuel was late, so Saul panicked and decided to make the offering himself. It was a terrible mistake, and it had bad consequences for both Saul and the Kingdom of Israel. Saul had ignored God’s command and showed his lack of faith. 1 When we pray, we don’t always feel we get an answer, or an answer that we want. So while we should always ask, keep searching, and carry out what God reveals to us, we should never do this in our own impatience, just because we feel God hasn’t answered. As it says in Proverbs 3:5-6: “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” (part 2) “Which of you, if your son asks for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake? If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!” In Christmas tradition, nothing to do with the Bible accounts, if you have been naughty then Father Christmas will only give you a lump of coal for your present. Given how expensive heating is at the moment, I think that coal you can burn is a quite a useful present really. That shows that whether something is nice or bad depends on your understanding. It changes according to your perspective, and that can alter over time. Sometimes, that is because we haven’t really asked or sought God over the issue. But other times, it’s because God’s answer is not what we think it should be. But is it the answer that we really need? I’ve been in situations where I have prayed, and God has seemingly not heard my cry. I didn’t understand it at the time. Yet years later, I can look back and see why God allowed that difficulty to arise, and why there seemed no answer. For other times, I still don’t know why. And I may never know this side of eternity. For those, I have to have faith that it is all in God’s plan. That can really hard, but it can be how we are tested. To trust in God no matter what. Also here, Jesus talks about ‘evil’ people. Who are these evil people? Jesus talked to different groups at different times. One group that his comments were aimed at, were the religious leaders of the time. Often they enjoyed the power they had over the society. They were more interested in themselves and controlling others than worshipping God. Jesus may have been referring to them. Today, there are those who also push God out the way. If they look at the marvels of the world and creation around us they say “it’s just random” “it just happened”, but then if something bad occurs - caused by evil men or because we live in a fallen world - then that is God’s fault. In effect, they are saying God only hands out useless stones and never the useful bread. Whereas the truth is the complete opposite. It is their own evil selfishness that refuses to accept God and his gifts. (part 3) “So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.” 2 The Pharisees were the religious leaders at the time of Jesus. They set out the rules, the regulations that they said God required of the people. These rules had become quite complex and burdensome, with what could and what could not be done. They had in effect replaced God with a system of laws. So when Jesus came along it upset them rather a lot. He wanted people to come to a relationship with God, not just rigorously follow ceremony. When Jesus healed someone, you would think the Pharisees would be excited about such a miracle. Wow someone’s been cured! But no, healing was ‘work’ and that was not permitted on the Sabbath. Which was the day that Jesus had performed this miracle. They only saw laws, not God. Jesus was establishing a new covenant. Not one where people had to make sacrifices for their sins, but where Jesus died in their place. So that by having faith in him, all sins can be forgiven. It didn’t remove the law, but created something superior. What Jesus brought was extraordinary and ground-breaking compared to what they had known until then. The prophets had foretold someone special would be coming, but it was only when Jesus spoke and explained God’s plan, that firstly the disciples and later other followers understood. In this verse, Jesus explains an easy way of how to behave. Don’t worry about every last rule, and don’t try and find sneaky ways to avoid them. Just ask yourselves how you would feel if someone did that to you, and then you know whether you should be doing it at all. You know the answer for yourself. It’s a good rule to live by, a good start, but it’s not just meant as a human way to be a good person. The other part of the new covenant, the new arrangement, that Jesus brought was that God’s Holy Spirit can dwell in us, and guide us in our lives. In Jeremiah 31:33 we read this prophecy: “This is the covenant I will make with the people of Israel after that time,” declares the LORD. “I will put my law in their minds and write it on their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be my people.” Later on it says: “For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more.” That is what Jesus’ sacrifice means for us. (part 4) “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.” 3 Let’s imagine a cafe. It’s a weekday, so it’s semi-busy. A lot of happy chatter and eating. Customers can look out the large windows onto the grass area outside. Then they notice 2 teenagers walking past - but something isn’t quite right. They don’t look happy, they seem nervous, and why are they even there on a schoolday? Mrs Davis saw them, and went outside to say “hello”. She invited them and said she would get them a cup of tea. They hesitated for a moment, but then agreed to come in. Then Mr Walker, a kind retired teacher, sat down and spoke with them. He found out what was wrong. How they both had problems at home, both argued with their families, and had decided to run away together. It was Miss Hall who came over with a delicious slice of pie for each of them. She chatted with them, and calmed them down. Finally, it was Mr Scott, who sat down, pulled out his phone, and persuaded them to send a text message, so at least their families would know they were safe. All of them watched the reunion, as less than 20 minutes later, both of their dad’s arrived. They had both taken the day off work, and had been searching for them since then. That cafe is an allegory for our church. Maybe you won’t be the one when the lost soul finally sends a message to their Father in heaven. But maybe you will be one that invites someone to an event. Maybe you will be the one that provides a comforting and listening ear. Maybe you will be able to answer questions that they have. God loves to give us bread, not stones. Do we also give out bread? When you talk to a friend: do you say hello, and ask them about their day, and wish them well? That’s great, but is that giving them bread, or just some stones. Pretty painted stones maybe, but still stones. If God gives you bread, what do you give to others? This verse talks about the narrow gate and narrow road that leads to life. That only those who have faith in God and accept Jesus died for them are saved. But we should NOT focus here on the fact that the road to life is narrow. We should remember that there IS a road. And it is our privilege to show people to it. Mark Hopkins

The Great Galilean Ministry 13 Matt.7:1-6

Introduction. The sermon on the mount is not about salvation but about righteous living. Micah 6:8. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. So we are dealing with teaching on righteous living given to the Jewish nation preparing them for the Kingdom of heaven. The Jews rejected this and the full offer of Gods righteousness and grace extended to the Gentiles.

1. Be careful how you judge the motives and conscience of others.

These two verses are often misunderstood. We are not being told not to exercise our critical faculties by which we make valued judgments.

Vs 15 onwards we have a series of problems that need careful consideration, discernment, critical consideration and valued judgments False profits, wolves in sheep’s clothing, fruit, Evildoers who use the Lord’s name to prophecy, cast out demons and do miracles.

Vs 6 Dogs and pigs.

Mat.18:15, a fellow believer who has sinned, private audience.

1 Cor.6:1-6 Christians taking each other to court instead of letting the church judge the matter.

11 Cor.6:14 Unequally yoked.

The kind of judgment that comes under this warning is habitual censorial nagging, carping criticism, hypocritical fault finding, self-righteous finger pointing, ignorant assumptions, prejudice, narrow-mindedness, chauvinism, discrimination, bigotry, intolerance, you get the picture.

When Jesus warns us it is not negative, it’s always for a very positive and beneficial reason.

Ø  This wrong kind of judgment weakens those against whom it is directed.

Ø  It strengthens the hypocritical self-righteousness of those who use it.

Ø  It simulates or invites other to retaliate by indulging in the same nagging faultfinding.

Ø  Our own faults are patiently obvious to others even if we don’t see them ourselves. To draw attention to the faults of others and sanctimoniously try to correct them is to leave us open to criticism. “You’re one to talk.”

Judge your neighbor favorably and God will judge you constructively. “Kindness in judgment is a sacred duty.”

Quote from the Rabbis. 6 great works to bring a man credit. Study, visiting the sick, hospitality, and devotion to prayer, educating children in the law, thinking the best of other people.

Collie Knox, Royal flying corps, out of uniform and with a friend who had been awarded for bravery, eating at a famous London restaurant, the waitress gave them a white feather.

If your judge you will misjudge. We are all guilty of this or have suffered because others have misjudged us.

Ø  We don’t know all the details and circumstances.

Ø  We don’t know the person. Man had a stepdaughter, a teenager and thought her a morose, uncommunicative, self-centered, nuisance. Until her mother took ill, and she changed completely, dedicated nurse, unselfish and helpful.

Ø  We are not fit to judge the motives and conscience of another. Only God can do that.

 2. Don’t concentrate on the faults of other believers.

Jesus uses hyperbole, purposeful exaggeration or overstatement.

Cartoon material. Speck and a telegraph pole.

Tend to see the faults in others and be blind to our own.

We all have faults and it is not wrong to help each other with our faults, but we must clean our own eyes first.

The eye is a very sensitive area and you can’t go cleaning somebody’s eye without great care and tenderness. Granny used her tongue. Great laugh.

3. Be careful how you handle holy things.

Holy meat to dogs. Pearl to pigs. Pearl of greatest price. Ireland farmer, sister, pub.


Ø  Don’t suspend your judgement but be generous and clean your own eye first.

Ø  Use your sense of humour to serve the lord. Speck and log is funny.


The Great Galilean Ministry 12 Matt.6:25-34

Introduction. Therefore, this passage is in the context of treasure, wealth and the love of money. It’s about covetousness, storing up for the future, it’s about using all your energies to look after the welfare of your body.

Background information

v.25 Worry. To be drawn in different directions. To be pulled apart by worry. Dog worrying a rabbit. Child worrying a scab. The result is never good.

v.27 Add to your life. 18 inches higher or a few more years. Can’t be done by worrying. Worry shortens life, perhaps makes you smaller certainly not taller.

v.30 fire. Grass and flowers were used to heat clay ovens

v.32 Pagans. Loss of testimony. Man had chance of overtime, what would it do to his testimony. Charlie.

v.33 Seek. Zeteo, to go after, to strive, to pursue, to desire, to aim at, to search for, to endeavour to get. To seek the things of the world with that intensity, or to seek the things of God with that intensity is the question.

1. Believing Christians need not worry about their basic needs. (Hired a professional worrier) Let go and let God.

A. Needless. What we worry about mostly doesn’t happen. Worry changes nothing. Que sera, sera.

B. Blind. Two illustrations form the animal and vegetable kingdoms. Birds don’t starve, lilies don’t weave.

“The argument is that God sustains without their conscious participation creatures of the lower order. He will all the more sustain, with their active participation, those for whom creation took place.” (S U Notes)

C. Sinful. The pagans build their barns without any thought of God. They seek everything that is treasure in this world and that satisfies the body. Their body if their master. They have no time or respect for God and would never rest on any promise from God to provide for them, but have faith only in themselves and what the world has to offer. Christians must be different!! Here Christ commands us not to worry. Any command that we disobey is a sin.

Doesn’t mean we sit around and do nothing. 1 Thes. 3:10. We work for our care and God blesses us with what we need, he doesn’t guarantee us all we want, general principle, some suffer.

2. Believing Christians need not worry about the future.

Today has enough to keep us occupied so don’t worry about tomorrow. (Boy with the hay cart that he tipped)

Doesn’t mean get rid of your savings, nor ignore your pension plan, nor be ungrateful for your social security system. Use common sense and don’t worry about the future.

Three ways to overcome worry.

A. Faith v30 Believe that God will supply your daily needs.

B. Father v32 God knows and cares.

C. First v33 Priorities must be spiritual.

Application. How little is your faith, does this apply to us? How big is your God, same question, with little faith your concept of God is too small. (With all the problems in the world I am not going to bother God with my troubles)


The Gallian Ministry 11 Matt.6:1-24

 Introduction. Rom.10:4 Christ is the end of the law so that their may be righteousness for everyone who believes. The law did tow things 1. Taught that all mankind are sinners. 2. Taught that Christ is the designed or planned end or purpose of the law and the only remedy for sin. Christ perfectly fulfilled the law and through Him we are saved from our sin and made righteous in Him. Not an outward righteousness based on deed of the flesh but an inward righteousness written on our hearts.

Previously we saw six examples of misinterpretation of the law and how Our Lord took his audience and us back to the original meaning. Now we have three wrong practices, three areas of false piety. Giving, prayer, fasting. The paragraph on wealth and human attitude to money, makes a forth lesson for today.

1. Don’t flaunt your generosity and giving. Pharisees made a show of their giving for recognition. Jesus said their only reward would be any recognition they get from men. God will not recognise their hypocrisy. Our giving should give as secretly as possible Vs1. Left and right is a descriptive figure of speech.

2. Don’t flaunt your prayer. Do it in secret and don’t use vain repetition. The Lord’s Prayer, misnamed, disciple’s prayer. The Lord did not have any debts. Prayer was not given to be repeated in church or by individuals. Not wrong to use it. A good model or foundational prayer.

Not a cry for salvation but a model prayer to maintain fellowship through confession. Model given in the context of secrecy, in the avoidance of mechanical repetition, and the false piety and hypocrisy of the Pharisees.    

Six foundational imperatives.

Ø   9. Holiness of God

Ø  10. Kingdom of God

Ø  10. Will of God. Worship sovereign rule and will of God are all perfectly done in heaven, pray for the same here.

Ø  11. Our own needs after putting God’s interests first.

Ø  12 Forgiveness is not for salvation but to maintain fellowship. Vs 14-5 support this.

Ø  13 Protection. Distrust our own ability to resist temptation. Complete dependence upon God.

Doxology. For yours is the kingdom, the power and the glory for ever, Amen.

3. Don’t flaunt your fasting. Fasting for spiritual reasons. It’s not the God diet. Day of Atonement was the only commanded OT fast (Lev.23.) Moses, David , Elijah and Jesus all fasted, nothing wrong with fasting. However the Pharisees fasted for show, used makeup to look more miserable. Your fasting should be the same as your feasting.

4. Don’t hoard personal treasure. Where your treasure is your hart will also be. Negative. Don’t lay up on earth.

Positive. Lay up in heaven. Vs 22-23 is about spiritual insight or understanding. Can’t serve God and money. It’s about priorities. It’s not wrong to be rich but it’s hard to be rich and spiritual. 

If God makes you rich you have a great test and responsibility to give it away. IT’S THE ONLY WAY YOU CAN TAKE IT WITH YOU.

 The Great Galilean Ministry 10 Matt.5:17-48

INTRODUCTION. Most famous sermon, ask anyone to mention a sermon that Jesus preached, Sermon on the Mount. Question? Kingdom is coming, the king is here, what about the law? Fulfil all the OT scriptures. Stand until everything is accomplished. Smallest letter, Jot, Iota Yohd, Least stroke of a pen. Tittle, Pest Rest. Says something about the level of inspiration.

Pharisees and teachers of the law wrongly interpreted and misused scripture to suit their own ends. They were not ready for the kingdom Vs 20 God’s righteousness should be internal not external. Externalism! Jesus uses six examples to show how they were wrong and at the same time to show the real meaning of the law.

You have heard it said, not it is written.

1. Hate is the root of murder. OK to dam someone, to hate them, call them names, wish they were dead, as long as you did not murder them. 12:14

Command extends beyond the external act to the internal sentiment. Raca, empty headed: fool, godless. Anger and hatred must be quickly checked and reconciliation sought.

Don’t be contentious and take others to court. You take the first step towards reconciliation whether you were offended or not. Both parties responsible.

2. Lust is the root of adultery. Command was twisted and distorted. Pharisees, look and lust all you like just do not commit the act. Jesus exposed the attitude of lust that leads to the act. Drastic action, figurative not teaching self mutilation. Mag, TV, Computor throw them out if you cant use them properly. Mutilation would not solve the problem of lust. Destiny does not depend on physical conditions. Job 31:1 I have made a covenant with my eyes not to look lustfully upon a maid.

3. God does not support divorce. Malachi 2:16 God hates divorce. Deut 24. Wrongly used to get a divorce for any reason. Lack of romance, incompatibility, emotional stress, financial problems, unfulfilled dreams. Not acceptable only unfaithfulness.

Law did not condone divorce but put restrictions on practices picked up in Egypt. Passing a woman from man to man and writing a document to make it legal.

Divorce is not demanded for unfaithfulness, reconciliation is better. Biblical position is to wait for reconciliation. God’s dealing with Israel. Spiritual adultery! God still waiting. Rom.11 reconciliation will come.

Divorce is a terrible thing it presupposes that the woman will end up with another man for support. Terrible that a man should make his wife an adulteress.

In this day and age we all know people in this situation. When someone comes to Christ God is gracious and picks up the pieces and moves on in that persons life.

4. Oaths are condemned. Law prohibited swearing in Gods name. They got round this by swearing by heaven, Jerusalem, their own head. Twisted this by saying you don’t have to be truthful if you don’t take an oath. Cross your fingers behind your back. Marriage vows, Court different.

Your yes should be yes and you’re no, no because you are truthful, not because you take an oath or swear by something. Panic of a liar when he is telling the truth, I swear!!! Oaths can’t compensate for poor character.

We don’t need crutches to get people to believe us!

5. Law on retaliation. Eye for an eye, we would all be blind. This law Deut 19 was given for Justice and not revenge. Punishment should fit the crime. Punch the manager, can’t take you to court and have you beheaded.

Pharisees wrote a divorce paper virtually condemning a woman to adultery and if they caught her they stoned her. Retaliation is not an option for a Christian.

 Thief and beggar. Moral law stands. You don’t help a thief to rob you, you don’t give to unworthy appeals.

Don’t forget or forsake justice, you are a citizen of the state as well as heaven.

This has a personal application, a new approach; there is no place for personal revenge. Be willing to suffer yourself rather than cause others to suffer. The authority to punish was vested in government not individuals.

Revenge was once legally permissible, limited to an eye for an eye.

Now non resistance and forgiveness is graciously possible.

Our obsession with material good and possessions makes us recoil at the thought of giving away what we have acquired. Don’t give grudgingly, but give only according to scripture.

Moral law stands for all time, the civil and ceremonial law has no bearing on our lives. Nine of the Ten Commandments are moral laws and are repeated in the New Testament, not as laws with punishment attached but as training in righteousness. One commandment is a civil law and is not repeated in the New Testament. “Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy.” Sunday is not the new Sabbath; it is the Lord’s Day.

6. Law of love. Pharisees reasoned, love your neighbour but you could hate your enemies. Lev. 19:18 Twisted, distorted, added to. Love that is commanded and is a matter of the will. Jesus loved us when we were His enemies Rom 5:10

Enemies here are personal enemies, people who bad mouth you, and do you wrong. Love and pray for them, when you pray for your enemies you take the poison out of your attitude.

Ø  This love is a mark of maturity. Physiologists tell us that violence is born from weakness; a strong man can face his enemies and turn the other cheek.

Ø  This love is godlike. Sun shines on all, rain falls on all, Rainbow, in the end God will set things right. Our love creates a climate of blessing where it is easier to make our enemies into friends.

Ø  God expects us to live at a higher level that people in the world. They return good for good and evil for evil, we must return good for evil. Our father loves His enemies and seeks to make them His children, we should help Him.

Conclusion. Vs. 48. Let’s aim for perfection. Impossible yet God can’t lower his divine standards. 75% perfect.

Meaning is maturity. Treat others as God has treated you.

Never be flawless but let’s aim high. God will help us.

The Great Galilean Ministry 9 Matt.5:1-16

 INTRODUCTION. Here we have what is popularly known as the Sermon on the Mount Chapters 5,6 and 7. Well known and well loved. We know it is in the Galilee from Chap.8:1-5, He came down from the mountain and went to Capernaum.

v.1 Up the mountain. No real contradiction with Luke’s account 6:17 that says He went down to a level place. Matthew recalls Jesus going up the Mountain to teach, Luke’s research showed that Jesus went high to pray then came down lower to teach. Perhaps it was two different occasions. Perhaps they are remembering an incident and gathering their information around that occasion.
Sat down. Tradition stand to read sit to teach. Professors chair, Pope speaks ex cathedra “from the chair” He sat down to address His inner circle, in Luke we are told that He had just chosen them. There were other followers who were not part of the twelve. People in general, 7:28-29.
v.2 Began to teach them. Opened His mouth means opened His heart, teaching with no barriers. Opened his mind, teaching with conviction, authority and passion. Opening His heart and mind to those who were His right hand men. The sense is also custom, compilation of many hours of heart to heart communication between the master and His men. Ordination address. 
v.3 Blessed. Spiritual joy and well-being of those who honour Christ as their King. The word means more than "happy," because happiness is an emotion often dependent on outward circumstances. "Blessed" here refers to the ultimate well-being and distinctive spiritual joy of those who share in the salvation of the kingdom of God. See Ps 1:1; Rev 1:3. Blessings that involve the right use and respect for God’s word.
The Kingdom of heaven is not something earned, but is a gift rather than recompense.
Vs. 6&10 Righteousness. Christ is our righteousness, in vs. 11 because of me! One of the keys to His teaching here. See 5:20. For I tell you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, you will certainly not enter the kingdom of heaven. Contrasts between Jesus' ethical teaching and Jewish legalistic traditions (5:21-48).
v.13 Salt of the earth. Preserve and flavour. Salt was much rougher in those days and larger quantities were used. Sanitise scripture! No flavour, used as gravel.
 v.14 Light of the world. Oil lamps, they used a bowl to dim the light (shade) and a stand to amplify it.
 Teaching points.
1. This discourse does not present the way of salvation.
No substitute for sin, no justification by faith alone, no regeneration. What then was the purpose? What is the right view?
Ø  Church. Rule of life for Christians today. Problem, addressed to Jewish people under the law! Church was not in evidence and is not mentioned until chapter 16:18.
Ø  Future. Nothing to do with today but since Israel rejected Christ this message only applies to the Millennium kingdom that He will set up upon His return. Problem is that some things can not apply, vs.10,11. There will be no persecution in the Millennium Kingdom.
Ø  Best view is the Interim view. That this applied to the time between the offer and rejection of the Kingdom by Israel. (Remember that the Kingdom is the rule of Christ in your life).
The offer was made through John the Baptist 3:2 Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.
Repeated by Christ 4:17 Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.
The Jewish ness emphasised in 10:5-7 Lost sheep.. Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.
Historically we have a call for righteous repentance and moral living in preparation of Christ’s rule in the heart of Israel.
Much of this sermon will apply in the future and there is plenty that we can apply to our lives today.

2. This discourse does present the way of righteous living.
Characterises our lives today. Character acceptable to the King. As part of His Church we are in a right relationship with Christ, He is our King and rules in our hearts therefore this sermon applies to us in the present time. All Scripture is profitable, all the time and although we have to rightly interpret its context we cannot relegate parts of it to the past or leave it for the future, it’s a living word and our daily bread. This passage has something to say to Jews under the law, self-righteous Pharisees, the Church, those who will suffer the tribulation and the subjects of the Millennium Kingdom.
You are blessed now when you are!
Poor in spirit, know your weakness and are dependant on God.
Mourn, in a world that rejects Christ.
Meek and gentle.
Hungry for righteousness, not money and power.
Merciful in dealing with others.
Pure in heart and not full of mixed motives.
Peacemaker and not a gossiper and troublemaker.
Suffer for doing right.
Are persecuted for being a Christian, John 15:19, “hated me they will hate you.”

Follow righteous living you will be blessed now and rewarded later.
This is a portrait of a righteous citizen. Notice the emphasis on Righteousness v.6 Peace v.9 Joy v.12. Paul probably had this passage in mind when he wrote Romans 14:17. “For the Kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.”

1. Don’t be like the Pharisees. In your behaviour towards others or yourself.
C H Dodd The Gospel and the law of Christ. “These precepts of Christ are not statutory definitions like those of the Mosaic code, but indications of quality and direction of action which may be present at quite low levels of performance”
2. Don’t lose your flavour or hide your light.
This world needs Christ and you to be Christ like, if not then the world will hold you in contempt step on you. We must reflect the light of Christ which can not be hidden.
How were you as salt and light in this last week!
A convicting question.

The Great Galilean Ministry 7 The Transfiguration Mark 9 Matt. 17 Luke 9

Introduction. An exceptional and unique experience for them. If it was a test they failed, the moment Peter spoke the blessing departed, To be fair he was scared and confused but had to say something, When Jesus is speaking that’s the time to be silent.

The reason for the experience? Confirm peters confession. Mat.16:16 Jesus said that he would build his church on that kind of confession.

A few days later and the time of testing, do you really believe that. Christ must suffer, this was hard to understand, the Emmaus road pair, the crucifixion changed their mind. We hoped that he was the one.

The passion week was at hand, how would they endure it. This lift, this boost was to strengthen them, to prepare and equip them to face this coming week of Christ’s suffering. Best strength for any trial is to see the glory of Christ. Moses saw the glory and went forty days without food.

If you have a bad experience to face the best preparation is to see the glory of Jesus. How? By faith!

More blessed are those who have not see yet believe.

Background notes on the text.

V 1 Some not taste death before they see the kingdom of God come with power! Peter James and John, had this preview Six days later. Death resurrection ascension and Pentecost then the kingdom and church being out worked in the world.

They were asleep and only caught the tail end of events, Should have been praying, watching! I would take the wider interpretation.

V 2,3 For a brief period Jesus was glorified before them. Saw Him as He was, is and will be in his future kingdom. Clothes and face shining. His face shone like the sun, a light started to burn from within Him and shone until it was like the sun. What would happen if you looked at the sun? This is the real Jesus, His glory was veiled otherwise no one could have gone near him.

V 4 Moses and Elijah were talking about the very thing that the disciples did not want to face up to. The death of Christ, his exodus!!

What bores humans and puts then to sleep in church, thrills and intrigues the OT saints. His death had to be accomplished. What have you to do to make sure that you die, what do you need to do to accomplish your death? Nothing, it’s appointed. How can God die, Moses and Elijah are most intrigued by this.

Only God can pay for sin, therefore God had to come in human form to die.

That’s the wisdom of God, then it had to be accomplished according to God’s will, in proper time, in fulfilment of prophecy and so on.

Peters response, Good to be here, if it was so good why were you asleep? The disciples were taken up with the physical. Moses and Elijah were taken up with the spiritual, with Christ and his death.

V 5 Peter was on an emotional high, a mountain top experience. He responded as he felt and really did not know what he was saying. Feeling can be a great hindrance to your faith. Make three booths, big mistake putting Jesus on the same level as others. At least he did not say six booths.

V 7 Cloud. Shekina Glory of God. The visible expression of God’s glory or presence on earth. Pillar of cloud before Israel by day, On Mt. Sinai, over the Tabernacle and Temple. Cloud left the temple before the Babylonians came. Glory departed, sad day for Israel. Cloud seems to come down on Peters imprudence, the voice seems to say this is my son hear Him don’t listen to Peter.

V 9 Don’t tell anyone until after the resurrection! Popular misconception was that Jesus would set up his Kingdom immediately and physically on earth. Anything they said would fuel this popular notion about a messianic earthly kingdom. In the light of the resurrection people will be transformed.

V 10 Discussing the meaning of the rising from the dead. They were familiar with the idea of a general rising from the dead but the idea of a rising out from amongst the dead was difficult for them to understand.

V 11 Elijah first. Seen Elijah and this triggered the question. Malachi 4:5 “See, I will send you the prophet Elijah before that great and terrible day of the Lord.” Jesus gave a three fold answer 1. Elijah will come and restore everything. 2. Son of man would still have to suffer. Isaiah 53 3-7. 3. Elijah had already come in the form of John the Baptist.

Main teaching points.

1.  No doubt as to the identity of Christ. 8:27 “Who do the people say I am?” He is greater than Elijah and all the prophets. “This is my son, whom I love, listen to Him.”

2. Fulfilment of the messianic prophecy of Moses. Deut.18:15. “The Lord your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from among your brothers. You must listen to him.”

3. Elijah has come and is coming. John the Baptist came in the spirit and power of Elijah and was rejected. Ahab and Jezebel rejected Elijah and Herod and Herodias rejected John the Baptist.

(Dependant prophetic fulfilment. Matt. 11:13-14. read. If Israel had accepted Christ then John the Baptist would have been the Elijah to come. However since they rejected Him then Elijah will come. Rev. 11 6. read. Two witnesses, either Elijah or in the spirit and power of Elijah, shut up the heavens just like Elijah. Dependant on their acceptance. First part is that Elijah came, was rejected and will come at a future time.)


1. Do not lower the person of Christ by putting him in the same category as men. He is dishonoured by such comparisons.

2. Listen to the Lord Jesus in everything. Hear Him means to submit to his authority. Scripture is sufficient for all our lives. View on things must be biblical.

3. Right and wrong way or time to share our mountain top experiences. Need to exercise restraint often the ungodly do not understand Matt.7:6 “do not cast your pearls before swine.” Beware of pride! 2 Cor.12 Paul had a heavenly experience and a thorn in the flesh to keep him humble. 14 years before he shared this experience Take care when you share.

4. Take your biblical questions to the Lord. He wants you to have the answers. He answered the disciples about John and about their ineffectiveness.

5. Mt. Top experiences prepare us for service. Glimpse a glorious event, well go and practice and then you will get more.

6. Disciples writings. One obscure reference.

2 Pet 1:18,19  We ourselves heard this voice that came from heaven when we were with him on the sacred mountain. And we have the word of the prophets made more certain, and you will do well to pay attention to it, as to a light shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts.

A more sure prophecy, the word of God, more stable, more sure that any experience even a Mt. top one.

The Great Galilean Ministry 6 Mark 2:1-12

Introduction: Core of the narrative and the Gospel is that the authority of Jesus begins with the forgiveness of sins. He comes to deliver the soul from the paralysis of sin and give us moral and spiritual energy. The bed carried the man now the man carries the bed. We are carried by our sin, the influences of the world and the devil but Jesus frees us and empowers us to be the one in control.

Sin defiles us and makes us unfit for fellowship with God, it also paralyses us making us helpless and in need of Christ.

 Background details.

1. Capernnaum. On the western shore of the Galilee, had become his home base of operations. Probably Peter’s house, we know that he and Andrew lived here.

2. Preached the word. A technical term for the good news vs. 14. They had come to hear His message, to hear the word.

His temporary separation had worked and the wheat was separated from the chaff, the glory seekers had lost interest.

Luke tells us that there was a fact finding mission of Pharisees from as far as Jerusalem such as has cross-examined John the Baptist (John 1:19).

They were the protectors of the law, putting a hedge around it.

3 Four friends. Someone gave them names. Sympathy, cooperation, originality and persistence. There was a bond between them as they helped their less fortunate friend.

There are often hindrances in bringing others to Christ. It was a hard task but they managed. One on his own could not have done it.

Jesus responded to their faith, the faith of all five. Name for the invalid? He accepted help, he relied on others.

4. The house. Not as we know houses today. Outside stairway onto a flat roof. Tiles across beams with dirt and clods as insulation. No real damage to create the opening. Important. Bring them to Christ at any cost!!

1. Jesus can forgive sin because He is God (vs.4).

Remember in the Jewish mind sin and sickness were connected. Jesus could not heal the body and neglect the soul. Wonderful announcement! Your sins are forgiven!

Here and now, on this earth, in this life, he did not have to wait until the day of judgement. He had a present assurance of Forgiveness.

The fact finding mission were aghast, vs 7 “Only God can forgive sins” In their minds and hearts he was a blasphemer and they condemned Him and began to plan His death in cold blood.

He knew their innermost thoughts and asked a question. Which is easier, forgive sins or heal. For a man both are difficult but for God both are easy.

They could not see forgiveness therefore Jesus healed the man to demonstrate his authority. Jesus did both to prove he is God. Only God can forgive sins.

They did not want to believe that Jesus was God. Faith is in the will and they were unwilling.

Is everyone here forgiven. Divine forgiveness is always accompanied by the power to discontinue sinning, to walk in newness of life. Do you personally know that your sins are forgiven, are you walking in newness of life. Accepting Christ shows in a changed life, the paralysis is gone replaced by moral and spiritual power.

2. God honours the faith of those who assist in the salvation process.

It was Christ who saved him but he recognised their faith and honoured it.

In the USA assists in sport are recorded. Even holding the corner of a mat God honours.

James 2:26 Faith must show its reality in action otherwise it’s unreal and self-deceptive. Flood in south, church had a prayer meeting, Boy with a cart full of goods. Dad can’t come but sends his prayers.


1. Lets be creative in bringing our friends to Christ.

2. Lets be willing to carry at least one corner of the bed.

3. Let’s pick up our bed and walk. Jesus gave him the power but did not carry his bed for him. We have to carry our responsibilities.

4. Lets work together in bringing others to Christ.


Sunday 6th  The Great Galilean Ministry 5 Mark 1:40-45

Introduction. We noticed last week that the priority of Jesus was not healing but preaching. Jesus taught many things in the Galilean district and we could deal with them now but the healings of the Leper and Paralytic demonstrate His power to save sinners and unless we are cleansed and freed from sin His teaching is meaningless to us. Therefore we will look at the leper today and the paralytic next week.

Background details.

1. He asked to be made clean, why not heal me? A leper was considered unclean rather than ill. “the man is diseased and is unclean. The priest shall pronounce him unclean because of the sore on his head. "The person with such an infectious disease must wear torn clothes, let his hair be unkempt, cover the lower part of his face and cry out, `Unclean! Unclean!' As long as he has the infection he remains unclean. He must live alone; he must live outside the camp.” Lev.13:44-46

Luke 5:12 Doctor Luke says he was full of leprosy;

Leprosy could be used of many skin problems, boils, warts, psoriasis, even acne, but Luke says he was full of leprosy, incurable and contagious. People backed off or threw stones to keep him away. A leper was treated as a dead person while he was living.

2. The leper had mixed faith. He should have shouted “unclean, unclean,” but he approached on his knees and asked for help. Three things to notice about this outcast.

Ø  He could not cure himself. There was no hope or cure like all other lepers he was doomed death.

Ø  He had faith in Christ’s power. He believed that he could heal and that he could do it for him.

Ø  He was submissive to God’s will. “if you are willing” this shows fatalism. He was desperate to be clean but left the decision with the Lord. No bargaining or begging, just a sense of his own helplessness, he had unbelief mixed with his faith, would Jesus really heal an outcast. He believed that Jesus could do it but was not sure that He was willing to do it for him.

3. The compassion of Jesus. Moved with compassion, it is one thing to have compassion it is another to be moved. TV presenter can not be moved with compassion but must be professional. Moved by his physical state but also moved by his ignorance. Christ was emotionally and visibly disturbed, disturbed that he had faith that Jesus could heal him but was uncertain that he would be willing to do it. The very thought that God would be unwilling to save someone, to bless someone. Jesus was moved with compassion at the charge against him.

·         I believe that Jesus saves but I can’t get my head round predestination and election.

·         I believe Jesus saves but I can’t get my head round why God allows all the suffering in the world.

Faith mixed with unbelief. So offensive to God to put a but or an if in the Gospel, Jesus can and will save you and any difficulty that you have with that is because of your unbelief and Unbelief in any form is man’s greatest sin.

He touched him. This is in regard to how he felt about people and is seen in His willingness to touch this untouchable man. His compassion was stronger than ceremony or legal niceties. To touch a leper was to be ceremonially unclean, to have weeks of disruptive ceremonial cleansing before the priest. Jesus touched the untouchable and can cure the incurable. Genesis 4:26 there is a man called Enosh it means incurable and the Chapter ends, At that time men began to call onJ the name of the LORD. You have not called yet because you don’t recognize that you are uncurable. The Godly line of salvation came when men recognized that they were uncurable.

Contact with Christ is electric, have you ever touched an electric wire, you know about it. Woman with an issue of blood, touched him by faith, many others were touching him but she was different. Today we touch Him by faith and is he not touched with the feelings of our infirmities.

You can make spiritual contact with Christ today; you can touch him by faith.

I am willing, be cleansed. Christ dealt with his problem of divine willingness. One word and he was clean. At a word Christ can remove every stain of sin from your heart. God reads the heart of men he knew that this leper had a genuine problem with his faith, no human faith is perfect so Jesus encourages him by stating His willingness. I tell you the truth, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be condemned; he has crossed over from death to life John 5:24

4. Jesus warned him not to tell anyone. This was quite common in our lord’s ministry. People were coming for the spectacular, to see the healer, the wonder worker; Jesus wanted them to come by faith to the messiah. Say nothing and he told everything! We are told to say everything and say nothing! His disobedience hindered the Lord’s work since he could not freely enter the city. All disobedience is a hindrance to God’s purpose and to us. (Confidentiality, times to maintain it.)

5. “Go show yourself to the priest.” He needed to fulfill the law and take his place in society. Lev.14.

Show yourself to the priest, he avoids the priest. Jesus wanted him to testify in a special way showing himself to the priest and joining the Church was that way. He did not need to say anything to anyone, just join the church. Although the compassion of Jesus was stronger than ceremonial considerations, He knew and obeyed the Law of God and expected others to comply to it, He gave no easy way to blessing and wholeness. Oh! He healed but expected those healed to honour God.

Told to give an offering. Is he paying for his salvation, no it was a thank offering.

Teaching or doctrinal points.

1. Leprosy is a picture of sin. It is loathsome and gross giving a terrible picture of the nature and uncleanness of sin. The paralytic shows how sin paralyses; here we see the uncleanness, the defilement of sin. It’s systemic affecting the whole body; you don’t get leprosy of the arm or leg. In the early stages you can cover it up but eventually it shows. Baby in the cot so cute but soon displays selfishness, stubbornness, anger and rage, jealousy of other children and so on. It is not your sins that make you a sinner, you sin because you are a sinner. In the early stages of leprosy you feel the pain but later you become insensitive to pain. Sin disfigures, distorts and we become insensitive to the pain in our lives and in the lives of others. Jesus had no sin so He has great compassion. There was no cure for leprosy and there is no cure for sin. Only Christ can remove the uncleanness of sin, the sinner must come to Christ for a supernatural cure or cleansing.

2. Cleansing is a picture of Salvation. This man was separate from the covenant, set apart from God’s people a spiritual outcast. He must come to Christ before he can join the people of God. He received immediate and complete cleansing.  as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us. Psalm 103:12.

That’s what we receive from Jesus immediate forgiveness and cleansing from our sins. Jesus said, “I am willing, be clean” The problem is never with God’s willingness, “The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.” 2 Peter 3:9.

The hindrance is often the willingness of the sinner to come. For those who do come salvation is immediate and complete.


1. Have you felt the touch of God?

2. Would you touch a leper?  (Acre, Nurse)

3. Is there an instead in your life.

4. Should you not present yourself to the priest and get back into the society of the Church.

Sunday 30 The Great Galilean Ministry 4 Mark 1:21-39

Quite often deacon giving the announcements, Services next Sunday as usual? This week they were startled, stirred, shaken by what they heard and saw. We don’t know what Jesus said but He spoke with authority, he spoke for God about God and as God.

The scribes taught the things of men, the traditions of the fathers, always quoting and comparing human scholars. Famine in the land as there is today as men deny creation; deny the miracles, denies the deity of Christ, little wonder that there is no authority today.

The scribes and teachers of the law majored on trivia, washing hands and cups, carrying wood, tithes, details of Sabbath laws, social and religions environmental activities and reform, but the weightier matters of the soul were left untreated. God was not with them, they taught on their own. The letter kills, Jesus had an unction, a presence, God had give Him the Spirit without measure. Teaching was the three Rs, Ruined by the fall, redemption through Christ, regeneration by the Spirit.

Scribes and other quoted the Rabbis but Jesus spoke with the authority of one who had personal knowledge of God

Background details. 1. Capernaum. 21. His new centre of operations in the North East of the Galilee.

An important town on the trade rout from Egypt to Damascus. Roman garrison. Peter, Andrew, James and John lived there. Synagogue, a place for teaching and school.

2. His authority. 22. Speaking with authority causes offence. Thrown out of his home synagogue where their sinful nature was disturbed. Not all some fixed their eyes and ears on him and listened, not because of his eloquence, or sound reasoning, or his personality but because of His divine authority.

He spoke the truth; the Bible is truth for everyone, today the truth is changing and being changed to suit every situation. Might be true for you but it is not true for me? The truth can be verified.

He spoke graciously; All spoke well of him and were amazed at the gracious words that came from his lips. Luke 4:22, Spoke not as a cruel tyrant or unjust judge. Godly authority is marked by grace.

In Christ mercy and truth have met together Ps.85:10 He is full of grace and truth.

The truth is that we are all sinners, we make mistakes, it will all come out at the judgment when there will be no way to deny your sin.

The truth of my sin will be met with mercy because I confess it. The Pharisees disputed His authority! By what authority does he forgive sins! He has authority on earth to forgive sin. On Judgment day they will be no mercy only justice. Sins are forgiven here on earth; don’t leave this earth without having your sins forgiven.

We can speak with authority. Preach what you know. One way! I can preach this on the authority of the Bible.

The truth of the Bible is for you, it’s personal, if it offends you in the spirit it will drive you to love Christ

If it offends you in the flesh it will drive you to kill Christ and persecute his servants.

Let me remind you of what the truth is for you.

You are ruined by the fall. Your sin separates you from God and His love.

You can and must be redeemed through Christ. He is your only hope to be reunited to God.

You must be regenerated through the Holy Spirit; you cannot think or behave your way into God’s good books. It is the work of the Spirit.

Salvation is in the here and now not in the hereafter. Christ died on the earth therefore salvation is decided here on earth.

1. The synagogue. Unclean spirit. 23. Foul mouthed, immoral thoughts and actions with no redeeming features.  This was not the local pub or brothel but the house of God. Characterised by uncleanness and when presented with Christ and the Gospel reacts violently. Christ’s authority exposed the demon. Such incidents are very common in the Gospels 50 occasions.

Demons are spirit beings without bodies therefore can not be seen, but can influence others and even posses their bodies. They come from and are led by Satan who is their lord Beelzebub. The came to earth after a rebellion in heaven that centred on pride, Jude 6 shows that the despised the position assigned to them by God wanting more, Jesus saw Satan fall from heaven Luke 10:18.

How many demons is one of those secret things, but there are some clues. Rev.12 War in heaven between Christ and Satan, Satan’s tail sweeps a third part of the heavenly bodies to the earth, can not be dogmatic but a large minority cast to the earth and they come to steal, pollute, corrupt, ruin  and destroy.

Christ has come to destroy and bind Satan and set us free. This all manifested in the Synagogue on that Sabbath day. The saw it and were amazed.

The foul unclean thing instantly recognised Jesus and was terrified.

Devils know that Jesus is God, they Know that his presence is the end of the road for them, they know how long they have, “have you come before the time.”

Christ will not accept the testimony of demons and commands silence, be muzzled just like a dog.

John 12:31 Now is the judgement of this world, now is the prince of this world cast out.

Colossians 2:15, And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross.

The cross is the greatest victory of all time.

Devils do not want anything to do with Christ, leave us alone, very solemn when someone says that, not now, not interested leave me alone, where does such reaction come from? If you are being influence by Satan you will use his language.

Demons have to obey Christ, evil is against and opposed to good but is not as powerful, overcome evil with good! Good outshines evil as light outshines darkness.

Although cast out and defeated the demon did not leave without a fight. The man was convulsed but set free. Iraq and Afghanistan does not go away easily, not without the shedding of blood.

Jesus the name high over all, long my imprisoned spirit lay, my chains fell off, my heart was free.

2. Simons House, Left the Synagogue. 29. After Church meal. Archaeologists say they have located Peter’s house! Byzantine church of the 4th century built after the Roman persecution, it was built over a house. Symbols on the walls, 2+2=Peter’s House. Notice that Peter was married, vs. 30, and from 1 Cor.9:5-6 we know that the other Apostles were also. It is good for a minister to be married.

Healed the sick and drove out demons. 32,34. This was done in the evening at sunset after the Sabbath was over. Could not carry a burden on the Sabbath.

3. Solitary PlaceSunrise found Jesus at Prayer 35. The need for personal solitary prayer. He was a social being but needed to pray on His own. Twice Jesus spent long night in Prayer, once when he chose the twelve and here to decide on his priority. It was a hard and understandable decision to make, he was seeing people healed, should he continue in this healing ministry or major on his teaching and preaching. Heal or teach the answer is in verse 38 which we will deal with. The disciples find Jesus and tell him that everyone is looking for him 37, true but often at a superficial level. “You seek me because you eat the bread” (rice Christians) Phillip, have I spent so long with you yet you don’t know me.

Getting right with God is more important than food or health. Seeking should be with humility and faith.

4. Somewhere else. After praying He knew that he had to move on. 39. He had a mission, there were other lost sheep. Woe unto you Capernaum. If the mighty works done here were done in Sodom and Gomorrah they would have repented. Capernaum did not repent, Buckie will it repent??


1. Demons can inhabit religious places. 23. Sneak in, even use supernatural display, Angel of light (Marion) Test the spirits 1 John 4:1.

2. Demons are orthodox in their beliefs 24. Believed He was from Nazareth, was a destroyer of demons, was the Holy one of God, this was about divine origin rather than the office of messiah. James 2:19, believe and shudder. Takes more than orthodox belief to be saved. Notice that Jesus silenced the demons: 25,34. Did not want people coming to Him because of the testimony of demons.

3. Demons must submit to the authority of Christ. 25. No exorcism, just a command.

4. Difference between sickness and possession. 32,34. Extremes, no demons and everything a demon. Cast out the demon of the cold, ridiculous!

5. Jesus put a priority on preaching. 38. There were many needs but His priority was preaching. We must do the same. What’s the point of making people comfortable on their way to meet God on Judgement day.


2. Healing is painful. Convulsed him, shook him violently. Not pleasant. Dentist and Doctor can involve pain. There is pain in spiritual healing. Relationship needs to be broken. Relationships that need to be mended, confess your faults one to another.

3. We are healed to serve. 31. Immediately began to wait on them. A miracle then ministry. See the Lord’s sympathy and caring. We are healed to serve.

4. Need to find a place to pray. 4am after a busy day need to get away from normal activities.

5. We need our priorities to be priorities. Sometimes we need to say no! There may be many pressing and valid needs but they can smother our priorities. That is why I have come. Jesus knew his priority.

Challenge.Try and help someone who is hurting spiritually   Pray about your priorities, set them in order and don’t be afraid to change them.

Sunday 23rd The Great Galilean Ministry 3 Luke 4:14-30  Luke 23:4-5 Acts 10:37-38

1. Last week we saw the content of His ministry, preaching the Gospel and calling for repentance. Here in Luke we have the manner and the reaction. In the power of the Spirit. If we had the power of the Holy Spirit news of us would soon get around.

In his Baptism and temptation, in life as in birth, we can’t separate Jesus from the power and working of the Holy Spirit. Reaction was one of spreading praise. He worked the whole countryside and targeted the Synagogues.

2. Nazareth was his hometown, not born there but brought up. Local humble carpenter who had become an overnight celebrity. Part of His upbringing was to attend the Synagogue. Custom. Ethos, Custom at his presentation, to Jerusalem for the feast, things learned in His upbringing showed in later life. Luke 22:19 as usual to pray, Mark 10:1 taught the people. Ethically He was a Jew and passionately practiced His faith. Luke 2:52 And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and men.

He went into the synagogue where they were. Christ went to them. 95% of evangelism and the will of God is common sense. Go where the people are. Go to where they are predisposed to hear some religion. Jesus built bridges not walls. It was their custom, their book. Victory, finger bowl.

Douay version of the Bible. The Douay–Rheims Bible is a translation of the Latin Vulgate,Use their customs, don’t argue over which version just preach the Gospel. 

3. He found the place. Is.61:1f, 58:6 Isaiah was given to Him and he found the place where He was described. He could have found the place in any of the Old Testament books. Isaiah was speaking of Him.

4. A description of His ministry. Of His preaching last week?

Ø  Anointed by the Holy Spirit. how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit  Acts 10:37-38 You know what has happened throughout Judea, beginning in Galilee after the baptism that John preached-- how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and power, and how he went around doing good and healing all who were under the power of the devil, because God was with him.

Ø  Preach the good news to the poor. Became poor, poor become rich.

Ø  Freedom to the prisoners, captives, spear point. Became a captive, Captives are set free.

Ø  Recovery of sight to the blind. Entered into darkness. Spiritually blind can now see.

Ø  Release the oppressed. Oppressed by the authorities and by sin. Our burdens are lifted.

Ø  Proclaim the year of the Lord’s favour, Jubilee, Paid all debts on the Cross. We are set free. 

Had their attention, His sermon was so short, “today is this scripture fulfilled in your presence.”  today this is fulfilled, not in the past of future but today. God still does all of this today.

His audience were living in the past dominated with their roots to Abraham and were thinking about where they were going with the Messiah but were having difficulty living in the present. Jesus said today. The bible is full of the here and now. Now is the appointed hour. Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. Rom.8:1 But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far away have been brought near through the blood of Christ. Eph.2:13 This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Ps.118:24

They rejected Jesus. Tried to stone Him, He quietly left them to their anger and hatred. Mark 6:1-6 It seems that He returned and was rejected again.

They died trusting in Abraham, they died dreaming about the messiah, they were blind and did not see him as he was, they saw only the son of Joseph the carpenter.

5. They were amazed, impressed but did not believe, heard what you did in Capernaum, they did not take it to heart, they did not believe it, He had no honour in His hometown.

6. Jesus mentioned two people a widow and a general, and they became furious.

Widow of Zarapheth 1 Kings 17. A godless region where Jezebel came from. Elijha went to find out about the famine. The widow had enough for one last meal for her son and herself before they died. Make me a meal first then your flower and oil will not stop flowing until the famine ends. All se received was a promise, a word of promise. A pagan woman just needed Gods word and the religious of Nazareth wanted signs and wonders.

Naaman the Syrian who was a leper, went to Elisha for clensing and received a promise Go wash 7 times, although at first reluctant he eventually washed. On the dasis of a word he was cured. In Nazareth they wanted more than a word, they wanted a miracle. The inference is that he would find favour amongst another people.

A synagogue full of God fearing Jews and they became murderous. Why because they thought that God had no right dealing with people they hated, disliked, had no respect or love for? If you can’t love your neighbour and your enemies then you can’t love God. Faced with Jesus they could not love and obey Him because their hearts were full of prejudice and scorn.


1. Jesus is more than the Son of Joseph.

2. Unbelief hinders the work of God. Don’t let it limit the blessing of God in your life.

3. Danger for those who are greatly familiar with Christ can stumble over Him. Boyhood friends. Don’t take Him for granted and become cold. China today going to church not knowing whether or not they will be arrested, count all things but lost. Orissa in India, need to hide in the forest to worship Christ, want so much to meet with Him.

3. Don’t be discouraged by negative responses from relatives and friends. Press on even when their seems to be no fruit. Vs 31 He went down to Capernaum and on the Sabbath day began to teach.

4 Don’t reject the Lord too many times. Today is the day of salvation. The hour has come.


Sunday 16th The Great Galilean Ministry 2 Mark 1:14-20.

Introduction. Isaiah 9:1-2 Nevertheless, there will be no more gloom for those who were in distress. In the past he humbled the land of Zebulun and the land of Naphtali, but in the future he will honor Galilee of the Gentiles, by the way of the sea, along the Jordan-- The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned. Galilee symbolized God’s people in bondage and the light salvation is shining on then.

1. Jesus left the Galilee to be baptized by John in the Jordan River near Jericho. His temptation followed and an intermittent ministry in Judea of about one year. When John was put in prison things became too hot and Jesus left for the Galilee where for one year and nine months we have His Great Galilean Ministry. This journey took Him through Samaria where he ministered to the woman at the well.

Possibly, Jesus withdrew to Galilee in order to escape the political turmoil spawned by John's arrest. He went on to spend almost two-thirds of his working life in this rather remote northern region, the most fertile, lush and most picturesque portion of Palestine. Except for festival times when He traveled to Jerusalem, Jesus showed a marked preference for rural and small-town areas.

2. This great Galilean ministry is described as a proclamation of the Good News, Gospel. Jesus went into Galilee, proclaiming the good news of God. Vs 14. He came to the Galilee to announce the Gospel. Gospel of God, Come from God to bring us to God.

Ø  Gospel of the Kingdom, Faith in Christ brings us into the kingdom of God’s rule in our lives.

Ø  Gospel of Jesus Christ, He is the heart of it, His life, death and resurrection make it good news.

Ø  The Gospel of God’s grace (Acts 20:24), no salvation apart from Grace (Ephesians 2:8-9).

Ø  There is only one Gospel, (Galatians 1:9) As we have already said, so now I say again: If anybody is preaching to you a gospel other than what you accepted, let him be eternally condemned!

Ø  This one Gospel centers upon what Christ did for us. 1 Corinthians 15:1-9. Read this!

He came in the power of the Spirit Luke 4:14.

He came to fulfill an 800 year prophecy. When Jesus heard that John had been put in prison, he returned to Galilee. Leaving Nazareth, he went and lived in Capernaum, which was by the lake in the area of Zebulun and Naphtali-- to fulfill what was said through the prophet Isaiah: Matt.4:12-14 A dark place where you would least expect a Royal visit.

He came at a particular moment. Now he had to go through Samaria John 4:4 He had no physical reason to do this and every reason not to use this route.

He had to meet and save a woman, a loose woman who was sleeping around.

He went to the Galilee in power, fulfilling prophecy that had waited 800 years, He went to preach the Gospel.

3. This great Galilean ministry is described by Jesus in four statements.

The time has come. God has a perfect timetable. Worldview is an endless cycle, history repeats itself. God’s view is a creation with purpose and goals.

For 4k years God’s people have waited for the fulfillment of His promise made in the garden that a saviour would rise up and strike Satan on the head.

Time means nothing to God 4k years or 4 days, God can wait, we find it so hard for our time is short.

There is now no more waiting for salvation, the time has come, Jesus said, “my time is not yet, but yours is always ready.” Every moment of your life is an opportunity to put your life right with God.

"Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts." Heb.4:7

now is the time of God's favor, now is the day of salvation.  2 Cor.6:2. Now is your time.

The kingdom of God is near. Here we have a major event; the Kingdom of God is at hand.

Time, Chronos, Hora, Kairos, Kairos is used here of a quality event. The Jews rejected the kingdom and in a physical sense it has been delayed, for kingdom they read political revolution. However it has arrived, it has come and is coming. Spiritually it is here, repent believe the Gospel and you enter God’s kingdom coming under His rule and protection.

In its physical form it has yet to come and will come at the second coming of Christ He will set up his kingdom on earth and reign for 1000 years. (Revelation 20)

Present reality, in the hearts of believer’s spiritual form.

Future hope, at the Lords return when Israel will again be blessed. Luke 19:11-12 Parable of the pounds.

The kingdom is near because Christ is near, you never get to or more Christians together without Christ being present. He is Emmanuel, God with us and indwelling us. From God’s point of view everything is ready, therefore there is something for you to do.

Repent. Repentance without faith can become remorse. Remorse can destroy people who carry a burden of guilt. Judas, Matthew 27:3-5. Believers at Corinth, Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regret, but worldly sorrow brings death.  2 Corinthians 7:8-10.

You do not just land in the Kingdom or stumble into it but you must enter into it. Except you become as little children you can not enter the kingdom. You enter by repentance and faith.

Repentance is so important that I need to take a moment to define what it is.

Complete, radical, fundamental, sweeping and deep-seated change of mind, heart and life-style.

Your nature and Character transformed, you are still the same person but a different character, all the old normal ways of your life change and are altered. A permanent change, no trial period or temporary repentance. Shaun O’Neil.

Mind. Your thinking about God will Change, You will see Him differently, fear Him and be awed at His glory, Love Him and want to spend time with Him.

Your opinion about yourself will change and your view of your sin will be different.

Heart. You will have a change of heart as your affections are now attracted to God who you now like and respect. Before you did not care for God and religion but now there has been a reversal of what you like and dislike.

Life-style. Behavioural change, Mind before matter, my mind tells me to pick up this book before I physically do it. It all begins in the mind them moves to the heart and since material things are subject to spiritual you then have a change in behavior. Many want to be saved but don’t go for it, you may be almost persuaded but lost, you mat put it off until a more convenient time when now is the acceptable time.

Believe the good news. Repentance and faith go together and what God has joined let no man put asunder. The good news is that if you repent and believe the good news of the Gospel you will be saved. When you do that God treats you as sinless. You are a lot worse than you imagine, but the good news is that you can be saved.

By this the woman at the well and her village had been saved, Nicodemus had been dealt with, a miracle had been performed and here is a summery of Christ’s preaching.

  • I have come to seek and to save the lost.
  • I came not to call the righteous but sinners to repentance.
  • I come not to judge the world but to save the world.

4. Not the first encounter Jesus had with these four fishermen. Andrew was a disciple of John and brought Peter to Jesus. They were called to a deeper commitment, to full time service. They did not leave their families helpless, hired men, successful business. They were to follow, Jesus would do the rest.


1. God called ordinary people like you and me. They were regular fellows, fishermen and Jesus used the metaphor saying I will make you fishers of men.

The Bible uses other metaphors.

Ø  Builders, build my church,

Ø  Farmers, sewing the good seed,

Ø  Shepherds, caring for the flock,

Ø  Stewards caring for the household of God,

Ø  Servants, serving the master.

All metaphors of ordinary people doing God’s will.

1 Cor.1:26-31. read this!

God does call special people, Paul. Don’t feel bad because you are an ordinary person. Abe Lincoln, “God like common people he made so many of them.”

2. We need to be intelligent fisher persons. Using common sense. Go where the people are, the Well, use the right bait, same gospel different approach. New Pastors. Trained before 85 obsolete. New wine!!

Art of fishing art of soul winning. These fishermen had qualities.

Ø  Patient faith. Long lonely hours of waiting but believing.

Ø  Skill and common sense. Bait, lures, nets.

Ø  Discernment. Weather, where the fish are.

Ø  Persistence. Not easily discouraged.

Quietness. Avoid disturbance, stay in the background.

Sunday 9th The Great Galilean Ministry  Jesus the Teacher. The GALILEAN MINISTRY lasted for approximately 18 months and was Jesus’ longest single period of teaching, healing, and preaching. Events from this period are recorded in all four Gospels. Consequently, we know more about this season of his ministry than any other.

John 3:2 Rabbi, we know you are a teacher who has come from God. Jesus stands alone as the greatest teacher of all time. However as impressive as His teaching is, only the Teacher saves.

Let’s read an example of His feelings. Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness. When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd” Matthew 9:35-36.

He had compassion for them. He saw that they were worried, powerless and without leadership. His knowledge of their need led to His compassion. He saw their preoccupation with things as they sought to develop their lives. He saw their abandonment to pleasure. His compassion was intimate as He reached out and touched people, children, blind, leper, outcast, crook even a coffin. He is close enough to touch us by His spirit and through His teaching. 

Some features of His teaching.

Oral. “They were using this question as a trap, in order to have a basis for accusing him. But Jesus bent down and started to write on the ground with his finger.” John 8:6.

The sand soon blew away and His teaching was entrusted to, handed over to, the memories of a group of crofters and fisher folk.

You would think that was risky. He was sowing the seed of God, His word, in human soil; God working in the human soil would do the rest. Apostles Creed I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Creator of Heaven and earth; and in Jesus Christ, His only Son, Our Lord, Who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified; died, and was buried.

Spontaneous. As situations arose he addressed them, mostly in local encounters yet what he said is valued internationally. His teaching is changeless because it was directed at the changeless need of the human condition. He was observant about the things around them and used them to teach. Humility=child, faith=fig tree, giving=widows mite, dependence=vine and branches, prayer=natural affections of a father and son.

Adaptable. He began at their level. If it was about the Law of Moses, well he began there. He used simple language and never went too fast but led them step by step. He never demanded fully fledged faith from a beginner, he accepted what faith they could offer him, as little as a mustard seed. He taught conversationally Emmaus, He lectured the sermon on the Mt., Large crowds from a boat sitting in groups of fifty, small groups of seventy, twelve or even three, individuals the woman at the well.

Teaching was interesting and popular. Early in the morning John 8:2. Taught and gave, initially opportunity to practice as He sent them out and had them report back. Analyze the success and failure and gave new instructions. When they reached a certain level He gave them power. What has Christ given you? I speak just what the Father has taught me. John 8:28

Jesus teaches us then we teach others.

Figurative. Taught in parables to make men see and understand at their level. He used common place things and spiritualized them so that the persons open to his word would understand and the persons closed to his word would not.

Some Principles of His teaching.

Authority. “The people were amazed at his teaching, because he taught them as one who had authority, not as the teachers of the law.”  Mark 1:22.

The Galileans despised Second hand religion; Jesus burst on to the scene with a new authority. Verily, verily I say unto you! Was his catch phrase.

While I was in Glasgow, I knew of a man who gave other people's testimony until he was asked if he had one of his own!

Not Dogmatic. He refused to compel or dictate or force but rather patiently taught with overwhelming respect for their personality.

He was sparing with His powers so as not to dazzle them or override their calmer judgment.

He was determined that people should think for themselves, this is the main part of the teachers work. He stimulated interest as well as supplying answers. When asked who is my neighbour He responded with a parable to stimulate their thinking. He was not a legislator. The letter kills but the Spirit gives life.

He lived what He taught. Prayer, forgiveness, humility! He was constantly in prayer, He forgave sinners, He washed feet. He had a loving spirit. Augustine said; “one loving spirit sets another on fire.”

Questions. To test the level of their understanding, who do men say that I am? Simon do you love me? Sometimes His questions were rhetorical, what does it profit a man? How can Satan cast out Satan?

Some thought about His use of parables.

An appeal to the memory. Truth has to be seen and pictured in our minds before it becomes really powerful. Abstract ideas can be hard to take on board as a way of life so Jesus gave pictures to impress truth on His hearer’s minds because He relied on their memories.

He might have preached for an hour on pardon and forgiveness and the next day the people would have forgotten, but who would ever forget the Prodigal Son.

He might have introduced the mysteries of prayer and the rough crowd would wonder and forget, but they would never forget the friend knocking at the door at midnight.

Who could carry the kingdom in mind except for the help of the mustard seed. (Portlade. “portslade can never be the same again”)

Put new value on truth. We usually value that which costs us! We lightly value what we lightly get.  Not until they had toiled all night did Jesus fill their nets.

Some who are saved through great trouble treasure their faith. Justification by faith, if we receive it lightly we may treat it lightly.

Martin Luther struggled through darkness for the doctrine on justification by faith and it shone in his heart like a star.

The parables sorted out the hearers, parables are a judgment in disguise hiding God’s mysteries from idle scroungers and from those who thought they knew better. Parables made God’s mysteries doubly precious to earnest seeker after truth. Jesus was determined to make people think for themselves.

Every true sermon is a judgment in disguise. We must take pains to hear and what we hear will then be precious to us. Sweet easy preaching never helped anyone or strengthened a nation.

Jesus has compassion for us and although He sees our waywardness, He respects us as He encourages us back into the fold.


Sunday 2nd October Isaiah 53. The First sight of our saviour. Also Psalm 22 gives us a more vivid account of the crucification of Christ than found anywhere else in the Bible. Pick up a piece of Gold, but when you hit the mother load.

Visions recorded in the Chapter. Has a emphasis on seeing. People who see and people who do not see. First sight as sinners of our would be saviour.  Daily I am reminded that we are in a Chrisst-rejecting world.And we must accept that and keep on going.

Vs2 when we shall see him, sinner who see Christ but they see no beauty in him. we hide as it were our faces from him he was despised. We closed our eyes and hid our faces.

John refers three times to what sinner think about Christ when they first see him


John 1:10-11 He was in the world, and though the world was made through him, the world did not recognize him. He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him world knew him not, his own received him not, unacceptable to his enemies and rejected by his friends. First thing the sinner does when he sees the saviour is despises him is to reject him. We used to despise him.

John 8:48 The Jews answered him, "Aren't we right in saying that you are a Samaritan and demon-possessed?" belligerent attitude scorn and slander into the face of Christ Samaritan and devil. Father a Samaritan you’re a Devil.

John 10:20  "He is demon-possessed and raving mad he has a devil and is mad, the despising and rejecting the son of God. You can look back to a time when you were in this sad state. Opened your eyes and despised him, opened your moth and rejected him.

Wounded for our transgressions, bruised  for our iniquities, with his stripes we are healed. The chastisement of our peace was upon him. Start with wounds then bruises then chastisement.

Who wounded him, mankind with words attitudes and nails, who bruised him of course Satan Genesis 3:15. who chastised him, chastised not by man or the devil but by the hand of God.

Bore the chastisement of our peace, we can not have peace with God unless our sins are chastised on Christ by God.

It pleased the Lord to bruise him. I can’t describe the chastisement of Christ for my sins. It’s too mush for me I can only weep and wonder and worship.

We would still be rejecting him accept one day God taught us what it all meant.

The seeing of people is one thing but what did God see, what did Christ himself see.

Vs 10 his seed, Christ saw the soldiers coming to strip him of his clothes, the cross was on the ground and they laid him their and nailed him to that tree. Four soldiers and a centurion, he saw the men and he saw his seed, they are all in heaven, he saw his seed. Mat. 27:54 When the centurion and those with him who were guarding Jesus saw the earthquake and all that had happened, they were terrified, and exclaimed, "Surely he was the Son of God!" Centurion and those with him. Firstly they just saw another thief but now they feared God and confessed Christ as the son of God, no one can do that unless the spirit shows them.

Who else did he see. His mother and the chosen disciple John, he united them, he saw his seed, see them again in the upper room.

Beside him was a thief, who at first began to see him as a sinner despising and rejecting him, but suddenly he changes, and pleads for mercy,  Christ looks at him and sees his seed, I am going to take you today with me to paradise. Christ arrives in heaven in the company the thief, saying this is my greatest victory from the throes of death. Anyone snatched from their deathbed is a great prize.

Vs 11 he shall see of the travail of his soul and be satisfied

Rev 7 vision of the whole totality of those saved, great number,  the Angel asks, who and from where, from great tribulation washed in the blood of the lamb. He is satisfied, what satisfies him. To get all his people home, Peter Satan desires you but I have prayed for you.

The old prophet 700 years before the cross, he writes in the past tense he was wounded, past tense because it is certain. Oh may God ever draw us to the cross. O the love that drew salvations plan oh the love that brought it down to man, oh the mighty gulf that god did span at Calvary, mercy their was great and grace was free pardon there was multiplied to me  there my burdened soul found liberty at Calvary.

Wonderful Jesus, anyone here today who has been despising, rejecting Christ, he still knocks, he still knocks with a blood stained hand.

It’s more than tongue can tell.  Vilest offender who truly believes that moment from Jesus a pardon receives.

Sunday 25th PAUL ... and the source of his spiritual wealth.. . "In whom we have"

 he apostle Paul was probably the greatest evangelist of all time.

 His service to the church was of incalculable worth. Although he  had very little money, he was perhaps the wealthiest of all Christians - not in earthly assets, but in spiritual power. This outstanding fact  is clearly seen in his letter to the Ephesians.

 In Christ we have redemption through His blood ... pardon (Eph. 1:7)

 It is noteworthy that most of the inhabitants of Ephesus were  Gentiles who were worshipers of the goddess Diana. Their city had  been notoriously sinful, but the gospel so transformed the district  that, before the end of the second century, all its citizens had become Christians. It would have been expected that Jews would understand

 the message of redemption through the blood of sacrifice, but for  pagans to accept this truth testifies to the effectiveness of Paul's  ministry. He did not hesitate to speak about the atoning death of the Lord Jesus, for he knew that for all people this alone was the  power of God unto salvation. It is thrilling to read Paul's words:

"... the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace.

 God s grace is marvelous, but the apostle spoke of the riches o f His grace. That indicates grace in all its fullness. Pardon given to undeserving sinners is measured by  the  infinite  grace  of  a compassionate God.

 In Christ we have an inheritance ... provision (Eph. 1: 11)

 An inheritance is something claimed after the donor has died! The  writer to the Hebrews said: "For where a testament is, there must also of necessity be the death of the testator. For a testament is of force after men are dead; otherwise it is of no strength at all while the testator liveth" (Heb. 9:16-17). It was the desire of the Lord that redeemed sinners should receive an inheritance to supply their need through time and eternity. This was only made possible when the Testator's death validated His will. Later, in the Epistle to the Ephesians, Paul itemized the details of the provision made by the Prince of heaven.

 In Christ we have been sealed ... possessed (Eph. 1: 13)

   So that there could be no mistake in the identity of claimants to this eternal fortune, the stamp of ownership was placed on every believer. That the Christian was eligible to receive an inheritance could never be challenged or questioned in a court of law; the stamp of heaven was indelibly placed on his soul. Paul said, "Ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise. " Many logging companies fell trees in the Canadian forests, but these are immediately stamped with the special mark of the owner. The logs thereafter float down rivers to the lake where they are examined and separated. There is never a problem of identity for each log "is sealed" with a stamp of ownership. Christians may mingle with millions of other human beings; but, sealed by the Holy Spirit, their identity can never be confused.

  In Christ we have become a habitation ... privilege (Eph. 3:22)

 Paul went to great lengths to explain that, within the fellowship of the church, racial bitterness should be nonexistent. Jews and Gentiles were united. Old barriers had been removed to create God's substitute for the temple at Jerusalem. Formerly it was claimed Jehovah lived in the sanctuary made  by  men;  Paul  affirmed

 something new had been created. Christians had become a  home for the indwelling Spirit of God. (See I Cor. 3:16.)

  In Christ we have boldness ... pleasure (Eph. 3:12)

 This was no "flash in the pan" doctrine, something about which to argue, something which might be proven false. It was "According to the eternal purpose which [God] purposed in Christ Jesus" (v. 11). What had been planned in eternity had been accomplished in time. Paul was absolutely sure of the provisions in his inheritance and said that every believer should share his confidence. Neither shame nor hesitancy should be evident when the believer stated his case before men. There could be no doubt about the realities claimed; God had endorsed what had been said.

 In Christ we have access ... permission (Eph. 3:12)

  Access into the ancient Holy of Holies had been denied to all except the high priest of Israel. He had been permitted, once a year, to go beyond the veil to stand at the mercy seat. All prohibitions have now been swept away by the death of Christ. Jesus opened a new and living way to the heart of the Father, and all who desire can come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need." (See Heb. 4:16.) Paul was a wealthy believer,  but  we  also  may  claim  an  identical inheritance ... if we know how!

Sunday 18th THEMES IN HEBREWS. The essential theme

The age in which the letter to the Hebrews was written was a period of uncertainty. Old religious regimes had terminated; people hardly knew what to expect next. Many Christians were becoming martyrs, the ferocity unleashed against them was frightening, and every man and woman wondered if he or she would be the next victim. The outlook was exceedingly bleak and, for many, joy had become elusive. Many students believe Paul was the author of this letter, but the identity of the writer is not of supreme importance.  In the midst of uncertainty, God stressed the certainties of life and by so doing summed up what had been said throughout the epistle.  Here we have the gospel in a nutshell!

Our problem is acute (Heb. 9:27).

“It is appointed unto men once to die.” This fact is unassailable.  No person can deny that the end of mortality is death. The wealthy and the poor, the educated and the illiterate, adults and children, the people of all creeds and color will reach the end of their earthly journey. Accumulated possessions will be left behind; friends and family, at best, can only attend our funerals. It must always be a cause for regret that even the wisest of human beings have never been able to discover a way to avoid or defeat this archenemy of mankind. It is appointed - that is, it has been ordained - that humans cannot live on earth forever. That is the human races greatest problem.

Our predicament is alarming (Heb. 9:27).

 “But after [death] the judgment.” This is probably considered by many people to be the most unpleasant message in the Scriptures.  All kinds of teachers have tried to minimize the somber fact that men are accountable to God. The idea that the Almighty could ever punish offenders is considered by liberal teachers to be obnoxious.  Everybody likes to think of heaven with its glories, but the contemplation of a day of judgment is unwanted and unpleasant.  Men like to believe that the grace of God will always be greater than human guilt; hence there is never need to worry. However pleasant and desirable that interpretation may be, the fact remains that it is not in accordance with the words spoken by Jesus. He warned people about a day of reckoning and said that, if they died unforgiven, they would be lost eternally. This terrible reality should fill men with dread.

Our pardon is achievable (Heb. 9:28).

“So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many.” The entire epistle explains that Christ, the Lamb of God, fulfilled the types and shadows found in the Old Testament and that He took our sins and nailed them, so to speak, to the cross of Calvary. In the merit of His precious blood, He satisfied the requirements of divine law and, having sacrificed Himself for our sin, sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. There He intercedes for His people and dispenses forgiveness to those who seek it. There is no need to fear the Day of Judgment. If our sins are pardoned, no charge can be made against us. Our High Priest can testify to the fact that, because He paid our debt, we are free from condemnation. Confidence in this truth removes dread. “He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life” (John 5:24).

Our promise is assured (Heb. 9:28).

“And unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation.” This is the greatest of all the certainties mentioned in this epistle. The Lord Jesus Christ is seated at the right hand of the throne of God, but His position there is only temporary.  He promised to return to this world. God said that Jesus should inherit the throne of His father David; therefore, when Christ reigns for a thousand years, the seat of His kingdom will be in Jerusalem.  There is reason to believe that the promise of His return is the brightest star in God’s prophetical sky.

Evil may appear to win occasional battles, but the final triumph rests with God. “Jesus shall reign wher-e’er the sun does his successive  journeys  run,  His kingdom spread from shore to shore till moons shall wax and wane no more.”

It is easy to understand why the writer of this letter urged his readers to look “unto Jesus. “ When despondency and fear threaten the tranquility of the soul, when approaching peril chills the human spirit, the best and safest way to avoid trouble is to look “unto Jesus” (Heb. 12:2). It is better to look for a sunrise than to close one’s eyes and remain in the dark!

Sunday 11th September THEME IN HEBREWS. Seated at the right hand of God.  To sit at the side of a king, queen, or president is a very great honor; and few of the inhabitants of earth ever attain to that place of exaltation.

Throughout this epistle, the writer continues to emphasize the fact that Christ is seated at the right hand of the Majesty on high.

The greatest honor that God could bestow was conferred upon the Savior.  This indicated acceptance and approval of what He had accomplished. The work that God gave Him to do had been completed; the job was done. 

When God crowned Christ with glory and honor, the coronation in heaven superseded anything ever known among angels or humans.

He is accepted as the triumphant glorious saviour ,  so we are safe and acceptable to God.

His rightful place (Heb.1:13) To which of the angels did God ever say, "Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet" Jesus had accomplished what angels could not even attempt; He had by Himself purged our sins.

He belonged at God’s right hand for two reasons.  He had been there from the beginning; the place of honor was His by natural affinity with God.

Having done what God desired, the Lord by right of conquest and fulfillment had demonstrated that this was His rightful place of honor.

So, there was nothing surprising in His being at God’s right hand; He was where He belonged.

His rightful place. His royal place (Heb.8:1) The point of what we are saying is this: We do have such a high priest, who sat down at the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in heaven

Apart from the mysterious Melchizedek there had never been a royal priest. A king was a king, and a priest was a priest. No man had ever filled the two positions. Royalty expressed majesty and power; the priesthood expressed concern and intercession for those represented.

This picture of Christ surpassed all expectation. Seated in the heavens, our Royal Priest not only intercedes; His position suggests He is able to do what needs to be done.

He resembles an ambassador.  His one hand grasps the heart of God, and the other reaches down to the impoverished people of earth.

He is at one and the same moment God and Man, our intercessor in another world. 

The realization of this eternal truth is the forerunner of peace. This was probably the reason why the great prototype Melchizedek was called both the King of Righteousness and the King of Salem - Peace.

His rightful place: His royal place, His redemptive place (Heb.10:12) But when this priest had offered for all time one sacrifice for sins, he sat down at the right hand of God.

John 20:17 Jesus said, "Do not hold on to me, for I have not yet returned to the Father. Go instead to my brothers and tell them, `I am returning to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.'

Doubtless He went to present His credentials, for no priest could represent Israel until he himself had been accepted by God. Never throughout the gospels was Christ revealed as the High Priest of His people.

According to the law, a priest could only exercise his ministry after the sacrifice had been made. Calvary changed the Lord. He became more than a friend or teacher. He was planning to do for His people more than had ever been done. 

The reconciliation made through His death made it possible for Him to sit on a real throne of grace.

The ancient priests sprinkled the blood of sacrifice on and before the mercy seat. Many theologians believe that Christ went home to heaven to present His blood as the credential by which He could be installed as the High Priest of believers.

When God accepted that credential the Lord was crowned with glory and honor, and from that hallowed moment Jesus became our representative in the greatest court in the universe.

His rightful place: His royal place: His redemptive place His radiant place

(Heb.12:2) Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.

Jesus never tried to avoid what men considered being the ultimate tragedy, his death.

Each time He thought of the cross, He was thrilled with joyful expectancy, realizing it was the appointed way by which many would be brought to glory.

Christ was present when our Christian experience began; He will be there at journey’s end. Therefore “let us run with patience the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus.

The path of life may be difficult, it may run through shadowy territory, but Christians should know “the path of the just” leads to the “perfect day” (Prov.4:18)   


Themes in HEBREWS Sunday 4th 

Themes in HEBREWS. By the blood of Jesus

This epistle was written to the nation of Israel and therefore it is no cause for amazement that the author had much to say about the Blood, The blood of sacrifice that was a daily routine for all Israel.

The entire nation knew that “without shedding of blood is no forgiveness” (Heb. 9:22)

The NT teaches that the blood of animals never abolished sin; it merely provided a temporary covering.

The precious blood of Jesus removed it eternally.

George Pirie wasn’t sure if he was half dead or half alive? Is the blood part of life or death?

Blood means the atoning death of our saviour on the cross. It should be remembered that the blood meant the life, for life was in the blood. Lev. 17:14. When the Bible speaks of the shed blood of Christ, it means His sinless life outpoured on the cross of Calvary

He entered the Most Holy Place once for all by his own blood (Heb. 9:12)

This refers to the fact that, on the Day of Atonement, the high priest of Israel rigorously entered within the veil of the temple to appear before God on behalf of the nation and offer goats blood for their sin. (See Leviticus 16.)

Engraved upon his breastplate were the names of the twelve tribes. When he stood before the mercy seat, he carried those names, not only on his heart, but also in his supplication. This was the foundation upon which priestly intercession rested sanctification, blood sacrifice and intercession. This epistle explains that, although the earthly temple no longer existed, Jesus had entered the real temple of God, the heavens themselves.

No other man was ever permitted to proceed beyond the veil of the temple; no other person could ever approach so close to God. Christians have a unique High Priest who pleads their cause continually.

The blood of Jesus purges our conscience.  How much more, then, will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself unblemished to God, cleanse our consciences from acts that lead to death, so that we may serve the living God! (Heb. 9:14)

Christ made the atonement, the Holy Spirit applied it, and God accepted it. This had never been accomplished previously. To absolve a conscience from guilt was beyond the powers of man. The blood of a turtledove might satisfy the demands of law, but it could never bring rest to a guilty conscience. This was the forerunner of real peace; the assurance that what Christ began He would complete. By His blood we enter the holiest of all

(Heb. 10: 19-22) Therefore, brothers, since we have confidence to enter the Most Holy Place by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way opened for us through the curtain, that is, his body, and since we have a great priest over the house of God, let us draw near to God with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water.

What once was a private footpath used once a year by one privileged man had become an open highway.

As a marvelous and thrilling contrast to what was, there existed a new and living way by which believers could draw near to the mercy seat.  We are not only able to enter and stand there; we stand there with Him, for He has become our advocate, our lawyer pleading a case before the Judge of all mankind. The writer to the Hebrews was able to say: let us draw near to God with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith. Thank God, the separating veil has been removed.

And so Jesus also suffered outside the city gate to make the people holy through his own blood. Heb. 13:12

By His blood He sanctifies us. Formerly, in order to sanctify any person or thing, the priest sprinkled people, and even today it is possible to witness the procedure when priests walk among crowds, spraying incense over expectant congregations.  Jesus never did this kind of thing. However, the writer of this letter affirms that the merits of the work done at Calvary became a sanctifying influence spread by Christ over all who looked expectantly to Him. 

His precious blood not only cleansed a believers sins and opened a new and living way into the presence of God; it also made them acceptable before the Lord.

This was the climax of His entire endeavor.  John 14:3 informs us that, where He is, we may be also.

Since nothing that defiles can ever enter into the presence of the living God, we need to possess something greater than the forgiveness of sin. We must be sanctified; we must reach higher ground and be conformed to the image of God’s Son.

I John 1:7 informs us that, when we walk in the light as He is in the light, the blood of Jesus goes on cleansing us from all sin.  This process will continue until we are like Jesus. Dear friends, now we are children of God, and what we will be has not yet been made known. But we know that when he appears, we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is. I John 3:2. Obviously, without the assistance of Christ and the Comforter whom the Lord sent to help us, these exalted standards would be beyond our reach.

Sunday 21st August THEMES in HEBREWS ... this Man, the incomparable Christ

Another theme of this great epistle is the incomparable Christ, the High Priest of His people.

He was born in a stable but has since thrilled kings and queens in palaces.

He never attended any university, but He has engaged the attention of every scholar on earth. He never had an army, but He has conquered the world.

He seldom handled money, but He possessed something money could never buy. 

This epistle reveals Him in a very unique manner.

This man and Moses (Heb. 3:3) “For this man was counted worthy of more glory than Moses, inasmuch as he who builds the house has more honor than the house.”

Moses was a servant in the household of God; Jesus was the eternal Son. He belonged in the intimate circles of the divine fellowship.

The first chapter stresses the fact that the worlds were made by Him; He had been appointed heir of all things.

The revered lawgiver of Israel Moses could not even compare with the description given in Hebrews 1:3: “Who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high” (Heb. 1:3).

Moses was born among captives in Egypt; Jesus, the Son of God, existed before time began; He inhabited eternity.

This Man Jesus was truly magnificent and completely incomparable.

This man and the priests (Heb. 7:23-24)  23 Now there have been many of those priests, since death prevented them from continuing in office;  24 but because Jesus lives forever, he has a permanent priesthood. e   25 Therefore he is able to save f  completely 31 those who come to God g  through him, because he always lives to intercede for them. h  26 Such a high priest i  meets our need—one who is holy, blameless, pure, set apart from sinners, j  exalted above the heavens. k  

The entire nation of Israel had for centuries placed their trust in the Aaronic priesthood. Once every year the high priest entered within the veil to represent people before the mercy seat. It seemed inconceivable that the nation could exist without such aid.

Then this ministry terminated, everyone was overwhelmed with grief and despair. This epistle explained that the seeming catastrophe was of little consequence.

Even Aaron’s ministry had been limited. He could not complete what he commended. 

“And they truly were many priests, because they were not suffered to continue by reason of death. But this man, because he continues for ever, has an unchangeable priesthood.

Furthermore, Jesus was not only a Priest, He was a royal Priest.

Citing the ancient Melchizedek as an example, this author went on to expound the glorious fact that the Lord was a Priest after that royal order. His love guaranteed that He would represent sinners, but His power guaranteed He would be able to bring relief to the supplicant.

This man and His offering (Heb. 8:3)    3 Every high priest v  is appointed to offer both gifts and sacrifices, w  and so it was necessary for this one also to have something to offer. x  

It was required that every Old Testament priest offer sacrifices, for “without shedding of blood is no remission” (Heb. 9:22). Yet no priest ever offered his own blood! To do such a thing would have been useless and blasphemous. 

The Lord Jesus was supremely unique.  “Neither by the blood of goats and calves, but by his own blood he entered in once into the holy place, having obtained eternal redemption for us” (Heb. 9:12). Christ was different! The merits of His precious blood easily surpassed the blood of turtledoves, lambs, and bullocks. The termination of the Aaronic priesthood was of little consequence. Christians had a better priest, who offered a better sacrifice.

This High Priest lives to make intercession for us. He was complete in every aspect of His ministry. Nevertheless, to enhance that ministry, we must cooperate with Him, by drawing near in “full assurance of faith” (Heb. 10:22).  22 let us draw near to God v  with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith, w  having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience x  and having our bodies washed with pure water. y  

This man and His expectancy (Heb. 10: 12-13)  “But this man, after he had offered one sacrifice for sins for ever, sat down on the right hand of God; From henceforth expecting till his enemies be made his footstool. “

(1) How different! There was never another like Him.

(2) How decisive! He offered one sacrifice - not many; it was for ever - not just a limited period of time.

(3) How deliberate! He sat down! There was neither panic nor haste. With absolute dignity He rested, knowing His work had been accomplished.

(4) How distinguished! He sat at God’s right hand.  Few people ever reach such heights of exaltation. Our High Priest is enthroned in the heavens, far above principalities and powers. 

(5) How discerning! He knew the end would never be in doubt. The battle and its issues had been won and settled at the cross of Calvary.  It is thrilling to contemplate that this Man is our Lord and Savior.

We are safe in His keeping.  Lords Table gives us meaning to continue to give thanks for Jesus.

Looking at the Themes in HEBREWS Sunday 14th August we can see that Jesus is able

Hebrews 5:7 During the days of Jesus' life on earth, he offered up prayers and petitions with loud cries and tears to the one who could save him from death, and he was heard because of his reverent submission.

This verse is possibly one of the most thought-provoking statements in the Bible; it principally refers to that memorable occasion when, in the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus in an agony fought for His life.

(Read Luke 22:40-44.) 39 Jesus went out as usual v  to the Mount of Olives, w  and his disciples followed him.  40 On reaching the place, he said to them, “Pray that you will not fall into temptation.” x   41 He withdrew about a stone’s throw beyond them, knelt down y  and prayed,  42 “Father, if you are willing, take this cup z  from me; yet not my will, but yours be done.” a   43 An angel from heaven appeared to him and strengthened him. b   44 And being in anguish, he prayed more earnestly, and his sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground. 86

The cup to which the Lord made reference was that of human weakness. Satan was trying to kill the Lord prematurely. Jesus, realizing His life was being threatened, prayed to be saved from an immediate untimely death so that He could suffer the death that He was willing to suffer, and His prayer was answered when the Angel came to strengthen Him.

That doesn’t detract from the sentiment that the cup was also the cup of suffering for sin, a suffering that would separate him from His Father.

1. Jesus was able to save: Therefore he is able to save completely those who come to God through him, because he always lives to intercede for them. (Heb. 7:25)

To infer that the humanity of Jesus desired a way by which to avoid going to Calvary, is not correct.

Jesus was the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. He came to earth to die. When He contemplated "the death of the cross," He did so with increasing joy. (Heb. 12:2. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.)

The verse mentioned in the introduction enables us to understand to what depths of suffering and shame He went to provide salvation for sinners. What happened in the Garden of Gethsemane and on the green hill revealed that He came to save lost souls, and the first phase of the operation had been successfully concluded.

The way was now open to make real in human experience that which had been planned in eternity.  His sacrificial death on the cross had atoned for sin; His precious blood could obliterate human guilt; forgiveness had become gloriously possible. The author of this epistle was quite sure that Jesus was not only able to save; He was able to continue the work until every person had been transformed into the image of God's Son.

2. Jesus was able to help or Succour. (Because he himself suffered when he was tempted, he is able to help those who are being tempted. Heb. 2:18; For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are--yet was without sin 4:15)

It must always be remembered that this letter was sent to people who were in real trouble. Their problems were not imaginary! Some were suffering from severe persecution; some were even dying. It was difficult for them to embrace a new faith when their God appeared indifferent to human need.

The author insisted that Jesus, having walked our pathway in life, was not only aware of our problems but was, out of His own experience, able to understand and supply that for which weary souls yearned. In view of the truth that Jesus had become our High Priest; all His followers should "therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need." As a mother comforts her child, so the Lord could comfort and sustain His children.

3. Jesus is able to sanctify (Therefore he is able to save completely those who come to God through him, because he always lives to intercede for them. Heb. 7:25)

The salvation offered in Christ was more than the forgiveness of sin. Read I John 3:2 and realize that all converts must be made like Christ, as there can be no imperfection in heaven. Dear friends, now we are children of God, and what we will be has not yet been made known. But we know that when he appears, we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is. 3Everyone who has this hope in him purifies himself, just as he is pure.

It was because our High Priest - unlike the members of the Aaronic priesthood - would never die; He will be able to complete that which He began.  His intercession for us at God's right hand is the guarantee that He will never "give up" on His difficult task.

However, it is vitally necessary that we "come unto God by him." Only thus can God’s plan succeed.

We must cooperate in His endeavor. Having started a process, the Lord desired to complete it. Having lifted sinners from the uttermost, He intended to save them to the uttermost. 

The Hebrews were urged not to be content with lesser goals and not to exist in the valley of doubt and despondency when it was possible to climb into mountains of spiritual experience and enjoy the sunshine of God's favor. Things were better and brighter ahead, and nothing should ever be permitted to ruin the ongoing, uplifting experience of walking and climbing with God.

As John Bunyan explained in his book, The Pilgrim's Progress, we came from the city of destruction but our final destination is the celestial city, where there is no need of the sun. With the poet we should sing: I'm pressing on the upward way, New heights I'm gaining every day; Still praying as I'm onward bound,

"Lord, plant my feet on higher ground."

Themes in HEBREWS ..."Let us"

The better way that is Christ is mapped out for us for our spiritual journey through life.

Christ is better than angelic beings, than any earthly priesthood, Christ is a better sacrifice that all the beasts on Jewish alter slain, Christ offers a better covenant than Abraham, a better hope than Moses, Christ is a better possession than the Law, He offers a better resurrection and leads his people to a better promised land. “I am the way”

The second theme leads on to action, we have the facts, Christ is better, what do we do now?

Having mentioned the better things to be found in the Christian way of living, the author goes on to indicate milestones along the road that lead to the fullness of the blessing of God.  He encourages the reader to put into practice the actions necessary for a life of forward victory and holiness.

Let us therefore fear (Heb. 4: 1) Therefore, since the promise of entering his rest still stands, let us fear (be careful) that none of you be found to have fallen short of it. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.

(See also 3: 7-11.) The author reminds his readers that in former generations the people of God possessed much knowledge and yet failed to enter the Promised Land… Is a type of the full blessing?

Hebrews 6:4 Uses a hypothetical illustration to stress this fact.  The hesitant people to whom this letter was sent appeared to be in similar danger. They knew truth but remained reluctant to accept its demands. Fear and respect for God will motivate them into obedience and a conviction that there is no going back for the Christian; the days of leeks and garlic are over.

Let us labour (Heb. 4:11) Let us, therefore, labour (make every effort) to enter that rest, so that no one will fall by following their example of disobedience.

Deep in the ocean there is a stillness…

There was urgent need for these people to arise and with boldness do something. If dangers threatened, they were to be courageous and overcome them. The time had arrived to act, not talk. Nothing could be more important than entering into the kingdom of God and then pressing on.

Let us hold fast (Heb. 4:14) Therefore, since we have a great high priest who has gone through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast (firmly) to the faith we profess.

(Compare Rev. 3: 11.) (Lose their crown not their salvation) Those wavering, hesitant people needed to hold fast, for otherwise the most precious commodity in this world and the next might be lost. Wise people give consideration to the questions: "How best can a man or woman hold fast the things of God? What are the greatest assets of the believer? What is the secret of successful living for Christ?"

Let us come boldly (Heb. 4:16) Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.

Nothing can ever be an effective substitute for communion with God. The man who seldom meets his Lord has no chance of success.  Service for God is excellent, but worship is better. Service may indicate the light is shining, but worship charges the batteries! The man who never prays is like a plant without water.

Let us go on (Heb. 6: 1,2) Therefore let us leave the elementary teachings about Christ and go on to maturity, not laying again the foundation of repentance from acts that lead to death, and of faith in God, instruction about baptisms, the laying on of hands, the resurrection of the dead, and eternal judgment.

The Christian who never grows in grace cannot be effective for his Lord; the man who knows everything knows nothing! Knowledge is thought to be the ultimate asset. That cannot be correct. To be like Christ is far better than knowing about Him. Instead of looking for blemishes in brethren, eyes should be focused on the great High Priest who ever lives to make intercession for us.

Let us consider one another (Heb. 10:24) And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds.

The church is a fellowship of those who love Christ; it is a family of people like us. Occasionally problems arise within the body. Understanding is better than criticism; love is better than tension. A person without compassion is a poor example of the Lord who loved everybody.

Let us run with patience (Heb. 12: 1) Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.

Christians resemble athletes in a stadium. The grandstands are filled with spectators - maybe spectators from all over the world. No runner would burden himself by running with weights around his neck. He avoids every hindrance, and Christians performing in life's marathon should emulate that example. They should lay aside every weight and the sin that so easily besets them and run patiently the race. The Galatians ran well for a time but were hindered; we must not make the same mistake. (See Gal. 3: 1ff) Read

Let us go forth (Heb. 13:13) Let us, then, go to him outside the camp, bearing the disgrace he bore.

To follow in the footsteps of Christ, it is necessary to avoid the world with its insidious temptations and alluring attractions. Peter denied the Lord when he sought fellowship and warmth at the enemies' fire. We must, therefore, "Go forth" to Him "without the camp.” Separated Christians have a greater chance of becoming consecrated Christians. We must be in the world, but not of it!

Let us offer praise (Heb. 13:15) Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise

The greatest advertisement for Christ and the gospel is a happy, radiant believer.

Scowls, complaints, criticisms, and sorrowful expressions are not reflections of overflowing happiness.

If God has been gracious and good to us, we should give thanks to Him.

Faith is like a mockingbird ... it sings in the dark. There is only one sacrifice left since Christ accomplished all that was needed, the sacrifice of praise.

Sunday 24th Amos. 1 Key V.1:2 "The LORD roars from Zion and thunders from Jerusalem; the pastures of the shepherds dry up, and the top of Carmel withers." 

Here we have a one verse summery of the book. The book of Amos is about judgment.

Background to Israel. Kingdom divided after Solomon’s death. Jeroboam separated 10 tribes in the north that became Israel and Rehoboham led Judah and Benjamin. Israel in the north Judah in the south, the divided Kingdom. Jeroboam built two temples in Dan and Bethel, put golden calf idols in them and proclaimed these as Israel’s gods. He ordained priests from all kinds of people, not from the Levites. 1 Kings 12.

170 years later Israel under Jerhoboam 2 and Judah under king Uzziah they were prosperous and at peace. However it was also a time of idolatry, extravagant indulgence in luxurious living, immorality, corruption of judicial procedures and oppression of the poor. Not to mention the spiritual problems.

God was calling out for social justice 5:12 For I know how many are your offenses and how great your sins. j  You oppress the righteous and take bribes k  and you deprive the poor l  of justice in the courts. m  15 Hate evil, q  love good; r  maintain justice in the courts. s  Perhaps t  the LORD God Almighty will have mercy u  on the remnant v  of Joseph. But let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream!

The man God sends a most unlikely prophet 7:14-15 "I was neither a prophet nor a prophet's son, but I was a shepherd, and I also took care of sycamore-fig trees. But the LORD took me from tending the flock and said to me, `Go, prophesy to my people Israel.'

Like a cowboy taking care of cattle and care of fig trees that needed to have the tops cut, he produced meat, fruit and timber. He was not a paid professional Prophet, but he heard the lion roar and came to deliver His message.

The message: 4:12 Prepare to meet your God. Before it was too late!

The surrounding nations would be dealt with first, the most distant then getting nearer until Israel then Judah would meet God in Judgement.

It was fine hearing about your enemies being judged for their ungodly conduct and social injustice. It was fine to hear that God had had enough of them, but when the message and judgement came closer to home, then it was hard to bear.

It was like hearing that God was judging London, Manchester, Carlisle, Glasgow, Perth, Inverness, then Portslade

For all the other nations it was social injustice committed on a large scale. One example vs.6 Gaza. 6 This is what the LORD says: “For three sins of Gaza, u  even for four, I will not turn back  my wrath . v  Because she took captive whole communities and sold them to Edom, w  

By Chapter 2:4 God’s complaint was against his privileged people is that they know better, the have the law and commandments but have chosen to ignore them. They were hypocrites displaying an empty religious others were at ease in Zion, indifferent to their sin. They were like ripe fruit ready for picking, their was a famine of the word. Yet the message was before it is too late prepare to meet your God. Look what’s happening to the other nations, you still have time to reflect and repent. The reason for God’s judgement is not revenge but renewal.

The Response.

Plumb line was the end of mercy; God would not hear anymore their fate was sealed. As long as mercy was involved in the prophecy the people tolerated it. When the prophecy was final when doom was determined, and mercy removed the people panicked and got rid of Amos sent him back south where he belonged, sent him out of ear shot.

Today we are the same, we like to hear that God is a God of love and we will all be saved. When we realise that is only a half truth and that God’s love is extended through his mercy, righteousness and judgement as seen in Christ then we excuse ourselves by saying that we will be saved by the skin of our teeth, wood hay and stubble, works judged, but our souls saved! Ultimately we hide from reality, only God knows therefore we need to leave it with him.

Wake up, christians prepare to meet your God, meet him now in his word.  What is in your mind right now.           

Sunday 17th When God gives His Church a vision, we need to be vigilant we need to be sure of the road we must follow." Even though we are doing ok - Perhaps we can do better. LETS LOOKAT THE FALL OF JUDAS - Matthew 26.14-16

Judas is the strangest and most mysterious character of the Bible ... His life was full of shame and his final story was tragic ... Jesus said it would have been better if he had not been born ... (v. 24). But notice he had everything to go and do what was right ... He had opportunities and privileges incomparable ...

He met Jesus and walked so close to him for three years ... He heard the deepest and profound sermons from the lips of Jesus ...

a) He had a wonderful name: Until then this name was the name preferred by parents to name their children ...

Even Mary, the mother of Jesus, gave this name to one of the children ... Judas... His name meant praise ...

When a boy was born it was an honour for his parents to give him the name of Judas ...Does your name represented a blessing, a tribute of glory to God ...But this man denied his name, and turned something good into something bad ..

b) He was chosen to be an apostle of Jesus: Jesus spent a whole night in prayer before choosing the apostles ...

Judas was not the result of a hasty choice ... Jesus sought guidance from the Father for that choice, but in spite of such high privilege Judas threw away this opportunity so rich ...

c) He was the only one of the apostles to receive a position of trust: Judas was chosen to be treasurer of the apostolic college ... He knew how to deal with financial issues ... anyone who deals with Gods Work needs to be faithful.

Possibly the most studied of the twelve ...The only one who was not a Galilean - was not prejudiced against ...

But despite his unusual ability, and high privilege.This man made improper use of his position of trust –he was not honest .. John 12.6  He stole what was deposited to sustain the work ... His heart was not with Jesus, but the money - he was a materialist So Jesus does not refer to money as a currency, but as a god ... It ensures that no one will enter heaven serving mammon - money loving ...

d) He enjoyed the confidence of the rest of the apostles: Even when Jesus announced that one of them would betray him ... Even when Jesus gave him the bread dipped in the cup... Even when he left the upper room –they thought he went  to fetch something ... (John 13:29).

No one ever suspected the action of Judas ...

a) He was sent to preach the gospel: The mission of the seventy remember Judas was sent to preach the good news He was an apostle and as such proclaimed truths about Jesus to the people ... Certainly, he saw many people being touched by the word which he announced ... He preached the gospel to many people, but he did not save anyone...

b) He witnessed the miracles of Jesus: He saw Jesus healing the sick, freeing the oppressed ... He was an eyewitness of the great wonders brought by Jesus

c) He took supper with Jesus and the other apostles: In fact, the Bible says that it was during supper, the devil entered into him ... (Luke 22.3, John 13.2,27) And since then he started acting in the dead of night ... But despite such as high privileges ...


Since then no parent puts the name of Judas on his child ... They put the name of Peter, James, John, but not the Judas ... That man turned what was beautiful into something ugly ... What was glorious became shameful ... Judas plotted for the arrest of Jesus ...

Jesus himself announced his death to the disciples ...

It may have been that with the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem Judas has moved away from the group to meet the religious authorities ... Perhaps imagining I could capitalize on something that seemed inevitable ... He went to meet the chief priests who were gathered in Gods House... He knew where he could find them ...

The Bible says he had been looking for an opportunity to betray Jesus ... Do not you think that was the only time ... Other times he tried, but failed ... But now he found the authorities and asked them: "What will you give me, if I put Jesus into uour hands?" - The way he betrays Jesus was no surprise ...

They then proposed to give him thirty pieces of silver, and the deal was closed ...What could be bought with thirty pieces? With thirty pieces of silver could buy a good slave ...With thirty pieces of silver from the religious authorities Judas money was later used to buy a field to bury people.Judas was fooled by Mammon ...


The disciples were still in the upper room when Jesus instituted the Supper ...

The assembled disciples were arguing over which of them was the greatest ...

Jesus rose, girded himself with a towel and began to wash the feet ...

Remember that Peter protested when Jesus was washing her feet ... He said: "You will never wash my feet" ... (John 13:8).

Until Jesus approached Judas ... Incidentally, Jesus washed the feet of Judas's even knowing of his betrayal...

But we do not find in this story any resistance from Judas ... You cannot find no word of confession on his lips ...

A single word but it would be a question and answer from a hypocrite ...

When Jesus announced that one of them would betray him, Judas also asked: "Am I that one Master?" - Jesus answered him: "Thou hast said." (Matthew 26.25)

Jesus turned to him and said: "What you have to do, do quickly." (John 13:27).

And Judas plunged into the dense of the night ... The disciples thought that he would go and get something for supper - John 13:29.  But he had gone to meet the priests and the soldiers with their clubs ...

You know what strikes me in this story? Is that Jesus gave opportunities for Judas to repent ...

Only two were in the upper room, but the son of perdition was resolved ...

Jesus left the upper room went straight to the Mount of Olives with his disciples ...While Judas was plotting with the enemies to arrestJesus ...Jesus bowed before God in prayer ...The time had come, and his soul was deeply distressed ...

The Bible says that His sweat became as drops of blood on the ground ...For two or three times Jesus  had to awaken His disciples – to watch and pray ... He knew the traitor approached ...

Judas appeared with soldiers - torches and clubs ... Judas came as the leader he was at the front of the group ...

Note that for him there was still one last glimmer of hope ...

Jesus said to him, (Matthew 26.50). Friend do what you came for.

Judas betrayal sealed with a kiss ... "Greetings, Rabbi! And kissed him "(Matthew 26.49).

He had given a sign: "Whomsoever I shall kiss, that is him: hold him fast." (Matthew 26.48)

And the crowd and the soldiers laid hold of Jesus ...


Seeing Jesus arrested and sentenced taken to be judged Judas was remorseful ... But remorse is not repentance - repentance is God's action ... Remorse is the whip of consciousness applied by Satan himself ...

Matthew 27.3-4 "Then Judas, who betrayed him, saw that Jesus was condemned, touched with remorse, returned the thirty silver coins to the priests and elders, saying, I have sinned in betraying innocent blood. But they said, What do we care? That is you doing"

Although the authorities have not heeded his confession ... Judas sought to get rid of the coins, throwing them to the temple ... But note that he got rid of the coins, but not the guilt he felt ...

Corroded by guilt he went outside to hang himself (Matthew 27.5) - this is the plot of Satan ...

Paul speaks of two kinds of sorrow ... II Corinthians 7:10 "For godly sorrow worketh repentance to salvation that brings no regret, but worldly grief produces death"

The sadness of Peter was repentance, sorrow of Judas was remorseful ...

Both sinned and wept, but only one had regret ... How do we know this? True repentance leads us to God ...

False repentance leads to death and destruction ... While Peter was reconciled with Jesus, Judas hanged himself ...

The crying of many today is it repentance or remorse?

Four final lessons ... Do we observe the law, or are we ignoring it: That IS not what we see here in the attitude of the chief priests and elders ... Upon return of coins that Judas cast in the temple, they were careful not to put them into the treasury – It was the price of innocent  blood ... (Matthew 27:6).

They knew what the Scriptures said concerning such values ​​... But look: that they were meticulous in fulfilling the ceremonial law ... Bought a field, and made it a graveyard for foreigners ... (Matthew 27.7).

But they had ignored the principal in the law: love God and thy neighbour ...

b) We can follow Jesus for all the wrong reasons:

Maybe Judas was disappointed with Jesus ... He had spent three years of his life in that ministry ...

Maybe he did not understand what it meant to be part of the kingdom of God ...

The others also had trouble understanding ... The discussion in the Upper Room was to see which of them should be the greatest ...

But now announces theuy realise that Jesus would be handed over and killed by men - Matthew 26.2.

Judas may have seen their expectations evaporate - I do not know ..But I know one thing: many  follow the Lord for the wrong reasons ... In evangelical circles we have a lot of people following Jesus for miracles ...

 It is called a hedonism self seeking Gospel - momentary advantage ...Why do we follow? For who He is or What can give us?

c) We may have done this for years, and not finding any more satisfaction:

Judas earned money - could buy land with it ...But his soul was lost - money does not give full satisfaction ...

d) We can follow Jesus, and lose ourselves at the end:

Judas is called the son of perdition ... place of everlasting punishment for sinners.

Incidentally, it must be said that Jesus never made a mistake with him ...Jesus identified the traitor to those at the table ... Matthew 26.23 "He who dipped his hand with me in the dish, the same shall betray me."

John 13:27 "Jesus said: What you going to do, do quickly."

John 17:12 "When I was with them, I kept them in your name those that you gave me, and protected them, and none of them is lost except the son of perdition, that the Scripture might be fulfilled" - he was totally responsible .. .

Why then was he called by Jesus? Because he wanted to save him ...

But now think about me ...  it is easy to get lost, and go to hell ...And we, in whom do we trust? ...

I trust in Jesus and the work that He started in my life He will complete until the end.

Sunday 10th Joshua 3:5 told the people, "Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the LORD will do amazing things among you."

Why consecrate yourself?. They were on the brink of amazing things. Look for certain things in the development of a local church.


A sense of well being and togetherness.

Freedom in worship, people are not stifled or threatened.

Purpose and direction, something good and attainable is about to happen. Like our home groups in september!

Consecrated leaders, people to look up to leaders who walk with the Lord and with each other. United leaders, with a vision and purpose and togetherness.

How to consecrate. A reaffirming of what we already have and know. God has a work for us to do; this is our chance, our time, our moment. This is the big picture, it is not a practice or a film trailer, God has work for us to do here and now. God wants to put, to graft implant, dreams and vision into our hearts and lives and through us into the life of our church.

Jeremiah chapter 1 His calling kept him fresh for forty years. Background vs. 1-3.

Soil from which he came, good godly family background, Hilkiah God is my portion; his grandfather gave that name to his father who was a priest. We all have a history, whether good or bad that influences and shapes us. Geographic influence of Anathoth on a hill three miles from Jerusalem, and having a good view of all the surrounding events. We all have a political, social and cultural climate that influences us and prepares us. The religious background is also formidable, “when the people of Jerusalem went into Exile”

We all have a background with influences that shape us and we all have a context that is geographical, cultural, social and religious. And we all have the same experience the Jeremiah had.

The word or the Lord vs.4

“The word of the Lord came to me.” In verse two it is objective, “came to him,” in verses 4 and 7 it is subjective, “came to me.”

We all believe that we have a speaking God as well as a listening God, a God who has lips as well as ears. A God who speaks in many and diverse ways, but who primarily speaks through His written and living word.

Five important questions relating to our consecration.

When did God last speak to you personally? Today, last week, last month?

What did God say when He last spoke to you? God is always clear and direct.

How did God speak to you when He last spoke to you?

How do you know it was God that spoke to you? Not your own religious or doctrinal fantasy, not a spasm of religious activity or wishful thinking.

What did you do when God spoke to you? God speaks for us to obey Him not just to inform us or for our general interest.

vs. 7 God said to me, this was the call of God directly into the life of Jeremiah, personal to him. God speaks personally to me.

God can do anything with my life. He is sovereign.

God knows everything about me. I don’t have to hide.

God says that He will never leave me. When the fire is hot, when the winds are strong, when I am feeling weak, in good or bad times, He is there.

Choice not chance vs.5

Predestination, many don’t understand it but I believe it. The sovereignty of God and human choice are both true. I have the wisdom of God to see it with His eyes.

God says I called you, I set you apart, I chose you, I am not here by chance. God planned it. That is emotionally very satisfying.

Human inadequacy vs.6

Jeremiah feels inadequate, and suggests that God has made a mistake; you got the wrong man he seems to say. His sense of inadequacy comes from the fear of man. A sense of inadequacy is good if it drives you into the will of God, bad when it drives you out of His will. It was not an invitation but an instruction to go.

The touch or anointing vs. 9

The laying on of hands, God touched him, put His words in his mouth, he needed this new anointing for the talk, this new sharpness, this new spirit. We need the touch of God and the words of God in our mouth.

Appointed vs.10

Appointed to do six things, four negative and two positive. As leaders before we can do this in the place of our appointment we need to firstly do it in our lives. We need stuff removed as well as stuff growing in our lives. Need to clear some ground of stuff that often is not really bad but is not the best. Good can be our enemy and we don’t know it. Uproot, tear down, destroy, overthrow. Then Build and plant.

Renew our calling. We are not here just to grind it out week after week, we need to refresh out spirit and rededicate ourselves to the work that God has given us to do. If we are plagued by thoughts and desires to resign then perhaps we should consider our calling, otherwise we need to renew our calling and consecrate ourselves to the task.

We need to ask God to confirm His call in our lives, it so easy to do things out of habit using common sense rather that out of a calling and appointing centred on God given vision.

William Carey faced his contempories with his vision and then replied with common sense.

Filled with the Holy Spirit. We need to find a way to have the Holy Spirit fill us for every day. So that before we start the day we are filled with the Holy Spirit. You can be all right but all wrong, talk, walk and look the part but be empty.  We need to start every day filled with the Holy Spirit.

Confident in the Word of God. As leaders we need to be confident and need to be confiding in the Word. Let the Word of God always direct and guide us.   Never lower the revelation of scriptures to the level of your experience.

Working within our gifting. It is possible to go from just a few gifted people doing everything to a plave where everyone gets a chance. This is an area we need to deal with. It is based upon relationships where we are able to acknowledge each others gifts and allow each other to work within our gifts.

Spiritual warfare. Satan has convinced us that there is no war on and most Christians are civilians not soldiers. We need to know how to stand and fight; as leaders we are a prime target and need to fight Satan. One for all and all for one. Where possible make friends of your enemies, we can love and pray for our enemies and they are defenceless against this. The bible mentions four things for prayer, the servants of God, the sick, those in authority over us and our enemies. How many enemies are on our prayer list?  

Quiet time. Have significant communion with God. Have real encounters with God.

Here O my Lord, I see thee face to face,

Here would I touch and handle things unseen,

Here would I lay aside each earthly load.

Here taste afresh the calm of sins forgiven.

Spend time with God with your wife. A new beginning, can we pray together, worship God together, how could we do that. Through the power of the Holy Spirit that obides in all christians..

Sunday 3rd July Hebrews 12:1 12. Endured the cross  God Disciplines His Sons  1 Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run g  with perseverance h  the race marked out for us.

The Hebrews were suffering.  They wanted to go back. Bur were told Christ is better, dont give up, they wanted to give up, but where shown how Christ endured. Therefore don’t grow weary or lose heart in your walk with God.

Look to Jesus set your thoughts on Jesus. Read the Bible not to know the Bible that’s being a Pharisee, but to know God, Christ and let the Holy Spirit lead you into all truth. I have met people who really know their Bible and can quote me under the table, but I have felt ill at ease with them? Why because they know the Bible to know the Bible, they are self-righteous, hypocritical, or sanctimonious person. My advice is seek to know the Bible to know Christ. That we might know him and share in the fellowship of his suffering.

Christ went walking to the cross not waltzing. Christ went willingly to the cross but not with ease

He had to endure, in Gethsemane, was another way, physical agony, spiritual agony, the atmosphere of hell as He accepted his cross, it was so bad that he needed angelic intervention.

Isaiah calls it His souls travail, hard difficult work to birth something, spiritual travail to bring spiritual birth.

For the Joy set before him, be satisfied, with and like the multitudes that will be redeemed and reconciled to God and populate eternity rejoicing in heaven.

The Joy and satisfaction of being at one with his father. Doing his fathers will, finishing the task and bringing glory to his father, the intimacy of being one with his father. Do you ever feel that, what would you endure to so please your heavenly father and have great intimacy?

Fix your eyes, focus, set your thoughts, focus, inwardly and outwardly focus on Jesus and His cross.

The Cross represents all that He was willing to do for God.

John 19:17. He bearing his own cross. He owned it he possessed it, Pilate finally inscribed on it, King of the Jews.  What cross are you bearing, yes even enduring for God. Take up your cross and follow me, what ownership is required of you, the name Christian? Membership with others in the Church militant here? Responsibility, stewardship?

Focus on Christ. A Horse is blinkered so as not to be distracted. The world, your sin, spiritual difficulties are determined to distract you. Focus fix your eyes upon Jesus.

Christ on the pathway to the Cross.

Road was noisy, Luke says multitudes were following all adding to the shame, Jesus had more to endure, public humiliation. Never seen anything like it, but I think it will be one of the expressions on the faces of those who face the judgment without Christ and are face with the shame of their sin.

In his weakened condition the cross was to heavy for him to carry, the stress, the rigors of trial, brutality of torture before he picked it up means he dropped it, spiritually he never wavered but physically it was too much. Simon a Jew and a pilgrim was compelled to help. Mark gives an interesting detail, father of Alexander and Rufus, suggesting that perhaps the readers knew them. Rufus gets a mention in Rom.16:13.

Did this man like the thief on the cross see the Glory of God in Christ, Having literally fixed his eyes upon Jesus he realized that Jesus was the author and finisher of his faith, that he was the King of the Jews.

Christ at the place of the Cross.

All the hymns say a hill perhaps because of the hints, skull of Gordon’s Calvary that so resembles a skull, many observed from a distance, there was a literal place where he hung. Offered wine myrrh not for mercy but control as they pound in the railway spikes of nails. Language offered continuous tense, refused perfect tense. Closed his mouth turned his head away. Endured the throbbing burning pain and suffered the full travail of crucifixion.

Christ and the pain of the Cross

Three Sycamore trees were dragged there. Spikes through the wrists, feet Jesus was the main attraction, perhaps on a higher cross. Centre of the storm of abuse, reviled.

The only gospel mention of his endurance is I thirst, at the height he cried I thirst, no focus, no zoom into his suffering, more interest in what was taking place around the cross. Soldiers dividing his possessions, perk of the job. Most momentous event in history and they are oblivious. Only when nature rebels does the centurion take notice. Today the gospel is preached, the Lords Table is offered and very few listens.

Jesus was stripped of everything, even his clothes. However he still had God. Not for long, his lowest point was still to come drawing from him a cry from psalm 22 God why have you forsaken me. The only person who truly loved God and obeyed Him and pleased him was forsaken, deserted by God.

His endurance shows the real mankind, mask is off, here is what man does.

1.      Religious, with all its piety and pretence, jealous rejection.

2.      Professional, with all it’s power and control, used and abused him.

3.      Cultured, Jews and Greeks with their wisdom and intelligence, wanted more proof.

4.      Prodigal, thief, without a reason, mocked him.

Man has always found Christ unacceptable; we will not have this man to rule over us.

His endurance shows that his death only makes sense when understood substitutionally.

1.      He suffered and endured for others, not for himself. He was guiltless, yet accused, sinless yet condemned, righteous yet numbered with transgressors.

2.      We can not justify ourselves, we need someone to stick up for us and that one is Jesus Christ.

3.      We are polluted and unclean in the eyes of God, all our righteousness is like filthy rags, even our tears and sorrows need to be repented of. He is our righteousness. 

His endurance encourages us to persevere in all difficulties.

The Hebrew Christians were in hard times, some were not even going to the Temple or church anymore and they needed to refocus on what Jesus suffered.

He endured every pain imaginable, endured the wrath of God, and drank every drop of suffering on our behalf. Therefore keep looking to Jesus and you won’t sink, Peter took his eyes of the Lord and sank.

Focusing on His endurance your difficulties will seem insignificant. Look to Jesus and you will reach heaven safely.

Sunday 26th Acts 26:24 - 32. In Jesus' day Rome ruled Palestine through local rulers (the Herods) and their overseer Pilate, a governor who reported directly to Rome. Now, around A.D. 59 or 60, their counterparts were the Roman governor Festus and the last of the Herods, Agrippa II. Festus, a responsible leader, dealt with Paul's case promptly, whereas his predecessor Felix had stalled for two years, leaving Paul in prison. Festus used the visit of Herod Agrippa to schedule this special inquiry into Paul's case.

Acts 26:28 Then Agrippa said to Paul, "Do you think that in such a short time you can persuade me to be a Christian?" remember Acts 11:26 the disciples were called christians first at Antioch 1Peter 4:12 - 17

Paul was familiar with the Proverbs 25:15 Rulers can be persuaded. Abraham the father of those who have faith in God was fully persuaded Rom.4:21 In Thessalonica many Jews, God fearing Greeks and important women were persuaded to accept Christ as their saviour. The Chief priests easily persuaded the people to choose Barabbas and reject Christ. Matt.27:20.

You need to be persuaded to be a Christian and not to reject Christ; my task this year and every year is to use this pulpit to persuade you to become a Christian. Our task as a church is to persuade you to become a Christian. We can’t make you a Christian only the Holy Spirit can do that but we can try and persuade you to think about it, to read your Bible and to seek God.

The plotting of the Jews.

Was and Is Political and religious and is nothing new. The Jews wanted to kill and discredit Paul for preaching the way. Corrupt Felix kept him in prison for two years to please the Jews and in the hope of a bribe. Festus was more organised and promptly dealt with the situation using the opportune visit of King Agrippa to get more insight into what was a Jewish problem. Paul had appealed to Caesar for judgement and Festus had to send him to Rome with a full written report.

The preaching of Paul.

All this led to opportunity for Paul to preach to the highest authorities in the land. In Chapter 25:

To Felix he preached faith in Christ Jesus chapter  24/25, righteousness, self-control and Judgement to come.

In Chapter 26 he preached to Festus and Agrippa.

Paul`s Testimony 1-19, repent, turn to God, prove your repentance by good works 20. Vs 22 Moses and the prophets said would happen vs 23 the suffering and resurrection of Christ Jesus who would enlighten Jew and Gentile.

The procrastinating of the leaders.

In the face of such preaching by Paul they needed to be persuaded. Felix had two years of opportunity; he was familiar with the way but procrastinated. Postpone doing something.

Felix. Trembled but left it for a more convenient day. There is no record that such a day was granted.

Festus. Bemused, Paul was a good man gone mad. In his heart Festus did not believe in the resurrection. 25:19 a dead man named Jesus. No record that he responded, however he probably wrote a favourable report to Caesar.

Agrippa. Almost persuaded but lost. He wanted to hear Paul and his response was this man could have been set free, Yet Agrippa would not free himself.


How can you become a Christian? John 16:8 stated that the Holy Spirit  will convict or persuade the world of sin, righteousness and judgement.

Serious about your sin, repent and turn to God.

Serious about righteousness which is the excellence, the Glory of Christ, you can feel your sin and yet not see the beauty of Christ.

Serious about judgement the word means crises, serious about sin and Christ then the Crisis is believe in Christ as your saviour, Christ has to be loved, has to be chosen, if you see him you will have no trouble loving him. He loves you and wants your heart, wants to change you, to make you a new person. Be persuaded.

Heaven, would you be happy if Jesus was not there

Lostness is not seeing the glory of God in Christ.

Sunday 19th Isaiah 6:1-8 In the year that King Uzziah g  died, h  I saw the Lord i  seated on a throne, j  high and exalted, k  and the train of his robe l  filled the temple.  2 Above him were seraphs, m  each with six wings: With two wings they covered their faces, with two they covered their feet, n  and with two they were flying.  3 And they were calling to one another: “Holy, holy o  , holy is the LORD Almighty; the whole earth q  is full of his glory.” r  4 At the sound of their voices the doorposts and thresholds shook and the temple was filled with smoke. s          5 “Woe t  to me!” I cried. “I am ruined! u  For I am a man of unclean lips, v  w  and I live among a people of unclean lips, x  and my eyes have seen y  the King, z  the LORD Almighty.” a  6 Then one of the seraphs flew to me with a live coal b  in his hand, which he had taken with tongs from the altar.  7 With it he touched my mouth and said, “See, this has touched your lips; c  your guilt is taken away and your sin atoned for. d  ” 8 Then I heard the voice e  of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? f  And who will go for us? g  ” And I said, “Here am I. h  Send me!”

We have been challenged by Pr Marcell to be an ambasador for Christ, to seek His presence, we were told that when God’s people meet in this place we are in God’s territory His Embassy His Kingdom Reign. 

Today being fathers day what better than to speak of how God felt when the people responded Then I heard the voice e  of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? f  And who will go for us? g  ” And I said, “Here am I. h  Send me!” God sent equipped and enabled them to fulfil their mission.  One of the problems we have today is to determine what exactly is Sin in this multi-cultural society.

Everybody likes to think that his or her life is stable under control. But what happens when disasters happen. King Uzziah represented stability for Judah. It would therefore be right to think! What does his death mean for the people – what about the future -  the people -  the church. But it is at exactly this time that God chooses to reveal Himself to Isaiah.

We read and we see that God’s Holiness and His Universal Reign really awed Isaiah. John 12:40-41For this reason they could not believe, because, as Isaiah says elsewhere: 40 “He has blinded their eyes and deadened their hearts, so they can neither see with their eyes, nor understand with their hearts, nor turn—and I would heal them.” 41 Isaiah said this because he saw Jesus’ glory j  and spoke about him. k  

Why has God sent you - us into the world. This meeting that Isaiah had with God, had and has real significance not only for Isaiah but also for every one of us here today.

This encounter or better still this experience, we like Isaiah will discover what God demand’s or wants from all His people.

God has shown us the nature of sin in our lives, and for me reading the Bible it’s one of the certainties that God will judge the people. We like Isaiah may despair for life and confess our sins to God, vs. 5 “Woe to me” . But we can thank God that through the revelation of God in the person of Jesus Christ, we can have the certainty that when we confess our sins to God they are forgiven.

In this encounter with God Isaiah discovered that God is a God who reveals himself.

Moments of crisis in your life, when hope is gone, good life seems over, George Mitchell told me his friend has just joined the negative millionaire club, like Isaiah when his future looked bleak.  The king is dead – no security – future uncertain – no confidence in the system. What could he do?

Isaiah went to the Temple and he prayed. God revealed himself – Questions we have to ask, why are you here today – praying that like me do you want to have a encounter with the living God who wants to reveal himself to you.

In your life right now are you in a crisis situation – things getting on top of you, then you need an encounter with God. You need to meet with God. But Mathew 5:8 has a warning for us “God only reveals himself to the pure in heart”.

God reveals himself in nature, the Bible, when we pray and also through the experience of our lives. God is always ready to reveal His Glory and His Will for your life, if you are after the truth seek God.

God revealed himself to Isaiah and he discovered that God is Sovereign. Vs. 1 The Lord is seated on His throne “High and Exalted” …Where is God in you life? “Ruler or Ruled”

I believe Isaiah was in a crisis of identity situation, he was called to be a prophet to his own people and in his own country.  It would appear that he had lost all sense of reason, everything seemed upside down. But like Isaiah we can thank God that he does not change. He is the same “yesterday today and forever”.

Without doubt after reading John 12:40-41 We can see the confirmation of this encounter of Isaiah with God, that he had the courage and the strength and the certainty that he had been called by God for this moment. Just like Paul and Barnabus, when the Holy Spirit said to the church, “separate for me”.

If we believe this truth that God is all-powerful then we like Isaiah can rely on God. When we let God rule and give Him authority to guide us. But of one thing I am certain God wants to send us to someone or someplace to tell these people the Good News about Jesus Christ.

In this encounter with God Isaiah discovered that God is Holy. Vs. 3

This fact showed Isaiah that the distance between man and God is vast. Luke 16:26… showing us that the Holiness and Glory of God reveals man’s sin. Isaiah also discovered and realised that he was a sinner, he felt unworthy, dirty, someone who had nothing to say, in fact he could not say anything, he had to stay quiet, he could not pray, or worship God.

In this encounter with God another truth was revealed to him, God wants helpers. Isaiah had received forgiveness, and he decided he had no option but to dedicate his life to the service of his Lord. His ministry was to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ. “Here I am”.

Conclusion: Isaiah’s life had changed completely after this encounter with God.

For all Christians here today, every one of us I believe needs this encounter with the living God. We need a Baptism of the Holy Spirit   - not a topping up or a second blessing or whatever we want to call it. What we need is for the Holy Spirit to dominate and lead and guide our lives.

If you are not a Christian, then you need this experience, you need to ask Jesus Christ to forgive your sins and ask Him that through the Holy Spirit, that He comes and sits on the throne of your heart. You will only experience this encounter with God, when we confess our sins and let Jesus and only Jesus remember, can forgive us our sins for He died on the Cross for this reason and He rose again to show us that we can have a new relationship with God.  

Jesus said I am the Way the Truth and the Life…

Isaiah could say nothing – in the moment of decision – moments of crisis God revealed His Glory.

We my friends you and I we cannot and should not keep quiet – confess your sin – receive forgiveness – let the Salvation of God Rule in your life.

Today you can have this encounter with the Living God. – Do you want to meet the true God everyday? I do. Let me tell you - you can when you ask the Holy Spirit to change you and lead you and use you in wonderful and marvellous ways reaching out to others… He still is taking the Initiative.  Lets Pray. 

Sunday 12th June The word of the LORD that came to Joel: It has been said that Joel is the Prophet of the Holy Spirit, as Isaiah is the Prophet for the Messiah.

 Yet Joel gives us one of the darkest pictures ever drawn by a prophetic pen, but on the other hand, it is also one of there brightest. Joel 2:28 "And afterwards, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions.

 Joel mister nobody from nowhere.

 Joel 1:4-12. What the locust swarm has left the great locusts have eaten; what the great locusts have left the young locusts have eaten; what the young locusts have left other locusts have eaten.  Wake up, you drunkards, and weep! Wail all you drinkers of wine; wail because of the new wine, for it has been snatched from your lips. A nation has invaded my land, powerful and without number; it has the teeth of a lion, the fangs of a lioness. It has laid waste my vines and ruined my fig-trees. It has stripped off their bark and thrown it away, leaving their branches white.  Mourn like a young woman in sackcloth grieving for the betrothed of her youth. Grain offerings and drink offerings are cut off from the house of the LORD. The priests are in mourning, those who minister before the LORD.  The fields are ruined, the ground is dried up; the grain is destroyed, the new wine is dried up, the oil fails.  Despair, you farmers, wail, you vine growers; grieve for the wheat and the barley, because the harvest of the field is destroyed.  The vine is dried up and the fig tree is withered; the pomegranate, the palm and the apple tree--all the trees of the field--are dried up. Surely the joy of mankind is withered away.

 Joel 2:25f "I will repay you for the years the locusts have eaten-- the great locust and the young locust, the other locusts and the locust swarm - my great army that I sent among you.  You will have plenty to eat, until you are full, and you will praise the name of the LORD your God, who has worked wonders for you; never again will my people be shamed. Then you will know that I am in Israel, that I am the LORD your God, and that there is no other; never again will my people be shamed. "And afterwards, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions.  Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days.  I will show wonders in the heavens and on the earth, blood and fire and billows of smoke.  The sun will be turned to darkness and the moon to blood before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD.  And everyone who calls on the name of the LORD will be saved; for on Mount Zion and in Jerusalem there will be deliverance, as the LORD has said, among the survivors whom the LORD calls.

People today could be forgiven, or even to be inclined to think of Joel as Mr. Nobody. He was after all virtually unknown until certain events began to happen in the central theme in the life of Israel. It could be proved that he had lived very near the Temple. He certainly lived in Jerusalem and ministered to the prisoners in Jail who were from Babylon.

What we have is three chapters with their own distinct message.

1. A Terrible Promise. A Big Appeal. A Fulfilled Promise.

At the time of his preaching, Israel was being plagued by a terrible plague of locusts, 2:1-11. They run in the roads climb the walls and when they fly it appears like an eclipse of the sun has occurred. They have the appearance of horses; they gallop along like cavalry.

We also know that the adjoining countries had not experienced this plague, but even the worst of sinners in these foreign lands had a terrible fear of this plague eventually affecting their cities. For the devout of Israel it felt like another injustice against them.

The situation described by Joel was in fact very scary and frightening, the woman of Israel must have been terrified, the locusts were after all in their homes in their clothes and were even contaminating their food. Brazil with cockroaches - terrible things when they are on the march.

The landowners were on the brink of national disaster, they were desperate because their harvest was being destroyed and the nations future economy was in great risk. I can identify with this because it happens in Brazil and many other countries yearly, drought no rain even pestilence.

But then out of nowhere this great preacher Joel appears. We know little about him, except that he was a man blessed by God and used and powered by God's Holy Spirit, and he very quickly became recognized as a national preacher, (He was like the Billy Graham of his day.)


A Big Appeal.

Joel said 2:1 Blow the trumpet in Zion; sound the alarms on my holy hill. Let all that live in the land tremble, for the day of the LORD is coming. It is close at hand a day of darkness and gloom, a day of clouds and blackness.

Here we have God contending with his own professing people for their sins and executing upon them the judgment written in the law (De 28:42). The fruit of thy land shall the locust consume.

Which we should remember was also one of those plagues that God put on Egypt. God would bring this plague upon them, (De 28:60).

If the laws of the land happened or not as the Prophet suggested, we do not know, but later on he repeats his demand Joel 2:15-18 Blow the trumpet in Zion, declare a holy fast, call a sacred assembly. Gather the people, consecrate the assembly; bring together the elders, gather the children, those nursing at the breast. Let the bridegroom leave his room and the bride her chamber. Let the priests, who minister before the LORD, weep between the temple porch and the altar. Let them say, "Spare your people, O LORD. Do not make your inheritance an object of scorn, a byword among the nations. Why should they say among the peoples, `Where is their God?'"  Then the LORD will be jealous for his land and take pity on his people.

The authorities only saw the problems related to their part of the land, but Joel saw that God wanted to help all whom called on his name.

This request from the people of Israel is without doubt in my opinion one of the biggest requests made in the Bible.

Read it again "Spare your people, O LORD. Do not make your inheritance an object of scorn, a byword among the nations. Why should they say among the peoples, `Where is their God?'"

The people were in great danger, but nothing was too difficult for the Lord. If the people turn back to God everything is possible.

Joel says in Ch.2:13 Rend your heart and not your garments. Return to the LORD your God, for he is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love, and he relents from sending calamity. 

Remember it is quite possible that Joel had been reading the prayer of Solomon at the dedication of the temple and also the divided security that filled the heart of the King.

God would bring help to His people if they would return to Him in prayer.

It is interesting to note that all are included in the suggestion of Joel.

Even the most recent babies those nursing at the breast should be brought to God.

It is clear to me that these children would not be aware of the importance of the occasion but their presence would be an indication of the obedience of the parents. (Like infant dedication – as different to christening) which I explained to many couples during the dedication of their child.

3. A Fulfilled Promise.

It was at this point during the ministry of Joel that he began to widen the theme of his message. He became interested in a New World and a new concept filled his soul.

He spoke of the day when the Lord would distribute his Spirit to the human race without measure, and he mentions the strange signs, which would appear in the skies describing how the thousands would be in the valley of decision.

Blow the trumpet in Zion, declare a holy fast, and call a sacred assembly. For the Lord is coming forth from Zion.

It is quite possible that Joel did not understand to the full the enormity of his prediction but it was to become famous. Much later when the Holy Spirit came at Pentecost, it revolutionized the Disciples and made the evangelization of the people possible.

Peter explaining what was happening at Pentecost says this. Acts 2:16. No this is what was spoken by the prophet Joel: "`In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams. Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days, and they will prophesy.

Then in Ch. 3:18. But this is how God fulfilled what he had foretold through all the prophets, saying that his Christ would suffer. Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord, and that he may send the Christ, who has been appointed for you--even Jesus.

He must remain in heaven until the time comes for God to restore everything, as he promised long ago through his holy prophets. For Moses said, `The Lord your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from among your own people; you must listen to everything he tells you. Anyone who does not listen to him will be completely cut off from among his people.' {Deut. 18:15,18,19} "Indeed, all the prophets from Samuel on, as many as have spoken, have foretold these days.

Joel saw a brilliant light at the end of a long tunnel. He may have been an obscure prophet, but he was a magnificent servant of God.

It would do us well to read these three chapters of Joel and remember the reason that he wrote to his own people was to warn them and us of God’s impending judgment, that unless they turned from their sin, they would suffer.

Remember God’s desires then as now is to Bless his people and not destroy them.

Fear not, be glad and rejoice: for the Lord will do great things. 

Call on the name of the Lord, and He will deliver you. Salvation is of the Lord. Amen

Sunday 8th May I shared with the leadership of the church my vision of how can we get back to the first ministry of a local church and multiply making disciples of Jesus Christ until the world is reached?

We have much to learn from the example of the disciples of the New Testament Church and the strategies they used.

After Jesus completed the task that only He could accomplish, He died to restore our relationship with God, Jesus commissioned His Church to make disciples and He provided the means for the Church to fulfill this commandment, through the power of the Holy Spirit.

We still have many Biblical principles that we must learn from the life of the NT Church.

Remembering brothers/sisters, the disciples were gathered together in prayer for about 10 days, waiting for the promise of the coming of the Holy Spirit. They knew that the purpose of Jesus is to seek and save the lost, so they went back out to the unbelievers, to reach new people.So REACHING OUT TO NEW PEOPLE that should be our priority also in the Church today.

But the bigger question is what are we going to do with new people when we reach out to them?

What did the disciples do with the new people reached by the Gospel? Acts 2:42 And all stood firm, following the teachings of the apostles, living in Christian love, breaking bread together and gathered together in prayer.

Here we learned that the apostles were not just preoccupied with making converts, but they trained the new people they had reached in the practical principles for Christian life.

Training the BASICS of being a CHRISTIAN, Remember that the NT disciples still lacked the NT texts we have today, the way they received and practiced the teachings of Jesus serves as an example for us today. They were if you like LIVING BIBLES.

Acts 2:47 They praised God for everything and were cherished by all. And every day the Lord joined the people who were being saved. That is why brothers training these new people that we have reached should be taught the BASICS OF BEING A CHRISTIAN this is essential to establishing their new identity in Christ.

After training in the Basics of being a Christian, look at what the disciples did with these new people in Acts 8 and it is very clear and important to realize that the apostles and leaders of the Church were teaching much more than doctrines of religion to new converts, they were teaching and equipping the new believers to reproduce.So that should be our next step also being a biblical example. EQUIPPING THEM TO REPRODUCE

When we read of the first great persecution on the Church all but the apostles were scattered throughout the lands of Judea and Samaria announcing the word of God.

Acts 9:31 In all the region of Judea, Galilee, and Samaria, the church was at peace. It grew stronger and stronger, growing in numbers with the help of the Holy Spirit and showing great respect for the Lord Jesus who was multiplying His Church.

As we multiply we REACH NEW PERSONS, train them in the BASICS of being a CHRISTIAN, and EQUIPPED THEM TO REPRODUCE.

Then surely we can understand that reaching new people, training them in the Christian basics and equipping to reproduce was the origin of the multiplication of the Church.

The early Christian was convinced as soon as people were trained the greater opportunity that the Church had was that these people will eventually train others.

Look at these circles and I believe that it is not difficult to put into practice these principals REACHING NEW PEOPLE, TRAINING IN THE BASICS of being a CHRISTIAN, and EQUIPPING them TO REPRODUCE.

Remembering this type of ministry and training is showing and qualifying future leadership of the Church because engaging people in this biblical strategy of making disciples to reproduce is the key to developing leaders for a church that reproduces and multiplies.

This is where the fourth circles enters. MOBILIZING THEM FOR AREAS SPECIFIC TO THE MINISTRY.

Pastors need to give direction and be a model to the people not only in prayer and in the ministry of the Word.But to keep the Church in steady growth, they must train and delegate responsibilities to others. That we will look at later on the other paper I gave you and explain better,

Do you know how the pastor can identify new leaders?

It is very easy if the Church has a strong ministry to REACH NEW PERSONS, to train in the BASICS OF BEING A CHRISTIAN, and EQUIPPED TO REPRODUCE. Because I believe that in this church working with these goals there are people bearing fruit, being filled with the Holy Spirit and Wisdom, being a model for all here in Portslade living a life dedicated to the central ministry that Jesus commissioned His Church.Acts 6 we have Stephen and Philip chosen to solve the problem of the Greek widows, reading  the text you soon learn that whatever the task or function of someone in the Church, this should NEVER become their priority, Stephen and Philip they never deviated from the biblical strategy of the Church's ministry TO REACH NEW PERSONS, to train in the BASICS OF BEING A  CHRISTIAN, and being EQUIPPED TO REPRODUCE.

Brethren, whatever the specific area of ​​the ministry that someone is serving, may be pastoring, church trustees, diaconate leadership group woman’s men’s children’s ministry, teching classes it may even be a ministry to clean the church, these people should function and be always directed and considered as facilitators that the Biblical Strategy of the Church's ministry is being fulfilled REACHING NEW PEOPLE, TRAINING IN THE BASICS OF BEING A CHRISTIAN, AND EQUIPPING THEM TO REPRODUCE.

I still want to show the church the mindset the Church needs for reproduction, our church needs to develop a reproductive mentality. Because new people need to pass through these levels for multiplication take place second paper that I gave you.

If I ask a question what attracts to our Church? a paper I have given you. EXPLAIN PAPER!

Experience shows me that the invitation shows that you are caring for this person and want their good. But it is good to remember that when you evaluate our church, you can see that each area of ​​the ministry has its own attraction level, some are highly attractive and another not so much, but by chance if it is not attractive what should do?Unfortunately some churches fall into the trap of having activities or areas to favor and please only themselves.

But what is the purpose of the Baptist Chuch in Portslade?


Attraction is very good but the Involvement and Relationship lead people to remain, the strengthening of these relationships and the essential key for people to stay, and the sooner we work to strengthen the relationships the person will feel accepted and part of the Church.

But this is not yet the key to the growth of the Church which is reproduction. Let's read 2 Timothy 2: 2 Take the teachings you have heard me give in the presence of many witnesses and give them to the care of trustworthy men who are able to teach others.

Teaching is training another person so that she or he can train another in exactly the same way, which in turn will also train another in exactly the same way.That is why Mark and others are starting the first course on Evangelism then we will go onto other subject people using their gifts to help the church grow.

With this type of reproduction the only possible result is Multiplication.

I taught Evandro my student pastor in Brazil and Evandro is teaching others the ministry continues to proceed.

Because if the pastor and the leaders are not models of reproduction the Church will not grow.

I am praying that when the time comes for me to finish my ministry here we will already have a pastor ready to take over someone from our own congregation who knows the churches vision and takes the church to its next level,, because this way the church will contine with this biblical vision and continue to grow

For years the other paper I have given you shows that the last two thousand years the Church has used an almost unique method to fulfill the Great Commission called Traditional.

In this method the pastor and church leaders are doing ministry work. Perhaps the pastor has the help of a small number of dedicated brothers who try to help the pastor n his ministry. Look at the trap of this kind of ministry in Exodus 18:18 What you are doing is not right. 18 That way you're going to be too tired, and so are the people. This is a lot of work for you to do alone.

That is why I have this vision that every member has a ministry and the power to fulfill it through teaching and example

This is our vision at present to our church perhaps amongst us we can write a new one?

Vision of Portslade Baptist Church (Our Future)

To be a true and victorious and relevant living Church that, based on the Word of God, exercises its ministry through its members, with  each one using the gift that they received from Christ, to make known the Name of Jesus throughout the Earth, starting in Portslade, making disciples in all nations.

Mission of the Portslade Baptist Church  (Our Purpose)
To transform people into true disciples of Jesus throughout the world, starting in Portslade.That the members live a life of Exaltation to our God being Exhorted and Edified with the Word of God and Equipped for Evangelization of the lost people in our town,

May those who enter our Church always find Peace, Love and Hope.

God's Promise for Portslade Baptist Church. Isaiah 54;2,3
 2 “Enlarge the place of your tent, f  stretch your tent curtains wide, do not hold back; lengthen your cords, strengthen your stakes. g  3 For you will spread out to the right and to the left; your descendants h  will dispossess nations i  and settle in their desolate j  cities.

Sunday 1st May Genesis 3:14-19 Easter is over, already days old. In the Christian world Billions have been spent, mountains of food consumed, and all the emotion of the season expended on all the traditions of Easter.

How did it all begin, what does it all mean, what has it really to do with me? Since Easter is over do I shelve it for another year or is it a starting point, perhaps a springboard into a new resurrection a new way forward.

It began here in Genesis 3:15. Paradise lost and paradise regained. This verse is the interpretation of all that is happening in our world today. God made the world good and gave mankind the highest honour, we were made good, but we disobeyed God right from the beginning. We've been suffering the consequences ever since. Genesis helps us understand why the universe is so flagrantly lovely, and yet so tragic. The incarnation of Christ or Easter began here in the garden, the moment that Eve ate the forbidden fruit Christ began to come,

He was promised even before judgment was pronounced.

Neil Armstrong, Don’t marvel that a man walked on the moon, marvel that God walked on earth. If it were not for sin Christ would not have walked on the earth.

The curse of sin, the pain, suffering, the death and hell, the unfairness of it all is part of the universal curse, some get more suffering than others, it’s not fair or just or even, it’s unbalanced because it’s a curse. It’s not all darkness, women will give birth to children and that will bring in the Christ Child, the Messiah, It will be in pain but after the pain is blessing. Mankind can eat and live, yes by the sweat of his brow and against weeds and thorns, but he can and will eat.

The labour of childbirth and the labour on the land are a blessing giving us purpose, self worth and hope.

As man labours to till the soil he is reminded that one day he will die and return from where he came.

Why did the fall happen? What was Satan doing their?

Did God really allow all this to happen?

Satan fell without any external cause or temptation, he saw his own glory and that was not enough he wanted God’s glory. That makes him Satan.

It’s probable that man’s trial would have been the same without Satan to tempt him. He would see how good he was, how well made, how like God, how would he have reacted? However the presence of Satan and temptation gives man’s fall the single mitigating circumstance if that is possible or permitable to say. Self-origination sin would have made man himself a Satan?

Temptation in itself has no power to lead the soul astray; if the soul is holy, temptation will only confirm its virtue.

Adam and Eve were held responsible for their action; they could have and should have obeyed God.

Contrast their temptation with that of Christ.

Adam had a garden and provisions.

Christ had a wilderness and deprivation.

Adam had one visit from Satan.

Christ had forty days of oppression.

Adam had confidence in Satan

Christ had confidence in God.

Defeat and shame for Adam, Victory and glory for Christ

The motive for Adam was not appetite but ambition; he wanted to be like God. Christ was the opposite, Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, (Phil 2:6) His only ambition was to serve God.

 Although Satan is defeated and limited he is still active in the world today. Still spreading doubt. He unsettles the mind, fires a thought to confound the mind, to gnaw away at the soul and the inner confidence. Not a violent attack but often a subtle secret thing that saps your spirit.

If you let it get a hold of you if you accept the unworthy input then you are doing Satan’s work with him.

If you reject the unworthy thought then you stand holy in Christ. The poor unsaved wretch has no answer, but through the fall is a slave of Satan.

If you are open to Satanic schemes you can spend days, weeks, months, years in unsettled turmoil, you can easily involve others in your weakness giving them a season of clouded bewilderment and doubt with little peace.

To what purpose does Satan involve you in his wickedness, why did he involve Adam and Eve? Not your soul if you are saved, he knows that he can’t have that, and if you are not saved he already has it. No, any souls that end in damnation with Satan is a bonus, a means to an end, his real objective is to slander God, to attack His glory, to tarnish His name. Does Job fear God for nothing? As if God has to buy loyalty and friendship!!

There is a better spirit abroad, a gentle, tender, loving, kind, merciful and forgiving one, the Spirit of Christ that encourages us to overcome evil with good, forgive your enemies, pray for those who abuse you, love your neighbour, and make peace with all men.

If you are willing to live for Christ then evil and temptation while uncomfortable can educate us.

Teaching us that we need redeeming love, teaching us what we are and what we can become. 

Satan is limited, he is chained by an inflexible linkage, Oh, he roars like a lion but he is not one. Christ is the lion of the tribe of Judah and has overcome Satan.

God is announcing war with Satan; He is giving us a gift,

Enmity, we hate Satan, the war is between God and Satan and we are on one side or the other. We begin on Satan’s side, he won us in the garden and unless a change comes over us we will not come over to God’s side.

God is saying, promising to send a conqueror to pluck us out of Satan’s hand.

Enmity between two seeds, two races, Children of God and the children of Satan.

John 8:4 You are of your father the devil who was a murderer from the beginning.

Matt. 13:38 Good seeds are the sons of God the tares are the sons of the wicked one.

1John 3:8 he who sins is from the Devil, for the Devil sinned from the beginning.

1 John 3:12 Not of Cain who was of the wicked one, born of Eve, but in heart he was of the wicked one.

God’s champion will bring peace in the hearts of men. The Angels sang peace on earth and goodwill towards men. We have to defect and join the generations of God; Christ enables us to do this.

God promised another father figure, another Adam who we know to be Christ; he is the saviour, the deliverer, the conqueror of Satan.


Can He resist temptation any better than Adam and Eve, and can we resist temptation with His help? He was tempted for 40 days and nights only the last three were recorded, He was and is victorious over all of Satan’s ploys, and he will make a way of escape for us when we are oppressed.

Can He remove our guilt and condemnation, God cannot turn a blind eye to sin, He has sworn that the penalty is death and only God can pay that penalty. Because He is God then in human form He can bear the penalty of sin. His death as a human equals an atonement for a multitude of sinners.

What security is there those who trust Him, will the devil not just steal them back again. Christ made it clear that none could pluck them out of His hand; nothing can separate us from His love.

Since the human race is not a bit interested, what is the point? The Son of Adam sends His Holy Spirit to change our heart and to create interest within us, then saves us and makes us safer than Adam ever was.

Jesus was never called the second Adam, he is the last Adam, there is no third Adam. Christ offers a second chance to regain paradise, there will be no third chance.

 At the sound of the crunch of the apple in the garden Christ began to come? He came to save and will come again to complete that salvation. Have you begun to come to him, don’t perish with Satan and his Angels.


Sunday 24th Luke 23:32-49 Introduction. We need to be saved, we need to trust Christ as our Saviour. You can and must be saved from your sin. Best sermon that I could think of is a seven point sermon, the last sermon Jesus preached before his death.

Christ preaching the Gospel from the Cross. Seven deep outpouring, seven painful utterances of mercy and justice, seven cries from the heart that summarize, sum up, the whole Gospel which is powerful enough to change any sinner into a saint and any hell into heaven. This is how men can be saved, it is a lifeline strengthened and soaked in the blood of the saviour.  John Newton. Amazing Grace. Stretch out the hand of faith and grasp the lifeline and be saved.  Miss the lifeline and be lost forever.

"Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing." (Lk 23:34).

"I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in paradise." (Lk 23:43).

"Dear woman, here is your son," "Here is your mother." (Jn 19:26-27).

"My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" (Mt 27:46-47; Mk 15:34-36).

"I am thirsty." (Jn 19:28).

"It is finished." (Jn 19:30).

"Father, into your hands I commit my spirit." (Lk 23:46).

First point in this Gospel sermon was uttered when they nailed him to the cross. It was a prayer. 23:34 Father forgive them they know not what they do. In the midst of the horrific painful and cruel crucifixion is born the gospel message a message that offers mercy, pardon and forgiveness for all, even for those with the hammer in their hands, even for you. Now there is no sin that cannot be cleansed when brought to the blood. Only the unpardonable sin cannot be brought to the blood so cannot be forgiven.

Second point. He responds to a vile sinner who was reviling him then suddenly changes and believes and asks for help. What changed him, Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God, he saw the writing above His head, he heard his first point and longed for that mercy and pardon. Christ did not reply and say yes I will remember you, He said Today you will be with me in paradise. JC Ryle calls this man the first immediate convert of the Gospel and pictures the angels in paradise saying who is this man that comes with Christ walking hand in hand approaching the throne of mercy, who is this that The Son introduces to His Father? The dying thief rejoiced to see that fountain in his day and there may you as vile as he was, wash all your sins away. All that Adam lost will be restored to you today.

Third point concerns his unique and sole office of saviour. Woman here is your son, God has no mother, she was a sanctified vessel used of God in the incarnation but had no place at the crucifixion, he would die alone and he alone saves. He distances himself from her as he had done before at the temple when he was 12, at Canna, what have I to do with you; my hour has not yet come, lonely hour. Simeon prophesied a sword would pierce her heart and here it is the sword of separation. Jesus puts Mary under the protection of beloved John where she will have security and peace.

Fourth point. He deals with his own demons. My god my God why hast thou forsaken me. From Psalm 22 which ends with another point, it is finished. In-between these two statements the full wrath of God fell on Him. What suffering what wrath was outpoured upon him, not just the sin of our days of iniquity but the sin of the days of our enlightenment which are the worst hell of all? Faithful and just to cleanse us from our sin, cleansing comes only from his blood. Why, no man can fathom the anguish of the cry, sunk to hell where his bear foot touched the blistering heated coals of that place of torment. Pain in his holy soul as the foulness of our sin and the fire of our judgement was fully laid on him.

Fifth point. I thirst, four times they tried to give him help and make him drink, but he had to carry the burden alone without help. My virtue has gone out of me as the woman touched him, it left its mark. He gave the total virtue of his life and blood and it marked him. Thirsty all through the crucifixion but he refused to drink until his work was done. There is a thirst in hell that will never be quenched. The rich man wanted just a drop, but there was none available, he was in a fire that burns the mouth dry. Trust in Christ and you will never thirst again.

Sixth point. Victory, It is finished, a great cry, after he had endured all he cried it is finished, only then did he bow his head, never before. At that very moment the divine hands of God reached down and seized the great curtain, the great veil in Herods temple and ripped it apart from top to bottom and a way was made for us to enter into the most holy place, to the throne of grace to the mercy seat. You can come there and say be merciful to me a sinner.

Seventh point is the Conclusion, into your hands I commend my spirit. You can say that now, and on your deathbed can repeat it with confidence. The spirit answers to the blood of Christ, accept Him and you will know that you are saved.

Pastor David M Meikle.

Micah 7:18 -20 Theologians use big words to describe God’s unique qualities. Micah marvelled even more over this: God’s Forgivness, unlike the angry God of other nations, ISRAEL.S God delighted to show mercy. 7:18. 18 Who is a God v  like you, who pardons sin w  and forgives x  the transgression of the remnant y  of his inheritance? z  You do not stay angry a  forever but delight to show mercy. b  19 You will again have compassion on us; you will tread our sins underfoot and hurl all our iniquities c  into the depths of the sea. d  20 You will be true to Jacob, and show mercy to Abraham, e  as you pledged on oath to our fathers f  in days long ago. g  

All the 4 major and 12 minor prophets in the bible asked this question even Moses asked in exodus 15:11who among the god’s is like you,o Lord? Psalm 89:8 O lord God almighty who is like you?

The Lord gives you choices in how you respond to the things of life!  I have no idea how some folks navigate life without faith in Jesus. 

How you respond is everything  Remember I said before “Never laugh at your wife’s choices, you are one of them.”  “I wish there was an autocorrect function for life’s choices.”  sadly “Some people don’t want to be fixed because being broken gets them attention!” 

In view of the many provocations and backslidings of the people, Micah is filled with wonder at the goodness and long suffering of God.

Exodus 15:11

Who is like unto thee, O LORD, among the gods? who is like thee, glorious in holiness, fearful in praises, doing wonders?

Deuteronomy 33:26

There is none like unto the God of Jeshurun, who rideth upon the heaven in thy help, and in his excellency on the sky.

1 Kings 8:23

And he said, LORD God of Israel, there is no God like thee, in heaven above, or on earth beneath, who keepest covenant and mercy with thy servants that walk before thee with all their heart:

Its interesting because all surrounding gods demanded human sacrificies, casting living children into fire, with men inventing there own methods of religion. But God on the other hand demanded sacrifices but He supplied the sacrifice, he pardoned and punishment sin but he supplied the offering. His own son. God said you sin but I suffer.

What does God do with sin when confessed? Isaiah 38:17 says He puts it behind his back – out of sight. Micah says it is out of reach – in the depth of the sea Psalm 103:2 says it as far as the east is from the west Jeremiah 31:34 says I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more – out of mind and finally Acts 3:19 Repent then turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out – out of existance.

So if God says that our sins are out of existence and we remember them, where is that memory coming from?

Your memory of guilt and the taunting of satan. Satan does not mention specifics, he just opresses you and you supply the details as you remember your sins and failings. We remember were we came from but that memory is healed bt the Blood of Christ. Battle is of the mind so therefore we should have the mind of Christ..

This promise is addressed to the remnant of God’ people: remember not all Israel were saved. God judged the Northeren kingdom and a remnant escaped to Judah. God judged Judah and a remnant were preserved in captivity to eventually return and rebuld the temple.

The devil wants to put you back under the wrath of God, he wants you to do things to appease God. God has no anger towards those who are under the blood of Christ.

Why is God so good? Because he pardons not just dismiss. We dismiss our sins God deals with them, he settles all our sins, you may ask how, He became a man like us, lived the life we cant live, suffered the shame, guilt and wrath of God against sin. That is unique.

God’s faithfulness is not to a faithfull people, even the remnant were not faithful to God. They just were not so blatant in sin, that is why God is faithful to His Promise rather than his people. He promised Abraham and Jacob and he will keep and be faithful to His Word, even though His people are unfaithful, God will remain faithful to His Word.

Are you feeling weak, have you lost the face and presence of God and hearing the voice of God in your Life? Then remember He promised never to leave you or forsake you.

In Brazil it was easier to speak to people about backsliding as it was considered to be an absence from the Prayer Meeting.

God pardons unsubdued sin. Sin that constantly erupts to hurt you and those around you. Satan puts it on the shelf as useless, or make you a troublemaker. If you meet with Christ today as a christian can then subdue uour sin, because Jesus is interceding for you right right now, he keeps you in constant prayer, constant grace and constant forgiveness, that is why there is no other God like our God, my prayer is that you turn to Him.

Christ forgives and gives us the poweer to life a spirit filled life. What about those who have lived in habitual sin, unsubdued sin, never gaining lasting peace but forever moving between victory and defeat?

This person the devil accuses of not being a true christian. The non christian feels nothing of guilt but enjoys his godlessness. The true christian is troubled because the Spirit lives within him, he feels grieve and is disgusted with himself just like Jabez which we looked at in Open Fellowship He prays Lord keep me from sin that it might not grieve me 1 Cron 4:10

Therefore today my adivce is repent and recieve Christ, believe and confess, declare boldly, then begin to bear fruit and that fruit only manifests if you are part of the tree of life Jesus Christ.

Sunday 20th March

During this time we are all praying for Ukraine and the missionaries who are there, we haveother missionaries around the world, I have been praying for our local churches finances and their missionary support offerings, as some are perhaps struggling but we need to always remember that the Kingdom Of God is an ongoing process. Thank you for your generous offering for Ukraine appeal and our Friday breakfast support. God Bless each and everyone of you.

Here in Portslade we support: 6 missions which you know from our financial report.

 Philippians 4: 10 – 20 THE CONTENTED CHRISTIAN

Paul gives thanks for their gifts -

Paul uses the word content in v.11. He seems to be saying in this passage that whatever his circumstances, even when they were varied between extreme joy and  extreme sadness, or even when he was in the kind of in-between state which hits many of us when nothing much seems to be happening, he says that whatever the circumstances he has learned to be content.

CHRISTIAN GENEROSITY\ serving with the BMS was tremendous as we know that they are a faith mission, they always paid their missionaries and looked after us both financially and spiritually even when perhaps their general offerings were low. Thank God, for the BMS and other missionary societies that are serving the Kingdom of God. When their ministry in Brazil was over I decided to return as a independant missionary and was supported by:

CHURCHES, AND FRIENDS FAITHFULL FOR MAY YEARS IN GIVING SUPPORT FINANCIALLY AND IN PRAYER. When I went back to Brazil as a faith missionary I was supported by many faithfull people and churches.

But then I accepted a call to be pastor at Portslade Baptist Church here in England. I asked them to stop my personal financial support but to continue and redirect their blessings to others who were starting out on their missionary journey as I was now on a stipend here in Portslade, and their needs as missionaries on the field are great at these times

As far as practical matters go, Paul says that he had enough because other Christians contributed to his needs and in this passage, he admits his gratitude. Therefore, there is a principle here, which we would do well to learn and that is: that one Christian has enough because another Christian is generous.

So Christian generosity has a double effect. On the one hand, the body of Christ is blessed when members are generous one towards the other, on the other hand, generosity of this kind seems to store up treasure in heaven, for Paul says in v.17 "not that I am looking for a gift, but I am looking for what may be credited to your account." God looks upon our love and care for each other in heaven.

We as a church had a service of thanksgiving to raise funds for issues our church needs that are outwith our normal budget and as we were in lockdown and had no services at this that we prayed/considered and gave out a special appeal offering letter and Gods people responded. We thank all our people who responded with very generous gifts and are continuing to be faithful in their tithes and offerings and God has blessed us all through this pandemic lockdown, we have maintained our giving to missionary support and paid all our monthly bills.

That is why I am asking you and appeal to you and encourage every christian to remember in your prayers the BMS and other missionary agencies and our missionaries on the field also for our church members to continue to recieve the blessings that as we give our own offering as a church body to missions we will continue to be blessed by our God

I have a picture of a rainbow in my window and some churches sugested we paint or put a picture of a rainbow in our window to remind people there is hope in God. Today I want to thank all the Daisy’s in our lives, you perhaps go by other names but to me you remind me of Daisy.

Daisy was a spinster lady who loved the Lord and was a dedicated member of Springburn Baptist church where I was serving for a time. She was a dedicated caring Christian lady who loved the Lord and His church, and His People, she stayed around the corner from the manse, and in my moments of despair and troubles passing through some hard times she supported me and stuck by me as she had done for many others.

One day when things were really difficult which nobody knew about just me and God as I did not tell anyone what was happening, she sent me a small card with a Rainbow and reminded me of the promises of God in my life and ministry, inside she wrote David who can make Straight what God has made crooked, then she said God can make straight what Satan tried to make crooked and destroy in your life David.

I have not heard from Daisy since I left Springburn do not know if she is still alive but I will never forget her and still have this card tucked in my Bible and when going through difficult times which we all do especially now with this war and corona virus that is still affecting some and some are still  isolating. I remember Daisy and her message to me. The last I heard  of Daisy was that she had altzimers and was not well at all and in a care home. However, wherever she is, I know she is with her Lord.

Here in Portslade and in other churches I have served I thank God for the Daisy’s, they may have other names but to me they are Daisy’s.

People who care for others , here in Portslade we have many Daisy’s, we have a daisy that has started our Whatsapp group called  PBC support group, letting people share together, asking for prayer or support, we have other daisy’s phoning those who do not have whatsapp daily to pray and make sure they are ok, other daisy’s who visits the care homes of elderly through Brighton City Mission, and members of our church in similar situations, we have other daisy’s who give up their time to cook a Friday breakfast for people in our community, other daisys serving and cleaning up afterwards other daisys and church members using their time to clean the church, we have  other daisy’s who are doing tremendous ministries like Little Lights and our choir to mention only some we have all different types of ministries but God knows these Daisy’s and they will never be forgotten.

Why did this come to mind because during this difficult time many feeling isolated and alone and feel no one cares but God is sending many daisy’s to help them through this crises and we believe it will pass, just like the war in Ukcrain but it has shown once again the quality of Christian people who care enough to do something and bring a little relief and hope  into other peoples lives during this conflict.

Its the Lords day today with us our church doors open and the church is active we are seeing Gods people uniting and praying and many are closer to God than they ever where, they are using this time to meditate on His Word and Pray and care and think about others.

Another thought I had when you are out walking for some exercise,  pray for your street and for your neighbours give them a card put it though their door we have plenty at the back of the church, but if possible chat to them,  it may be the only contact they have that day, that week.

A neighbour passed by the other day James was working in the gareden he said it was beautiful, and he chatted away he was up in Scotland visiting his daughter so we had a good chat with him

We have come through this virus our church is stronger and a more united church  a family of believers who have shown that we care for each other and we will continue to produce Daisy’s to our lost world; God Bless you all 

Pastor David M Meikle

Sunday 13th March


Today I have tried to capture a feeling that we as believers in all honesty do experience from time to time, that God deliberately smashes down our plans, our hopes and dreams. I'm not trying to portray God as a vindictive terrorist in the sky, but if you spent time with broken people you will know that this is often a real and an angry reaction against God when things do not go our way.

God does intervene in our plans and our lives. The apostle Paul was on his way to Damascus planning to persecute Christians when God intervened, Jesus appeared to him and he was converted to Christ. God interrupted my life in Brazil in the past I had many hectic years there. But last two years there  I had lived a tranquil rural life, then God sending me a unanimous call to be the pastor here in Portslade. I had hopes and plans to retire in Brazil, I had painted the whole of my house, but I have learned that you have to hold loosely to the things of the world if you want to hold tightly to the Kingdom.

Many, if not all of you who are Christians may have had hopes or expectations of your life that will not now be fulfilled because God has changed your lives and sent you in a new way. I want to testify that God's way is better is better than any I could have planned for myself, but I also want to acknowledge that I have not always felt that way.

And so in our own lives that unexpected job move, that unexpected tragedy, that unexpected illness, that unexpected new friendship...the list goes on...can change everything. We can even have made plans which we believed were of the Lord, we can have a testimony of scripture readings, of being guided in prayer and even messages from the pulpit...and then it all worked out differently, and we can be left hurt, confused, some may even become bitter. We can have plans for our church, we can sense God's guidance in definite ways, and then God seems to pull the plug out and we wonder what it is all about. The way we have been going may not be the way that God will lead us much longer, are we ready to have our plans changed? Are we ready to let God have such a free hand that our lives may never be the same again? There may be changes round the corner in your family, in your will you react if God blows up your plans?

This is all introduction, and is all in an attempt to get the feel of a long section which runs from 2 Corinthians 1:12 - 2:17  Paul is bruised, bruised because the Christians in Corinth are calling him names because he dared to change plans, and in so doing they believed that he broke promises that he made to them. There was also serious opposition to him in the Corinthian church - one of the members, possibly a leader in the church, had had to be disciplined and this had caused Paul a lot of personal pain. While this was going on Paul was in Asia facing such severe personal trials that he despaired even of his life (1:8). 1:1 tells us that Paul was an apostle by the will of God, the will of God was certainly very hard to follow at this time, especially as following God's will mean that Paul had to change his plans.

Originally in 1 Cor 16:2 - 8 Paul had promised to spend the winter in Corinth if the Lord so permitted. Paul wanted to come to Corinth to gather the offerings which the Corinthians had collected for the poor Jewish believers in Jerusalem, but much to Paul's embarrassment he was forced to change those plans. Instead, he planned to visit Corinth twice, once on his way to Macedonia, and once on his way back. He would then add the Corinthian collection to the one from Macedonia and take them both to Jerusalem.

But even that plan had to be scrapped. Paul says in 2:1 that he scrapped this second plan because he could not bear to make another painful visit to them. The previous visit had been painful because of the accusations laid against him for changing plans, in 1:12 Paul gets accused of following "worldy wisdom" and 1:17 of treating the things of God lightly. Later in 2:17 he gets accused of peddling the word of God for personal profit. In other words, his basic integrity and personal trustworthiness was coming under attack from the believers in Corinth - and all because following God's will had led him to change plans.

How do we keep ourselves in the Lord's will when things do not go to plan, and we find ourselves perhaps coming under criticism, even from other believers. Paul points out three things which kept him going:

1. A clear conscience  2. A forgiving heart 3. A triumphant faith

 1. A CLEAR CONSCIENCE (1:12 - 24). Paul says in v.12 that "our conscience testifies that we have conducted ourselves in the world, and especially in our relations with you, in the holiness and sincerity that are from God."

That word "conscience" the bible uses in the sense of discerning between what is right and wrong, but not what is right and wrong of our own choosing, but what is right with God and the scriptures, and what is wrong with God and the scriptures. The conscience can only be clear when you know that what you are doing is in line with the scriptures, and when you have a God given peace in your heart.

So when Paul had to change his plans his conscience was clear, he had done the right thing thus far, and when God sent him a new way he went that way too. But instead of seeing Paul as a man who followed the will of God the Corinthians were accusing him of being a waverer, who if he said "yes" you were left wondering if he meant "yes" or really meant "no." You know the type of person I mean who says "yes I'll help" but you're left wondering if they ever will get round to it. Remember at this time there were many false prophets doing the rounds who could not be trusted.

The Corinthians were therefore saying that Paul's change in plans made him untrustworthy, against this accusation Paul cites two evidences to defend his trustworthiness:

1. The message he proclaimed (vv 18 - 20): He reminds the Corinthians that the message that he, Silas and Timothy preached was about the Jesus Christ who said "yes" to all the OT prophecies and promises about the Messiah. He reminds the Corinthians that Jesus Christ reveals the promises, fulfils the promises and enables us to claim the promises of God. How could God reveal such a message through false or untrustworthy instruments? Will they not now remember how trustworthy they found him and his message then, and will they not consider him and his message to be trustworthy still?

2. The work of the Spirit in his life (vv 21 - 24): What Paul is saying in these verses is that God's work in his life guarantees the trustworthiness of what he says and does. God has placed the Holy Spirit in his life, and that Spirit makes him stand firm in Christ, commissions or anoints him as an apostle, puts Christ's ownership upon his life and guarantees his place in the eternal salvation which is to come.

What Paul is making clear here is that his integrity as an apostle or preacher does not lie in himself, in his background, in his education - but only in the evidence of what God is doing in his life. His claim is that when you meet a person who is truly following the Lord then you ought to trust that person, and if that God-filled and God-led person changes his plans then it is not through human fickleness, it is not because they are not right with God, but because they are right with God and God is leading in a different direction to that which was anticipated.

So Paul's change in plans were based on two things - firstly the direct leading of God, and secondly his desire to do what was best for the Corinthians, as he says in v.23 "it was in order to spare you that I did not return to Corinth."

So if you find your life suddenly changed and turned around, if you find something suddenly working out differently to how you expected, if you find hopes and dreams disappearing - have you a clear conscience? If you have, if you believe that you have followed the will of God thus far, then you must rely on the fact that you are still in the will of God. God's will will not have changed, only your understanding of it.

If like Jonah you find your life changing, but do not have a clear conscience, then surely you must take the opportunity now to put yourself and your life right before God. Sometimes God does allow our plans to be blown up because they are the wrong plans for us, and we need to come to our senses. What I want us to see however, is that it is possible to follow the will of the Lord and for things to work out differently, it is possible to come under severe criticism - even from believers - and still be right before God.

2. A FORGIVING HEART (2:1 - 11).

There can be no doubt that there was a pastoral problem in the Corinthian church which had caused Paul a lot of grief and pain, and this pastoral problem had led to a change of direction in his ministry in Corinth. Every pastor knows that the church is about people, and that pastoral problems either caused by accident or by deliberate sinful action can change the direction of ministry for many months, even years, even forever.

It is possible that the person in trouble here was the same man that we encounter in 1 Cor 5 who was living in an immoral relationship with his father's wife. It may be a different situation, but whatever it was, it was challenging Paul's authority over the Church. Paul made a quick visit to deal with the problem (12:14) and wrote to them about it (13:1). The issue here is that other people's sinful actions caused him to change his plans and redirect his ministry. How did he react, and how do we react when other people's sinful actions blow up our plans?

1. Paul put others first (2:1 - 4): In these verses Paul's priority was not his own feelings, but the feelings of others. Yet that does not mean that he did nothing, rather he knew that he had to lead the church to the point of obeying the word and disciplining the offender. Paul knew that his words would wound, and this brought him pain and distress, even tears. But the bottom line is his love for the Corinthians - and that meant that other plans had to be put aside until they got this problem sorted out.

There are plans we might have made that need to be put aside until we can get some people's lives sorted out. We have to be prepared to shelve plans of our own so that people in pain can get help.

And so vv 5 and 6 make it plain that upon Paul's guidance the offender was disciplined, and punished. This is a subject worth study by itself, but it can only be noted now that Paul was not happy to sweep things under the carpet, he knew that ministry could not progress until certain things had been dealt with.

2.  Paul encouraged forgiveness (vv 7 - 11): Paul encouraged forgiveness for the offending person for three reasons:

1. For the offenders own sake (v.7 and 8): So that he would not be overwhelmed by excessive sorrow. There comes a time when discipline becomes demonic unless forgiveness comes in to heal and restore.

2. For the Lord's sake (vv 9 and 10): The offence was not so much between the offender and the church, but also between the offender and the Saviour. So the Lord commands two things of us - proper discipline and proper forgiveness.

3. For the church's sake (v.11): When there is an unforgiving spirit in the congregation then the devil can creep in and use it as a springboard to create havoc amongst the believers.

Thus when your plans are changed through the sinful actions of others God does not expect you to sweep it under the carpet, if there is sin then there has to be church discipline, but in time there has also to be church forgiveness. If your plans have been blown up by the actions of others then you must come to the point of forgiveness or you are opening the door to Satan creating havoc in the offenders life, in your life and the life of the church.

 3. A CONQUERING FAITH (2:12 - 17).

As we look at these verses it seems that Paul's plans had completely fallen apart. He went to Troas in Asia but Titus was not there. At the same time there was this havoc in Corinth. In Troas it looked like an open door to ministry could not be walked through because of the changing circumstances. Hopes and plans were being set back, Paul did not have peace in his heart or mind, it looked like Satan was getting a victory.

This again is real to us from time to time. Plans made become plans changed. There is trouble somewhere else and we find that we can not walk through a door of opportunity. We feel set back, we feel that satan is getting the upper hand. How do we react - we turn to 2 Cor 2:14 and we look at the song of triumph that Paul sings out in these verses to the end of the chapter, and we claim these things, and we believe these verses. They contain three great truths that we must not lose sight of:

1. The truth that it is God who leads us (v.14): The circumstances were not good, Paul could not explain all the detours, distractions and disappointments but he was sure that God was in control. We need to be reminded again of the truth that we find in Ecclesiastes 3:11 - God is making all things beautiful in his time.

2. The truth that God is leading us in triumph (v.14): The picture here is of the Roman Triumph, the special tribute which the city of Rome gave to its conquering generals when they returned home. The commander would ride at the head in a golden chariot surrounded by his officers, the parade would include a display of all the spoils of battle, and dragging up the rear would be the defeated enemy soldiers.

Paul takes this picture and he uses it to encourage believers who find their lives and their plans changed, who find themselves under similar pressures. He says that we follow Christ who has utterly and completely defeated an enemy - Satan himself, and that we walk like victorious sons behind him, what we're being told is that we follow behind Christ's triumph. In other words we do not have to struggle for victory in our lives, Christ has walked ahead of us, won a victory, and we walk in victory. Quite frankly the situation in Corinth and in Asia where Titus had failed to appear did not look like victories from a human point of view at all - but Paul believed God, and God turned defeat into victory.

And look at that word "always" in v.14 - it's a reminder that every circumstance is being used by God for victory, for the Christian, for the believing Church there are no set backs, everything is being used to lead us in triumph as we follow the victory that Christ has already won.

3. The truth that God uses us as he leads us (vv 14 - 17): As the Roman priests carried their insence it affected people in one of two ways. To the triumphant soldiers it meant life and victory, to the defeated enemy it meant defeat and death - they were on their way to be killed by the beasts.

This is Paul's picture of Christian ministry. Believers as they follow Christ emit a scent, to God they are the fragrance of Jesus Christ, to other believers they are the fragrance of life, but to unbelievers we are the fragrance of death. As we go through circumstances God uses it all - he uses everything he puts us through to emit the scent of Christ, reminding believers of victory, reminding unbelievers of death and their need of Christ.

It's a tremendous responsibility, and no wonder he cries out in v.16 "and who is equal for such a task?" and answers in 3:5 that our competence or sufficiency comes from God.

And there is where we are going to stop this morning. I have swept through a huge section picking out only one theme amongst many, I have skimmed over verses that we you need to go back to later and look at at greater detail. I believe that God wants me to finish by telling you this - that if you feel that God had blown up your plans, if you feel that your life has been changed through the actions of God, or even the sinful actions of others - then God is calling you to have faith. He promises you as an individual, and we together as a Church, that his changes in plan come only so that he can lead us in triumph behind Christ.

If you have a clear conscience, a forgiving heart, and a triumphant faith then God will use everything to spread the life and fragrance of Jesus through what you are going through even now. You may not understand it all, you may not even like it all, but be assured His way is the way of triumph and not of defeat.

Lift up your heads. Be encouraged, "thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumphant procession in Christ and through us spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of him."

Sunday 6th March

I touched on this theme at the beginning of this pandemic but what are our thoughts in understanding today to shape tomorrow- Political –Scientists War with Russia etc.

John 13:7 Jesus replied: Now you do not understand what I am doing, but later you will understand!

I chronicle 12.32 When King David was fleeing from Saul; God sent thousands of people to help him. All that God put at the disposition of David were men experienced in battle. Some of these men were chosen according to their fighting spirit, others because of military skill and war experience. Others were chosen because of courage and loyalty.

However, among all these men, those who were perhaps the most important were the 200 men of Issachar. The characteristics of these men: they were tacticians. These men were responsible for drafting a battle plan because the skill of a planner allows them to see beyond what was before the eyes of all.

They possessed the ability to see details of the day-to-day events and with this ability; they could discern really important issues of their days and so draw a course a plan for victory.

Understand today and what can be done now depends on our strategy to design a future of happiness for our life, for our family and for our church and nation and this world which seems on the brink of war.

What are the challenges we have today to design and plan to have a happy and healthy future for tomorrow? Does anyone really  understand this corona virus and how its going to affect us tomorrow, can we ever get back to normal:

Does anyone understand why some in Scotland want independance? They should look at Ukraine, within that country there are separtists groups, now splitting the country in three, and it has led to the terrible threat of war with Russia

I. We need to understand the current moment do we trust in these scientists and politians world leaders: do they really understand the crisis we are in. Not only covid, peoples welfare heating electricity floods climate change, threats of war:

What gave the 200 men of Issachar the discernment to know and understand the moment they were passing? I pray for the same understanding for this government in this war that looks iminent and the scientists, doctors and care home staff, which have a real staff crisis.

The men of Issachar were the mentors of the people of Israel. They knew all things pertaining to time, astrology, history, knowledge of agriculture, season for planting; they knew other peoples, their cultures, characteristics, etc... In addition, they had the ability to discern the time and seasons of the year.

The same knowledge needed to have the reality that surrounds us. What is behind the things we see and those things that are happening to us today and how can we apply this knowledge to the context of our marriage, our family, the facts of the corona virus, this war that is imminent and even our Church etc...

This ability to make a survey of reality is to help us to take notice of all its extent. Moment/Time

II. We need to know what to do now, that is our struggle: To do what I know how to do or do what you know how to do about God's plans. The men of Issachar submitted to God all their knowledge. They believed that the knowledge they had was subordinate to God and so God acted.

In wartime, as was the case, they knew how to organize war strategy: defense and attack.

What do you need to do right now given the situation of your own life? Pray -Go to church; -Read the word; Forgive -Reconcile; to be faithful and confident with faith and perseverance.

When Jesus replied: Now you do not understand what I am doing, but later you will understand!

Come back to the Bible in 1 Chronicles 12.32 because we need to believe that God wants a better future for everyone of us. The people expected victory in battle as we pray that every endeavor not only by the government but also ourselves in our life’s choices  and ministry will result in success.

What do you believe in? -Your own ability; - or the action and the Will of God.

The best that you and I desire for our life, God desires even more. David and his men knew that God had planned for them the best. Our fears: Many think the government has got it wrong, and perhaps they did but we can say the same thing in any given situation with hindsight we can even say what is wrong with the church or our world.

Why does the church not grow why do people do not stay, but brothers my experience shows the problem is not in the church we are a good church, the problem is in the people they believe that going to church is a waste of time, being a believer will alienate me and I will become boring, this business of God will keep people away from me. What do you think this lockdown has produced: people still get awkward even afraid if others even get to close to them.

Well, Issachar and his 200 men believed that they would win the battle. They had the courage to believe in God and that He has for us is the best.

What the church needs today is to have perseverance and faithfulness Jesus replied: Now you do not understand what I am doing, but later you will understand!

God wants us to be people who understand our times, people who come to know what to do and how to do it, and still have the courage to make a Difference. This attitude or lack of it, is what will determine the future of your life, your family, this world and the church itself.

When we study the Bible, we observe that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is totally focused on relationships.  That is why we missed each other our brothers/sisters on Sunday during this lockdown period because it is good to have fellowship with the family of God. We see people seeking separation even in our own country, but I believe that God wants unity not division.

But we live in days when relationships are distant, increasingly impersonal, more and more virtual – "social networks". Whatsapp is a real blessing, but also a drug the person who has an anniversary we leave "a message". Very difficult to communicate on  a personal level  and even worse with so many cell phones, before the cell phone people called and said how are you now its where are you, people it seems have no time to talk!

Mark 8:22 to 25 – Jesus asked him do  you see anything? What was the blind man's response? I see people as walking trees. Jesus prays the second time and the man comes to see people clearly as people – remember brother’s people have feelings, and dreams.

How do you see people? We often see them as trees: "Beggars, alcoholics, marginal, proud, meddling, etc." The worst is when you cannot even see them.

How many times have you talked, asked the name of the waiter, the attendant, the cleaning lady at the shops? The postman, bin man, the shop assistant. Often these people are invisible to us.

I pray that these politicians stop the mania of wanting to be the best, the greatest, the one who only wants to be in charge in Mark 9:33 to 35  They were arguing, disputing with each other, about who would be the greatest. We can see this happening now in the political realm but we cannot let politics interfere with people lives we are all in this together as one nation.

However, what was the teaching of Jesus? That in the Kingdom of God, what is great in the eyes of God is the one who serves, that gives the honour to his neighbour, whoever serves is not concerned to be the first, but to make sure that everyone is well.

Mark 11:15 "My house will be called ' House of Prayer ' for all peoples." But you have turned it into a den of thieves!

Mark 11:16 – What did Jesus not allow? People who are walking needlessly around the country and not paying attention to stay alert.

Mark 11:17: That is why God wants our church to be a house of prayer for all nations. House of Blessing, House of Refuge, House of Help to the needy.

1 Corinthians 6:19,20 – Our body is the Temple of the Holy Spirit - So Jesus is saying, stop it. Stop bringing rubbish to God's temple. Let us pray today that God will heal our country our world and once again we see that we need to look at people as people and not as statistics.

The 200 men of Issachar had the discernment to know and understand the moment they were passing.  We need to still focus on praying for our goverment the NHS front line workers and for those children going to school, people getting back to work, sure it is not easy but  let us pray for those making dificult decisions for our nation and this world.

Now you do not understand what I am doing, but later you will understand!

Sunday 20th Psalm 51 Many types of Psalms, I see here a Psalm of Renewal. Revival. Redemption. I also like to apply each verse in my own life meditate on it and let God speak to me.

David is responding to Gods powerful word through Nathan. You are here to respond to Gods word,vs 8 says let me  hear  joy and gladness = not feel?

That is why a word from God settles the matter, hear the word and receive joy and gladness.

Psalm of Renewal. David’s darkest moment, face to face with his sin. Here we have a child of God who sinned in a particular way, his spirit has been broken. Many Christians have no place for such things. It’s not God’s will for a Christian to have an unclean heart.

Vs 1.He  Cries out, have mercy. But he knows he has no claim on the favour he begs.

That is why Steadfast unfailing love is covenant love and for all his unworthiness he still belongs.

Paradox of the Prodigal, father, I am not worthy to be called your son!

There is more to forgiveness than tender compassion of which God has abundance. The accusing record of sin remains, the pollution clings to the mind, soul, heart and will. David pleads for it to be wiped away, blotted out.

Those who work with computers, when asked how do you deal with problems,they wipe the hard drive clean and re boot it and reform it. God wipes clean, blots out our sin but only the Gospel reveals at what cost.

He forgave us all our sins having canceled the written code, with its regulations, that was against us and that stood opposed to us; he took it away, nailing it to the cross. Colossians 2:14

Vs 2. Wash and clean. I think about my mother doing the laundry washing clothes again and again until they are clean. The image of David on his knees praying again and again, prevailing, until he knows that he has dealt with everything. Deep cleansing.

Vs 3. His sin confronts him as treason against God. Murder and adultery surely is against people, yes, but the heart of sin is always against God. Our bodies are not our own, our neighbours are made in Gods image also.

Previously David was covering up his tracts, now he is saying how could I treat God so!

Vs 5. He sees that his crime was no freak event but an extreme expression of the warped deformed character he had always been and of the faulty stock that he came from. He is not against his mother or conception but realizes that he is a sinner; sin is the very element that he lives in.

Vs 7. Purge me with hyssop, leaper sprinkled seven times with sacrificial blood, hyssop being the sprinkler, to be declared clean. Purge is to de-sin (de-ice) whiter than snow, no half measures with God.

All this self knowledge could have led to despair but it led to a greater enlarged prayer. (Romans 8:14-18)  For if you live according to the sinful nature, you will die; f  but if by the Spirit you put to death the misdeeds of the body, g  you will live, h   14 because those who are led by the Spirit of God i  are sons of God. j   15 For you did not receive a spirit k  that makes you a slave again to fear, l  but you received the Spirit of sonship. 35 And by him we cry, “Abba, 36Father.” m   16 The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit n  that we are God’s children. o   17 Now if we are children, then we are heirs p  —heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings q  in order that we may also share in his glory. r  

A prayer for a miracle.

Vs 10. Create is a term for what God alone can do. It can be like the first day of creation instant, or a process of seven days!

Vs 12 Restore, renew and fill, the prayer of a backslider who has found repentance. The fear of being castaway comes from the example of Saul from whom the spirit of God departed.

Vs 13.The positive delight in God’s will is the antidote to temptation, David in his prosperity lost this delight. He was also silenced by his guilty conscience; a joyous faith is an infectious one. Peter, when you are turned again, strengthen your brothers.

A Psalm of Revival

2 Chr.7:14 if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

That’s a text for revival and psalm 51 shows you how to do it, it’s the natural sequence, it’s an explanation of revival, it’s the prayer book for revival.

Humble yourself, pray, see, turn from your wicked ways. If I look you in the eye and say you have wicked ways not just sinful ways but wicked way you would be resentful even offended.

How can you argue with scripture? Christians will admit to sinful ways but seldom to wicked ways.

Psalm 139, search me O God and see if there be any wicked way in me, save me from it.

Oh open your heart and let God examine it, This Psalm shows you how. God will hear, forgive and heal

Psalm of Redemption. The preacher tries to encourage people to get saved, he tries to explain how to go about getting saved. The ABC of salvation. But we shoud never complcate the Gospel.

If there is someone here today who wants to be saved, pray through this psalm get on your knees and pray right through this penitentiary psalm, go through it word for word, God cannot and will not deny anyone who prays such a prayer, wash me completely from my sin, God will do it you will get off your knees a saved person. You will feel renewed, you will have a clean heart and a clear conscience, you will be full of joy and gladness. You will be full of God’s free Spirit. He will uphold you with his Holy Spirit.


For the backslider pray this prayer.

For the Church pray this prayer

For the sinner pray this prayer.

Sunday 13th February

Today I want us to START where we stopped last week at GOD’S PLAN OF SALVATION FOR ISRAEL (11:11 - 32).\

Has Israel stumbled beyond recovery? Not at all says Paul. When Israel stumbled over the Gospel, it went to the Gentiles, and this is good because when the Jews look at the Gentiles receiving the blessings that they ought to have had they become envious, and envy makes them fly to God and will in time help them to open up to the grace of God and receive their salvation through faith.

Indeed this is one of the great purposes of Paul's missionary work among the Gentiles (vv 13, 14), to bring salvation to the Gentiles so that he might arouse the envy of some of his fellow Jews to such an extent that they want what the Gentiles have and thus find salvation for themselves.

In v.15 the implication is that one of the great signs of the return of Jesus Christ and the final resurrection from the dead of all true believers is the conversion of the Jewish race to Jesus Christ - no wonder then it was so important to Paul that his fellow Israelites come to Christ.

Will great numbers of the Jews ever come to Christ? Paul believes it will be so and uses two little metaphors to make his point in (v.16). He says first of all that when one is making bread, if the first part is offered up properly as a sacrifice then the whole batch will be holy, and secondly if the root of a tree is good and holy then the branches which will eventually grow will also be holy.

To use another metaphor, if you have a holy acorn then you will have a mighty oak tree which is also holy. What Paul is teaching is that because there is this small group of Christian Jews now who are truly holy, in time their influence will spread to the whole of the Jewish race.

He carries on this thought in vv 17 to 21 with his illustration of the olive tree - this tree representing salvation. The unbelieving branches of the Jewish race have been broken off, and in their place has been grafted the wild olive shoot of the Jewish Christians and the Gentile believers.

But the Gentile Christian is not to boast, for he has found himself ingrafted not because he deserves it, but because of the grace of God. The Gentile can not say "God prefers me to a Jew", because the gentiles were not grafted in because they were superior in religion and morals but because they received the gospel through faith. The Jews lost their place in God's grace because they had become boastful and self-confident, should the Gentiles do the same then they too will find themselves outwith the grace of God (v.21).

Thus we ought to consider that God is both kind and stern (v.22), he is kind to the faithful, stern to those who fall away from following Him through faith. Paul doesn't mean that God is kind and stern in an aribitrary way, God is always God and is consistently kind when he finds faith, and consistently stern when he finds unbelief. God's kindness lasts as long as you live in Him through faith, if you become faithless and unrepentant then you will be cut off.

But it is the positive note in v.23 that is Paul's most important point - when unbelief comes to an end then God will immediately graft people back in and his severity swings back to his kindness. After all, if God can graft in a wild branch (the gentiles) then it is even easier for him to graft back in the natural branches (the Jews) v.24.

To try and sum this difficult part up, Paul offers us two pictures, one of a religious and the other of an irreligious man. The religious man lives in an atmosphere which should constantly remind him that God is in heaven and he upon earth, but tragically the religous man becomes comfortable and limits God into being the kind of God that he wants him to be. The irreligious man stumbles upon the gospel, sees his own unworthiness, and receives salvation not by merit but by faith. This leaves our religious man, a Pharisee for example, seeing what has happened to want the same in his own life and to trust no longer in his own righteousness, but to receive instead the righteousness of Christ.

Now Paul comes to his dramatic conclusion. In v.25 he reminds the Gentiles that they ought not to be proud of that fact that God has by passed the Jews and brought salvation to the Gentiles, for his plan is that once the maximum number of gentiles have come to faith, then all Israel will be saved (v.26). This is prophesied in Scripture, and how Israel will be saved is through the removal of sins (v.27), i.e. they will be saved in the same way as we are - by asking for God's forgiveness in Christ, repenting of our sins, and being cleansed of them.

For now, as the gospel is being preached (v.28) the Jews are God's enemies because they are rejecting the gospel, this is to the Gentiles' advantage because it means that salvation is coming to them instead. But even so, God still loves His Jewish people because of the special relationship that he had with the early Jewish Fathers, e.g. Abraham and Isaac. Despite the fact that they have proven faithless God still loves them, because God's love never depended on what the Israelites did, but solely upon his choice of them.

Thus we enter into a great paradox in v.29 - these people are God's enemies, yet they are still loved by Him because God does not go back on his acts of grace, or as the NIV puts it, God's gift and his call are irrevocable. Even though Israel is a disobedient people God still plans to be merciful to them - for the way to mercy often goes through disobedience. As v.32 puts it "for God has bound all men over to disobedience so that he may have mercy on them all." That is God brings us to a point when we recognise that we deserve nothing but his mercy, yet when we cry out to him for mercy trusting in no way in ourselves we find it.

Here then in these verses is revealed Paul's teaching of "double predestination." God has predestined all men to wrath, yet he has also predestined all men to mercy (v.32). If men were not predestined to wrath then they could not be predestined to mercy. This verse then reveals that the bible does not teach that individual men are predestined to either wrath or mercy, but that all men are predestined to both - thus it is possible for all men to be saved if they prove believing and faithful, with the reverse also being true it is possible for all men to be lost should they prove disbelieving and unfaithful. God would want you to find his mercy, but if you reject it, then you must accept his wrath.

\3. THE HYMN OF PRAISE (11:33 - 36).\

What matters ultimately then is not what is in men's hearts, but what is in God's. Thus this section finishes with a great hymn of praise to God which is a kind of collage of OT scriptures. In summary they tell us - Who can know the mind of God - who would have thought that He would have used a people's disobedience to lead others to faith, and in so doing attract his disobedient people back to him? Who would have thought that God would would give to his people purely out of his love and grace rather than doling it out in proportion to our worth and merit?

Is there then a final message for us? God doesn't count out disobedience against us from the moment that we accept Christ through faith. What we have done in the past does not matter to him from the point of our conversions. Not only that our present salvation doesn't depend on what we do, on our worth or unworthiness, on our successes or failures, what does matter is that we have received God's gift of salvation, and to remind us of v.29 "God's gifts and His call are irrevocable." Our salvation will see us through to heaven, not because we will work hard at it, although we should, but because God has promised us and he will not break that promise.

God indeed is the source of all that we have, for from him and through him and to him are all things - including our salvation, it was a gift from him, it depends on His grace which flows through him, and it\will\take us to him. By turning to Him our tragic lives can have that same happy ending. Thus we finish like Paul with this remark - to Him be the glory for ever, Amen!

Revd. David M Meikle - Portslade Baptist Church.

Sunday 6h February 

Last week we looked at the way of salvation and saw that it depended on one thing only - a personal belief in the person of Jesus Christ, his work on the cross, his resurrection from the dead and his Lordship over all things. Or as Romans 10:9,10 puts its: "if you confess with your mouth, 'Jesus is Lord' and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved." Now it follows from this that if all you need to be saved is belief - then all you need to be lost is unbelief.

What we have in Romans 10:14 - 11:36 is a tragic story of unbelief. It's a story of how a great nation, Israel, and God's own chosen people, the Jews failed to believe in Jesus Christ as their Messiah.

This to Paul, himself a Jew, was absolutely tragic, but to make things worse it was an unnecessary tragedy, for the Jews themselves are to blame for their unbelief, indeed their unbelief is inexcuseble.



Chapter 10:13 announces "everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved" quoting from Joel 2:32. To the Jews this "lord" was God, Yahweh, himself. What they had failed to understand was that Jesus Christ was himself both Lord and God.

How one comes to believe that Jesus is Lord and God is outlined in vv 14, 15. In order to call Jesus "Lord" you have to believe in Him, in order to believe in Him you have to have heard about Him, in order to have heard about him somebody must have told you about Him, and that somebody must have been sent by God himself.

Did anybody tell the Jews about Jesus Christ? If the Jews hadn't heard about Jesus then they could not be blamed for their unbelief. Paul points out in v.15 that it was prophesied in Isaiah 52:7 that there would be messengers bringing "good news" about a Suffering Servant who would bring salvation, therefore he and the other apostles have fulfilled this prophesy in telling the nation of Israel about Jesus.

We find an example of it in Acts 2 and the Day of Pentecost when thousands of Jews heard Peter's dramatic announcement "therefore let all Israel be assured of this: God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified both Lord and Christ." (Acts 2:34)

The Jews therefore had heard the good news, what they hadn't done was to pay heed to it and believe it. Some did of course, but in general the nation rejected the message which is why Paul says in v.16 "but not all the Israelites accepted (or obeyed) the good news" fulfilling the prophecy of Is 53:1.

This was inexcusable on their part because the apostles had deliberately taken the Christian message to everywhere there were Jews. If you read through the book of Acts you will read of the great missionary journeys to take the gospel to the Jews, and how Paul and others always went first to the synagogues to speak to the Jews before they met the Gentiles. Although it may seem an exaggeration, it would be true to say that Paul and the apostles had made every effort to tell the Jews about Jesus - even to the ends of the world (v.18).

But it could be in v.19 that the problem was not that of failing to hear the message but of failure to understand it. Paul quotes from Moses (v.19) and from the prophets (v.20) to point out that what they preach was taught in the OT and prophesied by it - that the nation of Israel would be put to shame by the belief of the gentiles, with the paradox in v.21 that the obedience and belief of the gentiles will be matched by the disobedience and unbelief of Israel. God says that he has held out his hands to Israel and has met with nothing but rebuffs. For these reasons then the unbelief of the Jews is inexcuseable - messengers have been sent to them, they have heard the good news, the good news is within their understanding, and God has held his hands out to them. Despite all this they fail to believe.

I just wonder if this may be the tragedy of some of us today. We've heard, we know, we know that God is stretching out his hands to us. We have experienced again and again a touch of his grace calling us to believe in Christ and to accept all that he would want to give us. Yet still we have no belief. You may say I need faith to believe, well you can never generate enough faith of your own to believe in Jesus.

You have to receive faith as a gift from God when you trust Jesus Christ, that is what v.17 is all about "faith\comes\from hearing the message." Have you said "if only I could have faith to believe?" Don't make the mistake of looking for enough faith of your own for you will never find it. You must turn to Christ for faith. It is not faith first, Christ second, it is Christ first, faith second. Don't do as Israel did and turn Jesus down, ask Him to give you faith, and as he does, call on His name, and you shall be saved.


The second reason why the unbelief of the Jews was inexcuseable was because they were warned in the OT that God would reject them if they continued on the path of works rather than depending on God's grace.

Yet - did God reject the his people, the Jews? Paul says in v.1 "By no means!" "Certainly not!" - and gives as his reason that he himself was a Jew, a descendant of Abraham from the tribe of Benjamin. He was a Jew, yet God had saved, not rejected him. What Paul is saying is that God can not have cast off his people as a whole for he himself was both a Jew and a Christian, and the existence of Christian Jews proves in v.2 that God has not cast off his people whom he foreknew.

But all the same Christian Jews represent a mere minority of the Jewish world, you can not hold up a small section of the Jewish population who have been converted to Christ and state that the whole nation and race has been saved.

So what Paul does is to prove from the OT that it never was the case that the whole race has ever been saved, indeed it has always been the case that God has worked through the faithful few, or to put it another way, in the midst of the unbelief of the Jewish race there has always been a faithful remnant who have believed.

His example comes from the story of Elijah (vv 2 - 5), telling the story which we find in 1 Kings 19 and the surrounding chapters. Elijah complains to the Lord that Israel is filled with hostility and unbelief and that he is the only one left. God replies to him that he is not alone, but that there are indeed 7000 other people who have not bowed the knee to the pagan god Baal. The nation then had not totally succumbed to disbelief, there were 7001 true believers left, and it was through this faithful remant that God would work.

Paul then uses this historical story to apply it to the situation in his own day - in his day too there was a faithful remnant, the Jewish Christians are like these 7001 true worshippers in Elijah's day. The Jewish Christians in the desert of unbelief are an oasis of hope through which the gospel is spreading. What makes them special is not their own personal standing or worth, but the fact that God has chosen them, this faithful remnant is not "better" than the rest of Israel because they were not selected by their works, but by the grace of God (v.6).

So Israel in its quest for salvation and righteousness through works and rule keeping never attained it, instead those who pursued the way of personal faith, that is the elect faithful remnant, found it quite easily. Thus Israel, that is the whole nation less the faithful remnant, who refused to go the way of faith found themselves standing outside of the grace of God and found themselves hardened (vv 8 - 10), this too was predicted in the OT with Paul quoting from Deuteronomy, Isaiah and the Psalms.

Here we must understand that word "hardened" for you find in the Greek language a play on the grammar that you don't see easily in the English tranlations. Why were they hardened - because they were disobedient to the gospel.

Why were they disobedient to the gospel - because they were hardened. In the Greek language it is impossible to distinguish between "hardened because disobedient" and "disobedient because hardened." There are two sides to the coin that must be looked at simultaneously - God doesn't harden people without reason, but neither do people harden to the gospel unless God permits it to happen. The Jews became hardened in their unbelief because of their refusal to obey the gospel message, and\at the same time\God allowed them to drift away from Him.

Thus the Jews ought to have known from the OT that God would not work through the whole nation but through a faithful group, and they also ought to have known that should they reject the message of this group that they will find themselves outside of the grace of God. The whole purpose of the faithful group was to be a light to attract others to God through Jesus Christ, thus Israel was without excuse for their unbelief for in their very midst was a group preaching and living the way to God. What a dreadful thing unbelief is when it blinds you to seeing what is before your very eyes. Are you not a believer? Look at what is in front of your eyes - a worshipping community of believers, singing God's praises and proclaiming His word. Why is this happening - are we deluded - or may there be a God after all, who is calling us to himself. Our unbelief too is inexcuseable - we have heard and we know. We have the gospel, and we have witnessed its effects. Like Israel, we are a people without excuse.

So Paul presents us with a race of people, God's chosen people the Jews, who through rejecting the Gospel have found themselves outside of the grace of God. Is there a way back in for them - or will God now just simply abandon them and reject them for ever? Did they, as Paul puts it in v.11, stumble so badly that they fell beyond recovery? It is at this point, that the tragedy begins to unravel itself and point towards a happy ending.

Which we will look at next week God Willing.

Sunday 30th January

Let me begin where I left off last week vs 9-13 \3. BELIEVING AND CONFESSING (10:9 - 13)\

Romans 10:9 states that there are two things that a person must do if he is to have saving faith - he must believe in his heart that Jesus was raised from the dead and he must confess that Jesus is Lord.

And that is the order that we must do it in order to be saved. Romans 10:10 underlines this by saying that we must start by believing in our hearts, and then make the confession with our mouths. This order is very important - because our confession must be the right one based on the right experience. In fact you have nothing to confess unless you believe that Jesus has risen from the dead. We must have something to BELIEVE before we can confess it, and saving faith depends on believing the right things.

And yet believing is not enough to be saved, or at least to have a full assurance of our salvation. After belief there is something that we must do, and Paul describes this as "confessing." We must confess that Jesus is Lord. This leads us on to the question "is it really possible to believe in one's heart that Jesus has been raised from the dead and then\refuse\to confess him as lord.

Surely if you believe that Jesus is risen that is enough to make you a Christian?" Well, I can prove from the Bible that it is possible to believe in the resurrected Jesus and yet still not be a Christian.

There were guards around the tomb when Jesus rose from the dead. How much they actually saw is unknown, perhaps they saw the actual incident, perhaps not, but what we can be sure of is the fact that they knew that Jesus had been raised. They knew that Jesus' disciples had nothing to do with the tomb being empty. They knew this. They knew it in their hearts. They actually told this to the authorities at the time - the chief priests.

There is every reason to believe that the chief priests accepted every word that they had to say - for they had no other explanation, and they called a special meeting of the Sanhedrin about it. But did the Roman soldiers, and the chief priests, despite the fact that they knew about the resurrection, confess Jesus as Lord? NO!

The soldiers accepted a pay off, "hush money" to keep their mouths quiet about the incident, despite the fact that they knew it to be true. And so Matthew 28:12-15 tells us "When the chief priests had met with the elders and devised a plan, they gave the soldiers large sums of money, telling them, "You are to say,'his disciples came during the night and stole him away while we were asleep.' If this report gets to the governor, we will satisfy him and keep you out of trouble." So the soldiers took the money and did as instructed."

The same can also be said for Jesus' death on the cross. I can carefully explain to you why Jesus died. That he took our punishment and that it was for our sins that he died on the cross. You might believe me, but you might still not be saved. There have been many times when I have sat with people and told them the gospel, and they in their heads have believed what I said, yet have refused to confess Jesus as Lord. You can agree with every part of the gospel, but unless you confess him you will not be saved.

That is why Paul uses the word "if" in Romans 10:9. He made salvation dependent on two conditions, belief and confession must come together in order to be saved. There is no saving faith unless both are present. This is why I can say that Christ died for all - yet not all will be saved, or to put it another way all are invited yet not all will respond.

Those who respond will be saved, but those who do not will be lost, or will remain in their lostness.

Paul knew then that there would be a division. Some would believe in the teachings of Jesus, but would not at the end of the day accept Jesus into their hearts and call him Lord. There would also be some who would call Jesus Lord, yet would believe in their own Jesus and not the Jesus of the scriptures. That is why Paul said, "if you confess....and will be saved." Confession and belief in the heart, in our heart of hearts go together. One without the other renders it all invalid.

It is not enough to make a confession of faith even if it is in front of thousands. It is not enough to come forward or to walk up an aisle. It is not enough to be baptised. You must believe the scriptural truths about Jesus as well, otherwise you are making your confession about the wrong thing.

In Romans 10: 9,10 Paul mentions the word "mouth" twice. It is with our mouths that confession is made. Some people say that it is enough to let our lives speak about Jesus, but it is not enough. There is a command here for us to tell others about Jesus if we love the Lord. There is no such thing as a silent Christianity. Before we became Christians our whole lives spoke against God, the meaning of repentance is that our lives and our mouths should now speak for God. The importance of confession is stressed by Jesus himself in Matthew 10:32,33 - "Whoever confesses me before men, I will also confess him before my father in heaven. But whoever disowns me before men, I will disown him before my father in heaven." It seems that confessing ratifies our salvation. It validates it, it sets it into operation.

In the early church the very first, the most public, and the most dramatic way that a new Christian confessed Jesus was by being baptised as a believer. Thousands heard Peter preach on the day of Pentecost, they could all have gone away as secret and silent believers, but Peter told them that they must repent and be baptised (Acts 2:38), and what distinguished them, and made them no longer silent witnesses was that they were baptised.

Baptism sent a signal to Caesar, to their Jewish or pagan families, that they were not ashamed of Jesus and that Jesus was Lord. It involved great social stigma, it was done in front of witnesses and it meant that the Christian had come out of hiding and was now publicly confessing Jesus as his saviour. Baptism will not save you, but it is an essential part of the "salvation package" that we repent, be baptised, and receive the spirit.

Yet you may say to me with great justification, that Romans 10: 9,10 speaks about confessing with your mouth, and not about believer's baptism. Surely it is more important that we are Christians than that we are baptised as believers? Well, I want to say this to you very clearly that there are numerous scriptures which imply that the words confession and baptism are almost interchangeable. For example, Mark 16:16 "whoever believes and is baptised will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned." Jesus says baptism, and not confession, yet from our understanding of the whole of the scriptures the two seem to interchange. Why? Almost certainly because it would be at their baptism that the new Christians would make their first public confession that Jesus is Lord. And if we were to be totally true to the scriptures today then the very first thing we would do is to baptise a person moments after their conversion, and if we asked them to confess their new faith at their baptism like the first Christians were asked, then we would see why the two words were interchangeable.

I am not saying that you need to be baptised in order to be saved. But I am saying that once you are saved the scriptures say that you need to be baptised. I know that the thief on the cross went to heaven without being baptised, but his was a death bed conversion, and was never meant to be an example for those of us who are alive and well.

The main thing is that once we are saved is that we are to\tell it.\ Tell it to at least one other person. Such a confession is much the same as baptism, yet baptism needs to be urged on us all, because Jesus urges it on all us. Baptism is a beautiful demonstration that one is truly not ashamed to be utterly identified with Jesus' death and resurrection.

What then are we to confess - it is that "Jesus is Lord." Phil 2: 9 - 11 tells us that one day all will confess that Jesus is Lord, but Christians have an opportunity to beat the rest of the world to the draw. We do it NOW whereas in the final day everybody will do it. You see it is not a question of whether or not men and women will confess Jesus as Lord it is a question of when. We will do it now voluntarily and be saved, or we will do it later when it is forced upon us, but those on whom it is forced will not be saved. Today God uses persuasion, later he will use force. Men may win battles against God, but God will win the war, "every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus is Lord."

Is salvation worth it if it all so easy? Yes it is. It is worth it because our salvation in the future will see us through judgement and into heaven, we will never be put to shame (v.11). In the present our Lord richly blesses those who call on him (v.12). Is salvation then for everbody? Yes it is "everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." Everyone, that is the white people, the black people, the good people and the bad people. What matters for salvation is that we have made that call - and then when the waters of strife, and final judgement begin to sweep around us, we will find that in Him we stand safe and secure on His rock.

Who then is Jesus Christ to you? Will he at the end prove to be a secure rock, or a stumbling stone upon whom at the end you will be dashed. Your salvation depends on how you answer that question.

"On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand."

Next week God willing I will come back to this part of ROMANS 10:14 - 11:36 Tells us of a tragic story with a happy ending. Israel's rejection of the gospel and her final salvation.


Sunday 23rd January


Last few weeks I dealt with a very difficult chapter in which Paul began his explanation of why the Israelites rejected the Saviour, Jesus Christ. Chapter 9 gave one part of the reason being divine election, that is, the nation Israel rejected Jesus in fulfilment of God's plan and the scriptures. From v.30 however Paul gives another part of the reason and that is that Israel must take its share of the blame as well. What has happened is that the gospel of Jesus Christ with its joyful news that it is possible to be put right with God through faith in Jesus was preached first to the Jews, and then to the Gentiles.

But it was the Gentiles who received it gratefully when the Jews carried on trying to pursue the path of being put right with God through law or rule keeping. The Jews have therefore failed to reach their goal of being put right with God because they are on the wrong path. It was a hard lesson for the Jews that despite all their privileges as a race under God that the divine righteousness which they were seeking was as open to complete outsiders as it was to them.

For centuries they had believed that they alone were the ones who had a special relationship with God, now they found that God wanted to have a special relationship with all men. And what they stumbled over was the way in which God now wanted to have this special relationship - not through following the law, but through faith in Jesus Christ.

 \1. THE STUMBLING STONE (9:30 - 33).\

It is important for us to see that what they stumbled over, the gospel of Jesus Christ, had been forseen in the OT scriptures. Paul quotes in v.33 two scriptures from Isaiah, Isaiah 8:14 and Isaiah 28:16, both sciptures speaking about a stone laid down by God in a time of disaster and judgement.

In Isaiah 8 the prophet spoke about how the Assyrian invasion would sweep over the land of Israel like a great flood, but there was to be one place of refuge from the overwhelming water - God himself would provide a sanctuary to all those who put their trust in him. God would provide a rock on which the people could stand safe and secure. But those who placed their trust elsewhere would find themselves swept away by the flood and rather than being saved by the rock they would be dashed against it. The rock for these people was not then a safe place, but an obstacle or a stumbling stone.

This passage from Isaiah is thus quoted by Paul here, and also in 1 Peter 2:8 where this stone of safety is now named as Jesus Christ - obey the gospel and come to him and you will be secure. But if you disobey the gospel, as the Israelites did, then when the floods of judgement come you will be dashed against this rock.

So in order to be saved you need a rock on which to stand, and this rock is our confession of Christ, our faith in him, for as v.11 tells us "the one who trusts in him will never be put to shame" - will never be dashed upon the rocks. On the last day, when the great judgement comes and people begin to be swept away we who believe will find that we stand on something secure and our faith in Christ will be proven to be the best decision that we ever made.

Now the point is this - Israel, and not God, is to blame for refusing to confess Christ as the Saviour. The gospel was preached in Israel first, but the Jews turned it down. So hand in hand comes two great truths - Israel rejected the Saviour both because it was part of God's plan, and secondly of her own free will.

It may be difficult to understand how these truths work together, but they are both there and we must accept that fact. Israel has rejected the saviour as part of God's plan and out of its own foolishness.

But despite all that, Paul goes on say in chapter 10:1 that he will not cease praying for Israel's salvation. They are a people who seek after God, but with a misplaced zeal. Their zeal is like Paul's was before his conversion - a zeal for their traditions, a zeal for their history, a zeal for their religious practices and a zeal for their law.

But if God could save Paul from all of this - then Paul knew that God could also save the whole of the Jewish race - therefore he kept on praying for their salvation. Paul had discovered that there was only one way to God - that is through Jesus Christ - yet the Israelites were trying to get to God by another way.

Paul then goes on to describe these two ways and shows one up to be false, and the other to be true.

\2. THE "TWO WAYS" TO GOD (10:1 - 8)\

1. The first way: The way of the law. Paul illustrates this way by quoting in v. 5 from the Law of Moses as it is found in Leviticus 18:5; "the man who does these things will live by them." The OT taught that it was possible to find righteousness, in the sense of being put right with God, through right living, and doing all things perfectly.

There is nothing wrong with right living, and doing good, says Paul, but the weakness is that no-one has ever succeeded in doing all things perfectly, therefore no-one has succeeded in being put right with God in this way. Men can live such good lives that they find themselves blameless before men, but in their own hearts they know that they are not blameless before God.

There is a second reason however why this way of the law is no good - and that is because it has been superceded by Jesus Christ, we are told in v.4 "Christ is the end of the law so that there may be righteousness for everyone who believes." He is the "end" in a double sense - firstly, Christ was the end of the law in the sense that he was the terminus, the goal of the law. The law always pointed to Christ, he is the one who fulfils the law (Mt 5:17). Thus when we become Christians we too fulfil the law (Rom 8:3f). But secondly, Christ put the law to its end, he did away with the old order to bring in a new one - life under the law is replaced by life in the Spirit. Salvation then can no longer be earned through works, it is a free gift from a loving God, to be received through faith in Christ. That then leads us onto the second way:

2. The second way: The way of faith.  To illustrate this way Paul again quotes in v.6 from Moses, but this time from his farewell speech in Deuteronomy 30:11 - 14; the full text reading "Now what I am commanding you today is not too difficult or beyond your reach. It is not up in heaven so you have to ask 'who will ascend into heaven to get it and proclaim it to us so that we may obey it?' Nor is it beyond the sea, so that you have to ask, 'who will cross the sea to get it and proclaim it to us so that we may obey it?' No the word is very near you; it is in your mouth and in your heart so that you may obey it."

Paul then goes on to explain what these verses mean in terms of Jesus Christ. He says that God has brought salvation near to us in Christ. We don't have to go up into heaven to get it, for Christ has come down from heaven to give it to us. Nor do we need to cross the sea, which can also be translated as to plumb the depths, for it, because Christ has risen from the depths to secure it for us. Salvation is here, it is available, all that we are called to do is to accept it by faith - by believing in our hearts that God has raised Jesus from the dead, and by acknowledging him aloud as Lord.

Yet just as the gospel of Jesus Christ was a stumbling block to the Jews, it can also be a stumbling block to some today. There are some to want to be right with God, but they just can't believe that becoming a Christian is as simple as we make it out to be. They can't believe that all you have to do is what you find in Romans 10:9,10 : "THAT IF YOU CONFESS WITH YOUR MOUTH, 'JESUS IS LORD,' AND BELIEVE IN YOUR HEART THAT GOD RAISED HIM FROM THE DEAD, YOU WILL BE SAVED. FOR IT IS WITH YOUR HEART THAT YOU BELIEVE AND ARE JUSTIFIED, AND IT IS WITH YOUR MOUTH THAT YOU CONFESS AND ARE SAVED." That's all. But what does it mean? Is it really as simple as that? Yes it is, if you understand that becoming a Christian involves both believing and confessing.

I will finish there and God willing come back to vs 9-10 next week.

Sunday 9th January 


While I was living in Brazil having returned for furlough and a holiday Johann decided to re-decorate her kitchen. At first I thought that it would be a simple job of stripping the old wall paper and putting on the new paper then fitting new wall units and base unit’s worktops etc. The first layer came off fairly straightforwardly, but underneath it had no less than 3 layers of vinyl one of which had been painted with white gloss and was like concrete. It took me three days to strip the paper off when I had allowed three hours, when I uncovered the difficult bits I wish that I had never started the job.

It is with that same feeling that I touch on Romans 9 this morning - for in Romans 9 we come to a passage of the scriptures as tough as that layer of vinyl covered with gloss. I found that reading this chapter it arouses in me confusion, and a challenge to do more;

Interpretations of this chapter have divided whole denominations from each other and within themselves.

It is not an easy chapter, and it is not possible to simplify it. So we need to get ready for God's word, for I am convinced that when we stretch ourselves and deal with the hard topics God really speaks to us and we grow in Grace.

It is generally accepted that Romans 8:39 closes off one section which finished with the theme of "Life in the Spirit" and that 9:1 begins another. But although the theme changes, we have to recognise that God does not. The generous powerful God who saves people through faith and fills them with his Spirit is still the same. The God that we find in Chapter 9 is still the giver and source of salvation both to the Jew and to the Gentile.

But in vv 1 - 5 Paul reveals his great personal sadness - his own people, the Jews have not believed the gospel of Jesus Christ, and that is where this chapter begins with the unbelief of the Jews:

We in Great Britain should have the same sadness, because many don’t believe in our own so called Christian land.

\1. THE UNBELIEF OF THE JEWS (vv 1 - 5).\

In the first three verses Paul makes a statement which had it been made by anyone else would have been melodramatic - he says that he would give up his own salvation, his own standing with Christ if that would lead to his own people, the Jews, being saved.

Of all the people who ought to be saved it is the Jews, says Paul, in v4f. They were a greatly privileged family - God had chosen them as His sons, they knew the glory of God, they had a covenant relationship with God, they were the ones who were given the Law at Mount Sinai in the time of Moses, they were the ones who worshipped God in the Temple and received his promises. Supremely it was from their race that Jesus Christ, the Messiah, had his line of descent.

If ever there were a privileged race it was the Jews. Yet the question must be asked how can it be that having all these privileges they ended up by rejecting the gospel? The clue is found in the repetition of the word\theirs\the Jews had begun to worship themselves rather than God.

To put it crudely, instead of valuing their relationship with God on a spiritual and vertical level, they were now valuing things on a human and horizontal level. What mattered to the Jews was now their rights as a nation, their temple which was once the seat of worship was now paraded before the world as a tribute to their own skills, they were especially pleased that the Messiah was to come from\their\race.

I hope that you get the point that I'm trying to make - that instead of saying "what a wonderful God we have" they were saying "what a wonderful people we are." "We are the ones who have the covenant, the glory." And of course Jesus didn't fit into this image of a wonderful people - this carpenter from Nazereth who lives, eats and sleeps with poor people and slaves - he can't be the Messiah. So they called for Barabbas and got rid of Jesus. Their pride in themselves had done what they considered to be impossible - it had cut them off from God. They thought that was impossible because they were God's chosen people - how can God cut himself off from the people of His choice?

This then is the theme of the second part of the chapter - God's choice of Israel.

\2. GOD'S CHOICE OF ISRAEL (vv 6 - 13).\

We know from our OT that God had chosen Israel and made a covenant with it, but now we find that Israel has rejected Christ, and in rejecting Christ has rejected God, because Christ is God over all. The question that rises is "has God broken his promise?" He promised to be Israel's God, yet that no longer seems to be the case. Has God's word failed - has this word of promise to Israel been proved false by the historical events of the cross?

Paul's answer to that in v.6 is quite plainly "NO", "it is not as though God's word has failed."

God has kept his promises to Israel, but Israel is not what you think it is, "for not all who are descended from Israel is Israel." God's promises are not to the land of Israel and to all who live in it, neither are God's promises simply for the human descendants of Abraham who make up the Jewish race.

Who then are God's promises for? Here now we have to pick up the theme of vv 7 to 9 which speak about two lines of children - one of simply human descent springing from Abraham's sexual union with his servant Hagar (the story is told in Genesis 16) the other being Abraham and Sarah's second child who was a gift of God's promise, born of supernatural means, namely Isaac (and that story is told in Genesis 21).

Paul is using these two children to illustrate his point - where is the true Israel? Is it simply those descended from Abraham, or is it the children of God's promise descended from Isaac? The answer is the true Israel is the seed or offspring of Isaac - God's children are not those by natural descent, but it is the children of promise who are regarded as the true Israel - as Abraham's offspring (v.8).

Here we have to take a theological leap - where now are the promises of God fulfilled? We know that it is not in Abraham, nor in Isaac, but in Christ. It is Christ who is the promised child, and the child of promise.

God's promises to his people have not been broken, they are still valid, but if you wish to receive them then it will not be because you live in a certain land, it will not be because you are descended from certain parents, but because you yourself have gone to Jesus Christ for salvation, and have received the promises in him.

Israel then is no longer a nation, nor is a line of natural descent; Israel is the collective noun for all those who have been justified by faith in Christ. God has kept his promises to Israel, to any person who has lived at any time, and in any place, who has been justified by faith.

In vv 10 - 13 we have a second illustration of this point. Again we have to deal with two brothers who have the same father, but in this case who also have the same mother. One again was a child of promise, and the other was not.

What made one a child of promise, and the other not, was not what happened at conception, was not dependent on the good or evil they did with their lives in the past, present or future, what determined things was not their works or actions, but a choice or a decision that God made. This is what is known as election (v.11) - God's call upon our lives which is not dependent on us, or what our lives are worth, or on what we may do with our lives, but upon God's choice.

Now we must go carefully for we start to tread on a theological minefield. A safe course for us is to start by asking why Paul uses this illustration. Paul is using it to enforce his earlier point with the two children of Abraham that salvation doesn't come about by living in the right land or having the right father, but through hearing the call of God and being justified by faith.

Who then hear this call and are justified by faith - the answer is the elect. Who are the elect? Is it the Calvinists? The Baptists? Scripture has one answer, the elect are those who are in Christ Jesus, as Gal 3:29 puts it "if you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham's seed (this was an expression for the elect or chosen people) according to the promise." Election is not found in our own worthiness, or in our own usefulness, election is a gift of God to be found in Christ.

You see there are two ways of looking at election. The first is in a very negative way - to see election as being some kind of trap door for the chosen to walk over and the non-Christian to fall through down into hell. This view makes people worry whether or not they really are saved, whether they are worthy of being called to salvation.

The second way is the biblical way - election is God's great positive for us. Because God has chosen us he will keep us safe. Election in the scriptures is not there to make us worry about unsaved relatives, but is there to make us rejoice that we are saved through God's personal invitation in Christ, and that once we are saved we are safe, our salvation and our safety not being dependent on our abilities to keep it up but upon God's decision to look after us.

Yet these verses 10 - 13 do raise an objection, an objection which is only properly understood when we accept the sovereignty of God.

Which we will look at next week God Willing.

Sunday 16th January . I come back to Romans and I start where I finished last week speaking about!

3. THE SOVEREIGNTY OF GOD (vv 14 - 29).\

If we lose sight of the fact that Christ now represents the children of Abraham, and if we lose sight that election is found in Christ and not in ourselves then an objection arises.

The objection would go like this "for God to distinguish between unborn twin infants, for God to prefer one to the other is unjust, if this is so then God is unfair and not worth loving." Now this is the way that election is often preached - that God loves one lot and not another, and when it is preached this way then God does appear to be unjust.

Paul then asks in answer to this objection in v.14 "Is God unjust? - Not at all!" And he quotes from Exodus 33:19 in v.15 and shows that God's main emotion towards his creation is mercy and compassion. And so in v.16 the point is made that if God does anything at all for sinful man then it springs from his mercy, for sinful man deserves nothing from God - and so should God have decided to do nothing, then God would not have been unjust because sinful man deserves nothing.

And so the closing theme of this chapter begins to emerge - God is sovereign and merciful. It is because God is merciful that justification by faith is possible - and so his mercy is not dependent of a man's worth or usefulness, God is merciful not because of man, but because it is His nature to be merciful.

Paul then moves on in v.17 to illustrate how God's mercy operates. He quotes an incident from Israel's past - when they were in bondage to Pharaoh in Egypt. We are told that God raised Pharaoh up - which doesn't at first sound very merciful - for two purposes, so that God could manifest his power, and so that God's name could be spread throughout the earth. Pharaoh thought that he existed to further his own purposes; instead he existed to further the purposes of God. God knew that if there had been no Pharaoh, then there would have been no oppression, if there had been no oppression, then there would have been no exodus, no exodus no promised land, no promised land no pattern of salvation.

Paul quotes this story to point out to Israel, in the sense of the nation that they too like Pharaoh exist for a double purpose - to be the means of delivering men from the law and setting them free from sin, and also to be the means of spreading the gospel. Sadly, as we learned in v.1 Israel has rejected the message, but God has demonstrated his mercy by giving the gospel to the Gentiles.

V.18 is a summary verse of this point - God will be merciful, yet some others he will harden. This word does not mean utter rejection, but it does point out a way in which God will work to try and bring people round to their senses, but let's remember the point that we have already established - if God does harden at all then he does it out of mercy and love and not out of hate. Sometimes God has allowed a lot of dark in our lives so that we might by contrast see the light, but the purpose of the darkness is to highlight the good not to overwhelm us with the bad.

This teaching opens Paul up to a further criticism by the Jews pointed out in v.19 - if God has hardened the Israelites because they have turned their back on him, how can God dare blame them? If God has engineered all this from his control room in heaven how can he judge and blame people for doing the very thing that he has engineered? This is of course sin at its worst. It's sin putting the blame for its actions onto God saying "If you hadn't made me this way then I wouldn't have done it!"

Paul's answer is blunt, and is one we simply have to accept, that the creation, man, has no right to talk back to the Creator, God. Just as the potter has the right to make what he likes with his clay, then God is at liberty to make what he likes with our lives. Man of course is not a pot, he is a thinking being, and he is inclined to complain "why have you made me a kitchen pot and made him a fine vessel for the dining room?" It is the common complaint of those of us who are insecure "why am I not like the other person?"

God's word to us when we feel like that is what you are is my responsibility and not yours. I'm not worried what you're like now, but I have a vision of what you will become as you transform into the likeness of my son. Again you see election is meant to be liberating - God says I've chosen you to make you into something, let me work with your life as a potter works with the clay. God is acting in a responsible way fashioning us, his chosen people, into what is right.

That would be a good point to stop, but I want to draw a final point from the closing verses. Vv 22 - 24 these are complicated verses with three main points:

1. God has borne the foolish behaviour of his creation with great patience. It is a sign of his patience that God has not yet brought in the final judgement of the earth.

2. In this period while he is being patient God is revealing his wrath against sin and at the same time demonstrating his saving power to bring men to repentance.

3. Also in this period God is making his mercy known to both Jew and Gentile. Now this third fact that God also wants to be mericiful to the Gentile is something which would take the proud Jews that Paul introduced to us in the opening verses by surprise, so the chapter closes in vv 25 - 29 with a series of OT quotations proving that God means to call Gentiles, and that it was never God's plan to call to himself those who lived in the land of Israel, or those who had a human line of descent from Abraham, but that God's plan as v.27 reveals it is that only "the remnant will be saved."

And here are the important points - who are the remnant - for it is they who are the ones who will be saved; it is they who are elect, called by God. The remnants are those who are justified by faith. Let me now illustrate this think of a picture of a an egg timer on its side. At the far left God's plan was that all men should be saved (Adam and Eve.) But Adam and Eve sinned and so God started a plan of salvation that would come from Israel. But by the time of Jesus we are told that there was no-one righteous in all of Israel, and that Jesus Christ was the only righteous one. And so the narrowest point in our egg timer is Jesus and his cross. His cross opens up salvation once more, to the disciples, to the crowds at Pentecost, to Judea to Sarmaria, to the ends of the earth. Now the point is this - if you wish to be saved then you must pass through this narrow point, through this narrow door, there is no salvation outside of Jesus, there is no righteousness outside of Jesus, there is no election outside of Jesus, as Romans 8:1 puts it "there is no condemnation for those who are\in Christ Jesus.\

If you wish to receive the mercy of God you must come to him through Jesus. The Israelites made the appalling blunder of rejecting Jesus and why they did this we will look at next. We have learned that God is sovereign - no one will get into heaven unless He calls them. But in these closing verses we learn another truth which is the balance - no-one will be left out of heaven except by their own foolish rejection of the Saviour. So hand in hand come two great truths - the sovereignty of God, and man's free will, the greatest act of our free will being our acceptance of Christ and our surrender to the sovereignty of God. But remember this it would not be possible for us to freely surrender to God when we trust in Christ unless God had offered us the possibility in the first place, so salvation is from its beginning to its end the gift of a sovereign, and a merciful God who has given us everything at a time when we deserved nothing.

This then has been a difficult chapter, it has many depths, but these I feel have been the truths that God would want us to hear this morning. 

I will close there and next week God willing we will look at  ROMANS 9:30 - 10:13

Sunday 2nd January 2022

HEBREWS 4:14 - 5:10 JESUS - OUR GREAT HIGH PRIEST.  If someone is in trouble and needs help and advice it is often said that he will either go to his doctor or his minister. Centuries ago when the letter to the Hebrews was written if you were a Jew and you needed help and advice you went to see a Jewish Priest, and if you lived in Jerusalem and had a very difficult problem you might even get to see the High Priest. This section in Hebrews is going to tell us that during 2022 tht  there is a Great High Priest to whom we can always turn for help, strength and encouragement.

A High Priest who is never too busy, a High Priest who knows how we feel and is thus able to help. The name of this High priest is the Lord Jesus Christ. In Hebrews 4:14 - 5:10 Today I would like for us to learn four things about the ministry or priesthood of Jesus Christ, begining with that it is Victorious, it is Compassionate, it is Submissive to God and that it is Effective.

\1. IT IS A VICTORIOUS PRIESTHOOD (4:14).\ V.14 says: "Therefore, since we have a great high priest who has gone through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold firmly to the faith we profess."

When did Jesus go through the heavens - the answer is, of course, when he ascended to heaven to sit at the right hand of God following on from the Resurrection. Which we read in Acts 1. So what we are looking at is very much the ministry of Jesus Christ\now.\ Not his ministry when he walked on earth, not his ministry in the days between the resurrection and the ascension, but what Jesus has been doing, and is doing right now, since he ascended to heaven.

There are three things which we need to understand from this verse. The first thing is that Jesus is described as a Great High Priest. Not an ordinary High Priest of whom there were and are hundreds, but he is the one and only Great High Priest.

This leads us onto the second thing, that he must then be a unique High Priest, because he is the Son of God. Our Great High Priest in heaven is not weak and limited - he is God Himself.

But thirdly, our Jesus is not just God he is also a man. It was Jesus who passed through the heavens - and Jesus lived as a man on earth. Therefore there is a man in heaven who understands us and knows our trials. How many times have we gone to a minister, a doctor or a counsellor and felt that they didn't understand us, that they didn't know how we felt. And how many times have we left them finding them powerless to help us. Because Jesus is our great high priest, the human part of him does understand us, and the God-part is powerful enough to help us.

You see in order for Jesus to be our victorious priest he needs to be great, he needs to be divine and he needs to be human, because only the combination of the three of them is powerful enough to have the victory over sin and the devil. The fact that he ascended means that the work is finished, and that God has put his stamp of approval on all that Jesus has done for us. It is done! It is finished! Jesus our Great High Priest has won the victory for us!

This then is a rallying call for Christian people to stir up their faith during 2022. To pull themelves out of their despair and to hold on firmly to the faith which we profess. Jesus is Lord - let us then rise up and worship this Jesus! Jesus is what makes life worth living, so let us profess him and witness to our faith. We are on the victory side, there is no need for us to feel or act like losers.

\2. IT IS A COMPASSIONATE PRIESTHOOD (4:15 - 5:3)\ V.15 is the key verse here, it says: "For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathise with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are - yet was without sin."

"Tempted in every way...." - what does this mean? To some it means that Jesus experienced as a human being every temptation that there can be. Doubt, despair, greed, lust and so on, yet he did not give in to these temptations and therefore did not sin. Yet I'm not quite so sure that that is really what this verse means. Did Jesus experience every temptation - did he experience some of the temptations which perhaps the unemployed man faces? Did he face the temptations which some married people face?

Is it not really the case that behind the vast array of different temptations that there are really just a few basic trials, and it was these basic trials which Jesus faced. In other words it's not just the specific temptation but what is behind the temptation, which is often much more sinister and powerful, that Jesus faced.

Jesus knew that temptations if left unconquered lead on to doubt, despair, disobedience towards God and selfishness. If you think of your chief sins then I suggest to you that they fit into one of these categories - that your sins lead to to doubt, to despair, to disobey or to be selfish. And Jesus knows what it is like to face such things, and has the victory over them. Therefore we cannot say, "Jesus cannot help me because he never had to live with my wife (or husband!)" Jesus can help, because although he may not have personally experienced the exact circumstances of your temptations, he has experienced the exact force of it, and knows how to deal with it.

How then can we experience his compassion and help for ourselves? The answer without doubt is prayer. V.16 says "let us then approach the throne of God with confidence so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need."

One Christian writer called P.T. Forsyth used to say that the root of all sin is prayerlessness. When we don't pray what we're saying is that we can get through this day, or that problem, without God. What is sin? It is living without God.

A prayerless Christian is a hypocrite for he is saying that on one hand he believes in God but on the other hand that he can do without him. Yet this letter invites us to pray, to come into the presence of the God who welcomes us and the Christ who understands us. Our Great High Priest is the compassionate one - he is able to deal gently with us in our ignorance, he leads us to himself when we don't know the way, and he brings us back when we go astray, when we deliberately wander away. Our God has a heart full of compassion for his weak and foolish children.

\3. IT IS A SUBMISSIVE PRIESTHOOD (5: 4 - 8)\ The key-note of the whole ministry of Jesus Christ is that it was always in submission to the will of God the Father. Jesus did everything which the Father asked, and Jesus did nothing which the Father did not ask of him.

It started with his call which you can read in Philippians 2: 6 - 8: "Jesus, being in the very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to death - even death on a cross!" Right from the beginning Jesus never tried to take over God, like Satan, but he submitted to God and was obedient.

Not that obedience was always easy. We are told in v.8 that he learned obedience through what he suffered. And v.7 tells us about the agony which he faced in the Garden of Gethsemane: "during the days of Jesus' life on earth, he offered up prayers and petitions with loud cries and tears to the one who could save him from death, and he was heard because of his reverent submission."

In Gethsemane his friends had let him down. He had asked them to remain awake and to watch with him, but they had gone to sleep. Jesus knew that the hour of his death was upon him and so he cast himself upon the God whom he knew was able to save him. Yet he was not saved! Did then his prayer go unanswered? Of course it was answered, but not by relieving him from the agony of the cross, but by giving him the strength and the peace to face it. 

This was perhaps the moment of the greatest crisis in his earthly life, he must have felt alone and desolate. It may well be the case that no human tragedy can ever cause the grief and the emotion which this experience stirred in the heart of our Lord Jesus. Therefore when we feel that we are at the outer limits of our ability to cope with anguish and strain - we need to remember that our Jesus knows how we feel and can lead us out. Yet the way out is not the way which many of us would choose. When we are the depths of our despair we feel much more like rejecting the God whom we feel has abandoned us than we feel like submitting to him. Yet submission is the answer. Jesus was heard because of his reverent submission - and although his submission did not deliver him from death, it delivered him from fear. The message here is that we must not resist the sovereign purposes of God, but submit to them, if we are to know deliverance. The human spirit is proud and arrogant and does not like submission, it sees submission as being a sign of weakness. The Christian on the other hand should be humble and should see submission as being a source of strength.

\4. IT IS AN EFFECTIVE PRIESTHOOD (5:9 - 10)\ V.9 tells us: "and once made perfect he became the source of eternal salvation for all who obey him."

To say that Jesus became perfect does not imply that there was once a time when he was imperfect. Rather what this word perfect means is to bring all things to completion. It means to finish the job. The job started with his becoming a human being through the virgin birth, living and ministering on earth, dying on the cross for our sins, being buried, on the third day rising from the dead, ascending to heaven and sending the Holy Spirit. Once all that was done, Jesus became the source of eternal salvation for all who obey him. A human priest can only point a man to the source of salvation, but our Great High Priest IS the source of eternal salvation. All his life and work, all his suffering, all his joys have not been wasted. God has accepted all that Jesus has done for us, his priesthood is effective - through him we can find salvation.

So this passage finishes with two challenges - the first is to those who don't know Jesus as their Saviour, and the second is to those who do. To those who are not Christians the message is clear - Just as Jesus had to obey the father, you have to obey Jesus if you want to be saved. Salvation is there for those who obey Jesus, for those who surrender their lives to him. The way to do this is simple. You must say in prayer that you have spent much of your life in disobedience to Jesus, that you have sinned. You must ask God to forgive you your sins. God will forgive you, because Jesus has won you that forgiveness on the cross. You don't deserve it, not one of us do. But salvation is there as a free gift for all of us. Having confessed your sins, you must ask Jesus to come into your heart to be your saviour and Lord, and you must promise to obey him.

I believe that there is also a word here for Christians. We live in an instant age now, instant coffee, instant credit, if a thing is to be had we expect to have it\now.\ Some Christians have written books about this, they say that the promises are there in the scriptures, all you have to do is claim them and they will be yours\now.\ You will see immediate results, instant healings and so on.

Of course this does sometimes happen - and praise God for that. But what can we say to those who do not get these immediate answers. Is there something lacking in their faith? I want to remind you that the way of Christ was one of persistent obedience and of humble submission, and that is as much the way of God as is the spectacular.

I want to say something now that some may find controversial, but others hopefully will find encouragement. That I believe that the quick answers, and all the spectacular things are more often, though not always, given to the immature, because God knows that without such signs these people would not persevere.

Yet to those who are mature, their way is often the way of persistance and submission, because God knows that we can bear it, and that his kingdom and our Christian lives will be much more enriched this way than through quick and spectacular signs. I know that there are exceptions to this, I only offer it is a general principle.

Christian people take heart - any difficulty is not necessarily a sign of your lack of faith, but is sent by God to strengthen it and to enrich your life. The victory side is not the life free from trouble but a life freed from the despair which troubles often bring, and fixed on the next life. And we find freedom from our despair in the strength and encouragement which comes only from our Great High Priest. He is our effective high priest - he is able not just to save us, but also to keep us.

We have been praying for OHAV – Our Choir - Open Hearts and Voices during this month and during Advent services, today I would like us to think coming up to Christmas that we think of Open Hearts and Minds’. Remember Love came down at Christmas. Perhaps you can restore lost love and think about what I am saying:

Hearts Wide Open (2 Cor 6:11-13) We have spoken freely to you, Corinthians, and opened wide our hearts to you. We are not withholding our affection from you, but you are withholding yours from us. As a fair exchange--I speak as to my children--open wide your hearts also.

God has entered our hearts but also our minds to receive from Him the truth and blessing to open them both to receive from Him the Promises of His Love, and the love of our fellowship with others.

The apostle Paul was a man who loved the brethren. From reading 2 Timothy 1:2; we see that he loved his

Co-worker. He also loved the CONGREGATIONS that he worked with, Read 2 Cor 11:28 I face daily the pressure of my concern for all the churches .Because of his love, he was willing to give of himself and become close to them - 2 Co 12:14-15

The passage in 2 Co 12:15 indicates that sometimes Paul's affection was one-sided; he elaborated on this in 2 Co Vs 11 Paul's heart was "wide open" towards the Corinthians Vs 12 But their love for him was "restricted"

Vs 13 His exhortation, therefore, was "be open"!

Today, I would like to say... Why I believe we all need to have "Hearts Wide Open"

Perhaps I also need to explain why some people may have "restricted hearts" (Closed Hearts)

Or even be bold enough to suggest how we can be sure to have our "Hearts Wide Open"

WHY DO WE NEED "HEARTS WIDE OPEN" If we don’t love one another how can we expect others to join our church and be part of our loving family of Christians? We have a happy loving church here in Portslade. Remember!

BROTHERLY LOVE IS A MARK OF TRUE DISCIPLESHIP! Look what Jesus said about brethren loving one another in John 13:34-35 "A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another."

Such love would be the visible sign by which the world would know Christ's true disciples. Look at Churches today - divided – many have even lost their first love. Is Jesus talking to you or about you:

Surely then people "restricted hearts" or closed hearts would have a difficult time displaying a visible and true love to others!


Peter lists brotherly kindness (and love) among those graces involved in growing in the knowledge of Jesus Christ - 2 Peter 1:5-8 For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; and to godliness, brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness, love. For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.

While having a "restricted heart" is an indication of: Spiritual immaturity - from our passage in 2 Co 6:13 he says: I speak as to my children--open wide your hearts also.

Having a "restricted heart" the Bible also tells us that it causes spiritual ailments such as short-sightedness or may even lead to blindness 2 Peter 1:9: For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. But if anyone does not have them, he is short-sighted and blind, and has forgotten that he has been cleansed from his past sins.

BROTHERLY LOVE IS AN ASSURANCE OF OUR SALVATION! It is one way that we know we have passed from death to live 1John 3:16-19 This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers.

The one who truly loves is one who is born of God - 1 John 4:7-8

Having "restricted hearts" then would not be very reassuring in the light of such verses!

Notice 2 Peter 1:10-11... Therefore, my brothers, be all the more eager to make your calling and election sure. For if you do these things, you will never fall, and you will receive a rich welcome into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. If we want assurance, if we want to convince the world, we need to have "Hearts Wide Open"!

Now let us consider some reasons.  WHY SOME HAVE "RESTRICTED HEARTS"


Some Christians may not have been given proper "follow-up" i.e. discipleship training.

Their follow-up may have been totally "unbalanced" one sided!

a. There may have been an emphasis put upon the externals. To the neglect of the internals

This though cannot be our excuse any longer. Look at 1 John 4:20 If anyone says, "I love God," yet hates his brother, he is a liar. For anyone who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, he cannot love God, whom he has not seen.  And he has given us this command: Whoever loves God must also love his brother.


As Peter indicated in 2 Peter 1:9 But if anyone does not have them, he is short sighted and blind, and has forgotten that he has been cleansed from his past sins.

This spiritual amnesia occurs when we...

a. Forget God's love for us is cleansing us from our sins - 2 Peter 1:9

b. When we do not apply "all diligence" - 2 Peter 1:5,10

With the passing of time, we may have simply forgotten how important love is in the mind of our God - 1 Co 13:13 And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.


Some people refuse to get close to others for fear, that some of their hidden secret may became known, if we have such "skeletons in the closet", we had better get rid of them! LET ME TELL YOU WHY?

Because the Bible tells us that they will eventually become known - Numbers 32:23 "But if you fail to do this, you will be sinning against the LORD; and you may be sure that your sin will find you out.

It may be now or later, but they will come out - 1 Timothy 5:24 The sins of some men are obvious, reaching the place of judgment ahead of them; the sins of others trail behind them.

With skeletons removed, we won't mind how well people know us. besides, no one is perfect, and we can use the help all our Brothers and Sisters can give - Galatians 6:1-2 says, "Carry each others burdens".

But of course, this requires that brethren being trustworthy and not gossip! Because gossip is what kills Churches more than anything does.


Loving remember does involve the "risk of rejection"

Paul experienced rejection, not only at Corinth, but also at Rome - 2 Timothy 4:16 At my first defense, no-one came to my support, but everyone deserted me. May it not be held against them.

But do you know the joy of true fellowship and love by the few can more than make up for the few times other people may reject us.

The apostle John had experienced both love and rejection - 3 John 1-4,9-11 The elder, To my dear friend Gaius, whom I love in the truth. Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well. It gave me great joy to have some brothers come and tell about your faithfulness to the truth and how you continue to walk in the truth. I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth. Then look at Vs. 9-11 I wrote to the church, but Diotrephes, who loves to be first, will have nothing to do with us. So if I come, I will call attention to what he is doing, gossiping maliciously about us. Not satisfied with that, he refuses to welcome the brothers. He also stops those who want to do so and puts them out of the church. Dear friend, do not imitate what is evil but what is good. Anyone who does what is good is from God. Anyone who does what is evil has not seen God.

But remember this, if he had never taken the risk of running into a "Diotrophes", he would have never found a "Gaius"!

OTHERS HAVE "RESTRICTED HEARTS" AND IT MIGHT EVEN BE THAT "TRUE CONVERSION HAS NOT TAKEN PLACE"... As I said before, brotherly love is an assurance of salvation; similarly, it is an indication of true conversion!   - 1 John 3:14-15

Unfortunately, some people simply go through the "form" of conversion - or to put it simple - conforming, yet not converted.

They are in Church out of convenience, not conviction. When this happens, there is no "life" to begin with!

Those with "restricted hearts" might need to examine themselves before God does.

Examination is a process that all Christians should undergo periodically - 2 Co 13:5 "Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith; test yourselves. Do you not realize that Christ Jesus is in you-- unless, of course, you fail the test"?

While there are reasons why true Christians may not love as they should which we have looked at, we can't discount the possibility that their personal problem may be more serious!

But whatever the reason, there is really no excuse for true Christians having "restricted hearts". Therefore what can be done to "open wide" our hearts?  Here are some.


1. This is what enabled the Thessalonians to excel in love - 1 Th 4:9 Now about brotherly love j  we do not need to write to you, k  for you yourselves have been taught by God l  to love each other

Contemplate upon God's love for you as an individual! Because! This love is manifested through the blessings He has bestowed upon you. Especially the blessing of being His child! - 1 John 3:1


Paul did not let the Thessalonians rest on their laurels - 1 Th 4:10  And in fact, you do love all the brothers throughout Macedonia. n  Yet we urge you, brothers, to do so more and more. o  

The key idea is to "increase more and more"; or as Peter would say, "abound" - So we need to look out for more people to love and more ways to express our love.


Take advantage of opportunities to be with brothers and Sisters ACCEPT invitations to people's homes, meals, church services, gospel meetings, etc.

But use commun sense as we are advised by the government at this time about being in confined places in large groups but this wont last forever get prepared for having parties. I also want to say with or without the covid jabs we can catch it but for sure evidence shows that with the jabs it will be safer, and milder that is why I got all my jabs.

Make every opportunity to be with brethren OFFER invitations, practice hospitality - 1 Peter 4:8-9 Above all, love each other deeply, g  because love covers over a multitude of sins. h   9 Offer hospitality i  to one another without grumbling. j   10 Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, k  faithfully l  administering God’s grace in its various forms.

To end lets consider:

What is the condition of our own hearts?

Are they "restricted", suffering from "spiritual hardening of the arteries"?

Is the love of God being hindered from flowing freely? By the "plaques" of ignorance, selfishness, hypocrisy?

Or are they "wide open"? Where God's love flows freely, nourishing not only our own lives, but also the lives of those around us!

It is my Prayer that we may all be "taught of God" to have "Hearts Wide Open"!

For those among us who may not yet be Christians...

Consider God's love for you, which is wide open in Jesus Christ John 3:16 tells us of Gods Love. (No one is perfect)

Why not open wide your love for keeping His commandments? - 1 John 5:3; This is love for God: to obey his commands. And his commands are not burdensome, for everyone born of God overcomes the world.

John 14:15 "If you love me, you will obey what I command. Love with all your heart. 


We start with a phrase which asserts the eternal pre-existence of Jesus, that is, that Jesus like God has always been, always is, and always will be. We start by looking at the person who is behind the gospel:

\1. THE PERSON BEHIND THE GOSPEL (v.1)\  Verse 1 breaks down into two very important phrases:


1 John opens in much the same way as John's gospel with the assertion that Jesus was God, and was with God from before the beginning of time as we know it, Jesus is the eternal God. The term that John uses for Jesus both in this tract and in his gospel is "the Word" or the "Word of Life."

It's important that we understand the full meaning of "The Word" - which in the Greek language is "logos" - for it refers to two things which can not be seperated, it refers firstly to the person of Jesus himself; Jesus is the life giving word of God himself, the word made flesh; but secondly it also means the word which is preached about Jesus, Jesus gives life to us now through the preaching of his life giving word. What John is telling us here is that if Jesus had not been born into our world there would have been no gospel to preach, and that if Jesus had not existed before his birth he would not have been able to come in the first place. It really is a devastatingly simple piece of logic.

We're told further down that Jesus was "with the Father" (v.2). Now that means more than Jesus simply lived with God, in the sense that you might live in the same house as your husband, or parents or whoever, it means to be "at one with." If somebody says to you "are you with me?" and you reply "yes I'm with you" you don't necessarily mean that you're planning to live with them, it means that you agree with them, wherever they go, you'll go, you've become a partnership. Jesus is in partnership with God the Father - the two do not do anything without each other. Jesus didn't become God at his baptism, he was God before he was born, Jesus didn't cease to be God on the cross - it was God himself who died for us there, and it was a real body which rose from the dead for us. How do we know Jesus was real - John witnesses to the reality of Jesus in the next important phrase we find in v.1:


What John is telling us here is that the eternal God in the person of Jesus broke into our time and our world - that is of course the Christmas story - and lived amongst us. The word became flesh, and human beings were able to hear God, see God and touch God for themselves. Now in the past the Jews were able to hear God many times - God spoke to them through the prophets. In the past the Jews were able to see God many times - God makes many appearances in the OT storyline, but John declares something new here, the people were able to stand alongside God and touch him. The Greek word for "touch" here is very interesting, it doesn't mean to poke in an unsure way in the fear that it might explode or bite you, the word means to grope until you find something and then to grasp it. A blind man would do that if he got lost, he would grope about until his hands held something familiar, something which made him feel safe. John hadn't just seen Jesus, he had understood who Jesus was, he hadn't just touched Jesus, he'd grasped him, embraced him.

This is what conversion is all about isn't it - you can read the NT and see Jesus - but fail to understand who he really is. It is when you understand who he really is that salvation comes to you. You can touch Jesus, and indeed he might bless your life, but unless you embrace him as Saviour there is no real conversion. Is this your experience of Jesus - have you understood who he is - and have you embraced him as your Saviour? Now having understood, and having embraced, what do we as Christians do next? John gives good guidance - he says you proclaim the gospel.


There is nothing more important to John than to proclaim to others what he knows about Jesus Christ - what a rebuke this is to our privatised religion. When these first apostles realised who Jesus was they didn't hold Him to themselves, the revelation which mas made to them in v.1 became a proclamation unto others in v.2.

Here I think is a key as to why some Christians are not confident about their conversion experience - because they have not witnessed about it to others. You might say to me, "surely it ought to be the other way round, surely I should only witness about Jesus when I know more and when I'm confident about him." But you know in your heart that's an excuse and not a reason. I remember learning to play golf if I only played golf when I could play like Tiger Woods, I would never play it. It's only when you start playing that you improve and get your confidence. It is much the same with witnessing, it is only when you open your mouth that the Holy Spirit gives you what you need, and the more you speak the more real and confident your faith becomes. Perhaps you have made a prayer of commitment but haven't told anybody - will you do it today or tomorrow? Will you unlock the Holy Spirit who now lives in you and speak for Jesus however humble and faltering the first words may be?

There are two key words in this verse - the first is testify and the second is proclaim. The Greek word behind "testify" is\marturia\from which we get the English word "martyr" which is a timely reminder that it is not always an easy thing to speak for Jesus, and that it is often a costly thing.

This word carries the sense of "to speak from personal experience" like a witness in court is called to share what he has seen and heard, no more and no less. This is what Jesus asks of you and me, to share with others what we have experienced of him, no more and no less. We hear other testimonies and we think "if only I had a story like that!" but we're wrong to think that way because what Jesus has done in our lives is just as important, and may be the very thing that somebody else needs to hear.


The second word is "proclaim" the Greek word behind that is\apangellia\which means to speak with the authority of another. Christ himself has commissioned us to speak up for him, we speak by his authority and not in our own. You find that commission and that authority given to us at the very end of Matthew's gospel. When we become Christians, like these first apostles, we are given a personal experience of Christ, that is our testimony, and we are also given the command to proclaim it to others, that is our calling or commission.


 If you have had an encounter with Jesus but have not as yet shared it, then you'll only be half a Christian until you do. The person behind the gospel, whom you have met if you are a Christian, calls you personally to proclaim the gospel. For what purpose - we find the purpose in vv 3 and 4:


\3. THE PURPOSE OF THE GOSPEL (vv 3 and 4):\ There are indeed two purposes brought out in these verses, the first is\fellowship\in v.3 and the second is\joy\in v.4:




"We proclaim to you what we have seen and heard, so that you may also have fellowship with us. And our fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son, Jesus Christ."


Now we might say that the purpose of sharing the gospel is so that others may be saved, here John says the immediate purpose of sharing the gospel is to bring people into fellowship with us. Of course properly understood there is no real difference, for there is no Christian fellowship without salvation. You and I can have a wonderful friendship, we can have the same interests, we can go to the same places and have a great time together, but unless we are both saved there can never be fellowship between us, for fellowship belongs only to those who have encountered Jesus. Fellowship is a Christian word meaning to share in the grace of God, in the salvation of God, to have the same Spirit of God living in us. Three teachings immediately spring to my mind from this verse:


1. About relationships with other churches: While I can have great friendships with all of the people that God has created, I can not have fellowship with those who preach a different gospel and who have a different understanding of salvation. Thus while baptists teach tolerance and understanding we recognise that we can not have fellowship with those who believe and preach a different gospel.


2. About church membership: Have you ever wondered why there is church membership, why it is by interview, and why it is restricted to baptised believers? I offer this to you today as part of the explanation - it is to show to the world that we have more than friendship here, we have fellowship one with each other. We can and will be friendly to all who come, but we can not have fellowship unless and until that person is a believer, and the way that we express that we are in fellowship with one another is through our membership. Thus when you join a Baptist Church we make sure that there has been an encounter with Christ, and a willingness to be obedient to his word - and that means baptism - and a willingness to be responsible to one another. There are many here and those watching, who ought to consider again membership of this church as a way of showing that you do not offer merely friendship, but also fellowship.


3. About personal relationships with non-believers:


Once again I must emphasise that it is possible for a Christian to have great personal friendships with non-believers, but it is impossible for a Christian to have fellowship with a non-believer. Here I must draw the attention of those who are believers but who are dating or seeing those who do not believe. Paul says very directly in 2 Cor 6:14f "Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness? What harmony is there between Christ and Belial? What does a believer have in common with an unbeliever?"


Note that the word that Paul uses is\fellowship\and not\friendship.\Sure you can have great friendships with those who don't believe, if these friendships are of the opposite sex then one can understand how romance can begin, and perhaps the relationship might even develop to the point where the two of you want to get married. Marriage is dificult even among believers imagine a mariage between a believer to an unbeliever. Now people can say to me "I believe in God - I asked Jesus into my heart when I was 8" and I can not be their judge, but I have to ask what have you done since you were 8, where is God in your life now?

Young people don't go out with people who have no time or place for God, and don't marry them. However much you may argue with me that they are lovely, and that you are in love, and that other people have done it before you and have succeeded all of which I am sure is true, yet you're still disobeying the scriptures here, and since you can not have fellowship with your partner you can perhaps never have the Christian marriage that God would want you to have.

Now I put this challenge to you today - to be honest with each other. To tell each other what God or Jesus does or does not mean to you, and if you want the deepest form of relationship and you discover that one of you is not saved then arrange to see me or a Christian friend and bring Christ into your relationship as the third person and be saved and enjoy fellowship one with each other.

2. COMPLETE JOY (v.4): "We write this to make our (your) joy complete."

The immediate effect of the gospel is to bring us into fellowship with God, and with other believers, the long term effect of the gospel is that it brings us into an eternal salvation, it takes us to heaven, it brings us to a perfect and eternal relationship with God - that is what the bible means when it speaks about completed joy. Completed joy is not possible in this life when we are troubled by sin, so the gospel offers us the hope of an eternal life after death where sin is left in its grave and we rise to be free from it, filled with joy and free to live for God.

That then is the person of the Gospel proclaimed to you today. The pupose of that person and his gospel is to bring you into fellowship with himself, with God the Father and God the Holy Spirit, to bring you into fellowship with the believers who are around you, and to offer you the hope of a completed joy in heaven. Have you embraced him? If you haven't will you do so now as we pray:

Sunday  28th November 2 CORINTHIANS 2:12 - 3:6 WHO IS EQUAL TO SUCH A TASK?

In the middle of our bible passage this morning a heartfelt cry comes from the mouth of the apostle Paul, you find it in 2:16 "who is equal to such a task?" These are the words of a man under pressure, and I believe that God's word this morning is partly geared to people under pressure, people with serious burdens upon their hearts and lives, and those who are wondering how they are going to make it through.

The pressure may be in your family, it may be in your work or in your health. It may even be spiritual, for it is a pressurised thing to be a Christian in the real world. Paul's words may be your words as you come to church this morning "who is equal to such a task - how am I going to make it?" The good news is that there is a way to make it - as the NIV title to passage indicates Christians are ministers of a new covenant, a new promise from God made to us in Christ. So let's listen to God's word and be open to what He has to say to us.

1. TROAS AND THE PRESSURE POINTS (2:12,13; 2:17 - 3:3).

Paul says in v.12 that when he went to Troas, an important sea port north of Ephesus on the Aegean sea, he found that the Lord had opened a door for him to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ. Paul had had such experiences before, in 1 Cor 16:9 he says that the Lord had opened a similar door for him in Ephesus and as a result churches were established in Ephesus itself and also in Colossae and Laodicea. The idea here is of potential, of finding people willing to listen and to respond to the gospel without much resistance and persecution.

But there was a problem, Paul had either arranged a meeting with Titus in Troas, or had expected him to be there, whichever it was Titus failed to show up, and as a result Paul had no peace of mind. His sense of unease about the situation is emphasised by the fact that Paul left such a hopeful situation to go on to Macedonia instead. Remember there were no telephones internet whats up he could call so he went in person.

Why was Paul so concerned about Titus?  We get the answer later in Chapter 7 when Paul shares that he had been worried about the reception Titus may have received when he took a letter written by Paul to the Corinthians. He was also concerned about how the Corinthians would respond to his letter as it was strongly worded and severe, he was uncertain whether his letter would bring the people to repentance or rebellion, thankfully chapter 7 reveals that Titus was well received and the letter brought tears of repentance and reconciliation to Paul's ministry.

This need for reconciliation is revealed as a further pressure in v.17 where Paul says that unlike others he did not peddle the word of God for profit. The word "peddle" is deliberately used, in the Greek it describes traders who watered down wine, or who used false weights, Paul probably had in mind the Jewish-Christians who came to Corinth and who took advantage of Paul's absences and his imprisonments to spread false teaching throughout the church. These preachers tampered with God's word, told people what they wanted to hear and made a profit out of it. They rode on a crest of popularity while Paul was unpopular with the Corinthians for telling them the truth about their immorality and their half hearted dealings with God. Apathy is rife in our churches even today.

What a real pressure this is - to speak the truth of God for the sake of Christ without worrying about your own popularity, it is assumed that believers want the truth, but Corinthians proves that this is not always the case, it is a pressure to compromise the gospel to retain a friendship, to keep yourself popular.

Paul in fact became so unpopular with some in the Church in Corinth that a group began to suggest that he was not a real apostle because he did not bring a letter of recommendation with him when he came. This accusation obviously hurt the apostle deeply and he makes the case in 3:1 - 3 that the proof of his ministry was not a letter written in ink, but the change in people's lives as the Spirit of God came into people's hearts after responding to the gospel he preached about Jesus Christ.

The people themselves were the letter of proof. Paul did not need a letter from man, Jesus himself had proven his ministry by giving him converts and by establishing the church in Corinth. Really it was an insult for anyone to demand a letter from him when he had established the church in Corinth in the first place.

So these were Paul's pressures - an opportunity for good ministry had to be given up, a further dangerous and probably unwelcome journey had to be made instead.

He had no peace of mind about his friend Titus, and about what was happening in Corinth. On top of this he has already revealed to us in chapters 1 and 2 the accusations being made against him, the criticisms of his integrity, the disappointments of the people he had newly led to Christ turning away from the gospel and going to back to some of their old ways. He was pressured by the very truth he spoke knowing that it made him unpopular, some within the very church he founded now doubted his right to minister to them, even his claim to be a Christian.

vs 14 "but thanks be to God." Why then does he say this?


Paul says in v.14 that God is to be thanked because he always leads us in triumphal procession in Christ. Now we've got to pause over this expression because it is difficult language in the Greek grammar and various versions have translated it in different ways. In all there are 4 main ways of looking at this expression:

The first way to translate it is in the sense of causing someone to triumph.

The second way to translate it is in the sense of putting someone on a show or a display.

Most scholars favour the third way and take the Greek to mean to lead someone as a CAPTIVE in a triumphal procession." This is how the Good News Bible translates this verse, it says "for in union with Christ we are always led by God as prisoners in Christ's victory procession."

Jesus Christ has won a victory and we follow in triumphant procession behind him. The problem for some is that we follow as prisoners or captives, and in terms of the Roman Triumphal Procession that is a place of defeat and shame.

As a result of that some commentators reject this interpretation and favour a fourth which means to lead someone as a SOLDIER in a triumphal procession. This would then carry the notion of following on from behind in victory, but not in the position of a defeated enemy, but as part of a victorious enemy.

It's a key verse, one which we need to claim and to apply to our lives therefore we need to understand what it really means. The first truth that we need to grasp is that Christ has gone ahead of us and won a victory, and this victory is not just over sin and death, which is essential and important, but also a victory over those things which pressurise us, squeeze our lives and make us feel unhappy and uncomfortable.

Yet at the same time as I say this I must also say that it is because we follow the one who was himself criticised and abused and pressurised, the one who himself suffered that we get criticised, abused, pressuried and end up suffering alongside him.

Thus we follow him I believe both as a captive and as a soldier. We are captives and prisoners because we belong to Christ, and if that is a place of shame then we discover that it is at our points of greatest shame that God's greatest victories are won in our lives. Yes its painful to be shamed, yes it's painful to be exposed for what we really are, but Jesus is in the business of exchanging our shame for his glory. Yet we also follow as a soldier, recognising that it is a real battle that we're in as Christians, but unlike other soldiers who start a battle not knowing whether they will win or lose we know that Christ has already won the victory and that we are more than conquerors through him.

To bring that teaching into the context of vv 14 - 16 we learn that following Christ means that the way to victory is through the pathway of suffering and shame, yet the assurance comes that despite the disappointments, discouragements and set backs God promises are sure, are genuine, and are a permanent victory in Christ.

Thus God uses all our experiences in two ways at the same time - this is what Paul means when he says in v.15 that we are the "aroma of Christ" reflecting the insense which would have been burned during triumphal processions. For our experiences preach the gospel perfume of Jesus Christ, and this gospel aroma or perfume brings joy to those who believe, what Paul calls "the fragrance of life" to those who disbelieve we are the "smell of death."

So what we're being told here is that our very lives, and all our experiences are used by God to reveal Christ in us to the world, to reveal that we belong to his victory procession, so the challenge is that Christ is to be seen in us not just when things are going well, but that Christ is also to be seen in us when we're under pressure, when things don't go to plan, when people speak against us, when opportunities for ministry have to be given up, when we're worried and when we have no peace of mind. No wonder then Paul cries out "who is equal to such a task?"

Then at last comes the answer to people under pressure - God has made provision for us. In the closing verses we move from pressure to confidence through the provision of grace.


Paul is confident that he is going to make it through, but he is not confident in himself but in the belief that God himself makes his servants competent to carry out any tasks that he gives us, and he makes us competent by giving us the Holy Spirit.

One of the marks of the Holy Spirit is confidence or boldness. Let me share a few verses with you which make this point all the more clear: "When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realised that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus" (Acts 4:13)

"Now Lord, consider their threats and enable your servants to speak your word with great boldness" (Acts 4:29)

"After they prayed, the place where they were meeting was shaken. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly." (Acts 4:31)

Confidence is one of the marks of the spirit-filled believer, it is the opposite of fear and timidity 2 Tim 1:7 says "for God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self discipline." There comes in these verses a recognition that by ourselves in our own strength nothing much will ever be achieved, pressure will crush us, criticism will embitter us, accusations will silence us, disappointments will distract us, opposition will finish us.

In contrast to this there is the way of the new covenant, there is the way of the forgiveness of sins and the filling of the Holy Spirit. Spiritual work can be accomplished, and will only be accomplished by the power of God which can be released in us through the preaching of the gospel.

Thus Paul writes to the Romans in Romans 15:17 - 19: "Therefore I glory in Christ Jesus in my service to God. I will not venture to speak of anything except what Christ has accomplished through me in leading the Gentiles to obey God by what I have said and done - by the power of signs and miracles, through the power of the Spirit."

He writes to the Corinthians in much the same terms in 1 Cor 2:3 - 5: "I came to you in weakness and fear, and with much trembling. My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuavive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit's power, so that your faith might not rest on men's wisdom, but on God's power."

Paul concludes that there are two ways of looking at God's word, the first is to look at it in Old Covenant terms as being letter or law, a list of rules to be obeyed in order to improve your life and to get you to heaven. The trouble with this way is that it creates additional pressure of its own as we find that in our own strength we can not keep the rules, and that we can not be good enough - thus the letter kills faith and we feel complete failures and totally inadequate.

The second way is to see that God has given us a new covenant, a term which Paul uses here in v.6 and only uses one other time in 1 Cor 11 when he speaks about the Lord's Supper. This term exposes Christianity as being not about following rules, but coming to God through Christ for the forgiveness of our sins, in genuinely having our sins forgiven and being remembered no more, and at the same time in being filled with the Holy Spirit from God and given the strength to do what we could not do on our own.

Thus there comes a two fold message to us this morning. The first part of the message is to those who are under pressure and who as yet do not know Jesus Christ. You need to see that God is interested in your life to such an extent that his one and only Son Jesus Christ came and lived in this world so that he might experience the pressure that you're under now and so that He can find a safe path through it for you. If you follow Jesus then He will lead you in triumph through your difficulty. Note that I said "through it" for the gospel does not mean that you will avoid it, but that with Christ alongside you you will come through it.

What you need to do is not to rebel against the difficulty but come to God through Christ in the midst of it, to ask his help and knowing his forgiveness, you will receive the Holy Spirit and you will look upon your life with new eyes and as a new person.

The second part of this message is to people who already know Jesus. Perhaps you are struggling with pressure, it may be enough for you to know that this is normal, and that God will use your struggle to bring glory not just to your life but also to his name.

Or the problem may be more serious than that, although a professing Christian your life today is a dry river bed to the Spirit of God. You have lost the sense of the Holy Spirit who brings life. It may be sin which has dammed up the river of the Spirit, or it may be circumstance. Which ever it is you need a fresh infilling of the Holy Spirit of God today. The good news is that such a filling of the Holy Spirit is promised to you as part of the new covenant, not as a second blessing, but as someone else put it, as a blessing every second.

It may seem like a huge leap to you moving from a non-believer or as a dry Christian pressurised by life to being a believer filled with the Spirit of God and making it through. It may seem to y