About Us

Who Are We?

Portslade Baptist Church is a group of Christian believers. We believe the Bible to be the inspired Word of God and seek to faithfully preach it and live it out by putting our faith into action.

Our Vision

  • We believe everyone should have the opportunity to hear of Jesus Christ, and respond to the message of God's love in Christ.
  • We commit outselves to live out the life of Jesus in our community, speaking about our faith and showing it by our actions.
  • We seek wherever possible to meet the needs of those less fortunate, and to share in world mission, with the good news about Jesus, particularly through the BMS World Mission.


We are part of the Baptist Union and also Churches Together in Portslade. 


As agreed at the Church Members’ Meeting, we have decided to give 10% of our regular giving (standing orders, direct payments and envelopes) to 6 chosen Christian organisations, as follows:

BU Home Mission

BMS World Mission

Brighton and Hove City Mission

Operation Agri

APT Burkina Faso

Off the Fence

The following table sets out the timetable for this giving:

Christian organisation



Home Mission



BMS World Mission



Brighton & Hove

City Mission



Operation Agri



APT Burkina Faso



Off the Fence



 Please note that as we already have a monthly standing order to Home Mission, this will more than cover the amount we would give in January and July, so in effect we will not be making any extra donations for those months.

 The consequence of this for our church family is that, whereas before we might have given an extra donation for one of the above charities, eg. BMS Birthday Scheme, from now on we would ask you to put that amount in the regular offering, knowing that donations to all the above organisations will be sent on our behalf. You may wish to place it in an envelope and mark it as charity giving. Of course, if you already give personally directly to any of the above, please be encouraged to continue. Here we are only dealing with donations that come through the church.

 We may still have extra appeals during times of emergency, for example for the BMS disaster relief fund.

 Pastor David and Leadership Team.

  • When there is a disaster we usually launch an appeal to give to the BMS Relief Fund, which works through local partners to bring help and relief in these situations.